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So Is There A Trick To Getting Rare Mats?


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Make sure you're running missions on planets that drop those first.  Generally you can get one Orokin Cell from Sargus Ruk and one or two Neural Sensors from Salad V.  Also, Survivals are a great place to farm those items.  But make sure it's on a planet with them listed as a resource drop!

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By-weekly sacrifices in the name of RNGrindus.

Otherwise, Ceres/Saturn Dark Sector for raw potatoes and Jupiter Dark Sector for Neural Sensors. You can do Survival for greater number of enemies. You can get a few in one run, or none, even off the bosses in those sectors, its all rng. So good luck.

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need a neural sensor and an orokin cell, but can't get them to drop.

Hello again, Hexerin. 


Like Husbandry said; killing bosses is the best way to get a one or two materials short term. Their missions are quick and fun, and they have a reasonable drop rate for their system's rare. Orokin Cells are particularly troublesome, but Sargas Ruk or Lech Krill seem to have the highest drop rates.





Long term, you don't want to 'farm' rare materials because there really is no trick or secret to getting them. You want to get a harvester going, watch for alerts, and don't leave materials laying on the ground in missions. Rares DO drop from random common enemies at a rate that will surprise you if you kill everything that shoots at you and pick up all the loot (carrier sentinel... I can't play without it anymore). None of these sources are going to give you rare mats terribly often, but over time you will stockpile them if you keep your eye out.


If your game plan requires a lot of a specific type then do survival or defense in an appropriate system to level your gear and farm mods. Use or, make friends with someone who uses, Nekros. Defense is typically a lot easier to loot from and harder to fail, but I think Survival gives more XP if you're getting a decent amount of kills (not 100% sure) and IMO Survival is a lot more fun.


If your plan requires a lot of Orokin Cells, frankly rethink your plan LOL. They're the rarest material but they drop everywhere. Bosses, invaders, invasion/infestation battle pay, derelict, alerts and random enemies on some standard systems. They seem to be intended as a time gate more than anything. They just come to you. Farming them is done on Minas Saturn, but I don't think they come at a pace that will make most people happy. If I absolutely HAD to farm them, honestly, I'd farm something else and sell it for plat to buy them from the market @ 10p/per. No joke.

Edited by VKhaun
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Or you could farm those on Dark Sector (which planet depends on what resource you would like), while it's not contested. I usually do defense mission, an AoE weapon would help a ton. 


Edit: It takes a while, doing 20 - 30 waves, but worth the time 'cause you also farm mods, cores, and other resources.

Edited by Dalawantahr
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thanks for all the help guys, i've managed to acquire everything i need except the single orokin cell, which i will be working on shortly. have to make my way through saturn to the boss, thankfully he's on the closer side of the map.

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