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Any Other Founders Get Warm Fuzzies When This Happens?


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Personally I love it everytime someone in a pub I join does this.


One time someone random saw my profile icon in our Lobby and rather than have me run my Hydroid, he asked me to take out my Excalibur Prime so they could all look at him and see him in action.


Made me feel good. 


All this is a bit vain I know, but... it feels nice sometimes. 

Edited by Hastur609
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*Teary Face*


Oh God I'm so sorry! *quickly proffers a handkerchief*


It is quite funny I have been playing this game for almost a year and have never seen anyone using a Excalibur prime.


Really? I run into another Excalibur Prime every now and then, I run mine all the time, taking him to T3's and everything. I usually top the squad score with him as well. 

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*Blows nose*


You uh...you can hold onto that. I have spares. 


This is the only frame I outright 'Paid to Win' back when I was still really excited for the game and wanted to support DE with what I could give them. 


Warframe has certainly lasted me more than every $65 game I've ever played, least I could do was offer up $50. 


Though I have become pretty cynical about recent additions and where the game is headed, I don't have any regrets about becoming a Hunter, and my Excalibur Prime gets plenty of regular use everytime I boot up the game. 


No regrets... 




I do like the Proto Armor skin, I really do, but I think Excalibur Prime looks so much more stoic and the Proto Armor hype is still somewhat fresh in every player's minds. Not to be a hipster, but I try to avoid looking like every other guy. 

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If you use excalibur prime + proto armorskin you are pretty damn rare.

Haha that's one of my main setups... xD Actually had someone freak out in my clan because I was using Proto Excalibur (prime) with the Nikana in our dojo.

Edited by Khaos_Zand3r
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I really wish I spent my money smarter back then. That's my only regret about this game.



Squirmy, I love you for that image. So much. 


Right in the childhood too...






It's interesting now though, since Excalibur Prime seems to have been removed from non-founder codexes? According to one friend of mine anyway. 


Imagine a future veteran's surprise if he/she has never seen or heard of an Excalibur Prime months down the road and one of us spawns in. 

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