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Enhanced Movement Macro - Movement 1.5?



WARFRAME - Movement 1.5 Macro v2.3

By VanFanel1980mx
Special Thanks to Warbros#1
I wanted to perform a certain maneuver more easily, having too many keys bound in this game is a nightmare so I came up with some contextual combinations and found out these maneuvers can open a few more possibilities for a more "fast paced" combat style.
Warframe Update 13.1.2
Change Log

Version 2.1
-Added a toggle function
-Added a suspend function to the chat window in-game
-Added Tool Tips for toggle status.
Version 2.2
-Added a timer for the tooltips so they disappear unless the script is running.
-Fixed the movement lock after a Ground Slam Cancel or Copter Kick.
Version 2.2.1
-Key combinations are now bound to Warframe's default configuration (some manual binding must be done in-game though), make Sure the Right Shift key is mapped in "Hold to Sprint" in game.

Basic Commands

Left Alt: Toggle macro Off/On

T: Toggle macro Off (Fail safe for using the chat window)

Evade Roll

Right Mouse Button + Jump

Quick Slide

Press and hold any direction twice (Copter is possible)

Hop Kick

Tap any direction twice + Jump (Air Copter is possible)

Advanced Commands

Quick Somersault
Press Jump during Quick Slide
Big Slam Cancel
Press Melee during Quick Somersault
Hop Slam Cancel
Press Melee while falling from a Hop Kick
Feint Copter
Release the directional keys and press Melee while performing a Quick Slide or Hop Kick to the sides or backwards.


DISCLAMER: All these moves and maneuvers are completely possible to do without the need of any macros but require some workarounds and certain key strokes, this macro was made to provide players a more streamlined alternative.
*I will try to add the videos later, if anyone knows the code to embed them properly please let me know.

Make games to make money or Make money to make games, what is it DE?

Edited by VanFanel1980mx
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I begin to notice a pattern...


I don't think anyone who's posted so far has even bothered to read your post or watch your videos. The people here are ridiculously lazy and just post for the sake of posting.


Please keep working on it, I'd love to your your macro. 


In case anyone is still wondering what VanFanel1980mx is doing, he's made what looks like a really slick autohotkey script to simplify some of the basic maneuvers Warframe players use all the time. Telling him to get a controller or a mouse with more button is completely irrelevant to the topic. Binding extra keys to a mouse isn't going to do what this script is doing.

Edited by Charismo
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I think controllers are sick.


What? What does that have to do with anything?


Get a mouse with some extra buttons on it. Getting comfortable bindings for everything becomes a peace of cake.


That defeats the whole purpose of this thread. The point of the Macro is to have a free way to perform some of the manoeuvres in this game. Spending money on an MLGzzzn0scope mouse is not a "peace of cake" solution to the control/input problems of the game. 


I find the movement controls are adequate for what I d, which is a fairly mobile playstyle.


If I need more control I just bind stuff to my mouse. 


"Fairly mobile playstyle."


Do you just play Mercury or something? A "mobile" playstyle doesn't cut it when a Fusion Moa Drone with 100% accuracy can melt you in a few seconds. 


The game rewards cover shooting. The game and control scheme is not designed for Parkour AND shooting. This macro thread is trying to address those issues.  

Edited by nightrunner_ks
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I don't think anyone who's posted so far has even bothered to read your post or watch your videos. The people here are ridiculously lazy and just post for the sake of posting.


Please keep working on it, I'd love to your your macro. 


Either that, or they just don't like fun or innovative controls. It also look like it would make maneuvering around obstacles a lot easier than having to "parkour" over them or whatever.

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"Fairly mobile playstyle."


Do you just play Mercury or something? A "mobile" playstyle doesn't cut it when a Fusion Moa Drone with 100% accuracy can melt you in a few seconds. 


The game rewards cover shooting. The game and control scheme is not designed for Parkour AND shooting. This macro thread is trying to address those issues.  


Yup I'm a complete scrub who has been playing only on mercury for over a year now.


Edited by Sixty5
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Yup I'm a complete scrub who has been playing only on mercury for over a year now.


Being called a scrub by people having trouble with the game controls. MUST HURT L2ROLL L2MOBILE L2KILLMOA

Edited by SoulDust
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Meh, I see this a bit more complicated than what we have now except the double tap part (as a stealth player having double tapping to slide would just screw me over when I try to sneak around). I think we have a pretty few buttons and it's easy to learn, but thats how I see it

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Meh, I see this a bit more complicated than what we have now except the double tap part (as a stealth player having double tapping to slide would just screw me over when I try to sneak around). I think we have a pretty few buttons and it's easy to learn, but thats how I see it

When I worked on the double tap slide I had a proper timing into account, you need to do it fast enough to trigger it, I am still working on it anyway and is really not that complicated if you have played some action games, the quick slide would need to be changed somehow on a controller since you use analog sticks.

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As a player who has played this game far too much, I can say that most mobility key imputs are second nature.

I can flip and copter all over the place without thinking about it.

A newer player might find macros useful due to lack of practice, but anyone with that experience will find them of only limited use.

Too much simplicity and you get a game like ME3 with its one button to rule them all.

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As a player who has played this game far too much, I can say that most mobility key imputs are second nature.

I can flip and copter all over the place without thinking about it.

A newer player might find macros useful due to lack of practice, but anyone with that experience will find them of only limited use.

Too much simplicity and you get a game like ME3 with its one button to rule them all.


Yup I'm a complete scrub who has been playing only on mercury for over a year now.



Lol, I commend you for playing Void Survival with the worst frame in the game. Good job, gold star. 


Everyone in this game can perform the parkour easily. My dog could play this game. 


Its not a matter of it being easy, its a matter of it being more convenient and smooth control wise. Its pretty obvious that DE hasn't thought about optimising the control scheme. Why does a forward roll flip need to be three button inputs? If this is a ninja game, why have they hid some of the parkour that they want you to use behind three button inputs?


Don't talk smack about ME3. ME3's MP is still 10x better than Warframe, and its control scheme, although it had some issues, worked.

Edited by nightrunner_ks
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I wanted to perform a certain maneuver more easily, having too many keys bound in this game is a nightmare so I came up with some contextual combinations and found out these maneuvers can open a few more possibilities for a more "fast paced" combat style, here are some videos (how do I embed them?)


Evade Roll bound to Aim/Block + Jump



Quick Slide (Press any directional key twice)



Quick Flying Kick (Tap any directional key twice and immediately press jump)



Quick Somersault (Perform a Quick Slide and press Jump)



Feint Copter (Perform a Quick Slide, immediately release any directional keys and press Melee)



Please tell me what you think.

These macros seem very, very useful and are absolutely great. Is there an ETA of when you may release these macros?

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Lol, I commend you for playing Void Survival with the worst frame in the game. Good job, gold star.

Everyone in this game can perform the parkour easily. My dog could play this game.

Its not a matter of it being easy, its a matter of it being more convenient and smooth control wise. Its pretty obvious that DE hasn't thought about optimising the control scheme. Why does a forward roll flip need to be three button inputs? If this is a ninja game, why have they hid some of the parkour that they want you to use behind three button inputs?

Don't talk smack about ME3. ME3's MP is still 10x better than Warframe, and its control scheme, although it had some issues, worked.

There are no bad frames, only bad players.

I don't have problems with needing yo put in three imputs to do something complex. Dodges could stand to be easier to do though.

As for ME3 MP, I played the hell out of that game, but the one button to rule them all got me downed more than I'd care to admit.

Flips and Stuff do take some practice to pull off, but arent to hard to get the hang of on pc, macros would be more useful for controllers, but unfortunately it isn't really possible to set them up on them.

Edited by Sixty5
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I do several of those moves in game now..you press aim, press left and shift, you will flip left and you can fire when you rise. same as right, forward roll do a fire, or melee attack, tap shift jump, and melee you will flip forward and do a slam attack. I do it with mouse and keyboard all the time, although with that said, making those same maneuvers bound to 1 key which activates them as a standard would be a cool feature.

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