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Hi My Name Is Sibarian And I'm A Addic... Hallway Hero.


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Since we're being open and all sharing/caring and stuff..


I both spam ults at the pod, run off into nearby corridors and field overpowered weapons that can mow down a filled corridor in microseconds.


I ask forgiveness, but at the same time, think that this is all perfectly acceptable. I'm conflicted. :D


It just all depends on context. Low level defense or survival is just way easy for the first 10 minutes/waves. I think people should have fun and do what they feel is best, but I try to draw a line in the sand. On defense, I stick to the primary area, venturing into the corridors only temporarily. On survival, I camp areas where large numbers of the towers spawn, venturing out into adjoining rooms when the spawns aren't happening. On later levels, it's just best if everyone's on top of each other focus-firing the large mobs.


I also really enjoy leaping into the middle of a huge swarm with Dual Zoren/Ichor and spamming the combos. Life Strike FTW :D

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I agree as long as you are within a reasonable distance to get back to the objective if things go south what's the harm? Having all four people bunched up is actually pretty ineffective since you'd be shooting at the same mods. Plus it's no fun I mean melee 2.0.. I like to move from area to area. If everyone is spread out then I stay closer to the pod just in case and pick things off with my rifle. If eveyrone at the pod I leave to a different vantage point

just so long as your definition of 'reasonable distance' does not go past the XP sharing distance, or spread Enemies out across an enormous area.


or being in rooms that at the current time will actually reduce Enemy Spawns. (big offender here is Grineer MD tile - standing in the center room while the side objectives are running reduces Enemy Spawns. don't believe me? well a short explanation, Enemy Spawns are heavily influenced by player LOS. if you are standing in a room, the 180° in front of you will not have Enemies spawn in it, unless they have shelter, such as behind a door. MD has few enough doors as it is, reducing the number of doors the Enemy can use will heavily affect the number of Enemies fought, and can make the difference between, say, getting 20 Oxium on Kappa, or 70+).

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just so long as your definition of 'reasonable distance' does not go past the XP sharing distance, or spread Enemies out across an enormous area.


or being in rooms that at the current time will actually reduce Enemy Spawns. (big offender here is Grineer MD tile - standing in the center room while the side objectives are running reduces Enemy Spawns. don't believe me? well a short explanation, Enemy Spawns are heavily influenced by player LOS. if you are standing in a room, the 180° in front of you will not have Enemies spawn in it, unless they have shelter, such as behind a door. MD has few enough doors as it is, reducing the number of doors the Enemy can use will heavily affect the number of Enemies fought, and can make the difference between, say, getting 20 Oxium on Kappa, or 70+).

Honestly I have no idea how far the xp share distance is. I notice in surivival that everyone being in the same room the mobs tend now to spawn fast enough until everyone spreads out, at higher times when the spawns are too many for you to handle then the teams tends to bunch up and we mow em down together. In defense I tend to stay fairly close to the pod straying maybe 15 to 40m away to deal with spawns (I tend to use melee more then gunfire) but I stay near enough that I can fend off the pod if things go south. This whole argument seems more of a design problem then anything. Kind of insulting though when I load into a defense mission as the only one with leveled gear.. But I understand the resource part of it. Honestly I only ever ran em when I wanted mods. With survival I only run defense when I have to for alerts or map progression.


XD never been insulted by the door heros I thought the whole point was the get to as high a wave as possible. I bet most don't even know what their doing is angering other players

Edited by raikien
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when i was farming rhino and boltor, i never ever pursued the objectives in tower capture or MD...  all i ever did was go for vaults, collecting box mods.  it was a lot more fun racing the team than sitting on the objective with them.  charging off to a far corner of the map set the mobs spawning everywhere, and they'd all race towards the objective.  honestly, i didn't care about the group xp.  there are far better ways to level weapons and frames than those 5 minute missions.  i regret nothing.

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when i was farming rhino and boltor, i never ever pursued the objectives in tower capture or MD...  all i ever did was go for vaults, collecting box mods.  it was a lot more fun racing the team than sitting on the objective with them.  charging off to a far corner of the map set the mobs spawning everywhere, and they'd all race towards the objective.  honestly, i didn't care about the group xp.  there are far better ways to level weapons and frames than those 5 minute missions.  i regret nothing.

I know right? I'm really kinda bummed out to find people are brining their unleveled crap to defense then *****ing that they didn't get affinity.

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I know right? I'm really kinda bummed out to find people are brining their unleveled crap to defense then *****ing that they didn't get affinity.

well, defense is a different story from MD...  if people are not getting affinity in defense, they're doing something terribly wrong.  they should probably take a step back and re-evaluate some of the choices they've made, think about what's brought them to this point in their lives.  On the other hand, the mobs in MD may start out at a higher level than defense, but they never level to the point where they grant fantastic bonus XP, as they do in defense and survival.  If ya want something leveled, go ask the Lone_Tenno_Operative with the 5-forma Amprex...  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/221083-amprex-is-like-the-opposite-of-phage/?p=2562351

Edited by Guest
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Good thing you aknowlage it m8, but the matter remains the same.

You get 4 things from me

1. a msg saying: pls no door heroes

2. a msg saying: NO DOOR HEROES

3. i will not rez you if you fall

4 i will stand there 1 meter away from the objective and watch the objective get shot to shyt (I farm mostly for materials and i don't lose those)

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This is my confession I cannot help it sometimes, I just... lose controll at times, all these players that are leagues better

realizing that utilizing their ult in Moblie Defense's is the best answer..., I need something to do

other than spamming my ult and sitting at the perfectly defended objective sometimes and I... I just gotta go into a well

lit room nearby just out of the radius of their awe inspiring ults to... to kill things, I know its evil and bad and I regret every

living second of it but it feels so good, I know I need help and to be a good boy and I'm sorry.

Listen, we';ve all been there. As a frost, you have NO idea what its like just sitting there and waatching nova and her phage just stomp everything. It doesn't matter that you need exp, for you want kills, or to just go and grab the  drops. If nova kills everyone, nobody sheds a tear because its all part of the plan. But if Frost goes and clears one, one tiny little side room: EVERYONE LOSES THEIR MINDS!

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Are you still clean and sober today Sibarian? Did you stay clear of these doors and hallways? If you need someone to talk to I'm here all week. Stay clean brother :)


I... I did, but then i realized that I needed to level up my nova. (ι´Д`)ノ

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Sometimes going all the way out into a hallway actually helps because there are 50 or so enemies milling around out there lowering the overall spawn rate around the objective.  Also, while you are out there more enemies will spawn nearer to the objective so everyone wins, but you have to do it quickly or overall exp gain will suffer.  That being said, if you want EXP do dark sectors or ODD and stay the hell away from Kappa.

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By all means, run off into that hallway and mow the enemies down as you see fit.

Just don't expect a revive if you find yourself in over your head (especially if i'm playing Loki/Valkyr, that way I can physically stop the team from leaving the terminal and picking you back up)

Edited by Cybernetix
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Taking an objective view, being honest in 'most' groups I do play along nicely but if people want to be so picky and controling... they could also go solo :/

This isn't picky and controlly. You are single-handedly decreasing the exp everyone in the group gets because you want to go kill something in a hallway. 4 people increases spawn rate, if you move out of the room, you impede spawning. If they were to go solo they would get much less exp. If you really have that big of an issue that you need to ruin the exp gainf for your group, YOU need to be playing solo as to not ruin the game for others.

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This is why I really prefer interception missions, you are REQUIRED to move around rather than standing on one bloody spot pressing 4. (or 3 with Frost)


But then again what do I know, I'm not a grindcore player heh.


Seriously, Defence and mobile defence are my least favourite missions.

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