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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Name Suggestion:  Onnet

Behaviour: These infested tennos called Onnets waits for a target to become preoccupied by other infested before striking with their own flurry of attacks

Attacks: this infested enemy has bladed arms that resemble a tennos blade that does slash damage, Onnets will deflect projectiles at range, dash and slash at enemies when close enough and also perform a knockdown slam when too close to enimies

Environment restrictions: can only move on ground, unable to jump or (if falling) land on feet

Optional Art: cant draw but should look like a deformed excalibur with arms resembling skana blade

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Name: Vermili

Behaviour: Hangs back from other infested, and lobs viral masses at Tenno from as close to the range limit (50m) he can get. His projectile has high drop, so will attempt to fire it like a mortar where available. 

Attacks: Fires Viral "grenade" type projectiles from as far away as he can. Slow fire rate, but reasonably accurate. In close combat, he will attempt to knock down his opponent with his long nose, and then flee.

Environment restrictions:  None, though prioritize spawning in high-ceiling/open areas.

(Optional) Art or Reference Images: (Max 3 images).
Sadly, thanks to a rediculous lack of any artistic ability, the phrase "Think of Lephantis' Ancient Infested head, but smaller" will have to suffice.

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Love taralasians idea on page 22 (sorry couldnt get the quote to work) - was worried at first that it was just a mass effect rip-off, but i get that image is just for reference


Ive thought the infested need a long range enemy for a while now, this is a good idea for one. The armour plating thing is cool, i just don't get how it wouldnt be really easy to kill if you rushed it with melee?

Edited by thyrandomninja
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Name Suggestion: volkywalker

Behaviour: 2 random enemies suddenly get's close and in en explotion turns into a goo of slime (you already have that effect form hydro...) then from this goo rizes vodywalker made of the budies of his 2 random monsters, also he can look a bit diffrent each time..

Attacks: this enemy is can grab a tenno, and only way to free the tenno is if other teamates (within a 10 ,or 20 seconds) , come at his ade, and shoot the volkywalker... he also stomps in place dealing overall demage to all who is around him infested, and tenno alike, (optional for later he can take a part of the stage to use as a mace, but that's really optional)


Environment restrictions: depense on where you could program such animation, but in open large areas it will look cool and also, be cool since less bugs


Optional Art: i don't have one but i think you should really make the infested adleast look allot more frightning then it is now... more in the style of dantes inferno bosses:


Edited by shayvidas
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Name: Shredder Swarm

Behaviour: Head-sized infested parasites in small clouds/swarms, that rush towards nearby or threatening targets, to feed. Swarms can join together, and tend to flee in small swarm clusters when faced with powerful weapons. Fire in particular makes them flee. Smaller swarms can form together to make big swarms, and if there is no other nearby swarm to join, the small swarms will suicide against a nearby target for extra damage

Attacks: Primary attack is a corrosive (armour shredding) attack, dealing moderate damage over time. During attack, targets vision is obscured, but they can otherwise act normally. Suicide attack is similar to Explosive Runner suicide attack, but with less damage per enemy

Environment restrictions: Not found on burning levels, because they fear fire more than regular infested.

Perfect enemy for high-spread weapons (shotguns, flamers)

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Name: Infested Host


Behaviour: Walks slowly, has a lot of health and will infect an area where he sits and spawns small infected. Players must seek out this infected and kill it in order to stop it from spawning in anymore tiny/small infected.


Attacks:-Walking: Will hit the player with basic melee attacks.

             -Sitting: Cant move when he finds an area to host and will not attack. He spawns tiny/small infected in groups of 5.


Enviromental Restrictions: can only host on infestations (the weird seaweed like plants on the floor).




much like the carrier in halo but with some tweeks ofcourse.





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Name Suggestion: RotWing


Behaviour: This enemy resemble an infested Drone/Osprey, uses the Drones fast action ablities but has incorporated a infested gas cannon that lays down an "ink" smoke blanket to blind the tenno. can also "drop" spawn tiny crawling infested balls of Goo (Infested versions of the Grinneer rolling bombs) that stick to the floors and surfaces creating a sticky slow down effect in that area.



DeathMist (Area of visual Smoke that can render tenno blind for a small period of time)

Gooey (Infested rolling balls that explode after a small amount of time and create a small area of Goo slowing down Tenno and none infested alike)


Environment restrictions: none

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Name: Infested Howler


Behaviour: "Created" as a result of Tenno using speed to "run and gun" other infested, this spider-like infested likes to jump from wall to wall and obstruct a Tenno's progress in any way it can. It's named after the characteristic wail you can hear way before you encounter it. It's not very durable, instead it uses mobility to avoid damage.


Attacks: "Vomits" a puddle of sticky substance that impedes Tenno movement. On the ground it slows down any non-infested that walk on it, on walls it is slippery and prevents wallrunning of any kind. As a support unit it doesn't have a physical attack of it's own.


Environment restrictions: Needs cramped spaces to be efficient, so no outdoors.


Art Reference: I can't draw for the life of me. But think Loki after going through infested mutation, with long spidery limbs and a twisted torso.

Edited by Deichgraf
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Pack leader - when this creature enters the map the number of infested is increased by 30%, they will often swarm around it if no visible enemies are near by. When an enemy is identified, it will casually move closer while sending in the surrounding infested swarm.

When close, it adopts a very aggressive attitude and none stop attacks until it's health is down to 25%. At this stage it's imps start falling off and it becomes less aggressive and more defense. It will start to use a charge ability to knock it's enemies down while other infested attack them.



Has a fast charge, not too different to the rhino charge, that knocks everything in it's path to the floor. Also has enourmous clawed fists capable of ealing large amounts of slash and impact damage.


Environmental Restrictions:

In normal enviroments it is able to draw on the strength of near by infested to increase it's health, any close enough merge into the body of it, giving it a large health boost.

In fire enviroments it is able to draw on the strength of near by infested to increase it's health by near by merging only and when badly wounded, it's limps fall off - which turn into smaller versions of itself (minus the merging/splitting ability).

In cold enviroments it's unable to merge with others, but it's limbs turn into smaller replicas of itself when they fall off.

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Name Suggestion: Ancient Lobber



As a heavy assault Infested, the Ancient Lobber brings much needed range to the infested. Heavily armoured, and able to throw other Infested into the fray; the Ancient Lobber is a major threat to anyone combating this malignant foe.

Spawns at about the rate of Grineer Napalms, and has close to the same survivability. A heavy ranged support unit that is able to throw any unit, except other Ancients. This helps close the gap between ranged attackers such as the Tenno, Grineer, and Corpus; which the Infested is severely lacking.

Other throw-able Infested actively seek out an Ancient Lobber, if it is closer to the units target, unless forward progress would be stopped. Making the Infested Lobber an active "hub" for Infested incursions. Ancient Lobbers also are able to target other Ancient Lobbers for their throws, enabling increasing pressure from the Infested.



(Display)Pulse - AoE effect similar to Ancient Healers, but colored Red/Yellow to help announce the threat.
Build Charge - Every 2 seconds, Ancient Lobber pulses, adding 1 charge to Paralyzing Fluid Barrage.
Paralyzing Fluid Barrage(Requires 8 Charges) - Fires up to 8 homing balls of fluid that is similar to the Nauseous Crawler. (Display effect: Pulses every .5 seconds for 4 seconds(8 times) before releasing a Barrage.)

(Throw range should be about 30m or possibly more, as line of sight may be required.)
Relay Unit - Allows chaining of Ancient Lobbers, as this is not a damaging attack; it has a 50m range and line of sight restrictions.
Throw Charger/Runner - Throws a nearby unit at a target, causing Impact damage and a small stagger effect.
Throw Leaper/Crawler - Throws a nearby unit into ranged attack range if the unit is not currently in range. Impact damage if struck with thrown unit.
Throw Volatile Runner - Throws a nearby Volatile Runner onto the target, exploding on contact with anything. (Unless the target was another Ancient Lobber)

Lobber Slap - Standard Ancient slap attack, with lowest priority.

Speed Boost - AoE aura that increases the movement speed of nearby Infested.



Environment restrictions:  Requires high level areas or "Tier 3" status attained in Defense or Survival.

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NAME: Infested Seeker


BEHAVIOR: Seeker are capable of flying in a high speed zigzag line from left to right. It will always try come close any Tenno while zigzaging towards them.


ATTACKS: This Infested type has medium to short range attacks. At a distance it will shot Toxic darts from its tail to any Tenno or other Factions it comes across. If a Tenno comes to close to any Seekers it will try to lash itself on to the Tenno, draining its shield than health. The only way for a Tenno to release the Seeker grip is ether an allies kills it or the Tenno rolls it off.




ART or ReferenceInsects_Collection_V5_18.jpg9caa5ee0-724


Minus the arms and add wings somewhere. The size of this infested is like the size of a  corpus drone. 

Edited by Mitsuchiru
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Name Suggestion: Infested Fusion-Moa


Behaviour: This enemy, patrols everywhere, when enemy is spoted runs near to attack.


Attacks: This infested enemy type has a middle range laser beam that deals corrosive damage to enemies, does melee slam with the infested leg on the ground knocking down enemies whitin range, when it gets attacked deploys an osprey that fires infested needles that deal viral damage and the when the osprey dies leaves a cloud of poison in the air that deals viral damage to enemies when they pass by.


Environment restrictions: Yes, only inhabits corpus infested regions.


Art or Reference Images: made By Me ( V101 )



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Name Suggestion: Infested Spindlewalker


Behaviour:  Tetrapodal large Infested beast. Heavily armoured and mobile, this infested Jackal analogue has weak points on the joints of its legs. Damaging a leg causes its carapace to open up, revealing the vulnerable points inside. Functions like a mini-boss (Perhaps an infested Assassin?)


Attacks: Getting too close will cause it to swipe at you with its limbs, while it can charge up a viscous glob of infested biomatter to spit at enemies (think Stug). It can also rear up and charge at Tenno in front of it, knocking them down and opening them up for swipe attacks. Finally, it can leap high into the air (if the tile permits), and slam down with a shockwave.


Environment restrictions:  Mostly limited to mid-large rooms, or rooms with a large amount of vertical clearance.

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New Enemy? Great! well i have one.




BEHAVIOR: Acts like a normal ANCIENT but the difference is he glows purple and and ground beneath him glows purple as well, more agile than other ancients.




A:ROAR: Roars like rhino warframe and increasing nearby infested strength and speed.


B:VIRUS ATTACK: attacks a warframe and infests his Power attacks for 25 seconds. each power use reduces warframe's health By 50% of the power cost. for instance if he used Excalibur's SLASH DASH normally it consumes 25 Power. so Virus attack will Reduce warframe's health by 12.5%. and if he used radial blind it normally consumes 50 power. so it reduces 25% of health. so you better not use them when you get hit.




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Name: Calligulim


Behaviour: A creature with a large mouth bursting from its stomach, shooting sharpend teeth at the Tenno. Claws and tenticles are revealed and whip around the unit in a frenzy when the unit is on low health. Any light Infested units caught by its appendigis (up to maximum capicity of 5) become absorbed increasing the stats of the Calligulim while adding back a portion of health.

Tenno can tell the current level of the unit due to colour changes/added limbs/size of the unit.



0: Range slash attacks similer to the nature of grineer evicerators

1: Speed increased

2: Attack increased

3: Armour increased

4: Passive poison

5: Passive life leach



Environment restrictions: None really, corridors will make this creature more deadly while open areas will keep it at a safer distance allowing it to keep shooting.

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Because of His Accidentally Twisted Infected Tissue causing peralization from Contact With Armor kholni can only move when he is not seen by Tenno

he always Focuses on one Tenno so other Tenno Can kill him while Kholni is distracted alternatively because the paralization makes his body as strong as rock but leaves tissue alone he can be killed by fire status effects since the rock doesn't absorb the heat

can only see in-front and on his sides making stealth attacks also a viability.




He does medium Impact Damage when biting tenno from behind but must be in close procimity to do it.. while the tenno is being bitten the player cannot move and after 4 sec he get knocked down but can attack (after standing up).

He does a Life Drain Ability he sucks out 10 percent of your health but losses his energy and is vulnerable to any sort of damage for 7 sec



Only Spawns On Infested Tilesets (levels that have a bit of infestation like spores and such)

Level 20 or above



3 feet with 1 eye and 1 arm also has stone around his mouth

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Name suggestion: Siren


Behaviour: Never spawns alone, has a pack of infested with her at all times. Stays "behind the lines" and does not engage in close combat. If all infested are killed tries to escape. 


Attacks: Regular: Fires slow psychic bolts one at a time.

Passive: Debuff(-50%?) on Tenno speed. (Screeching/distorted singing, name comes from this)

Upon death: Charges towards Tenno and explodes dealing both magnetic and electric damage.


Enviroment restrictions: Flying/floating, can't go trough narrow pipes and the like. About the size of an ancient.




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Name suggestion: Pavis

Behaviour: The Pavis is a twisted abomination created from the horrifying fusion of Grineer biomass (probably a heavy gunner and a shield lancer). The creature has two unique features - a large carapace like shield and a powerful rapid firing spine thrower (something akin to a larger caliber, less accurate Acrid). The Pavis is quick when on the move and likes to keep its distance from enemies, it will retreat if approached when not locked down with suppressing fire. When fired upon it will retreat behind its shield and will not return fire or move if the suppressing fire is maintained. It's shield can be knocked aside with a melee strike.

Attacks: When engaging its foes the Pavis rests it's shield on the ground in front of it - fully protecting it from ranged fire (unless you have a decent amount of punch through). The creature can then lean out to unload streams of fully automatic fire from its weapon. Leaning out to fire leaves the Pavis's head, arm/weapon and upper torso exposed and it can be picked off with an accurate weapon.

Environment restrictions: Not under your bed at night...probably.

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Name suggestion: Siren


Behaviour: Never spawns alone, has a pack of infested with her at all times. Stays "behind the lines" and does not engage in close combat. If all infested are killed tries to escape. 


Attacks: Regular: Fires slow psychic bolts one at a time.

Passive: Debuff(-50%?) on Tenno speed. (Screeching/distorted singing, name comes from this)

Upon death: Charges towards Tenno and explodes dealing both magnetic and electric damage.


Enviroment restrictions: Flying/floating, can't go trough narrow pipes and the like. About the size of an ancient.




this.... is.... AWESOME, this should win

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Name Suggestion: Zearan


Behaviour:  He's fast  and can walk on walls. is very intelligent and aggressiveis.You only know where he is when it's too late, he scream,(When he see a tenno) his eyes and his two big claws as hand turn red, and hunt the tenno's. walks in packs like a wolf.

also named as the infected assassin.



(if he dies it scream with his last breath to warn others)



Attack 1: Claw attacks = make a kind of scissors attack


Attack 2: spit poison = with his Sanheili(Elite) like mouth he spit green poison (do poison dmg of course :P) http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Sangheili


Attack 3: tong grab = with is tong he grab the tenno to him and do claw attacks.


Special Attack: Camp = if the tenno dies from his attacks Zearan hide until another tenno try to heal the wounded tenno and attack.


Environment restrictions:  in dark areas he hunt down tenno’s is very intelligent.

He can dodge attacks.


(i imagined him how he looks like the Stalker from dead space)






Sorry for my bad english

Edited by Rytfire
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Name: Bloodsucker




This type of enemy is invisible and loves to hide. The only visible parts of his body are his red eyes, which can be seen only in dark parts of the level or in some special cases (like trail while walking on water, slim shadow of his body and ect). His voice should be his calling card before attacking. He can climb on high places and hang on the roof too. (like spider man :) )




He has melee attacks only (may shots from his mouth some acid or plasma like things but it is not necessary). He loves to attack from behind because he is very stealthy guy and if Tenno is not prepared he can stun him and crash him on the ground, after begins to suck blood. Because of his name (bloodsucker) his attacks damage health first time. To kill him while player lyes on the ground, he must start mashing E many times or get help from another Tenno or Sentinel by start shooting to him.


Environmental Restrictions:


He stands for the infested so he can appear on any mission, which level is higher than 15




He is 5-6 feet tall, very strong, not slim. humanoid alike. Faster and more aggresive than Ancient infested.  Small Cthulhu if you want .Players should hate him :)

Here are some images:









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Name: Technocyte Spreader


Behaviour: Extremely slow close range unit. Despite slow speed,they will still charge enemies. Is weak to fire and slash procs


Attacks: melee attacks with spiked tail,similar damage to ancients.This unit is unique as it has a short range gas proc attack. Now, if an npc is killed by this attack, there is a 25% chance that it will turn into its infested counterpart( e.g:Grinner lancer/trooper= charger and corpus crewman= leaper)


Environment restrictions: None but is more common in Grinner Forests


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Name Suggestion: Infested Rampage



They are large heavy infested units made from Grineer units. The instability of Grineer clones allow the technocyte to exploit a heavy proliferative growth behaviour, transforming the Grineer into a hulking giant. Their arms are extra large to beat the living daylights out of Tenno not fast enough to get out of the way. Their fingers end as tentacles that drag along the floor.


Since they are heavy units, they have a large health pool and armor.


Slow and lumbering, Infested Rampage will walk slowly towards their target, dragging their oversized arms behind them. When hit they go into a 'berserk' mode, increasing their speed and damage the more damage they receive. Appearance-wise in their berserk mode their skin tone appear more orange and the glowing 'eyes' typical of infested intensify. The berserk effect is not affected by melee damage but getting close to them will increase your risk of sustaining heavy injury.


Has a chance of spawning as an Eximus.



They attack mainly by swinging their huge arms that will knock away enemy units caught by the hit, sending them flying.


They can also perform a fist slam that creates a shockwave similar to heavy Grineer units.


Environment restrictions:

Found only on large open maps like Xini and Grineer arena room etc.


(Optional) Art or Reference Images:

From House of the Dead


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