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Coming Soon: Devstream #27


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As we all know, Dojo is a giant spaceship of our group (Clan).
How we get into a ship, if we don't have a Angar, or extraction point? 


Extraction point (travel to other clans dojos of our alliance)
Training Room (Melee, Firing, and Skills avaible there to check damage and DPS of your gear, skills. AND Targets ofcourse)
Arsenal (a place where we could check our inventory, change things. IT sucks to leave dojo just becuz you want to unequip all guns before duel)
Shrine (Selectable God, Creature, Player we could worship, for example #1 PVP, #1 Dueler, Clan Master? wink wink)
Bank (so we could take clan materials out of the clan "Werehouse")

Also, when we could change Hall Of Honor's Statue? Clan Master Must be there!

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I remember it being said that Vor's Prize and the Twin Queens would be in U13, and to put it plainly, they aren't. My question is when will this go live in the game, and also why wasn't it released with U13? Another question I have is with all the electricity based weapons, synapse, flux rifle, and this new amphrex, will we see any other versions of these but not dealing electric damage? I have an idea for a continuous fire gun that deals a different damage type but I have to work out the idea more. Therefore the final question I have is, do you consider weapons, skins, frames etc. that the community creates, as something you could include in the game at a later date? I know we voted for the turrets but how about a vote on something that player have come up with. Thanks for making an awesome game and I look forward to this week's stream.

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I would like to ask the following, few questions.


Are there any plans to add quick firing the side/secondary weapon (not primary weapon) while melee is equipped, just as we are able to use quick melee while we have a gun equipped?


Are there any plans to introduce an akimbo stance for dual wielding secondary weapons, a la Equilibrium movie?



Are there any plans to make possible using a melee weapon in combination with a pistol (purely for close quarters combat), like musketeers/pirates/buccaneers of old?


Are there any plans to add a samurai themed warframe?


Are there any plans for AI improvements, able to retreat and regroup, flank, wall run, an addition of stealthy units capable of surprising the player?


Are there any plans to introduce new map tile types?


Thank you!


Are there any plans to add a campaign mode to reveal the back story of warframe?

Edited by HansJurgen
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 With some of the things I've seen during the streams I wanted to ask, will there be a new system to explore on top of the current one and  will starting missions in your ship or the big community huds to commun in make it as well. Also I'd love to see an Infested home world, where they've completely taken over and are guiding infested controlled ships to it in order to grow and become more powerful.

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Concern/Suggestion in the form of a question:

I often struggle to continue combos from one enemy to another (Unless I'm being swarmed) 


Would you consider implementing a system that extends the combo timer by an additional second (from the current aprox 3 seconds instead of 4 seconds) if the player gets a kill or assist during the combo?

Edited by xenoffense
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Will we see more customization options that are widely requested by many players such as...

1. Prime Weapons being able to use Regular versions as skins. The reason for this is that while Prime weapons are stronger, not everyone likes the un-customizable gold trim or design overall. The Paris prime statwise is vastly superior to the regular Paris, but the design is attrocious. The regular Paris is very sexy while the Paris prime is hideous.

2. The Option to turn off Elemental visual effects on Melee weapons. Players use elemental mods for their damage, but not everyone likes the visual effects that gets placed on our melee weapons. They also mess up out warframe color scheme. I don't want to walk around with a glowing green butt due to corrosive effect on my melee weapon. It doesn't make sense for ninjas to sneak around with flashing lights on their backs.

Edited by KainMurasaki
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Right now, controlling a dark sector is mainly about maintaining rails and battle pay while convincing your allies to complete missions with zero payout. Will unique rewards for successful conquests be introduced to keep us interested in this struggle?

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This question goes to everyone on the couch:


One day, Warframe will most likely come to an end; with luck it will be many many many years into the future! But when the end comes (be it for Warframe or DE), what would everyone like to branch out and do? More of the same? Career changes? 

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I would like to know if there are any plans to implement a decent session browser to the game.?

It is really a pain to use the recruitment chat t arrange any void sessions. A seperate menu where players can offer sessions to join would be VERY helpfull.

So are there any plans to create something like that and if yes, when will it come?

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