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Map Errors, Invisible Walls, Interesting Places, Etc.


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AnalogAnomaly> A command to teleport to the predefined safe place of the current chunk, when stuck, would be really helpfull, but there is also a need to prevent possible abuse of such command (e.g. cannot be used while under fire or when enemies are in a radius around the player and can be used only once in 5 minutes).


This looks like something I would've written, I have to assume though that you're quoting an earlier post of your own that I may have skimmed past? Regardless- I agree entirelly except for one point- personally i think 5 minutes may be a bit short, people don't often get stuck in maps and certianly not that frequently. even then, why not also tie it in to an automated reporting system (simple as tossing an email to a dedicated address, or appending a severside log- or connecting to and adding an entry to a database would perhaps be most effecient in terms of being able to identify the most common problem areas, but i'm rambling- there's a myriad of potential implementations here) that lists the player position in the chunk and the chunk id when the command was used to help the devs find said problem areas.


anyway, i won't derail this thread any further- keep up the great work zelgaris, i'll probably come back to add more to this thread as i see things =)

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...why not also tie it in to an automated reporting system (simple as tossing an email to a dedicated address, or appending a severside log- or connecting to and adding an entry to a database would perhaps be most effecient in terms of being able to identify the most common problem areas


I would really love that + being able to add a little message with description to it.

I think we right now lack proper toolset for effective testing :/

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Corpus Outpost - base of the gray tower with round platform on top

Lot of invisible walls/blocks around the tower (even though the tower itself have pretty simple geometry) causing airwalking, airclimbing, stuck-sprint, etc. in addition to just looking wrong :(



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perpetually falling in some places. this was hades if i recall correctly, though the first time i'd seen this particular extraction point there.



this actually happened to me in the same spot just before it happened to the guy i recorded. i was able to escape much quicker, he was perpetually falling for about a minute or two before i started recording. while this is somewhat a map issue, perhaps the respawn location should be a bit further back to avoid this, i've also had this happen to me on core defence maps where you can get stuck perpetually falling after trying to melee a granieer roller (since they can't be shot when they're on the core for whatever reason... *cough*SCOTT*cough* ).

Edited by AnalogAnomaly
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A level with Lava Konveyer got an amazing bug. If u just stay on it, it will move you by it own path you. It's making circle so you will come back. If you do step away you fall down. Good luck testing :D


Old news - already described in several threads and even three times in this one. I appreciate any help and bumping, but at least check the last few pages before posting... I am even adding images and animated gifs here, so you don't have to view them in new windows....

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A lot of good stuff already in here. I don't have much to add anymore but use what you can.


Corpus Ship:


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-YacQ6SBdA'>T-Shaped Room

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oovoDcoRo4w'>Large Cargo Rail Room

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSsLOOla-KA'>Parallel Terminals Room 3



Corpus Outpost:


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8WpV8uoO-Y'>First Outpost Defense /






Grineer Asteroid Base:


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vynhaYZXBek'>Fenced Bridge Room 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yRuCGsKLQA'>Fenced Bridge Room 2

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1RmJczQaTI'>Fenced Bridge Room 4

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSsXBrQQM4Q'>Terminal Lift Room 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57BWNoyZfPw'>Zip-line Room

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vGQoQq_7Lk'>Cargo Transport Room

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwNVCaHygbg'>Long Pipe Room /

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SswR3wJu7Tw'>Fenced Tram Room 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuykEuqCRgQ'>Space Rail Room

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRjZMUQZm-o'>Quad Lift Room 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8y1awf2Rvc'>Quad Lift Room 3

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLVm8YPkVVU'>Giant Drill Room

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AXVuGvFesA'>Rocky Hallway

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSVheTRFGsM'>Ramp Room 1*

* /

* /

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrasIWQNPck'>Ramp Room 4





http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUDHTWMwuWI'>Large Cavern Room 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi5H_-N4TGE&feature=youtu.be'>Large Cavern Room 2*


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZhCm0M1o14'>Series Of Tubes Room 1*





The naming scheme is underwhelming to say the least but without proper asset names I can't do much better than descriptions. I'll attempt to clean this up a bit better when able (Planning to add map thumbnails). Sorry for any overlapping reports, I did what I could to expunge any redundancies. And with that finally https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/15349-brokenbuggedunfinished-terrain-list/'>moved over it's back to work for me.


/ = Partial fix.


X = Fixed.


* I implore designers to reconsider rounded structures and props that can be crawled under. Either box them off or thicken the collision detection on the polys to prevent jumping/falling through.

Edited by Tenebraex
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At the extraction. Use decoy on the wall then switch/teleport with the decoy... Endless falling ...

I think you can use this bug on a lot of walls. The problem is the location of the decoy. Sometimes the decoy spawn in the middle of the wall, not near it.

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Found out, that they already repaired some places, but I am really wondering, what the level designer repairing it was thinking, because it went from "there was a hole in the objects" to "you are moving few feet above the ground" :)

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I also found a walk-troughable rock under the platform of the astroid-levels boss battles, found it againt Captain Vor.


One of the rocks you can't walk trough, but next to it you can. It doesn't lead to anywhere outside the map tough, just another place to easily hide if your stealthy.


Not a big error, but still an error in itself. :P

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I also found a walk-troughable rock under the platform of the astroid-levels boss battles, found it againt Captain Vor.


One of the rocks you can't walk trough, but next to it you can. It doesn't lead to anywhere outside the map tough, just another place to easily hide if your stealthy.


Not a big error, but still an error in itself. :P


This problem is on lot of places. I understand it's way easier to make the rock non-solid (although it looks stupid), but they should at least keep it the same all the time. At one place, the small rocks are solid, but in next section, non-solid and in the next (for example the corpus outpost room with the golden egg at the bottom) there is a huge invisible collision box on them and you are clearly walking on air...

Really non-professional :(

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Considering the repaired parts of the map - on several places, there reparation is done properly.

But on others, it's just funny and again it feels like the particular person responsible for this just don't care much or at all... I don't mind filling the role of quality assurance, since we are in beta, but maybe some tools to specify the places properly...


Anyway, remember the gap from the opening post of this thread?




Looks like there is a wall there instead.... and a huge gap caused by it...






So... fixing a hole by making another is not exactly the proper solution :D




Or in the same section near the to the right fro the extraction point, remember the missing texture on the stone arc above the orange containers? http://zelgaris.com/_temp/wf/wf-outpost-ext-clip010.gif


Well, now the texture is there, and you can also walk on air (and there is also a visible gap in the ground) and it's not an obscure location, where you shouldn't even go. It's actually a pretty common location with green lockers there usually. Maybe the air walking was there before (can't recall that)...





I just don't get it... we present the places here with a description, image and/or video and yet the places are ignored and yet we are punished by death for mistakes of level designers... I understand it's not a high priority but what about publishing a polished map pieces at first place?

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At the extraction. Use decoy on the wall then switch/teleport with the decoy... Endless falling ...

I think you can use this bug on a lot of walls. The problem is the location of the decoy. Sometimes the decoy spawn in the middle of the wall, not near it.


I assume this is rather the problem of this particular skill rather than problem of maps, i.e. post it in different section .)

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I also found a walk-troughable rock under the platform of the astroid-levels boss battles, found it againt Captain Vor.


One of the rocks you can't walk trough, but next to it you can. It doesn't lead to anywhere outside the map tough, just another place to easily hide if your stealthy.


Not a big error, but still an error in itself. :P


I imagine you are referring to

. Yes, this type of geometry is troublesome. In most cases it will allow forced entry, as you experienced, or push you through the floor. This may turn out to be
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Plus, invisible walls in general is just lazy map design.


Just wanted to post a new thread about this (and probably will).

I understand their usage and necessity, they are okay, when used properly and carefully and with logic on mind... but what the F*** is this supposed to be this...




It's not game breaking, but does the responsible level designer really think this is the way to go? And it's not the only place - one of new section with the gap in the middle have the same problem.

Simple solution? If you can't create open ended sections properly, don't do them, please, thank you. Using invisible walls in this way is failing as a level designer.



Or one of the new sections with lot of orange and brown containers.


wf-co-780-iwtf002.gif   wf-co-780-iwtf003.gif


Why can't we jump on containers that should be obviously accessible, because we can do this on other places under the same conditions. You gave us ability to wallclimb and wallrun and then limit the height and places we can get by invisible walls.


In the same section, we have walls we can wallrun on or wallclimb and even walls we can't even get close to, because somebody thought we could probably break the game by allowing us so... while you still keep those trees with completely broken collision boxes...


Or this one reported before in this thread...



After the new patch, It was repaired with "F*** logic, just put an invisible wall there no matter how stupid it looks" solution (and the nearby hole, which was btw also reported in this thread, is still there).




Are these just temporary solutions? Is this the way the gaps would be fixed? Because if so, I would rather kill this thread than participate in this kind of "reparations"...

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