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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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All of you know this wonderful almost human:) He has little movement and attack speed, can climb on walls (not necessarily)



As soon as he sees the enemy he increases speed. Has slow but hard blow.




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Name: Moloch (ru. Молох) or Behemoth (Бехимот)


Behavior: Moloch (Behemoth) is a mutated form of heavy Grineer. They can be met on defense every 2 - 5 waves. Their frequency of occurrence on survival depends on the complexity level (ascending). On sweeps and other missions, they may occur up to 2 infested. They are heavily armored. They move slowly but as they gain acceleration, you’d better beware.


Attack: Heavy, slow attacks by mutated limbs. Hitting on the surface, the character can get you out of order. He can gain acceleration, attack, and knock down. In case during the attack, he hits himself on the surface, then for a while it brings the character out of order. He is capable of blocking himself, and becoming invulnerable as a result. Leaning on his limbs, he occupies a firm position and releases poisonous spores out of his back along with the missiles similar to missiles of Torid.


The most vulnerable points: Excrescence on the breast (tumor). The personage often covers it with his mutated limbs.


My art:


Edited by MrFANKY
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Name: Immolator


Behavior: Absorbed one or more Grineer Flameblades, giving the Immolator the ability to teleport behind the Tenno and light themselves on fire. Around two or three feet tall, this creature is too small to melee properly and it's short stature has led it to divert whatever durability it possesses into the head and shoulders, making it difficult to shoot when it positions itself under foot. Has four crab-like legs made for side-stepping and trying to keep in a blind spot. Legs can be shot to reduce mobility and allow you to gain distance to deliver an easier kill. Has a fuel canister randomly on it's body that can be shot to vent heat and force the Immolator to retreat. 


Attacks: Ignites itself before initiating a teleport. When behind you, there is a moment when you can dodge away before receiving a critical backstab and a guaranteed burn proc. After the initial attack, the Immolator will stick as close as possible while giving off heat all the while, but doesn't try anymore direct attacks. the fire doesn't have enough output to cause damage unless there's a fire proc or it gets behind you to touch directly, but it does prevent shields from recharging. Once fuel is used up or the canister has been shot, the creature will teleport to an ally to hide and re-arm itself before teleporting back in for another backstab. There is a small window when the teleport is active to kill it. If the Immolator is killed while trying to warp, it's body will still go to it's intended target and disturb the space there causing some magnetic damage and a burst knockdown, be it enemy or ally. (neat trick: the Immolator can only teleport forward, so if you see it before it begins the motion, you can shoot the front legs and watch it teleport into the ground.) The teleport ability and the fuel for immolation are not synonymous.


Environment: The fuel for the Immolators prime method of attack is only found in Grineer occupied territory. The jet fuel found on phobos is especially potent and can cause damage from a small distance away.

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Name Suggestion: Infested Grate(Prime)


Behaviour: This enemy always falls. Unlike other grates, it has been infested! Tenno must be wary of any falling grates, or suffer damage (health, toxic, energy loss - it varies on the type of Infested Grate). Infested Grate has infested matter on it and seeks to infest all grates everywhere. The Tenno's greatest threat to date. Infested Grate also hates the Lotus and stops her transmissions (similar to a skate's effect on radar). For this reason, some Tenno like to stand near the Infested Grate. Infested Grate cannot block out Darvos' transmissions.

Infested Grate also acts a poor Tenno's shield, similar to the Shield Lancer's shield. Upon death, the Infested Grate explodes in a cloud healing nearby Infested and damaging anyone else in the cloud. Some especially nefarious Ancients have taken to carrying Infested Grate on their back! Tenno feel envy, and greedy milk demands justice and their own pet Infested Grate. Lotus does not approve.


Attacks: This enemy always falls.


Environment restrictions: The Infested Grate's only and greatest weakness is it needs an opening from which to fall.




Codex Entry: (20/20 scans) Infested Grate sneers at Grineer Arc Traps. Infested Grate is superior to Grineer Arc Traps. Infested Grate will take your greedy milk and drop on Alad V and anyone else who walks under it. Infested Grate's greatest ambition is to be Infested Grate Prime. Infested Grate's greatest fear is becoming Infested Dual Grate. Ancient Infested Grate has been alone for millennia and likes to fall from Derelicts. More recent Infested Grate is found on Grineer and Corpus vessels. Infested Grate does not discriminate: where there's a wall, there's a fall.


Weakness: Infested Grate (so far) has been unable to climb back up, but once it develops arms, Infested Grate shall be mobile and all grates everywhere shall cower in fear!


Bonus Lore: The Stalker avoids Infested Grates as Infested Grate has a way of cutting his melodrama short and makes him long for the Naga drums. (This has no real effect on game play)



Edited by TaikoKhan
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Name Suggestion:



This medium-sized Infested enemy has gray armor and a broken crest atop the misshapen Grineer's head showing who they once were; the result of an unfortunate Grineer Commander who has been corrupted by the Infestation. Still possessing the innate teleporting ability of a Commander they will hang back out of the general fighting and only join into the fray to cause confusion in the enemy ranks by switching out with key enemies.


At range an Emissary will do little to nothing in the way of attacking, and will go so far as to avoid direct confrontation with the enemy. This changes when they are surrounded by a larger group of Infested, as they will then go on the offensive and switch with an enemy to isolate him/her in a crowd of infested where they can take much higher damage. If switching with an enemy would put them in close proximity to another enemy they will stay on the offensive, swinging wildly a few times and ending with a double-slam into the ground similar to a heavy Grineer's Seismic Shockwave attack.

Environment restrictions:

Same as Chargers and most other Infested but restricted to tier 2 and above. Can also have a Corrupted variant in Void missions.

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nombre: prototype 


comportamiento: es frio y calculador y sigiloso


apariencia: es un warframe de alta calidad con una espada adherida a su brazo tiene un poder de cada warframe menos los curanderos. es tan sigiloso como ash tan fuerte como rhino tan agil como banshee y poderoso como frost. tiene una gran cantidad de vida.


debilidad: es devil contra las armas de sigilo y a las espadas y a las armas principales no tanto


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Name Suggestion: Infested Tenno

Behaviour:  Tenno lost in action versus infestation could be return as infested. Corrupted Warframes skins and here we are. 

Attacks: Only Melee (maybe with channeling) and some Tenno powers.

Environment restrictions: special and rare encounter, more like a miniboss than a cannon meat (maybe comes with body guards). 

A fast "holo-message" could introduce that arrival for more drama; this could be and infested versione of the "stalker" avenger.


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Name suggestion:




Not slow but not very fast either, rather slim body (skeletal body). If shot in body, will crumble and upper torso becomes alike crawler, so it becomes slow, but to be destroyed completely has to be burned (heat dmg), blown into nothingness (blast dmg) or corroded to nothing (corrosive dmg).



Strong skeletal attacks (approximate dmg percentage - impact dmg 20%, puncture dmg 50%, slash dmg 30%), when crumbled: behaviour is as crawler (logically dmg should be lower, but for more challenge it should be the same when fully operational or even slightly higher).

And sometimes it could have a sword for longer reach - so in this case slash damage increases by 20%, after being shot becoming crumbled, loses the sword.

Plus, every bone attack has chance to intoxicate Tenno (toxin dmg - let's say half of the total dmg, status chance - 40%).


Environment restrictions:

None, as long as there could be any logical meaning for corpses to ever be there, meaning bones.



Basically this infestation is a Skeleton (mutated/infested bones of over-decayed corpses), I do think this Infested could be rather cool, as bones are really tough and only logically they could be destroyed by the elemental dmg types I wrote earlier. Just think about this if your team doesn't have the element type, you just can't get rid of them, and you have to keep avoiding them crawling towards you, this may be annoying in defence, but this is what will make the team think ahead, and choose at least one of the element types required.


Infestal lore:

Flesh fades away after years, these creatures, who are still not entirely dead not alive, are in search of flesh, that is what drives them to attack Tenno, flesh Grineer, flesh Corpus, they crave their flesh.


And for illustrated concept I am not so advanced to create my own, so I'll just show you guys this image. Infested version should look something similar but only, it could have lil bit of flesh on bones, and maybe even still some inner organs to make it fleshier/scarier,


Image copyright Namco Bandai Games, Dark Souls franshice. I do not own this image.

Edited by gvidzix
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Name: Immolator


Behavior: Absorbed one or more Grineer Flameblades, giving the Immolator the ability to teleport behind the Tenno and light themselves on fire. [...] it's short stature has led it to divert whatever durability it possesses into the head and shoulders [more armor on the top of its body]. Has four crab-like legs made for side-stepping [(dodging attacks)]. Has a fuel canister randomly on it's body that can be shot to vent heat and force the Immolator to retreat. 


Attacks: Ignites itself before initiating a teleport. When behind you, there is a moment when you can dodge away before receiving a critical backstab and a guaranteed burn proc. After the initial attack, the Immolator will stick as close as possible while giving off heat all the while [...]Once fuel is used up [...], the creature will teleport to an ally to hide and re-arm itself before teleporting back in for another backstab. [...](neat trick: the Immolator can only teleport forward [30 to 60 degree cone of sight for that skill?] The teleport ability and the fuel for immolation are not synonymous.


Environment: The fuel for the Immolators prime method of attack is only found in Grineer occupied territory. [...]

I do really like the idea of an enemy that gives you a very short period of time to dodge its attacks, but I think you made too many conditions. I've cut it down to what I think is more appropriate. Also, you misjudged the downward melee range of tenno (we can hit crawlers, so not much is BELOW our reach).

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Name:: mantis


Behavior: fly in mid air so he dont need wait to another infested to make him a way. [but can be atk by simpel melee]. move fast respon every wave. always atk first


Attack: slash dash like excalibur and leave the target Bleeding . [have 2 sec cast animation before dash.] and fast atk that get under the thick armor


Environment Restrictions: can't fly 15 sec after use the slash dash skill




[sry for my english.. hope u get it]

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hello guys.

Name Suggestion: Shimbiom

Behaviour: Casi transparente en modo Infectado, no causa ataques.

Attacks: al entrar en rango de algun warframe de la mision se convierte en uno de ellos con las mismas habilidades y armas.

Environment restrictions:  no restricciones mapas, solo cambia de color segun lugar donde se encuentre

Art or Reference Images: eyes_2144132i.jpg


Es el mas inteligente de los Infectados, su poder de transformacion proviene de la incubacion en una vaina  corrupta.



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Name: Infested Slime




Description: Infested Grineer troopers with their bodies turned into slime. These Infested have a weakness to fire, but very resistant to ice. There ere two types of these Infested: Small ones and Big ones, with the bigger ones having teeth and tentacles. The small ones move fast, but they don't have much health, while the bigger ones have more health and can do more damage, but move slow.




Attacks:  The big ones can bite, smack, grab, or attempt to eat a Tenno. The smaller ones throw themselves at the Tenno.




Environments: They are only found in Infested areas.



Art References: The big ones look like this:http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120509213059/residentevil/images/7/75/Scan13.jpg Just with added tentacles and have no body, just slime and a Infested color scheme. The small ones look like this:http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120418161256/grimrock/images/4/43/Slime_ig.jpg

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Name: Screamer



Crawls on the ceiling when spotting a tenno its tryin to get behind him and jumps down on the ground to achive maximum damage with its stealth attack and then jumps up to the ceiling again and hides for a new attack.

When getting hitted before completing the Stealth attack it falls on the ground and tries to get out of the sight of the tenno to recover and try again.

If dmg to near death and will not be able to escape and try again it will rush towards the tenno to attack (less harmful then the "stealth" attack)




Stealth attack: Loud Scream which will disoriantate the Tenno for X Secounds (vision gets all blurry, no sound except a high howling noise, no aiming and hipfire accuarcy gets reduced) and doing a bit of dmg. When the Tenno is disorianted it will deliver X number of hits with a 100% chance to poisen the tenno (toxic dmg) with X dmg. And ultimatly if not killed before by another tenno or the disorianted tenno it will deliver one last punch which will attach a small parasite to the tenno which will drown the Life energy of the Tenno directly for X secounds and after that X Secounds the Parasite falls of and mutates to a new screamer. The tenno will be able to get rid of the parasite by using roll, however the parasite will still transfor to a  weaker screamer if it consumed atleast X% of the tennos life energy. All of this attacks will be delivered during the time the tenno is disorianted so the screamer can get away and preapre for a new stealth attack before the tenno has reovered.


Attack when beeing near death: The Screamer will Rush towords the tenno (not in a streight lien though) screaming which will disoriantate the tenno (but way less then the stealth attack, means just a bit blurry sight and still able to hear sounds with a soft howling noise, no reduced accuracy and tenno will be able to aim). When it reaches the tenno it will deliver 3 hits with a 60% chance to posien the tenno and after delivering that 3 hits it will try to bite the tenno. When its not killed it will suck out X% of the Tennos life energy to restore its own and then jumps onto the ceiling and tries to get away. During the time it sucks out the Tennos Life Energy the tenno won't be able to do anything (other tennos though can easily shoot the screamer during that and kill him). Also other Infested won't attack the tenno during the time he gets his Life energy sucked out.


Envirmoment Restrictions: Only in Rooms with Ceilings (the higher the ceiling the more Screamers there will be)


Art: Well im not good at this but i can explain what i imagine how it could look like: The Screamer is a very thin. When on the ceiling it will crawl on all of his 6 Arms/Foots, on the Ground it will use 4 of them as foots and 2 as arms. The Arms look a bit like needles or spears so it can attach the parasite onto the tenno. It has a pointed moth which will open widespread when its screaming. The body is very thin like a snake or a liazrd so its hard to hit making the head the best place to shoot it. On its back are blisters in which the parasites are.

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They are based on the vicious and offensive abilities of their Infested allies. The Oni have surpassed the realm of physical matter. These vicious primal individuals can move around in a shroud of glowing locust, making it easy to move past most obstructions.  They tend to distance themselves from the pack in order to unleash a devastating attack. When shot at the Oni can parry most projectiles by transforming into a swarm of glowing locust; although stunning prevents them from parrying.


Oni were once known as fellow Tenno the most trusted warriors, said to stand beside the powerful and wise warlord Lotus’ father. Now reduced to a merciless Warframe said to be found in an Infested hive of unknown origins. The Oni gave their lives in order to protect their master but it seems the void wasn’t finished with them yet. The Oni are truly the monsters of the battlefield.


The Tenno gave them the name Oni for their failure to save their master and for the horrific display of flesh and mutated limbs.




Suited for offensive and crowd control roles, Oni are a force to be reckoned with. They are more than capable in the heat of melee battle. The Oni survived the Infested transformation and were granted great power by them. They have the ability to traverse any obstacle in their way.


They can use their bodies as weapons or return to using corrupted guns.


Ability 1: A powerful mid-range projectile attack, dealing 100 to 200 blast and toxic damage to a group of targets. A swarm of Infected locust spiral around the targets and explode once they reach high velocity leaving behind a poisonous cloud, intoxicating the enemies within range.


Ability 2: Oni utilises its locust transformation to gain the ability to jump higher and sprint faster, as well as the ability to intoxicate any Tenno he passes through.


Environment restrictions:

You will find Oni in places where the infection has been carried to. But you can also find them in the hive of the Infested.


Original image:


Color image:


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Name Suggestion: The Swarm


Behavior: This enemy is a huge bio mass made of other Infested. It’s the Voltron of the infested with Chargers being its legs and Walkers for arms etc. It will pick up and ingest other infested on the map. Each time growing in size and becoming stronger. The Swarm’s only purpose is to consume every life form including Warframes.


Attacks: The Swarm carries an Ancient on its back and uses it as a melee weapon if you get too close. For ranged attacks it pulls Crawlers out of its stomach and throws them at you. The Crawlers will then attack in their normal fashion.  After enough damage is dealt to the Swarm it explodes releasing the consumed infested which then turn around and attacks any Tenno that’s lucky enough to still be alive.


Environmental restrictions: Yes, due to its size an open large room is ideal.
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Name Suggestion: Infested Tenno


Behaviour: In his right hand he's got installed gun and in left hand blade which he use to fight. He walks alone or with 1-3 other Infested Tennos in the most infected places. He move as fast as Excalibur. He hasn't got any special abilities. Only one thing he can do apart from normal moving and fighting is running. He can hide behind corners and other things because he have got only weak shield and not so much health.


Attacks: If player is far from him, he is shooting to him from range weapon by using special ammo made by his body, but if player is close to him he is using his blade to attack him. His meele attack cause to player more damage than from range weapon, but it's slower than it.


Enviroment restriction: Eris and missions with enemies who have higher level than 45.

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Infested Slaver (or Infested Salivator)




A flying and fast moving Infested Unit. Hardly predictable combat characteristics through leaping, diving and dodging movements while flying.

Unlike other flying units Infested Slaver are used to be a very swift and agile ground unit using their ability to fly only for combat situations. 

Due to their Swiftness and smaller size Infested Slaver are also able to use walls and lower ceilings as a mean of shifting.

Although Infested Slaver have very low armor and low hp their strenghts are deriving from volatile movements and their potential to surprise unheeding Tennos from walls and ceilings.




Infested Slaver are spitting drivel soaked organic projectiles with high damage and fast travel time making it really hard to avoid or dodging them.

Besides the corrosive effect their ranged attacks have a chance to slow down warframes making it a lot harder to get control over a bigger crowd of infested Units and staying away from melee attacks.


Enviroment Restrictions:








*I do not own these sketches. All rights reserved to the respective owner.

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Name Suggestion: Colony

Behaviour: A subtly camouflaged, stationary trap-like enemy that slowly generates small threats (similar in size to the Seeker's rolling bombs, perhaps) continuously until the colony is destroyed. For best effect, it should be invisible to Banshee Sonar, Enemy Radar-type abilities, ignored by sentinels, and not show a health bar when under crosshair, but that's up to game balancing.

Attacks: Swarms Tenno with possibly toxin-based damage types by creating independent, temporarily-cloaked attackers. Makes itself more difficult to find by having its infestation agents move in a random direction for a given period of time before they appear and head towards a visible threat. Functionally similar to a minefield generator, except the mines chase you, I suppose.

Environment restrictions: Any tileset that has the infestation layer applied to it.


Art: Already in-game, partially. Those patches of infestation material on floors and walls could be made to sometimes be a colony or simply be decorative. The infestation agents themselves should be suitably creepy and amorphous; like a sentient ball of snot with anger issues.

Edited by EdwardHowton
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name: havent got one yet   


behavior: runs at incredible speeds comparible to the loki with sharp bony claws for hands that can be used to block bullets 


attack: runs at player and slashes them multiple times. if the player tries to melee him he will use his incredible speed to dodge the attacks and then continue to slash the player once it is safe to do so again


environmental restrictions: none, he is too awesome to be restricted!

Edited by thefiercekiller
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name: subcintus. (latin for shift)


health: 450


behavior: it is very fast, stealthy, agile.


abilities: when containing a drop of blood from a player, they will transform into that player and blend in with the crowd and hunt for the weakest player who has the less health. the player who the subcintus took blood from will suffer from hallucinations. seeing every teammate as an infested not knowing who is who.


attacks: will use hand to hand combat. when at half its health, it will send a shockwave disabling everyone weapons for a limited time like loki's radian disarm.

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Name Suggestion: Infested Scion


Behaviour: A medium infested (taller than charger, shorter than ancient) wreathed in bioluminescent tentacles with a face covered in various grineer and corpus eyes surrounding a central eye. All of the eyes, save the central one, would look about at random as if in paranoia or fear as though they were still connected to their original bodies. Withered looking with bony protrusions lining it's body. Not terribly fast but will take advantage of cover, is supported by a mass of misshapen tentacles in place of legs proper. Is largely a support/utility unit for the infested.


Attacks: Slows enemies in melee range of it but is susceptible to melee damage. Able to siphon the shields of enemies to temporarily supply it with said shields. Will cause other infested to attack en masse whatever is harming it. Able to mind control enemy npc units. Able to sacrifice siphoned shields to deploy a temporary organic cover. Main/Basic attack would be to lob toxic spheres much like a Torid but they would only last for a few seconds at best. If engaged in CQC it won't use the ground slam but instead it will release a short range 180 degree wave (ala Banshee's Sonic Boom) that will knock back the Tenno a bit further than ground slam would with reduced damage.


Environment restrictions:  None for placement, but probably level locked at 15+


Reference Image: Sorry about the poor quality ^^; not very skilled with my graphics tablet yet


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