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Should Ash Be Called Something Different?


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I see people arguing about which frame is more ninja than the other due to only one of their abilities: Ash and Loki. People are forgetting what this game really is. All of the frames are considered to be ninjas.. Even our beefy Rhino is considered to be a ninja. The only problem with people is who's the most traditional ninja.


I'll just point something out; Loki was not suppose to be a TRADITIONAL ninja. Loki was meant to be a trickster frame, hence his name "Loki", the trickster god. All his abilities fit that category, so stop calling him a ninja.


Since every frame is considered to be ninjas, I don't know why Ash is considered to be a "Ninja" frame. It basically means that all the rest of the frames aren't even ninjas at all, which basically going against the idea about this game having "Space Ninjas", and the quote "Ninjas Play Free" certainly doesn't fit if all the frames weren't considered to be ninjas.


My proposal to changing Ash theme is pretty simple. Call him a Smoke frame. One cosmetic characteristic of Ash is that his left arm produces smoke. His abilities also involves the use of smoke. Smoke would appear upon use of Smoke Screen, Teleport, and Blade Storm. The only ability that doesn't use smoke is Shuriken, but considering that Ash uses his first and second ability with his left hand, it can be assumed that Shuriken may be made of smoke.


This had just been bugging me for a while, and I think we should stop talking about which ninja is more ninja due to the fact that ALL of the frames are ninjas.

Edited by Yazeth
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Tenno are not ninja. Tenno are mercenaries, warriors following Lotus. This is how it always been. Once the Devs put wall running in they said "it is like being a ninja" or something along those lines. The community took that out of context and went out of hand and the Devs tagged along. This game was never intended to be a ninja game before wall running came in. Ash (aka "Ninja" and "Smoke") was implemented before wall running and the whole "space ninja" themed game.


Ash is ninja themed, everyone else is just a mercenary with there own theme.


Edit: I have never head anyone say Loki is more ninja then Ash

Edited by HandsOfnArtist
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 All of the frames are considered to be ninjas.


Loki was meant to be a trickster frame, hence his name "Loki", the trickster god. All his abilities fit that category, so stop calling him a ninja.


ALL of the frames are ninjas.

I give up on humanity

Edited by USAF_Growlmon
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Ash's theme is traditional ninja.  Y'know, like those in modern media.  Shurikens, teleporting, smoke screens, the works.  All of the warframes are space ninjas.  Ash's theme is just more traditional.


In light of that, I don't really see what the problem is.

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Ash's theme is traditional ninja.  Y'know, like those in modern media.  Shurikens, teleporting, smoke screens, the works.  All of the warframes are space ninjas.  Ash's theme is just more traditional.


In light of that, I don't really see what the problem is.

Not really traditional.


Somewhere more along the lines of how non-eastern cultures see ninjas.

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Not really traditional.


Somewhere more along the lines of how non-eastern cultures see ninjas.

I want to see a ninja flying in the sky in his giant kite glider, and live in the attic of my house setting up a bunch of traps while reading parchment under a candle light meditating on famous proverbs.

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Ash is not a traditional ninja. Ash is the most hollywood ninja in the game. He is the frame with the most common ninja related tropes stuffed into him.


Ninja couldn't teleport. Ninja couldn't turn invisible. Ninja could not spawn shuriken out of pure energy. You want to know who the most traditional ninja in this game is? It's Vauban. Yeah, that's right. The guy doesn't do anything super special other than pull weapons out of hammerspace. All of his powers come from weapons.


Not really traditional.


Somewhere more along the lines of how non-eastern cultures see ninjas.



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Even in Japanese history there were different kinds of Ninja, not all of them were shuriken-throwing-smoke-bomb-using Ninjas. Yeah you had inflitration ninjas like Ash is supposed to be but you also had:

Ninjas in disguise as decoys or assassination - Loki
Ninjas that spread rumours and cause intrigue - Nyx
Ninjas that uses Sabotage and weakened enemy troops - Saryn
Medical Ninjas that doubled as Bodyguards - Trinity
Recon Ninjas - Banshee

The other frames are mixed with folklore such as being able to control elements, fly, etc.
Excalibur and Rhyno are more like Samurai, Ryhno looks almost like a samurai in full armour.

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Even in Japanese history there were different kinds of Ninja, not all of them were shuriken-throwing-smoke-bomb-using Ninjas. Yeah you had inflitration ninjas like Ash is supposed to be but you also had:

Ninjas in disguise as decoys or assassination - Loki

Ninjas that spread rumours and cause intrigue - Nyx

Ninjas that uses Sabotage and weakened enemy troops - Saryn

Medical Ninjas that doubled as Bodyguards - Trinity

Recon Ninjas - Banshee


The other frames are mixed with folklore such as being able to control elements, fly, etc.

Excalibur and Rhyno are more like Samurai, Ryhno looks almost like a samurai in full armour.

Kind of stretching ninja and its correlation with this game.

Edited by GSDAkatsuki
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Kind of stretching ninja and its correlation with this game.

Well, yeah. That's how re-imaginings are done, no different here. If it wasn't the devs intent well, that's one hell of a concidence, especially when you look at Hydroid being a mix of folklore water jutsu and Davey Jones, seriously just look at undertow! Think of Naruto, "Oh so the peasants thought ninjas actually had Shadow Clones and used fire magic, not bombs? BOOM! Now they literally did! SURPRISE MOTHAFUCKA!"

Edited by Kurochikun
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Well, yeah. That's how re-imaginings are done, no different here. If it wasn't the devs intent well, that's one hell of a concidence, especially when you look at Hydroid being a mix of folklore water jutsu and Davey Jones, seriously just look at undertow! Think of Naruto, "Oh so the peasants thought ninjas actually had Shadow Clones and used fire magic, not bombs? BOOM! Now they literally did! SURPRISE MOTHAFUCKA!"

Don't even mention naruto, that's really stretching it. The series is just metahumans no different from what you see from DC or Marvel content. I guess all those comic characters are ninjas as well if their companies suddenly said they were, you can say spiderman and wolverine are ninjas since they do ninja like things.

Edited by GSDAkatsuki
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Well, yeah. That's how re-imaginings are done, no different here. If it wasn't the devs intent well, that's one hell of a concidence, especially when you look at Hydroid being a mix of folklore water jutsu and Davey Jones, seriously just look at undertow! Think of Naruto, "Oh so the peasants thought ninjas actually had Shadow Clones and used fire magic, not bombs? BOOM! Now they literally did! SURPRISE MOTHAFUCKA!"


Ew... you just dropped the 'N' bomb.

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Don't even mention naruto, that's really stretching it. The series is just metahumans no different from what you see from DC or Marvel content. I guess all those comic characters are ninjas as well if their companies suddenly said they were, you can say spiderman and wolverine are ninjas since they do ninja like things.


Okay now you're one streching it, one thing is take actual misconceptions about ninjas and turn them as if real in a fantasy world, another thing is "if it walks on four legs, its a dog." Harry Potter must be an original concept, totally not taken from wizardary fables, which is totally not derived from the misconceptions peasants had from watching simple magic tricks.


You can jump on the naruto hate wagon all you want, I don't care for the show, just don't use "Blind eye" arguments.


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Whoah there mates, it ain't worth it to go there. You can only compare a RL example to a fictional in-game example in the widest sense of the word.

Naruto has it's own concept of Ninjas.

Hollywood has it's own.

Japan has the original

And Warframe has it's own.

As to the OP, I find that Ash's name is fine. It has no bearing on his abilities, and wouldn't change the arguments that will crop up about their invisibility, utility, betterness, or whatever.

Edited by RespectTheInternet
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