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The Nova Dilemma


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Ppl are all complaining that Nova is a nuker, lol ... try high level enemies or high wave defenses. If not build and used properly she can't nuke a sh!t. Only for low,medium level enemies. 


Everybody is complaining about Nova, imagine how many would complain if she would be "touched" by devs. Chaos and rebellion would occur. 

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The problem with Nova is the problem with all 4th abilities; they are spammed. Way too many users just defy any other ability except for maybe one and spam their ultimate, because it's easier. See more than 4 enemies in one place? Press 4. This is a thing all frames can do, and it really just depends on the player. Molecular prime just happens to be specifically powerful with this because it's more powerful the more enemies are affected.


If DE would just introduce some sort of system that would make the the 4th abilities less spammable, or at least not as effective when spammed, it would make online games so much better. No more Molecular prime spams, stomp spams or permanent invulnerability (sorry, but permanent invulnerability is not something that should be a thing).


Also, exp sharing does not justify it one bit. It's a game. I like to have fun. I like to see things die in other ways than neon-colored explosions. Slashed in half, sent flying, head k'sploded, you name it. If my weapons are leveled up slower by this, then sure. Having weapons not fully ranked makes them more appealing to use either way.

I agree with ulti spamming however in Nova's case her ultimate is not the only key to her OP'ness, her circling death orbs and antimatter drop also does a silly ammount of damage. Along with her instant teleport making her the most mobile frame aswell.

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Ppl are all complaining that Nova is a nuker, lol ... try high level enemies or high wave defenses. If not build and used properly she can't nuke a sh!t. Only for low,medium level enemies. 


Everybody is complaining about Nova, imagine how many would complain if she would be "touched" by devs. M PRIME and rebellion would occur. 

Fixed that for you.

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Breaking News!

Nobody likes Nova.

Like, seriously. She is like that one kid that mommy just HAD to invite to the birthday party even though the rest of us don't like her.

Aanndd on paper it's easy to see why. She nukes maps, tons of bad apples in terms of additude are in the Nova playerbase, she's a notorious door hero, ect ect.

But... I have a question: Why do we hate her?

"Triburos you idiot- you just listed off the reasons yourself." I hear you proclaim.

And while you're right about the idiot part, did you notice that two of the three reasons I mentioned above are purely down to the player fondling handling Nova?

Now- alot of people go by the motto "Blame the player, not the frame". And I do as well. But I hear time and again people saying "Nooo it's not the player! It's Nova I don't like!"

But... Why?

The only reason I can ever see to hate Nova when you factor our their bad fanbase and door heroism is... She's a nuker? I hear people complain she steals kills, or spams M.Prime too much, yadda yadda but... Isn't that helping you in the long run?

I mean, if a Nova is using M.Prime, whatever you, she, or another team mate kills nukes the entire wave and floods you with Affinity. The funny thing is that a Nova hurts herself utilizing M. Prime but is benefitting her team by rewarding every single weapon their team mates have equipped.

Meanwhile, all that EXP from the wave she just nuked goes to her frame. Yeah- not her weapons.

Not only that, but in Mobile Defense M. Prime allows for more spawns. And in turn, more affinity overall. Now- with Dark Sectors missions like Kiste have kinda gone kaput whenever the DS's are open but.. You get what I mean.

Sooooo... Why? Why why why? Is it because she outclasses the other nukers? If we raise the other nuke classes up to her level will we be allowed to hate on them as well? If we nerf her M Prime will we start hating whoever was just behind Nova in terms of power? Is it because kill ratio = higher e-peen for some people?



If Nova wants to be hallway hero I'll just Switch Teleport her into a wall, and go on my merry way. 



Edited by YourBusDriver
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I hate playing with most novas not because they nuke things, but because they nuke everything. It drives me nuts when I see an mprimed creep and the nova isn't even remotely close by. Every other nuking frame has to intend to kill a particular creep by casting abilities at it or being close by with an aura, but nova doesn't have to. Nova's Molecular Prime steals the fun of playing the game by nuking anything that you want to kill. I've done a lot of thinking into how to change Molecular Prime into a skill that makes me actually excited to play with a Nova.

1. Molecular Prime is an aura around Nova. Creeps entering that aura are hit with the normal debuffs(sans attack speed reduction). Nova is supposed to be a glass cannon, now she fulfills that role perfectly. By requiring proximity she has to intend to kill what she is killing, and she's subject to being hit by enemies around her. Furthermore, this opens up teamwork opportunities. Teammates can help her by providing covering fire and by killing off the Molecular Primed enemies around her to prevent her from going down. Lastly this isn't a "nerf" because instead of only hitting enemies that were there when she cast the ability, she can hit any number of creeps for the entire duration.


2. Molecular Prime doesn't cause explosions on death and instead the damage multiplication is (200+X)% where X is some arbitrary number. The point being that the chain of explosions is the part I hate, not the debuff. Molecular Prime would then actually multiply my damage and I would be truly happy to have a nova on the team.

Edited by Ourobor
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I hate playing with most novas not because they nuke things, but because they nuke everything. It drives me nuts when I see an mprimed creep and the nova isn't even remotely close by. Every other nuking frame has to intend to kill a particular creep by casting abilities at it or being close by with an aura, but nova doesn't have to. Nova's Molecular Prime steals the fun of playing the game by nuking anything that you want to kill. I've done a lot of thinking into how to change Molecular Prime into a skill that makes me actually excited to play with a Nova.

1. Molecular Prime is an aura around Nova. Creeps entering that aura are hit with the normal debuffs(sans attack speed reduction). Nova is supposed to be a glass cannon, now she fulfills that role perfectly. By requiring proximity she has to intend to kill what she is killing, and she's subject to being hit by enemies around her. Furthermore, this opens up teamwork opportunities. Teammates can help her by providing covering fire and by killing off the Molecular Primed enemies around her to prevent her from going down. Lastly this isn't a "nerf" because instead of only hitting enemies that were there when she cast the ability, she can hit any number of creeps for the entire duration.


2. Molecular Prime doesn't cause explosions on death and instead multiplies damage by (200+X)% where X is some arbitrary number. The point being that the chain of explosions is the part I hate, not the debuff. Molecular Prime would then actually multiply my damage and I would be truly happy to have a nova on the team.

The road ahead is dangerous and filled with flames, here you need this: +1

Edited by Rawnrawn
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Nova's MP has always drawn a lot of ire but I've made peace with the fact that dealing with it in low levels is worth MP saving the team's collective rectum when a huge mass of enemies(in any mission where it's possible) gets slowed down and erased before they can wipe out the whole cell by sheer numbers and their high-tier damage output.

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Here is why. 


Her ultimate takes almost no time to cast. 


I kid you not. I kid you not.


I have seen several Novas cast Molecular prime at the sight of a single enemy. No exaggerations. Single f**king enemy. 

I have not seen this behavior with any other frame. No exaggerations.


Probably running a 75% efficiency and Flow or something. 


It is so damn easy and quick to cast and whipe out everything. 




Press 4

Press 4

Press 4

Press 4

Press 4 

Press 4

Press 4

Press 4

Press 4

Press 4

Press 4 

Press 4

Press 4

Press 4

Press 4

Press 4

Press 4 

Press 4


The Nova way...

Edited by Pixues
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Any person whom spams their "ultimate" ability constantly to make the whole level pretty much pointless is annoying in my book.


Oh, look how many people I have killed, I have clearly displayed my superior killing ability of pressing a button and doing nothing.


A lot of people complain about Nova simply because her ability is the one that can be used for such a large area very easily.  But the same thing can be said for other frames.  Best examples of this would be Ember's World on Fire running though lower levels giving everyone nothing to do, or having 6 vortexes out at once (though at least you can shoot them while in the vortex), or the oh look I'm seeing tentacles every 40 feet, oh fun.


Nothing is ever fun if one person is killing everything.  I use abilities sparingly and only go spam crazy when doing long void missions, and whenever I need to revive someone, I use some ability before rezzing, in hoping I won't die while helping someone else.

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Here is why. 


Her ultimate takes almost no time to cast. 


I kid you not. I kid you not.


I have seen several Novas cast Molecular prime at the sight of a single enemy. No exaggerations. Single f**king enemy. 

I have not seen this behavior with any other frame. No exaggerations.


Probably running a 75% efficiency and Flow or something. 


It is so damn easy and quick to cast and whipe out everything. 




Press 4

Press 4

Press 4

Press 4

Press 4 

Press 4

Press 4

Press 4

Press 4

Press 4

Press 4 

Press 4

Press 4

Press 4

Press 4

Press 4

Press 4 

Press 4


The Nova way...

you can press 4 to win on almost any frame with a half decent ultimate. why don't you hate trinity? she's basically godframe

@thread i'm pretty sure most people hate nova because they wanna e-peen about the number of kills they have, so they get salty when someone else has more. almost every argument to hate nova is ridiculously silly. the only one that makes sense is the desecrate issue, and even that isn't too bad, seeing as it's still possible to desecrate things.

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For me it's not about getting the kills, it's about working together as a team against challenging opponents, when all challenge is thrown out the window cause a nova blew up the entire room there's no fun.


It's very simple.

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Well yes, it is the players themselves that cause most of the trouble but even then, a complete obliteration of everything visible without any effort is not fun for me. But it wouldn't matter if would be Nova or Rhino or anyone else since the strongest always gets that treatment, which is further amplified by the players abusing it themselves. Add to the fact that even with their selfish attitudes they can troll you with the portal in the extraction room, it even further irritates when I see a Nova.

It all comes to the player behavior eventually though. Because when I play Nova, I do not spam the ultimate ability constantly. In fact, I use my 1st and 2nd ability a lot more than my 4th ability on her and I would imagine that if everyone would play like this, she would not get even closely as much hate as she does but there are just too many selfish people in the world for that to happen.

EDIT: In the end though, it all boils down to the fact that whatever to blame, the only fixes are to prevent the abuse with one way or another and the easiest way to do it is to nerf the attributes that some of the players love to abuse over and over again. It is not optimal, in fact it is sad that it is so but as long as humans are selfish, there is nothing to stop them for being the way they are.

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I find Nova invaluable on any defense map purely because she S#&$s damage everywhere. Frost handles the globe, Vauban incapacitates everything on the map, Trinity heals and grants invulnerability, Nova nukes it all. She's great it's all a team effort, we all have different roles, it's not about kills it's about completing the objective at hand. 

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In fact I think that we don't play the same game : for me and my friends we want to crush the low level content the most quickly possible in order to reach the challenging part of the game. We have all multiple formaed frames and stuffs, Boltor prime, synapse, penta, soma etc... maxed mods even corrupted ones. Even with low ranked frame we always wear some 4 or 5 forma weapons, some flows and auras in order to use our powers...


If for some the real challenge begin at wave 10 in the Lares (I also had an MK1, lato, skana one day, so I truly understand that), for us the game become mildly interresting at wave 30/30 min survival. And we use powers, we even spam powers, all kind of powers, we kill the Tenno's enemies in the quickest and safest way possible. That's the essence of war...


Warframes are our tools, and we use these tools, what the point in not using the powers given to you ?

What the point for hating a tool if this tool is allowed by the tool's makers ?

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My Nova is a beast but most of the time when I play survival/defense missions I don't use my MP until later in waves like 30-40 or 30-40 min mark. To not bore the experience of others. I could happily prime rooms at lightning speed, but other people like to kill too. However after a point the dmg is needed and I stop caring. Run from room to room dodging gun fire and priming everything only to see 30+ sets of numbers all pop up at once. <--Good feeling

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you can press 4 to win on almost any frame with a half decent ultimate. why don't you hate trinity? she's basically godframe



The answer to your question is already in the post you quoted.


I'll repeat. There is a certain behavior with Nova players. The ease at which Molecular prime is cast, combined with the extreme effect and quick wipe of all enemies causes players press 4 more on Novas.


Like i said. I've seem them use molecular prime at the sight of a single enemy.

This behavior i have not observed with other frames. (yes alot of frames use ults quite often, but not as often as a Nova.)


This game is a shooter (and a hack and slash).

Its fun to shoot things. 

Trinity doesn't wipe the entire visible map of enemies in a second or two. 

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There are a lot of trolls out there, but not all nova's are Constantly Hitting 4. I run nova all the time and Im using 4 only in sticky situations. ESPECIALLY if there is a Nekros in the game in Desecrate mode. A lot of players out there are just trolls, there's nothing wrong with the frame. If they nerf Novas MPrime then a lot of people are going to be mad when they can't Get those High Levels of Survival or ODD anymore. Im Just sayin.

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again... really?

I thought this is a co op based game...

Meaning you squad up with your clan tenno, friends, etc. ...

and using communications, etc....


If you go the random route, well, there you go.

You will end up with at least one random that like to spam

regardless what frame it is.


Plenty of times I will squad up within clan tenno,

we will actually put thought into our squad...

And sometimes I get to bring along Nova just for

MP usage.


But, random is random... and sometimes you get lucky.

Don't blame the warframe and it's abilities.

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The answer to your question is already in the post you quoted.


I'll repeat. There is a certain behavior with Nova players. The ease at which Molecular prime is cast, combined with the extreme effect and quick wipe of all enemies causes players press 4 more on Novas.


Like i said. I've seem them use molecular prime at the sight of a single enemy.

This behavior i have not observed with other frames. (yes alot of frames use ults quite often, but not as often as a Nova.)


This game is a shooter (and a hack and slash).

Its fun to shoot things. 

Trinity doesn't wipe the entire visible map of enemies in a second or two. 


So , how is Nova MP different from Volt Overload or even Rhino Stomp ... I can do the same amount of damage with both Volt and Rhino as I can with Nova.


I actually changed from Nova to Volt recently as people were *@##&#036;ing about Nova. They didn't stop *@##&#036;ing, they just changed the name from Nova to Volt in their *@##&#036;ing ...


To each their own, personally I love Nova.

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Nova's problem is not her damage, it's the faulted energy system allowing her to spam it constantly.

Constant obliteration of the whole room nullifies difficulty and makes the game boring since all you have to do is walk around collecting 1337 l00t.

I have no problem with nova being a nuker as long as she takes skill to use, not pressfour2win


On top of this, she also trivializes ALL other warframes abilities, including non-nuker frames:


-Wanna use Banshee or Rhino of a damage boost? Why bother, Nova's M Prime not only multiplies damage by double that of Rhino Roar, but doesn't require any silly aiming like Sonar does.

-Need a CC frame? Nova's M Prime slows down all enemies in 25m to a crawl, they may as well have just been frozen in place completely

-Just want to use a frame for damage in general? Nova's M Prime deals a hefty amount of damage over a ludicrous range on top of all of the aforementioned bonuses.


See what I mean. If they removed the slow-down effect entirely, reduced the damage bonus from x2 to x1.5, and made it affected by duration mods, then M Prime would be a lot more balanced IMO, as it wouldn't overshadow every other team buff, CC, and damage skill, and Nova would actually have a weakness in her lack of good CC.

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