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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Name: Invisi. Chargers 



-When seen will immediately turn invisible (will only turn invisible when seen for max 3 seconds)

will then charge towards target while invisible in a C pattern (basically not directly at the target)

and will flash back to normal charger form (is visible again) when right next to target. 



- Invisi Charger will then attack like normal charger 


Environment Restrictions: 

-Same as Chargers 


Concept Art: lol 


the invisibility would help chargers die quickly with the rushing tenno and really help create CROWDS of them that can ambush targets. This is really relatable to real predators in the wild like cheetahs who use camoflague and quickly go in for the kill


charger+shade sentinel= "Invisi charger " lol (dont know how to attach pics)






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Name Suggestion: Shroud Reaper

This enemy will stalk players, appearing briefly only to disappear many times before striking. When appearing, it will appear to one player at a time, always in the distance (60+ m), often as the player is entering a room, as a slender shadow with brightly illuminated eyes. During this period it is invulnerable, and cannot be teleported to; it is merely psychological. While stalking, all players will intermittently hear a fading droning noise, with clicks and warbles, with no discernable direction. When in attack mode, it will teleport and turn 80% translucent in an attempt to flee or retreat/regroup. Typically spawning one at a time, they are fairly rare, as they are quite formidable.



The Shrouded Reaper will exit stalking mode and announce entering combat mode by a sneak attack on a single player. If a player is isolated, they will be targeted, but otherwise it is randomly determined. This attack does significantly high damage, and if caught at a bad time, can down a Tenno. After the initial sneak attack, the Reaper will attack with slow, hard-hitting swings that can connect with multiple Tenno per swing. Ideally, these swings will also have significant bleed proc. The Reaper will tire as it swings, and after a time, will turn translucent and attempt to flee, or regroup and circle back to try again. During this time, it is weakened, and will take extra damage.
Alternatively, the Reaper will give off eximus aura, of varying effects:
A) Surrounding Infested increase in movement and attack speed
B) Tenno shields will suffer decay while in proximity, with the initial backstab dealing extra shield damage
C) Tenno energy will suffer decay while in proximity, with the initial backstab dealing extra energy  damage

Environment restrictions:

The Reaper will not appear on Corpus outdoor bases due to the brightness. 

Art or Reference Images:
Edited by Wurdyburd
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What about a completly different (alien) race? that have a purpose different from all the actual factions and force a really attentive gameplay and much more skill than just rush and nuke every moving form. ennemies that worth tenno's skill, and ablities... much like the stalker but at a large scale, like new environnements etc (btw it could be a good ooptunity to increase and devellop the stalker's background).

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BEHAVIOUR tenno who has fallen to the infested now came back from hell to hunt down

they once so called brethren
they are fast resistant and aggressive with sharp claws filled with poison and not to take lightly if more than one is found


ATTACKS viral tennos have 2 types o attacks
one for offence and one for defence 
his primary attack is a claw jump that strikes fast and leaves the victim to bleed out
his secondary attack is triggered if cornered or outnumbered then he will give loud scream that stuns the attacker and calls all infested to his aid
ENVIRONMENT RESTRICTIONS all open map areas so he can move freely
art not required
use your imagination 
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Name: Bone Eater


Behaviour:  The bone eater is an infested, feral amalgamation of lost canine and serpentine creatures that has evolved specifically to kill and feast on advanced civilizations. It tends to like dark, warm, populated environments where it silently lurks in the shadows waiting for prey. It specifically feeds off of other living matter, and as such it has a tendency to ignore strictly mechanical creatures. When the bone eater sniffs out a biological target however, it awakens with a berserk fury. Letting out a roar, it propels itself out of the shadows with its strong arms at break neck speeds, half slithering, half galloping towards its targets. Once a meal has been picked, the bone eater will not rest until its prey's armor has been ripped to pieces and the last of its flesh is being gnawed off its bones. 


Attacks:  The bone eater has three principal attacks that directly relate to how it prepares its food. To begin the bone eater grabs hold of its target and sucks its shields and energy absorbing them into the animal skull it wears as a trophy on its head. This serves two purposes. Firstly to weaken its target, and secondly to strengthen the bone eater in preparation for its meal. After the target's shields have been drained, a smaller head at the end of the bone eater's tail shoots out a stream of corrosive acid to wear away at the targets armor. Finally, the bone eaters already sharp claws extend out, and it begins to wildly swing at its target in an attempt to tear it apart. 


Environment restrictions:  Bone eaters thrive in highly populated areas, and they're unable to expose their skin to extreme cold temperatures.





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BEHAVIOUR tenno who has fallen to the infested now came back from hell to hunt down
they once so called brethren
they are fast resistant and aggressive with sharp claws filled with poison and not to take lightly if more than one is found

ATTACKS viral tennos have 2 types o attacks
one for offence and one for defence
his primary attack is a claw jump that strikes fast and leaves the victim to bleed out
his secondary attack is triggered if cornered or outnumbered then he will give loud scream that stuns the attacker and calls all infested to his aid

ENVIRONMENT RESTRICTIONS all open map areas so he can move freely

art by MetaEthereal thanks for letting me use your art


dont care if i'm chosen just posting what everyone is wishing to see XD

Edited by maxximuxx
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Name Suggestion: Argos 

Behaviour: This Creature can move like a "kubrow", also can move on the roof thanks to his infested claws, IMPORTANT: It can detect invisible tennos, he has a great sense of smell but his attacks aren´t precise because hes blind.

Attacks: He can jump, attack and avoid with fast moves with his infested claws and tooth,

Environment restrictions: He is only weak to fire, this is a zombie- dead- corrupted "dog"

Optional Art:


History: in the past Argos was the dog of a tenno, he long awaited to him to come back, but the tenno died in battle, Argos was corrupted and consumed by anger and transformed into an infested dog.

How the solar system its populated with "argos" dog types its a mystery, one theory is that infested powers gave him the ability to have an asexual reproduction

Inspiration: "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argos_(dog)"

PD: sorry for my bad english

Edited by WANDERER93
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Name Suggestion:

ignem bestia




Berserker Type:

the Creature will charge into the enemy. making this creature a Tank Built it takes more damage then a Ancient infested.



will attack with charged attacks.

he will try to either bite,

or slice the target with it's mutated bladed arms.


a special attack could be him slamming his claws into the ground 

and forcing infested spikes to pop up towards the enemy.


Environment Restrictions:

Inspired by Zanuka,

the infested variant is a failed experiment of Alad V's Zanuka and still wears some

restraints from his experiments. this "failed" experiment got loose, and the technocite virus took over making it's mind controlled by the hive of the infested.


Also inspired from the Jupiter Tile set,

heated generators / ovens are integrated in it's shoulders as power supplies.


He could appear on either infested missions on Jupiter, or in the later planned infested tile-sets.




Edited by Arkyhead
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This Infested is a thin fast and sneaky wall/ceiling climber who marks slow and lone tenno with a acide that makes them lose stamina and let other infested attack the lone tenno in very high numbers...

Should be killd fast before he spits...



Acid spit, high air wall or ceiling dash and dust cloud that makes the enemy blind for 3 sec when you kill him with Meele attacks.



Only moves in closed dark areas (big rooms tight corridor´s)

only appears when someone is splited of the team or has less health.



Coming soon


Hope this idea is good...


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Name: Lambaster

Behaviour: Grotesquely oversized, the Lambaster lumbers forward with an awkward gait. When a Tenno is spotted, they slam their tendrils into the ground, rooting them into position and making them immune to knockdown. Their massive reserves of health and high damage capabilities make them a match for even the most skilled of Tenno. Inside of their bodies, potent payloads of virulent explosives are constantly being created.
Lambasters take significantly more damage from fire due to the instability of their internal chemistry. Upon death, one final cyst explodes making melee a risky idea. Lambasters can be easily identified by their rumbling bellowing, making fellow Tenno focus fire or risk getting killed fairly quickly.

Attacks: Much like the original Bombard, the Lambaster carries heavy weaponry. Cysts encapsulated in teratoma are launched at a high velocity using the Technocyte-mutated Ogris rocket launcher, both causing massive explosions and covering the blast site in a highly corrosive acid.
At close range the Lambaster uses its powerful tentacles to either slap away or constrain assailants. This tentacle attack is a guaranteed acid proc, with a chance for poison as well. If disarmed (Radial Disarm, etc) it will uproot and use faster, harder tentacle attacks instead.

Environment restrictions:  Not Grineer Settlement, it wouldn't make sense rooting itself into sand dunes.



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Name Suggestion: (krey)

Behaviour:  (flyng in packs of 3 the tend to flap wings in tenno face to distract main gunfire forcing tenno to use melee

<maybe shaking reticle when in close range>  )

Attacks: (flutter, bite, maybe toxic spray)  

Environment restrictions:  (hover around healer and attacks when healer is shot)



Name Suggestion: (beast)

Behaviour:  (stands on hind legs with sharpteeth that grabs tenno and slings to smaller beast   to eat)

Attacks: (knockdown sling, bite,rush by small ones to surrond tenno )  

Environment restrictions:  (hover around healer and attacks when healer is shot)


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Sorry DE I'm no gona read all the ideas, just posting my own XD

Okey so it's time for a infested flying unit:

Name: Infested Slinger

Description: The Slinger is a flaying infested unit with dragonfly-like wings, it attacks with viral needles from his tail.

Attack: As the description says, it attacks with some kind of needles or spines from his back, inflicting Viral damage. This kind of enemy should be rare or heavy, to make it spawn rarely. It only rests in the floor after 5 shots (or so) for 4~6 seconds, making it vulnerable.
Also it should have Infested Sinew. The rest is in your hands DE ;D

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Name: Composer


Behavior: A flying Sentinel Like Creature that varies in modes such as: Attacker: a damage type with slow firing ranged spitters with either a poison/or normal attack Spawner: Revives (Any)Ancients and gives them a health buff,If not killed the Healer will continue to revive (reviving is slow to make it fair).


Attacks: The Attacking Composer has a slow firing ranged spike that can cause poison/corrosive/or puncture damage by the different colors it has.

The Healing Composer has no attack other than the ancients it revives.


Environmental Restrictions: Spawns in any level, exclusive to Corpus missions


Description/Reference: Orb/Like No Wings/ Eye Color Vary in Type, They Look simlilar to the cores in portal but made of flesh and armor.


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Name Suggestion: Pseudo-Breezy (Breezy)


Behaviour: This one called Breezy, flying infested enemy who will attack any suspicious object he spotted. Breezy likes to climb on on the back of other infested to travel around. When he notices someone unfriendly he will be airborn. 


Attacks: before Breezy would be wounded he will spit out corrosive prickles to Tenno. If he gets any damage he will bounce from attack line and try to sting Tenno. Prickles fire rate is low, but each one guaranteed causes corrosive effect on Tenno. If Breezy would stick in Tenno with its sting, it will inflict bleeding damage to Tenno until he discard breezy with  a roll move (creature will take a damage equal his half maximum health). If Breezy flew past  ancient infested he would have a sting charged whith their special damage for a while - In case of doom they will drop a toxic or magnetic cloud.


Environment restrictions: Breezies can't tolerate heat and cold so this creatures appears basically on the missions with a moderate climate.


Optional Art: 8c5b4b6836052d5806f6e2cf7b3942d4.jpg


Note: whole stuff is approximately proper. I'll not be offended if somebody will remaster this.
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Name:  Heavy Grapple                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Behavior:  The heavy grapple is a fairly weak foe that shambles about with no aim until detects you. at that point it activates an ability giving it extremely high armor but slowing its movements greatly. making it a powerful but slow tank.when attacking a Heavy grapple you will want to take it out fast with one powerful attack or a precise stealth kill before it activates its "Tough hide" ability. Note that the weeper will not be alerted by other infested only when it detects you itself.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Attacks:  its attacks consist of using its long spine like tendril located near the top of its back to pull tenno in. it also uses its large misshapen mouth that takes up most of its chest to attack tenno at close range dealing massive damage.it also kicks with its long skinny legs (due to its lack of arms). its tough hide ability quadruples its armor rating and decreases moving speed by 50%. its spine grapple acts like that of the grineer scorpion and its melee does puncture damage due to its large fangs.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Environmental restrictions:  spawns only on level 10 and above missions. spawns manly in open areas.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

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infested spider (or you may be infested weaver) 




-unit range / mele 

unit-infested kind support 


-walking on walls 

medium speed / agil 

-runs all kinds of environment 

-attack in groups of two 




-when it is at a distance usually shoot a type of mucus that traps the Teeno temporarily and then catch the Teeno comes close to melee attack causing poison damage (damage as the charger). 


Environmental restrictions: 


corpus-sectors in which ice appear to impede the speed of their range / mele attacks.

Edited by beliox
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Name Suggestion: Eggyes

Behaviour: this mutation is rooted to the ground, taking care of their eggs with their huge eye

Attacks:  When stepping the eggs on the floor, spills glue, then the warframe can't move. then the monster appear, has two arms with two claws with ice damage, and the other claw with fire damage, shoots acid by mouth.

Environment restrictions:Only appears if one egg broke

Art or reference image:




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[infested] Fury


Found in swarms, these flying infested forms have no resemblance to whatever body they spawned from (similarly to Ancients). They are seen birthed from the infestation masses found in ancient Infested ships. Individuals are easy to kill; they rely on numbers instead. If a swarm is reduced to 1-2 individuals, they will scatter and flee.


They will divebomb targets, causing minor damage but with the power of a swarm, the attacks will come rapidly. The attacks won't stagger(to prevent stun-locking), but it is effective in preventing a Tenno from recharging its shields. They may come in a venomous variant that will have a weak toxin proc chance.


They will be exclusive to the Infested Tileset, where concentrated infestation masses are found.

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Name: Ravager


Behavior: The Ravager is blind and nearly deaf, making it easy to attack on stealth. It walks upright, albeit slightly hunched, and it stumbles around sometimes, but usually prefers to remain stationary. When other infested become alert to a threat, the Ravager will follow its brethren, and can run quite fast as long as it is accompanied. Ravagers were once Grineer Troopers, so the remnant armor pieces are orange. The armor is twisted, damaged, and warped into the Ravager, providing it with some armor, more than Chargers, but less than Ancients. Ravagers most often accompany ancients and crawlers, because the two move slow, helping the Ravagers follow them; however Ravagers may accompany any other infested.


Attacks: The Ravager has scythes instead of hands, thus doing primarily slash damage with some toxin; and it alternates when swinging them (left right left right etc), making it very deadly at close range. When they swing, they throw a lot of their body weight around, making them slightly unbalanced, and making it easy to knock them over with impact damage procs, impact melee swings, and flying kicks. They are susceptible to fire and gas damage, and if killed with said damage, they will fall and disintegrate like other infested. If killed by anything besides gas and fire, the six sacs on their chests will explode and release 6 leech like creatures that attach to Tenno and suck health down. The leeches can be removed by rolling or having a fellow Tenno shoot them. Also, the sacs may be shot off of the Ravager's chest, preventing Leeches from spawning (minus one of six leeches per sac).


Environmental Restrictions: None; Ravagers can spawn in any infested mission.


Original Art:


Edited by BradTheImpaler
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Name Suggestion: Infested Cobra/Spitter (Name doesn't really matter)



Behaviour: Coiled up and stays hunkered down until approched - then pops up and opens hood to intimidate threat (hood could even light up from osprey turning on).   Some sort of hiss + infested sound as it does so. Cobra like 'sway' as it has it's hood open.  Stays low to ground and compact to 'slither' towards targets when moving. Mostly timid behavior, harassing players, but not full on attacking them.



Attacks: 'Spits' osprey leeches or mines  (so there could be a variant for each) at it's target; over a great distance, similar to leech ospreys but projectiles would probably have to move faster to be a threat.

Tries to stay ranged, may even retreat to keep distance.   Melee knockback with tail with extreme force (so it gets you really far from itself) to keep itself out of melee.



Environment restrictions: Any infested mission.  (I don't really care, up to DE)






Mock Codex Entry:  Corpus Tech's previously carried all types of ospreys for deployment; however when Corpus witnessed what infested Techs became; the serpent like infested horrors that took use of the offensive ospreys as an integrated weapon, they switched to using only, the safer, defensive shield ospreys for their techs.

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Name: Infested Breeder


Behavior: The Infested Breeder is a squat, but surpisingly nimble infested that maneuvers with it tentacles and can walk on walls and floors, and usually accompanies charges by other infested to provide medium range support- the breeder is fairly resilient, starting with high element resistance that is reduced as it slings the eggs on its back- (although it wil grow more eventually). High armor, though is always a consideration when fighting Breeders, and puncture damage is suggest to maximize killing time.


Attacks: The Breeder attacks primarily at medium range by using its two rear tentacles to hurl colored eggs (red, blue, green, or white) at Tenno that latch on to them and do medium DoT damage split between puncture, slash, and impact. the eggs can be shot off or rolled of with 5-7 rolls. After 5-10 seconds, however, they will hatch into infested progeny (colored versions of those flies that swarm around infested palettes in packs), which deal additional elemental damage depending on the color egg they hatched from. these progeny stay with the Tenno indefinitely or until rolled of with 3-5 rolls, or shot of with ignis. when out of eggs, the breeder attacks with impact damage via its tentacles.


Environment Restrictions: The Breeder can cling to walls or floors, and appear in any infested mission- (especially nightmare or high level).


Reference Picture: Please excuse my terrible art...


Edited by ShadowZealot7
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Suggested Name: Hugger


Behavior: The Hugger acts much like the Runner/Leaper, but much more zombie-like. It leaps onto Tenno (much like Tenno's stealth attack), and can only be dislodged by melee or other's attacks. Would be ice and toxic resistant, but vulnerable to fire and electricity. Hugger would constantly make moaning noises (as if in pain), making them easy to anticipate, but would unleash a shrill scream when alerted.


Attacks: The Hugger leaps onto Tenno when at a sufficient distance, hugging with legs and slashing with arms, but resorts to slashing/swinging moves when up close. Hugger would have high slash damage (see pic below) and drain health while attached.


Environment restrictions: located primarily on Orokin Derelict and Earth tile sets.


Optional Art:



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Name Suggestion  : Ozze

Behavior : Runs to the Tenno in a Zigzag way.

Attacks : Kicks the Tenno, When killed will ooze out a slippery material that will trip the Tenno

Environment Restrictions : None

Art : http://s30.photobucket.com/user/AndreZuniga/media/OOzzer_zps2c374cf7.jpg.html?filters[user]=140122632&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0

Edited by (PS4)Lurgk
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Name Suggestion: Bionic Traps


Behaviour:  They dont hurt tenno . They are automatic (living)mobile traps which are attached to the ground. They are fast , but weak. They dont act alone.  


Attacks: They dont hurt a tenno directly. They move toward a tenno while the teeno is busy with the other infested enemies. Then, they will trap the tenno. Tenno cant move or perform melee attacks or using tenno abilities  when they are being trapped . You can only use your primary or secondary weapons to shoot the surrounding enemies or directly to them. Also, they could only trap a tenno for 60sec. 


Environment restrictions:  They are attached to the ground, they cant jump . So, they can be useless when a tenno jumps to a higher ground . Tennos can also jump over them, but they are fast , they can still easily trap a tenno even if he keeps jumping.

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