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The Hostage Is An Idiot. The Ai Needs Not Have "rambo" As A Preset


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I don't know if to take this seriously. It's just too funny. Nothing can please you guys I think. Changes inbound...


If the current AI pleases you then maybe you are actually the hostage he is referring to.....marinate on it

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Just a tip for everyone... don't give the hostage a gun, his AI is better without one imo D:


I mean for the purpose of GTFO'ing but if you want to stand and fight everything that comes in the room and have him try to lead you around... give him a gun :D


Yeah, unless you are giving him some serious fire power or you can dash to the exit before he gets downed,, I wish they had a mix of the same tactics they use when they're weaponless, with a weapon..They need to make them prioritize following you.

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Pretty sure better AI that I had in games that I played 25 years ago would please quite a few people, if not almost everyone.



Yeah, the hostage stands a much better chance when he's unarmed and less bold.


The first, and only, time I handed him a weapon resulted in the following statements waking up my neighbors:


"What the <expletive deleted> are you doing?!"


Five seconds later...


"You <many expletives deleted> idiot!"


After the sixth revive...


"Come back here and give my damn Detron back!"


After asking for my weapon so he can "watch my back"...


"&!$$ off!" *sprints for the exit*




the problem was Detron

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I guess the absurd spawn rate could be affecting the AI too. With so many Grinner rushing into a tiny corridor the AI of the hostage might realise there isn't any cover left, hence causing it to go full frontal in an attempt to reach another cover in the next room.

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Instead of running away from the fight, stay and help him clear out the room, and shut off alarms to stop the spawns. That's how you keep him from "going rambo" - if you try to rush, you'll fail.

I'd much rather have a hetic get away with my speed through the level limited to his speed then sit around and kill every, single enemy in the room. I have more fun guiding him through the level shooting stuff as they come while he moves as fast as he can than when I give him and gun and just go back to playing normal warframe. It would be so much nicer if he still pathed to you, but took potshots as he did so and when you slow down and he catches up he goes into rambo mode until you start moving again.

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i'm laughing really hard over here, but i feel you... it was the same for me and i raged quite badly, he just runs like an idiot to the enemy without using the secondary i give him

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I actually like the Red Veil Hostage much better than the old ones.


I take a strong, loud primary and use my Despair for silent kills up until the warden section. After I rescue the Hostage, I'll hand over my Despair and start using my primary. He'll then proceed to start kicking major &amp;#&#33;, up until I decide it's clear enough to make a break for the exit... and he actually manages to keep up decently with my Vanguard Rhino Prime modded with maxed Sprint and stamina recharge. That's pretty impressive.

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I actually like the Red Veil Hostage much better than the old ones.


I take a strong, loud primary and use my Despair for silent kills up until the warden section. After I rescue the Hostage, I'll hand over my Despair and start using my primary. He'll then proceed to start kicking major &amp;#&#33;, up until I decide it's clear enough to make a break for the exit... and he actually manages to keep up decently with my Vanguard Rhino Prime modded with maxed Sprint and stamina recharge. That's pretty impressive.

i've done around 30 event missions and the only thing the hostage has done was to play hide and seek, run in front of the enemy and look at them or run in circles behind doors, maybe i've been THAT unlucky but my experience with this event wasan't great, the best way to complete it was to run with an invis build loki, rescue him then get as far as possible from him to make him either teleport to me or get stuck somewhere far where enemies don't spawn

Edited by Hatr
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The hostage always was an idiot, this one just feels more so.


He will shoot at enemies and is a good shot, but then he also won't leave a room if an enemy is alive, and has a fetish about boxes (stop taking cover you bastard, it's a single grineer lancer). He will not shoot at arc traps and instead stand in them (or more often crouch in cover by them) surrounded by a storm of electricity. I could accept some of this if he would actually follow me and shoot things coming up behind us, instead of trying to hunt down every last enemy.


His AI is mildly better if you neglect to give him a gun, sure he won't shoot at things, but at least then he tries to follow you and stops humping every box he sees. Though he still has this tendancy to stand in environmental hazards if you don't watch him.

Edited by Liltha
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I agree, the Ai is literally a burden. On another note, on Ceres yesterday, got shocked to death by about 6 arc traps at once (all on the floor) with my frost prime at 1050 shield, 820 health and +70% armor. As I respawned I was shocked again, almost to death, and then finished off by some Grineer. What the hell man??? I've done heavy t3's with this build and I was basically killed twice in 30 seconds by those damn things. I have had enough of them.


Anyway, back on your topic, together with the arc traps. Being stealthy doesn't work in Rescue because







Electricity will fry you no mater how quiet you're being.



You are very right in saying that the AI needs a little bit of a boost on the I part.

Also, I am very right in saying that arc traps need a little bit of a b!tc# slap on the everything part.






Ed. Now that I have calmed down I apologize. 

shock traps the feels 

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I just leave him and run for extraction, gave him a gun 'tho. Only once did he died from a pipe fire. The only time I /facepalm was when I tried to fully stealth my way from start to finish, I successfully stealth kill and carefully plan my next approach when he casually walks in and aggro the whole room. 

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All AI in the game is bad but the hostage is particularly dumb, even more so if you give it a gun.

The Ai is PS2 era quality, the game could be so much moe if the reworked the ai to more than bullet sponges.

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i'd rather have bullet sponge AI rather than AI like krill and ruk, you just have to tank their S#&amp;&#036; until they feel like going vulnerable, they're the most annoying and dumb bosses i've dealt with, in games, when lephanis was released.. it had a HUGE armor, taking it down was really fun and challangeling, if DE came up with ideas of making bosses invulnerable at certain times they're clearly clueless about how to deal with this situation, we should all give them an idea of what we want and hopefully they'll accept it, i've noticed that all the ideas the community has come up with, have been tweaked, dammit DE.. stop tweaking great ideas and implement them in the game as they are... the hostage, make him follow us at all times instead of humping boxes while enemies shoot at him, take that aggro away from him and give it to us, a rhino, valkyr, frost would be more than happy to eat bullets just to bring the dumb hostage to the extraction in one piece

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