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The Attica


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I really love the style and the kickback from the weapon, but the stats are just...well...Really underwhelming. I know not everything should be top tier but Attica barely beats the Latron(not LP) and is just kind of "meh" all around, stat-wise.

The only real pros it has are the darts can penetrate multiple enemies and a slightly higher crit chance.

Honestly, it feels like they could have made it a but better than it for what goes into building it.


My modest suggestions for improvement:

1: Increase clip size from 8 to 12.

2: Bring reload time down to 2.4(in-line with latron)

3: Bump the crit multiplier up to 2.0x, 1.5 is just weak for a non-hitscan bow weapon.

4: Bump up the fire rate slightly. Right now it may as well not even be an automatic weapon because the time between shots is so damn high.


That's all really. They're small tweaks but they'd make a big difference in the gameplay. I LOVE this weapon, but it's just so lackluster, even with forma.


Comma splices.


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I was also disappointed by the attica. Guess I'll wait for attica prime.....

for mastery only, though


agreed, I didn't enjoy the attica. always felt like I was out of ammo, and nothing was dead. maybe I should've been doing mercury or venus survival, but at a certain point, you have to take the training wheels off. I found the attica underwhelming, and the reload speed was quite slow. though not everything can have a large clip and fast reload speed. I can't wait until we get some tenno reinforcements and I can sell this thing. right now it has a slot, but I think the best course of action is to sell it rather than buy new slots for the next bunch of weapons. sometimes you have to let things go

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Already had made a post, but yours is more detailed in a way.


Your buffs would firmly put it into high-tier.  I don't think it necessarily needs to be there, but it's definitely lacking in power for a mid-tier weapon.  I can only assume they meant it to be mid-tier because of the forma requirement.  Easy to get by most, but trips to the void are generally after someone has learned the ropes and played a fair few missions first.  Getting a forma and finally crafting that crossbow is going to be REALLY disappointing.

Edited by Aethernet
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i could agree with #2 & #3. possibly a Crit Multipler of 1.75x, it would also be very acceptable there considering the type of Weapon.



however overall, i'm enjoying Attica. at worst it performs okay. 

it performs pretty reasonably, the few Polarizations i've done on it, i've been doing most of the levelling in TIII Defense. it's been performing respectably there, for a couple dozen waves each time before i start to feel like it's not that effective anymore.

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i could agree with #2 & #3. possibly a Crit Multipler of 1.75x, it would also be very acceptable there considering the type of Weapon.



however overall, i'm enjoying Attica. at worst it performs okay. 

it performs pretty reasonably, the few Polarizations i've done on it, i've been doing most of the levelling in TIII Defense. it's been performing respectably there, for a couple dozen waves each time before i start to feel like it's not that effective anymore.

Oh.  Try some enemies above level 50 and then get back to me.  The stats are just WAY off of what I feel they ought to be.  Any weapon can do "well" in this game at early levels, but can it be taken into high-tier levels and be used effectively?  The attica is kind of lacking in that department.

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Oh.  Try some enemies above level 50 and then get back to me.  The stats are just WAY off of what I feel they ought to be.  Any weapon can do "well" in this game at early levels, but can it be taken into high-tier levels and be used effectively?  The attica is kind of lacking in that department.

if you had read, which you had not, i said it was performing fine during Polarization for dozens of waves in TIII Defense.


once it had it's Mods on it, it only started to perform subpar when approaching Wave 30, probably around 27 where i started using other Weapons.



cutting down groups of Enemies was working fine, and Heavy Gunners would take an entire Magazine at times, depending on how the Crits went.

Edited by taiiat
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Imo what it really needs is a projectile speed buff and reload speed buff. My Attica is dealing 8k crit head shot crit damage and that is enough for me, what isn't enough is the fact i have to spent 2-3 shots to get that headshot because the projectile speed is too slow the enemy can simply walk away when the bolt is inflight.

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The problem with the attica is, that it is mastery rank 4. Low MR weapons are not supposed to be god-tier. But then again, if we like specific weapons, Attica for example, we cannot use them because they are low mastery rank and not supposed to be useful at later levels. So yeah, another issue with MR.

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Balancing weapons by Mastery Rank makes no sense to me when you have the Penta at Rank 5 for whatver reason. In my opinion, it shouldn't heavily determine a weapon's strength.


The thing with the Attica is that it's not quite "there," but almost. In every aspect. A few bumps to its overall stats could make a world of difference. Faster and straighter bolts would be icing on the cake, as would a better firing sound.

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for mastery only, though


agreed, I didn't enjoy the attica. always felt like I was out of ammo, and nothing was dead. maybe I should've been doing mercury or venus survival, but at a certain point, you have to take the training wheels off. I found the attica underwhelming, and the reload speed was quite slow. though not everything can have a large clip and fast reload speed. I can't wait until we get some tenno reinforcements and I can sell this thing. right now it has a slot, but I think the best course of action is to sell it rather than buy new slots for the next bunch of weapons. sometimes you have to let things go

I'm my excitement, I installed a catalyst....so i'll be holding on to it in hopes of a bow-like buff or a prime version.

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if you had read, which you had not, i said it was performing fine during Polarization for dozens of waves in TIII Defense.


once it had it's Mods on it, it only started to perform subpar when approaching Wave 30, probably around 27 where i started using other Weapons.



cutting down groups of Enemies was working fine, and Heavy Gunners would take an entire Magazine at times, depending on how the Crits went.

You're on something then because compared to other weapons(especially others requiring less mastery rank) it doesn't perform as well.  Congratulations, it can still kill things, that's not what I'm contesting here.  I missed the bit about T3 defense leveling but I've brought it to the same areas and it under-performs by quite a lot.

Edited by Aethernet
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as would a better firing sound.

but... it's like a Suppressed Crossbow!




Imo what it really needs is a projectile speed buff ... because the projectile speed is too slow the enemy can simply walk away when the bolt is inflight.

i'd much rather we have Mods to accelerate Projectile speed than Weapons getting screwed with on their flight speeds.


and to be honest, there's a large plethora of Hitscan Weapons if Ballistic ones are not your thing. Enemies in Warframe are AI, meaning they generally walk very predictably. hitting Weakpoints is not really much of a challenge.

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IMHO, if you use the Attica as a semi-auto sniper that can be rapid-fired against the bigger guys, it actually performs quite well. Not every weapon has to be army killers capable of mowing down entire armies in a second, sometimes it simply has to fill a niche that other weapons don't. However, my suggestions for buffing would be to turn it into a Bow in terms of utility:


- Make it a completely silent weapon. This would make it good as a sniper, and compensate for its low magazine size and RoF by ensuring enemies don't notice you, giving you time to shoot and reload.

- Increase its native punch-through to penetrate cover, which will give it more utility beyond just more damage.

- Give it the ability to use Thunderbolt. Explosive crossbow ftw. Also, it'll give it the unique distinction of being an automatic weapon capable of using the mod.


Even if its damage, magazine and reload aren't touched, the above changes should turn the Attica into a rather desirable weapon, at least if you want stealth runs. Basically, make it an Automatic Bow, which is what a Repeating Crossbow should be, instead of just a fashionable slow-firing Boltor.

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