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Finally Trinity's Blessing Is Being Looked At!


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If the solution to the problem is: play only premade with your friends it kinda tells you that underline problem still exists, sorry but that is not problem solved...

Well then don't get mad when someone else wants to be invincible

If you don't like it then either play by yourself or make some friends and play with them

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Like there was any challenge before hand. This game is "OMERGAWD BIG NUMBURS" with or without the nerf.

Do you think not nerfing things is going to solve that?


Because i sure dont


I dont want to be rude but seriously




Sorry for the outrage


If the solution to the problem is: play only premade with your friends it kinda tells you that underline problem still exists, sorry but that is not problem solved...



The answer to every just dont play with random arguments

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Well then don't get mad when someone else wants to be invincible

If you don't like it then either play by yourself or make some friends and play with them

I can never be "mad" at players for taking a liking for game mechanic, problem isn't the players loving the spell, problem lies with DE balance team that only know is taking notice of an imbalanced game mechanic.

Edited by CatScratch
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If that's your reasoning behind replying to my post I would advise that next time you restrain yourself from posting if you don't believe you can contribute to the thread in question.


If you want to go by the book, buddy, you should have posted in a feedback forum.


General discussion is about having a discussion with players, and I personally think your thought process for Trinity is off point.


I obviously offended you, and I do apologize for that.

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No, but at least there's something to make it more endurable before DE sorts out there S#&$, if that ever happens. 

Itll be fine without perma blessing i think


Cant wait to see who can get to hour long Survivals without it


Scott did say that they won't be nerfing trinity to the ground. Worst case scenario is invincibility getting nerfed to 80-90ish % damage reduction.

And then Valkyr steps in...

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next thing will be "banshee can disable in such a large radius and even deal dmg, nerf pl0x!"


I used to sit on Xini with max strength, efficiency and some range......


it's fun for a while but you can't move, sometimes is boring...

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I use trinity alot and I feel her blessing is actually not so powerful. while I agree it probably shouldn't be unlimited you just don't have as much fun with her 4th ability like you do with say hydroid's or rhino's I find every other warframes 4th ability to be superior and if they debuff trinity's blessing they will probably have it actually affected by range. Though I really like her right now as is, being invunerable isn't really broken even in survival where the point is to stay alive and collect capsules because you still need to collect air being invulnerable just means you don't have to worry too much. This is just my two cents.

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You mean the casting time wasn't already enough?


They should at least consider Nova before anything else. (This is coming from somebody who loves Nova and MP)

I never get why people complain about nova, the only thing i think they should tone down is possibly the movement speed debuff and maybe the extra damage a bit (make it 150% instead of 200%) but shes an ANTIMATTER based frame. Her abilities wont be fireworks. Not to mention she is somewhat of a glass cannon

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DEV LOGIC 101: we could address other glaring issues such as oberon's healing, damage ratio, or cost effectiveness. Or we could nerf trinity to make Him appear better.  We could address the content appearing to need trinity in their build to run higher end missions? No? Okay.


PLAYER LOGIC 101: I am clearly the penultimate gamer, how dare that Nova exist using its abilities hear on glorious Venus. Don't they respect my kill count? DE PLZ NERF.  Go to pluto? Psh, I'll die. So what if nova is balanced for the only semblance of endgame that most people can experience.



Feels like a really awkward attempt to bring balance. But not addressing the reasons these trends exist.


That and what the F*** are they thinking on the rescue missions/ship content. 

Edited by Nariala
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the thing this game has going for it, besides some good looks, is the fact you feel powerful while playing...

Everyone want's to feel powerful while playing and they should, taken they earned that feeling by skill :) there's a difference between powerfull and indestructible.


If you want to go by the book, buddy, you should have posted in a feedback forum.


General discussion is about having a discussion with players, and I personally think your thought process for Trinity is off point.


I obviously offended you, and I do apologize for that.

I offered no feedback in my original post, it was a simple "thank you" thread for something I was wishing for a long time. 

I never offered any thought process about Trinity I only expressed my dislike for current iteration of her Blessing ability and fought process behind that is simple. I am against cheap, constant, team level invincibility that require no skill to pull off in co-op PvE game.

You didn't offend me :) I just like when people express opinions to elaborate them.

Scott did say that they won't be nerfing trinity to the ground. Worst case scenario is invincibility getting nerfed to 80-90ish % damage reduction.

That is my best guess of what will happen with her ultimate, am calling it 75% team damage reduction capped with corrupted mod.


Itll be fine without perma blessing i think


Cant wait to see who can get to hour long Survivals without it


And then Valkyr steps in...

I agree Valkyr's ultimate needs to be also revisited. Thousands of players went hour long survivals without trinity, personaly i went to 75 min without her and I don't even like survival.


Loki too.


Players who use Trinity for evil right now won't simply stop just because she gets changed, they'll just move onto the new FotM.

Loki is kinda hard to compare, because invisibility isn't invincibility per say, you can still die of aoe, stray bullet that proc's bleed  etc...


I don't see what the problem with trinity is, i love playing her and love when someone else plays her. There is no winning in this game so why bother nerfing her. She helps a team last longer, what is the problem with that. Who doesn't want more credits/resources/mods/cores. 

Personally I want to earn those credits/resources/cores not get them by default with thank you for participating, those teams could last the same amount of time if they worked harder and play smarter/better etc, blessing isn't needed for that just little skill.


I never get why people complain about nova, the only thing i think they should tone down is possibly the movement speed debuff and maybe the extra damage a bit (make it 150% instead of 200%) but shes an ANTIMATTER based frame. Her abilities wont be fireworks. Not to mention she is somewhat of a glass cannon

Main reason people complain about Nova because people play missions where they are unable to kill or shoot single enemy because of M-prime functionality. Some people dislike that as they are playing the game to shoot stuff and have fun, hence the "rage." M-prime is a good spell, personally I think they only need to reduce individual enemy explosion range and it would be fine.

Edited by CatScratch
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Itll be fine without perma blessing i think


Cant wait to see who can get to hour long Survivals without it


And then Valkyr steps in...

The difference is Valkyr's invul has a risk attached to it. Don't kill everything, take the damage anyway. Run away, and lose damage output. Hysteria has a little bit more skill required than Blessing.

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Put invulnerability from Blessing into Link

now link reflect 75% of damage to 3 targets and has invulnerability of x seconds.

OP? at least your down time is when u'r re-casting your link.


give blessing the shorter end of invulnerability.


now i doubt anyone will be able to survive pass 1 hr without the 4 trinity max duration blessing each other...

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