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This Is Why I Like Eclipse


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It was my understanding that they can post insanely high payments but only have a few tickets - so most of the time you get ZERO credits even if it says 60k.

Eclipse is preying on the uninformed and gullible (for which I approve).


Ummm.... No. Eclipse doesn't want to have a bad reputation of being unable to pay players for defending their rails so they put up at least 100 tickets of battle pay. Other alliances have done the bait and switch by putting up high battle pay for 10 runs but Eclipse has stayed constant on their battle pay. Now if we can get a system where we can que up battle pay this wouldn't be an issue.

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That is exactly my point, I was defending someone who x1ao was being hostile to


- x - x + = positive 


Wow. When did you fail your last math class?

-x - x = -2x


Stay in school kids. Don't let stupid happen to you.

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pretty easy to do when they 1st clicked a lot of rails...........................................................................now just because of a few seconds they have HUGE advantage over other alliances...GG dark sectors was decided by 2 second


Oh really? What about the start of the dark sectors when Eclipse had no money? You think we have our rails because we clicked first. You must be kidding. I take offense to this and the rest of the clans in Eclipse should too... We have a lot of the best clans in warframe, and we deserve the rails we own, because we have defended them and fought for them. Look at the history of dark sectors. We were the only Alliance/Clan to kill a rails with 75,000 hit points, meaning 75,000 runs (x10 the life current rails have) 90% of those runs came from within our alliance (We have the stats because we know the amount of "tickets" we put out for battle pay, and this was roughly 10% of the damage that had been done). We have a very strong player base and I am sorry to burst your bubble, we organized for dark sectors ahead of most alliance. We worked for our rails, and I am sorry if we have strategies and plans that have worked in our favor.

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Oh really? What about the start of the dark sectors when Eclipse had no money? You think we have our rails because we clicked first. You must be kidding. I take offense to this and the rest of the clans in Eclipse should too... We have a lot of the best clans in warframe, and we deserve the rails we own, because we have defended them and fought for them. Look at the history of dark sectors. We were the only Alliance/Clan to kill a rails with 75,000 hit points, meaning 75,000 runs (x10 the life current rails have) 90% of those runs came from within our alliance (We have the stats because we know the amount of "tickets" we put out for battle pay, and this was roughly 10% of the damage that had been done). We have a very strong player base and I am sorry to burst your bubble, we organized for dark sectors ahead of most alliance. We worked for our rails, and I am sorry if we have strategies and plans that have worked in our favor.


Hey check it out, it's some bull&^%$.


"Worked for our rails" equates to promising no tax, then imposing the heaviest tax. Right?

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Read the freaking title. This is suppose to be a positive thread.


So being an Eclipse-positive thread makes it ok to have several of them but if they're anti-Eclipse threads then they should be merged/locked?

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I think this thread brings up a major issue with the ticket system that needs to be addressed. People should get the pay they are offered, and the risk of a zero-credit run should be minimized.


I've noticed a lot of clans like to pull the ticket trick (putting up high battlepay, but only a tiny group of tickets, which means that most of the people who run don't get paid, and might not even notice). I'm not sure naming names will help right now, but it's often done by individual clans.

I'm a member of Eclipse, so I don't get battlepay, but there's a consistent effort to ensure there are lots of tickets so that everyone has a chance to get it. It's mostly that tickets need to be on rotation to adjust to changing costs, as has been mentioned earlier.

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The community moderator locked it and you are going to pin the blame on us? Wow, now thats a joke.


I didn't blame you for it. The original post was there for a mod to see. You obviously had a problem with that. One of those original threads was a thread asking for support for a clan. Guess what that turned into. Guess what this has turned into. It's no different, and that's the reason I asked why pro-Eclipse threads are still open. From my understanding, threads aren't usually closed because of the intent of the OP. They're usually closed because they devolve into bashing from both sides. That's happening here, so I questioned why these threads are allowed to be separate and not merged, yet the other side of the argument weren't. It can be nothing but a question to a community mod...

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A new faction they come in your dojo and take your stuff for not paying tax's. Just like an audit lolI

I see you are claiming Ogris shells as a deductible, but our records show you haven't fired any since last year.  We are going to need you to wait outside while we take a closer look at your records... *sound of airlock opening*

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