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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Name Suggestion: Infested Heavy Gunner



Behavior: Agrresive Heavy Infected that uses the Grogon to hit and shot 



Attacks: Can Tackle enemies with a Gorgon like a hammer and shots constantly and stops by hitting enemies, the Grineer armor make it hard to kill



Environment Restrictions: Only Alerts and Derelict




Description: A Grineer Heavy Gunner totally infested and mutated walking like an ancient infected and carrying the Gorgon, trying to use it as a melee and shots when the enmies are far away, also do creepy roars 



Reference: Well the Heavy Gunner totally consumed by infestation 

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Name: Drill (if u consider using this idea, feel free to change the name because that is the best i can come up with. XD)


Behavior: Constantly Dive underground to avoid being attacked. Really Agile with a bit of def (higher than chargers) Size of a Charger but a bit bigger.

It rolls like a rollerball but only stays on the ground.


Attack: It drills up from beneath the player causing high dmg, but attacks are slow although they have high speed. Once it drills up it dives back down to get away for a while from the player/ players. And the process restarts again. Due to their vertical pincers, they sometimes  snap their pincers to together and try to shred the fellow tenno. It is fast, hard to dodge but does low dmg. If is is successful, the result will be making the Tenno flinch causing it him or her to stumble backwards and giving time from the Infested to escape.


Level 15 and above, everywhere because of their habit to drill into ships, ground.


4 beefy legs,muscular body, 2 sharp pincer like fangs that are vertical that are capable of drilling through things

Edited by MysticCloak
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Name: Infested Splitzter

Behaviour/Attacks: Lumps when walk, even though facing starightly forwards, and every attack that follows up from the first is a ground pound, the ground pound does not knock players, but gives Poison and Cold damage, it also splits the ground in a 3 meter radius, making the terrain crack, and allowing players to fall through, and respawn. It will not destroy any exraction point or anything else but the ground ONLY. If ground pound does not hit a player from the pound radius, and the split on the ground hits them, it will give them a instant stun, and poison damage, also knocking them to the air. If Splitzter dies, he explodes in a explosin of Poison, and making the player receive stun and poison for 1 minute. when being hit, and spliter should recieve a sheild of fire, where players will get damaged by the fire overtime when near it. every hit to the splitzter knocks the splitzter away. 

Enviroment Restrictions: Should only appear in Dark sector missions/void mission, or special time limit missions, or hard infested mission near the last planets


Level 20 above.


Appearence: Should have claws on each hand, and ashes arm armor. Should look like a twisted volt face with some infested textures, along with ancient healers legs, to be precise, the head should be a ancient disruptor and a ancient healer togerther, half half along side with each other, along with some tentacles at the back. It should look something like frist prime in infested mode.

Edited by IIVoyagerII
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I'd like to add a winged / flying type infested. so I present you with this.



Name Suggestion: Chupacabra

Behaviour: This enemy, codenamed ‘Chupacabra’, is a (semi stealth moving creature) or ( fast flying non stealth ) that attempts to attach itself to you and drain your HP ignoring all armor / shields.

Attacks: attacks attacking itself to you and sucking blood from your neck. leaving a bleed DOT on you even if you are quick enough to remove it quickly via melee only attacks

Environment restrictions: none, but spawn rate should be almost as rare as leader creature types

Optional Art:  inspirational: http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2010/204/5/0/Chupacabra_by_Light_Schizophrenia.jpg




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Name: Infested Eviscerator


Behaviour: a fast infested that walks in 2 legs with the normal infested behaviour 




Attacks: its attacks are like regular chargers except that it does a slash damage with the saw blades they got in the infested arms, when it dies it explodes releasing saw blades damaging everything in range



Environment Restrictions: * Can Only Spawn in Dark Sectors defense at 10 wave

                                         * Doesnt Spawn on derelict and Alerts

                                         * Spawns in survival after 5 min



Description: A well armored infested Grineer Eviscerator with Cutting paws made of the Saw blades of the Miter, still carries the Eviscerator helmet and the miter stuck in the back


Reference: The Grineer Eviscerator consumed by infestation with saw blades in the entire body with the miter weapon in the back




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Name Suggestion: Infested Corpus Tech


Behaviour: an agile and fast infested that can jump in the walls having a Shield Osprey in the belly



Attacks: this infested can cover other infested having 2 faces so it can hit multiple targets as melee attacks, can use the Shield Osprey to give Shields to other infected, isnt resist much even with the shield osprey but moves really fast and jumps on walls to walls making it hard to kill




Environment Restrictions: *Spawn in Dark Sectors Survival Infested at 5 min and defense missions at wave 15

                                         *Spawns in the Derelict




Reference: a creature with 4 legs, and 2 faces, the Corpus tech face in the back and the infested face at the front, the shield osprey in the belly down him like hiding it, front legs are the Corpus tech legs and the other 2 in the back are infested mutated legs, can move like a hyena but its a medium enemy

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Name Suggestion: Oblitus/Oasimatha


Behaviour:  It's basically a trap, and a mean one. The creature itself is stationary, and discreet. it releases a cloud of MEAN spores in a wide area, and has tentacles close around her that will hamstring and trip your face *OUCH* straight to the floor. (maybe like hydroid's? but smaller, and just for a sec.)


Attacks: The Spore cloud has 3 versions:
               - Milky Cloud: Oblitus' thick cloud blocks vision, and drains your stamina as you move in it.
               - Neurotoxin: A hard-to-see cloud that simulates the illusion of a great loot, or a dying friend to warframes in the area, drawing them to Oasimatha's tentacles.
               - Pulsoid: It pulses static energy that harms your shields and can disable your weapon for a short period of time (Extra strong versus vs.Lazer weapons, unnefective against bows, kunais and melee.)


Environment restrictions:  It always appear close to chests and lockers, or may be randomly spawned around a ancient, from corpses (EDIT).


(Optional) Art or Reference Images: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/165/360140404_cc85589bf6.jpg (A passion fruit flower inspired me.)

Edited by MurderJester
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Infested Clinger



Tends to linger on walls and ceilings using an organic glue-like compound that keeps it firm on 3 dimensional surfaces that the player themselves cannot get to or stay there by wallrunning. If needed the clinger will pause for a short moment retrieve lost cells from firing its own organic matter at the player.



Clings to walls or ceilings and send a volley or repeater-esque attacks at the player using organic (bone like) shrapnel or quivers that deal bleed or viral procs.


Environmental Restrictions:

Corpus outposts because the clinger experiences severe tissue damage from environments of under 0 degrees.


Wow! this is pretty close to my idea. i'd just add that they always stay on walls unless you get a stun proc on them. then they fall and panic ignoring all else to get back on a wall or ceiling.

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Name: Surlata

Description:A evolved infested that maintained some level of intelligence.

Behavior: Upset at their new found infested lifestyle. They are hell bent on making all pay for their outcome. Without the intelligence to use crafted weaponry they will rush or sneak up on other faction members with vicious melee attacks with the intention to kill.

Attacks:Haymaker combo: a series of heavy blows that deals a great amount of damage and they will not stall or halt till the opposition is dead. And if you fall the punches turn into stomps and kicks

Strangulation: it will choke it's opposition giving continuous low damage till a allie attacks him.

Environmental Restrictions: has a fear of fire and electricity.

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Name: Abyss Crawler



A mutated infested mixture of grineers and corpuses which evolved to successfully survive and capture its prey. This infested is spider-like that crawls on walls and ceilings with 6 to 8 legs that resembles corpus's and grinner's arms and hands (maybe their legs too). Years of mutation and evolution causes this infested to have crystal like protective skins and dagger claws on its legs. This infested will use a grineer's or corpus' mutated head along with an elongated jaws to grasp or capture their prey. They may also capture and attack tennos with their "legs" too. They settle in a dark area and preying on the unsuspected that wander those dark areas (Earth at night or areas of a ship that is completely pitch dark with no lights). They will always move away from any lights and flashlights accordingly. The only way to find it is by the tennos' flashlights when fighting.



Tennos will be in a dark areas to fight this infested. Its eyes will glow red before it attacks. They dashed forward by lunging itself with all 6~8 of its legs and grabs one of the tennos. It will start to claw and ravage that tenno on the wall or in a corner while other tennos will have to shoot or melee. After a certain amount of damage taken, it will leave the capture tenno to go back into hiding. Other times it will dash forward just to slash the group of tennos. Strangle is another attribute where it weaves poison threads on the ceiling and wraps a tenno with that thread. Strangling in midair while suffering from poison damage. Other attacks would be devouring where one tenno will be eaten whole. They will remain in there taking damage over time until he/she will be spit out or until it is dead.


Enviromental Restrictions:

Only in the pitch dark areas, either on earth in a deep forest or in a spaceship where there is no light available. The lights will flicker off and on in the boss rooms until it turns completely off. This is when the Abyss Crawler will come out. The tenno can find a switch or a light source to bring light to the boss room. This could temporarly stun the infested until it screams to break the lights.



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Name Suggestion: Infernal Reaper

Behavior: A large Infested Grineer Napalm that normally patrols with a cell of infested performing range attacks that leave behind hazards. While the rest of it's group runs a screen it makes the battlefield treacherous.

1. Fires a flare dealing heavy radiation and viral damage when at range. Grenades will stick to the target dealing massive base viral damage as well as DoT radiation. Hazards on ground/wall/ceiling will DoT for radiation.
2. At closer than mid-range, the Infernal Reaper wields a Jat Kittang dealing viral damage with it's offhand attempting to knock down/back potential melee attackers.
3. Close-range attackers are met with a violent melee overhead assault that knocks down with stun. Usually followed by a flare.

Environment restrictions: High Level infested Tilesets

Description: The virus has twisted this heavy unit making it one of the most terrifying beings in the known systems. The Grineer Napalm now has three arms (a third hulking, fleshy arm protruding from the spinal column). Spinal arm and offhand are used for the overhead smash. The Technocyte Virus has utterly twisted the nature of the Grineer Napalm's incendiary grenade launcher fusing it into the arm if the unit. The weapon is now wielded with a single arm and looks similar to the Torid.




Edited by (PS4)Zelgorath
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I took the time to read a lot of the submissions and I found lots of suggestion of an Infected Tenno...

The Tenno is a consequense of a human whith a strong dose of Technosite virus that some how manage to keep his sanity and learn to control the advanteges of the virus, later powered by the Warframes armors.

My point is that it will be more logic if it is a Warframe (just the armor) the one that  is infected or controled by some kind of infected because the Tenno already has the virus in his organism.

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Is it just me or are alot of people thinking of dead space when they see this?

Its goddamn really hard to come up with something really original, since we're overflowing with ideas from thousands of fiction in general.

I've reeeeally tried.

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I took the time to read a lot of the submissions and I found lots of suggestion of an Infected Tenno...
The Tenno is a consequense of a human whith a strong dose of Technosite virus that some how manage to keep his sanity and learn to control the advanteges of the virus, later powered by the Warframes armors.
My point is that it will be more logic if it is a Warframe (just the armor) the one that  is infected or controled by some kind of infected because the Tenno already has the virus in his organism.


I think that kinda feels like the Stalker

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Name: umbram rapax


Behavior:  is an ambush predator and never attacks alone instead it will wait in the shadows till the opportune moment or attack when numbers are on it's side


Attacks: This infested enemy type has two major traits a poison dart that is launched from it's tail, when hit by the dart the screen becomes blurry and sprint speed is reduced, and it's strong legs, which allows it to jump 5m towards a target. Once on a target it will bite repeatedly with no special effects


Art: http://www.interlopers.net/images/news/Skulk_Concept_800x557.jpg except smaller and with a longer tail

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Name Suggestion: X Flyer, X depending on its element type (e.g. Toxic Flyer, Freeze Flyer)

Behaviour:  A dynamic flying Infested Unit. When unalerted, it crawls like an insect. It flies and hovers behaving similar to a Corpus drone albeit more erraticaly like a hovering bee, moving closer to attack its target. When its wings are shot, it crawls on the ground or on the walls to get closer to the target in melee range and attack using its mandibles. However, when it's tail gets shot but its wings are still able, it moves on melee range to the target and swoops down to attack it.


Attacks: Its tail fires continuous beams similar to that of the Phage and the damage type depends on the element of the Flyer. It also attacks in melee range using its mandibles when crawling. It can also dive and ram its target when its tail gets disabled.


Environment restrictions:  None. Any maps where the Infested is the enemy.


Art: It flies with its body arched and it's tail pointed at the target as if it sees with it rather than its "head". It crawls with its body flat on the ground.


I wanted to make a common Infested enemy that will add flavour to the already stale rushing mobs but I avoided to make it too flashy or too game breaking, so I stuck to a rather simple design. Hope you guys like it.

Edited by KasaneTeto
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Name Suggestion: Infested Sleeper
Climbs primarily on ceilings/walls and only drops down to attack tenno. Main job is to cause staggers and moderate damage onto players. General disruption. When Magnetic procs, Sleeper will drop onto the floor, screaming, allowing for players to inflict massive damage/execute the enemy.
Rush - Sleeper shrieks violently, then rushes forward at an incredible pace, staggering and lightly damaging players who are in the line of movement. 
Ceiling Sweep - Sleeper hangs onto the ceiling with its posterior limbs and sweeps its bladed forelimbs at players twice. Deals moderate damage, but has a short range
Coolant Leak - After loosing a deafening screech, Sleeper expels coolant, temporarily slowing and staggering players caught in the blast. Uses after attacks or when in danger.
Leaping Claw - Rushes players and sweeps forelimbs once, dealing moderate damage. Short range on claw, long leap distance, and high stagger rate. Will use on walls or ceilings if Tenno are not in range for Ceiling sweep
Environment restrictions:
Sleeper is limited to areas that have walls or ceilings. Otherwise it can fight and spawn in any location.
Art or Reference Images:
Inspired by the cryopod found during defense missions and derelicts, this infested creature preys on inattentive tenno and will perform hit and run tactics if ignored. While not a threat by itself, it will pose a great threat if paired with its more prevalent and powerful brethren. This enemy is a direct result of the infestation successfully overtaking a Tenno cryopod and its sleeping inhabitant - hence the name. 


Jesus Christ, want now.

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Name Suggestion: Vizuini Călău


Behavior: The Vizuini Călău"burrowing executioner" is a snake like infested primarily derived from a heavy gunner that primarily moves underground. It cannot see anything it senses objects with echo location. It comes to the surface and emits a loud clicking sound. If it senses you it will shoot a moderate speed homing projectile that emits sounds allowing it to keep track of you. Only one instance of this tracker may be present on each warframe. While moving underground it is invunerable. While on the surface it will slither around in circular patterns it rarely stops moving on the surface. The Vizuini Călău is attracted to sound, the person firing the loudest weapon will draw the most aggro. Its echo location is visible so using a silent weapon and avoiding its wave can make the enemy easier to deal with. It is an aggressive enemy and will severely punish if you aren't careful around it. Vizuini Călău's mouth is a weak point, it is vulnerable while it uses echolocation or any biting attack. The Vizuini Călău is a high level heavy enemy.



Bite- The Vizuini Călău can use a weak short range bite.

Swallow- It can also use a more powerful bite that drains hp. This more powerful attack is telegraphed by it opening its mouth wide and lunging.

Echolocation- When it uses echolocation while alerted the wave damages players. The wave is also has longer range. This is telegraphed by it opening its mouth wide, looking to the sky, and screaming.

Tail Whip- A simple wide arched tail swing that does moderate damage.

Death From Bellow- It goes underground and rushes to the feet of a random player launching itself upwards dealing heavy damage.

Roar- A short range roar that stuns players.


Environment Restrictions: Only appears on Lv20+ infested missions, and void missions.



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Name: Tenno Derelict

Behaviour: The former tenno, mutated by infestation while in stasis, will awaken and attack any faction once its cryopod is disturbed. Pieces of its own cryopod serves as its armor and melee weapon. The mutation is sentient and will utilize its corrupted tenno powers. It cannot stray far but if its umbilical cord is severed, it will slowly die but will also become more agile and devastatingly powerful.

Environmental restrictions: Can be found in Orokin Derelict Missions.

Attacks: Tenno Derelict will utilize the deformed and mutated cryopod as a medium range bludgeon when cryopod is initially disturbed and will use a set of tenno powers if player gets too far from melee range. The mutation becomes ambulatory after its umbilical cord is severed where it will attack (in berserk mode) until its health depletes or until it is killed.

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Name Suggestion: Ancient Worm

Behavior: Being the remains of a toxic ancient's arm, this enemy slithers on the ground like a snake at the same speed as an ancient. It has the same armor as an ancient but less health, and appears more frequently than an ancient, usually in greater numbers. It essentially consists of the entirety of the ancient's arm and its mandibles in the distinct color of the ancient it used to be. The intention is to make it near, but not as high of a priority as ancients.

Attacks: Three variants exist, each with essentially similar movesets. The first is the Ancient Worm which spits a ball of toxic fluids that deal poison damage if it lands and has a moderate status chance. Since this move is lobbed from its mouth, it has a slow projectile speed meant to hit idle warframes. Up close, it stands like a cobra and sweeps its tail (which is its hand/claws). Upon taking damage or sometimes at random, the creature will charge up and pounce like a snake and send itself airbourne. If it makes contact with an enemy then it will explode and garuntee an explosion proc which will knock the player and surrounding players down to be chomped by other infested.

The second variant is the Ancient Slug. This one spits a number of sharp, slash dealing projectiles in a shotgun spread and range. It's suicide attack doesn't proc, but it will transfer a base of 150 health to nearby infested.

The final variant is the Ancient Leech. This one emits a long range beam like the Flux Rifle which steals 10 energy per second. Its suicide attack disrupts all warframes in range of its explosion.

Environment Restrictions: It can only spawn where ancients spawn.


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NAME : Infested Harpy, Ancient Harpy



 1) Infested Harpy: Small flying infested birds flying in a horde, they're fast and very hard to kill if they're scattered. They gather around a tenno and confuses him while the other infested attack. They have a tendecy to team up with Ancient Disruptors or Ancient Harpy.


 2) Ancient Harpy: Bigger Version of the Infested Birds. They come with a horde of Infested Harpy to aid them. They fly around the battlefield and are very rare to see. While the Tenno are distracted that is the moment they attack.



 1) Infested Harpy: They do good damage when they gather togather around tenno and attack with their talons. They do minimal damage when some of them shoot their tail bones for ranged attack.


 2) Ancient Harpy: They charge down at tenno from the sky smashing them at the ground dealing heavy damage. They also charge down on ground to do shockwave damage.


Enviormental Restriction: 

 1) Infested Harpy: None 


  2)Ancient Harpy: Spawns in an open place mostly in Earth like area where the tenno are fighting under the sky. They don't spawn in small rooms or corridors as they are big and need space to fly around.

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Name:  Marcoglossus


Behaviour:  This creature is a flying bat type Infested that follows the rules and restrictions of the Corpus Osprey (in terms of AI behaviour) With two major exceptions. It is very fast and will activily try to avoid Tenno long range attacks and stays out of range of Melee based attacks.


Attacks: 2 Abilites come with this unite


      1. Nector Drop. The unite will drop a nector like substance on the ground that will slow any Tenno that come in contact with it.


     2.  Sonar: The unite will let out a terrifying scream that will incompasitate the Tenno for a brief second and attract any nerby Infected to its location.


Enviroment Restrictions:  This unite is more active in dark enviroments



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Name Suggestion: 

Spawns on toxic ancient
Will jump on palyer if comes too close, if player will atack it (fast melee atack) then he kills the parisite
Otherwise parasite can be killed only by other player or some aoe atack.
Parasite clings on players back.

When got enough pawers will get of masters back and become his copy with only melee atack (claws)

Bites masters back dealing low damage, and rapidly sucking his stamina.
When get of his master will deal hight damage with big speed.

Environment restrictions: 


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