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How To Get 1800 Conclave Points ?



16 answers to this question

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conclave is stupid ... 


its literally useless to me (PvP sucks)

BUT, conclave is a gear score... which seems to be what PVE focused games and players feel is the most important aspect.


Conclave used to help balance PvP is nice, but it is simply gear score.


I hope I can do it when I get on, my normal conclave even T3S is quite a bit lower than 1800.

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buhhhh this is stupid just make it mastery


i've committed more war crimes than hitler, how am i not strong enough with my normal builds

I give you a godwin point


Oh, and for me it will be difficult to achieve 1800 because I don't use sentinel, De, make it mastery

Edited by koolen
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Now that i've been in game and seen for myself, conclave makes perfect sense.  You are creating a tenno specter that is going to have your load out.


The higher tier specter is going to need a higher tier of gear or it is pointless and will be easily killed when it is supposed to actually do... something.


It would make sense if there was a conclave window for them rather than just a minimum.

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You can just get a lower tier blueprint and put your 1700 point loadout on it, and make more of them for less credits and resources. So go get the vapor BP and make 10 spectres for the cheapest price and put whatever you want on it, because it's a minimum score and not a maximum. I think DE should've said something about the differences between the tiers of spectres because it's not obvious that a cosmic spectre is "better" than a vapor spectre which can have the exact same loadout.

Edited by VegetableBasket
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