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The Nova Dilemma


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Nobody likes Nova.

Like, seriously. She is like that one kid that mommy just HAD to invite to the birthday party even though the rest of us don't like her.

Aanndd on paper it's easy to see why. She nukes maps, tons of bad apples in terms of additude are in the Nova playerbase, she's a notorious door hero, ect ect.

But... I have a question: Why do we hate her?

"Triburos you idiot- you just listed off the reasons yourself." I hear you proclaim.

And while you're right about the idiot part, did you notice that two of the three reasons I mentioned above are purely down to the player fondling handling Nova?

Now- alot of people go by the motto "Blame the player, not the frame". And I do as well. But I hear time and again people saying "Nooo it's not the player! It's Nova I don't like!"

But... Why?

The only reason I can ever see to hate Nova when you factor our their bad fanbase and door heroism is... She's a nuker? I hear people complain she steals kills, or spams M.Prime too much, yadda yadda but... Isn't that helping you in the long run?

I mean, if a Nova is using M.Prime, whatever you, she, or another team mate kills nukes the entire wave and floods you with Affinity. The funny thing is that a Nova hurts herself utilizing M. Prime but is benefitting her team by rewarding every single weapon their team mates have equipped.

Meanwhile, all that EXP from the wave she just nuked goes to her frame. Yeah- not her weapons.

Not only that, but in Mobile Defense M. Prime allows for more spawns. And in turn, more affinity overall. Now- with Dark Sectors missions like Kiste have kinda gone kaput whenever the DS's are open but.. You get what I mean.

Sooooo... Why? Why why why? Is it because she outclasses the other nukers? If we raise the other nuke classes up to her level will we be allowed to hate on them as well? If we nerf her M Prime will we start hating whoever was just behind Nova in terms of power? Is it because kill ratio = higher e-peen for some people?


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Nova's problem is not her damage, it's the faulted energy system allowing her to spam it constantly.

Constant obliteration of the whole room nullifies difficulty and makes the game boring since all you have to do is walk around collecting 1337 l00t.

I have no problem with nova being a nuker as long as she takes skill to use, not pressfour2win


Edit:don't google search futa

Edited by Fo0otsteps
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i love my Nova and i dont give 2 dam's what people will say if i MP the room.

Hate on Nova and ill Hate on Loki :3

People dont like her cuz of her MP killing everything for them aka (people be like : Nova took my kill *cries*)

the game isnt about who gets more kills, but alot people go by that (most kills win) Warframe should be TeamPlay but most of the times its about kill racing now.

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Nova's problem is not her damage, it's the faulted energy system allowing her to spam it constantly.

Constant obliteration of the whole room nullifies difficulty and makes the game boring since all you have to do is walk around collecting 1337 l00t.

I have no problem with nova being a nuker as long as she takes skill to use, not pressfour2win

Edit:don't google search futa


But that is what I want.

I can bring an unranked frame and let a nova do her thing, with very little risk of me dying at all.


And I can just let carrier scoop the goodies and just stay away from the line of fire :P

Maybe I will use some weak CC skills as a contribution :p

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i love my Nova and i dont give 2 dam's what people will say if i MP the room.

Hate on Nova and ill Hate on Loki :3

People dont like her cuz of her MP killing everything for them aka (people be like : Nova took my kill *cries*)

the game isnt about who gets more kills, but alot people go by that (most kills win) Warframe should be TeamPlay but most of the times its about kill racing now.

You are literally contradicting yourself. If you are running ahead and spamming Mprime you ARE kill racing.

What is the point of frames like nyx and team work in general if everything dies with a single click?

Edited by Fo0otsteps
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I agree with every thing.




That last sentence?

LMAO I know right....



Anyways, the user playing Nova and being a total idiot to his team has made me not want to use her even for mastery rank. I don't like the frame because of how long I've been exposed to many bad Novas and few good ones (team considerate, non-doorhero types).

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Try farming Tranquil Cleave with three Nekros' and one Nova, anihilating everything in range of Desecrate and beyond.


Not cool, I assure you.

I never got the problem with Nova vaporizing mobs for Nekros.

I do have a Nekros and I use him from time to time but... I'm almost always around to use Desecrate just as everything gets nuked. Only time I'm not is if the Nova is away from the team. And it does work! I can vouch for that.

The only problem is being able to re-desecrate them. You have time for one, maybe two desecrates. But after that period the bodies are gone by then.

But desecrating a Nova nuked ground is possible, I assure you.

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My only issue with nova is that she isn't that useful once mprime stops dealing lethal damage. Her ult turns into an over-priced debuff.


The people who have a problem with her in low level missions have a great deal of personal issues.

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i love my Nova and i dont give 2 dam's what people will say if i MP the room.

Hate on Nova and ill Hate on Loki :3

People dont like her cuz of her MP killing everything for them aka (people be like : Nova took my kill *cries*)

the game isnt about who gets more kills, but alot people go by that (most kills win) Warframe should be TeamPlay but most of the times its about kill racing now.

and choole2 (dat name...) continues to shows incredible amounts of stupidity mixed with an unfounded smartass attitude.


although i admit that i disagree with the max kill = win concept, but nova DOES "steal" kills and makes the game boring.

Edited by Orbister
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You are literally contradicting yourself. If you running ahead and spamming Mprime you ARE kill racing.

What is the point of frames like nyx and team work and general if everything dies with a single click?

I for myself use MP ONLY when my team or i get overwhelmed by enemies.

i dont go off like (AHAHAHHAHA LOOK THERES 1 ENEMY! MP!!!) i do not waste my energy.

And for a while now i've played nyx alot and i mean alot xD i still love my Nova but Nyx is kinda pushing her off my fav list pretty fast.

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Breaking News!

Nobody likes Nova.


Hey, I like Nova!


But yeah... Lots of people dislike her because:


- She can effectively clear maps at the lower levels in a single use of Molecular Prime, to the point where other people get nothing to do but run around collecting loot. - Note: Affinity wise, this is often very beneficial for other people (Since lower levels are typically in need of affinity) and very detrimental to the Nova player (Who gets at most 1 kill worth of weapon affinity and the rest is 100% frame based)


- She can spam out Molecular Prime when modded right, so there's constantly the big AoE damage to deal with. - Note: This helps increase amounts of drops in Mobile Defence and Survival as well as speeding up Defence to get into the T3 rewards quicker. It also allows for bosses to be constantly under the effects of the 200% damage taken debuff.


- She's the only nuker that scales into later game stuff, with Antimatter Drop scaling from weapon damage and Molecular Prime scaling from weapon damage (The 200% damage taken debuff) as well as mob density (More simultaneous explosions = more effective crowd clearing even when health pools increase). This means that people who like the nuking playstyle are pretty much forced to go Nova for the high level stuff.


I rather like Nova, her AoE allows otherwise AoE lacking teams to get further in Defence and Survivals (Since not everyone runs with a Penta Trinity in their team). I like how she can also do targeted damage spikes to clear big nasties without much issue. I like how much utility Molecular Prime brings outside of the explosions (The slow and debuff are pretty fantastic, not to mention the glowing outline making things easier to see on the darker maps)

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i love my Nova and i dont give 2 dam's what people will say if i MP the room.

Hate on Nova and ill Hate on Loki :3

People dont like her cuz of her MP killing everything for them aka (people be like : Nova took my kill *cries*)

the game isnt about who gets more kills, but alot people go by that (most kills win) Warframe should be TeamPlay but most of the times its about kill racing now.


Example of a bad nova. You only play online mode for kill racing in hopes of stretching your 1pixel e-peen. You're also stating you hate Loki which is unrelated to the issue with Nova users. No one said Nova is bad - Nova users  like yourself, are the issues when using that frame.


I don't know who else is going for "kill racing" that sounds like something you picked up from another bad user. Wouldn't be surprised if they are just part of the "not-enough-to-kill-the-pain" generation.



Ouch that might sting.

Edited by ViLeDeth
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I know this is a hard concept, but did you try asking the player nicely to stop using Molecular Prime ?

For example, a few days ago I was doing a mission and someone told me I am stealing his kills (he wanted to do the 10 melee kill challenge) so I stopped. Wow, it was so hard for him to do that, I can't even imagine how he managed it... *sarcasm*

If that doesn't work then it's the player, not the warframe and he would've made your life hard anyway.

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I know this is a hard concept, but did you try asking the player nicely to stop using Molecular Prime ?

For example, a few days ago I was doing a mission and someone told me I am stealing his kills (he wanted to do the 10 melee kill challenge) so I stopped. Wow, it was so hard for him to do that, I can't even imagine how he managed it... *sarcasm*

If that doesn't work then it's the player, not the warframe and he would've made your life hard anyway.


That's the point of this thread if you ever decide to read the OP thoroughly.


No one is attacking you - the dilemma is about Nova's being used by users who are not thinking about their team when in online mode.

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I know this is a hard concept, but did you try asking the player nicely to stop using Molecular Prime ?

For example, a few days ago I was doing a mission and someone told me I am stealing his kills (he wanted to do the 10 melee kill challenge) so I stopped. Wow, it was so hard for him to do that, I can't even imagine how he managed it... *sarcasm*

If that doesn't work then it's the player, not the warframe and he would've made your life hard anyway.

Personally? No. I have little problems with M Prime. It's just the additude of the playerbase. Nova has a S#&$ ton of those bad apples.

But, others in my teams? Yes.

But the Nova usually doesn't really respond. I hear people say they get nasty but most I've seen who have been requested to stop just... Don't respond.

I did trap a Nova under a ramp with Switch Teleport once after not replying to a Nekros' quite polite request.

She immediately caps raged and DC'd.

Probably the worst Nova I have seen. The others are just your standard boom boom Demoman Novas. But again; I have little problem with them.

Edited by Triburos
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You know that you can still desecrate vaporised corpses?

it has to be casted as soon as the corpse exists. there's a disintergrating animation, means the body is still there for scavenging. Just cast Desecrate right after the explosions and there may be loot.

Edited by faustias
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That's the point of this thread if you ever decide to read the OP thoroughly.


No one is attacking you - the dilemma is about Nova's being used by users who are not thinking about their team when in online mode.

I wasn't referring to OP, I was just referring to the ones who hate her in general.


I don't know why people hate Nova, though. There's no reason :<

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I wasn't referring to OP, I was just referring to the ones who hate her in general.


I don't know why people hate Nova, though. There's no reason :<

Nobody hates nova we hate nova trolls. They should put a separate kill category called nova explosion kills. that way you can see who spams M.P. lol

Edited by KibaWesker
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I wasn't referring to OP, I was just referring to the ones who hate her in general.


I don't know why people hate Nova, though. There's no reason :<

If you take out the playerbase, Nova does make things either too easy or makes other nuke frames obselete.

Know what would be fair in my eyes? If they made M. Prime an AoE debuff but revamped Antimatter Drop. I had an idea of revamping Drop so that pushing the skill button would first cause the orb to fly above Nova at an angle before freezing, so that it's easier to shoot at, and then pressing the skill key again would fly the orb to the mouse cursor. And, she could keep the Antimatter Drop directly above her for as long as she wanted; no expiration on it.

Think of it as a Spirit Bomb, basically.

Antimatter Drop: "GIVE ME YOUR bullets ENERGY"

Bam, easier to use Antimatter Drop, not as outrageous as M. Prime but still a group nuker, and she gets an AoE debuff for the areas her Antimatter Drop won't completely destroy.

AD would become her nuke - just not as crazy as an entire map nuke.

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