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Finally Trinity's Blessing Is Being Looked At!


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Nova can make whole rooms explode,but so can Trinity with Link and Ogris/Castanas,Saryn with Miasma,Rhino with Stomp...only difference is Nova/Saryn/Rhino CAN die.

Sorry this made me think a bit. did anyone else notice that Trinity is the only one not just using her power to kill her things? Also link isn't as good, sure it goes to multiple people but isn't that good otherwise, also I do agree blessing is quite strong. Saryn right now though? she works off having the shortest duration and low cost, my friend is consistantly bragging about hitting 4 and clearing rooms with Saryn for 25 energy. and as for rhino dying it has only ever happened to me once because of the ogris and me forgetting to put up iron skin.

Sorry bunnies but you had me thinking that you are mad that people worked hard to do this to their warframe, meaning that there is indeed skill. And I want everyone to note that trinity is and has been my favorite warframe since I got the game when it went into open beta, trinity was the first warframe I went after, after ember and I got trinity first I believe,

if they work on blessing here is a change i would be super happy about, changing the blessing so maybe it doesn't give the invulnerablity for a while maybe have it only last like a maximum of 10 seconds but since it is a blessing it gives every kind of buff found on other warframes, like faster attack speed, double damage, all that jazz then you got people using their 4's less because they want invulnerablity but its a buff, maybe it only last for 10 seconds and the invulnerablity only lasts for 5 of those seconds.

Edited by tuncecine
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I play really long survivals and defense, usually going above 2 hours and I do think the nerf on Blessing is justified. But I don't care either way if she was nerfed or not.
Fun Fact: Radial Blind and Radial Disarm have a limit on their range where as Blessing has none whatsoever. Also, neither or them give you perma-invulnerability across an entire tileset. From all the topics I've seen of people against the idea of nerfing Blessing, it is mostly those who have power fantasies and want to have an "easy-mode" button to steamroll through "end-game content". And then cry over how easy the game is and how it is not a challenge. There will always be exploits but there's a difference between exploits and outright broken ones.
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Your fun isn't my type of fun. Thus your fun should be ignored and mine catered to.


That's the core of these kinds of statements.

I agree she should be looked at, but the S#&$ slinging that people do about "Difficulty" in this game is hilarious.


This game has never been challenging, trinity or not.  At best its been made artificially difficult by introducing bullet sponges rather than mechanics to challenge the player.  


Nerfing Trinity only hurts Trinity players and players who want to run content that non trinity groups couldn't.  This is the problem. They are likely going to nerf this skill without addressing why it occurs. 


As most of the arguments have been "well you shouldn't be able to go that high, I don't" 

well if you don't go that high, why does it matter if someone else does?

Don't like trinity? Don't invite her. This works for all frames you dislike.

Exactly this!


Honestly, a trinity isn't required in anything. I've played numerous amount of times without a trinity in squad and still manage to pull off some amazing results. There has never been a challenge in the game, it's always about grind. Even the "end game" has been broken by a few people already achieving several hours + on survival and 150 waves + of defence.


If you plan to look at trinity though, don't just address one skill and one skill alone because that would just screw up her entire kit. I saw a suggestion earlier saying make blessing 90% reduction but doing that completely removes link from the game unless you can't stand the knock downs and energy drain late game.


If they're going to do anything, I would settle for a complete overhaul. A new model update (since her skirt is so ugly) rework each and every one of her skills to make her entire kit viable and not saying this about trinity but every frame they decide to nerf, they should think carefully at what they can do to balance out the nerfs to make them at least still viable to use.

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Sorry this made me think a bit. did anyone else notice that Trinity is the only one not just using her power to kill her things? Also link isn't as good, sure it goes to multiple people but isn't that good otherwise, also I do agree blessing is quite strong. Saryn right now though? she works off having the shortest duration and low cost, my friend is consistantly bragging about hitting 4 and clearing rooms with Saryn for 25 energy. and as for rhino dying it has only ever happened to me once because of the ogris and me forgetting to put up iron skin.

Sorry bunnies but you had me thinking that you are mad that people worked hard to do this to their warframe, meaning that there is indeed skill. And I want everyone to note that trinity is and has been my favorite warframe since I got the game when it went into open beta, trinity was the first warframe I went after, after ember and I got trinity first I believe,

if they work on blessing here is a change i would be super happy about, changing the blessing so maybe it doesn't give the invulnerablity for a while maybe have it only last like a maximum of 10 seconds but since it is a blessing it gives every kind of buff found on other warframes, like faster attack speed, double damage, all that jazz then you got people using their 4's less because they want invulnerablity but its a buff, maybe it only last for 10 seconds and the invulnerablity only lasts for 5 of those seconds.

Ranking up a few mods and formaing one frame is hard work?


Damage doesnt become entirely useless after enemies go up to lvl 150+?


Utility frames beat out damage frames completely because damage doesnt matter in high waves


Noone really cares if nova can wipe a lvl 10 area for 25 energy with 1 button


Once she gets to those high areas shes nothing but CC


Trinity however keeps the party going solely


Unless you were running an infested survival/def i dont think youre going to last long against lvl 150 enemies


Maybe with a loki but even then its hellish without trinity support




Dont use damage as a reason why trinity is OP because thats all horse poop


Trinity+Ogris>Anything end game

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-snips for size-

So... did I say forma'ing and ranking up mods is hard work? and yes it can be a bit difficult, but getting those mods in the first place means someone took time to get them. I also could be mistaken but didn't they reduce the enemies level to go to like a maximum of level 35?(I could be wrong I don't go to 200+minutes in survival) and its not just damage that you get with nova but a slow and a debuff plus extra damage. I am in the party of "well if you want a harder challenge give yourself one." I am also in the party of "stuff be too strong, makes game too boring." also people who use trinity and ogris are just like people who used to use rhino+soma+acrid+shade


TR;DR, Trinity may need some working on but would kindly like to point out other stuff is very powerful regardless of level.

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honestly, invulnerability is indeed ruins the fun.

you can just stand in the middle of level 9999 mobs without a scratch.

for me, no thrill means no fun.


"i survived level 9999 grineer on 12hrs survival with only 3 heath left" is way more fun and cooler than

"i survived 99hrs survival without a scratch"


what i'm trying to say is

the process is more fun than the result.


the "3 health left" gameplay certainly having more "action" than pressing 4.

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honestly, invulnerability is indeed ruins the fun.

you can just stand in the middle of level 9999 mobs without a scratch.

for me, no thrill means no fun.


"i survived level 9999 grineer on 12hrs survival with only 3 heath left" is way more fun and cooler than

"i survived 99hrs survival without a scratch"


what i'm trying to say is

the process is more fun than the result.


the "3 health left" gameplay certainly having more "action" than pressing 4.

Then don't play with a Trinity that uses Blessing so you can brag about your skills in this numbers game?


But then, it only matters that you have a Loki around to rez you every time a Grineer Lancer's stray bullet decides to hit you and instantly downs you.

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So... did I say forma'ing and ranking up mods is hard work? and yes it can be a bit difficult, but getting those mods in the first place means someone took time to get them. I also could be mistaken but didn't they reduce the enemies level to go to like a maximum of level 35?(I could be wrong I don't go to 200+minutes in survival) and its not just damage that you get with nova but a slow and a debuff plus extra damage. I am in the party of "well if you want a harder challenge give yourself one." I am also in the party of "stuff be too strong, makes game too boring." also people who use trinity and ogris are just like people who used to use rhino+soma+acrid+shade


TR;DR, Trinity may need some working on but would kindly like to point out other stuff is very powerful regardless of level.

Ive personally faced lvl 200 enemies and can tell you its not fun and no frame is useful without CC utility


I spammed ogris shots over and over and over and over again with my trinity


Nothing died


Without trinity we wouldnt have even been there


And as for your trinity+ogris comment


Its too abuseable  period.Doesnt matter who uses it (i use ogris with literally every frame btw. Its my favorite weapon and i fear nothing while on the edge of suicide)


What im trying to get at is


Trinity is OP at high waves and not really needed at 35-


An opposite of nova except she really matters end game for ridiculous survivals and defenses somewhat

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Actually I have another suggestion for blessing, keep the range and the fact that it has invulnerability, give it an extra buff, like what I said earlier *more swinging speed do double damage perhaps something else* the buff lasts 30 seconds with all the  mods on it the invulnerability lasts maybe 10 seconds and can't be cast again until the buff has gone out, this would be good for trinity and make her seem more like support then before. this also fixes what people were complaining about I think


Also, note I actually dislike the ogris alot, In terms of explosive weaponery I prefer the penta

Edited by tuncecine
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TR;DR, Trinity may need some working on but would kindly like to point out other stuff is very powerful regardless of level.

Yep, exactly this! Every frame is powerful in its own way which makes the challenge in the game very miniscule.

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"invulnerability ruins the fun"


for who? you? what about every other player in the game eh? or is you and a few others the only people who play who count?


"trinity is unbalanced"


this is a PvE game, wtf is all this balance BS? it's coop against npc's what matters is success of the mission. there's no balance required, you all act like there's some kind of reward for getting high kill count, there isn't. too bad you don't like trin, too bad she gets high damage and kill scores...but seriously, why the hell does it even matter to you if you walk out of a survival or defense with a ton of loot?


and that's the thing, i don't see anyone crying over desecrate, which can give far more loot in a shorter period of time...but oh noes, someone in a trinity can swamp the damage and kill counters and QQ must begin.


as has been said, don't like trinity, don't play her, don't join pugs when she's in one, problem solved. all i see is a bunch of people harping on a non issue of game balance because they hate the fact that a frame can rack up COMPLETELY MEANINGLESS STATS. nevermind that having one in a survival means a lot of loot...it's all about my kill/damage count/%, QQ


leaderboards are meaningless, kill counts are meaningless, damage % is meaningless, you get nothing for high numbers except an ego boost if that's your trip.


so is it? all this 'nerf trinity' is about your egos? cause it's not about game balance, it's not about loot...so...yeah, egos

Edited by DeadX65
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I guess what little reason there is to play support class' in the game will become less and less.


In all honesty, I have no idea why people think link is/was a problem - there is no PvP and only a big gain to having a Trinity in a group - how often do you see a Trinity? not often - and now you want less of them.


It's ok, we can all play Loki, Nova and Rhino, and pass the Nekros badge around. . . but really, why nurf a frame that is already underused.


Hell, here are some other supposedly unbalanced abilities:


Absorb - total immunity

Desicrate - double loot = double RNG

Iron Skin - CC immunity

Hysteria - god mode immunity

M.Prime - kills everything

Puncture damage - because it is better then any other damage


srsly. . . if Trinity is no fun for you (as it is for a lot of people - but not because of link) then just don't play her.  But if you seriously expect people to play a pure support frame with no perks, then please, play her in her soon to be nurfed state soon - cuz I will not do it for you while you cry about me healing and rezzing you.  Link provides Trinity with a way to keep you alive, not her but you - and you think that is bad. . . .lol

Edited by existentialvoid
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so is it? all this 'nerf trinity' is about your egos? cause it's not about game balance, it's not about loot...so...yeah, egos

Heh, I play trinity and do think the fact that she can ignore any negative range does need to be looked at but, I do not think she should not have a range *the infinite range is part of the reason blessing is amazing* still but perhaps something to make it more supporty.

Edited by tuncecine
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Why not simply remove the Invincibility and keep it the same otherwise? But give it a HoT instead of Invinci. It would still make it powerfull but not OP.  I personally dont like the Invinci. (And i cant see why people Pull Rhino into this. Iron skin is awesome early game. Late game One bullet or one Knock down attack and bye bye iron skin.(And that is with a max powerstrength build. Bombard missile destroys your iron skin? have fun flying a meter orso before you can get back up. )

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once again the whiners did win. congratz to u!


u will be the first ones crying when facing lvl 90++ enemys that 1shot u and nothing u can do about except hide like a kitten

All i am doing is just giving an opinion Never played with trinity in games before. -shrug- Powered leveled mine to 30 then stored her. All im doing is just saying what i think.(trying to offer a solution to make both sides happy.)  Dont know much else. But know what trick there also is against Lv 90 enemies? Dont get S#&amp;&#036;. Move. dont stand around like a sack of salt and move. run jump and gun. it works. trust me. I know someone who doesnt use powers in his frames and well.... he gets more kills than anyone else in the matches. <.< >.> and he rarely dies. he mains ash but ive NEVER seen him use anything aside from Shuriken. or Bladestorm to see its new animations.

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"invulnerability ruins the fun"


for who? you? what about every other player in the game eh? or is you and a few others the only people who play who count?


"trinity is unbalanced"


this is a PvE game, wtf is all this balance BS? it's coop against npc's what matters is success of the mission. there's no balance required, you all act like there's some kind of reward for getting high kill count, there isn't. too bad you don't like trin, too bad she gets high damage and kill scores...but seriously, why the hell does it even matter to you if you walk out of a survival or defense with a ton of loot?


and that's the thing, i don't see anyone crying over desecrate, which can give far more loot in a shorter period of time...but oh noes, someone in a trinity can swamp the damage and kill counters and QQ must begin.


as has been said, don't like trinity, don't play her, don't join pugs when she's in one, problem solved. all i see is a bunch of people harping on a non issue of game balance because they hate the fact that a frame can rack up COMPLETELY MEANINGLESS STATS. nevermind that having one in a survival means a lot of loot...it's all about my kill/damage count/%, QQ


leaderboards are meaningless, kill counts are meaningless, damage % is meaningless, you get nothing for high numbers except an ego boost if that's your trip.


so is it? all this 'nerf trinity' is about your egos? cause it's not about game balance, it's not about loot...so...yeah, egos

My good cat onsen god are you that...


I cant even believe such a....


All you want is an easymode game?


Lets make everything kill everything in one hit


PvE and PvP doesnt matter


Balance is needed in games to keep them engaging and entertaining


Trinity takes out the challenge end and only becomes a "hey i spammed 4 till we got to 3 hour survival" grindfest frame


There is no real challenge there and for many there is no entertainment


I guess what little reason there is to play support class' in the game will become less and less.


In all honesty, I have no idea why people think link is/was a problem - there is no PvP and only a big gain to having a Trinity in a group - how often do you see a Trinity? not often - and now you want less of them.


It's ok, we can all play Loki, Nova and Rhino, and pass the Nekros badge around. . . but really, why nurf a frame that is already underused.


Hell, here are some other supposedly unbalanced abilities:


Absorb - total immunity imobile and left open to distant attackers after the skill ends

Desicrate - double loot = double RNG How is this unbalanced? Even with it RNG is TERRIBLE. Many days for tranquil cleave

Iron Skin - CC immunity Dropoff in usefulness in end game and much less useful than making everyone invincible

Hysteria - god mode immunity Limited to physical attacks. Chance to die instantly if you dont/cant run away in time.Much lower end game damage potential VS trin blessing and guns

M.Prime - kills everything Huge dropoff in usefulness against high level enemies. Becomes a CC/debuff in high waves

Puncture damage - because it is better then any other damage


srsly. . . if Trinity is no fun for you (as it is for a lot of people - but not because of link) then just don't play her.  But if you seriously expect people to play a pure support frame with no perks, then please, play her in her soon to be nurfed state soon - cuz I will not do it for you while you cry about me healing and rezzing you.  Link provides Trinity with a way to keep you alive, not her but you - and you think that is bad. . . .lol

I see a trinity in every 2 hour long survival that isnt infested


And even see her in many infested missions as well


I see her requested rather often for high waves along with nekros and nova


If all you care about is being OP and beating the thing by being OP then your opinion is no good for the game honestly


Now tell me the drawbacks of trinity blessing?

Edited by Azawarau
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Link has been already nerfed hard..


Now Blessing?



What? Blessing is as good as it should be. And if im not mistaken, its already been nerfed in the past?



She's pretty fragile in high level stuff without blessing on.



Why do people want it nerf'd?


Wow, just wow at so mcuh Easy Mode Lovers...


Why do you even play?

Would you also be happy to have a Frame that has "Press 4 to skip the Mission"?


Perma Blessing isn´t al lthat far from that...

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But why does it have to be nerfed? IDC too much about trinity, but it makes 2 hour survivals in higher level places possible w/o having to be a Rhino/Nyx/Loki/Ash/Zephyr. Also, it makes things like running nightmare alert survivals possible where you can have 1 trinity and whatever other frames w/o having to use invulna frames.


for f$#%s sake, how will it be nerfed?

Edited by AbaliskInfinite
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Thanks for looking at blessing before Nova's ult, because that was making things too fun for players. /sarcasm.


indeed, and theres just such a huge plague of trinity players compared to nova players that trinity just had to be knecapped first ¬ ¬

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Wow, just wow at so mcuh Easy Mode Lovers...


Why do you even play?

Would you also be happy to have a Frame that has "Press 4 to skip the Mission"?


Perma Blessing isn´t al lthat far from that...


her max duration with best pwr eff build works so she gets kneecapped?   bet my left nut that whatever bad changes they bring in "balances" such a setup when using the best/optimal mods but totally trainwrecks the whole thing for people who arent decked with max corrupt mods and all the other trimmings making her a complete waste of time.


its already bad enough that only link+blessing are worth fitting, i hope when they cluster up blessing that they do something about well/vamp while their at it.

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She's so underplayed seriously and even if she is played, rare few have her maxed to her full potential which requires 4 forma.

I have a one forma trinity that i used to go 2 hours into T 3 survival without corrupted mods


No excuses



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indeed, and theres just such a huge plague of trinity players compared to nova players that trinity just had to be knecapped first ¬ ¬

It wouldve happened sooner or later


Thats hardly a reason why it shouldnt happen either

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