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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Name: Vent Parasite


Vent Parasites have extreme health and a chitinous carapace which make him immune to damage under normal circumstances. 

It is basically a formless mass of infested flesh which lodged itself in an air duct. 


It has an exceedingly long tentacle which can extend more than 20 meters, and is very strong. It can flail around like a wrecking ball, knocking down and causing mostly impact damage. The rigid exterior of the 'wrecking ball' tip sometimes opens wide, as it is the monster's mouth, and that is the only moment it is vulnerable to damage. 

Once it opens its mouth though, it will look for anyone to eat, friend or foe. 


Attack1: wrecking ball

The Vent parasite will swing the chitinous point of its tentacle around to try to knock down and damage the player. It may attack high, where a slide or ground copter can dodge it, or low, where jumping/air coptering can evade it. 


Attack 2: Hunger strike

The monster will try to eat someone around him. the chitinous tip of the tentacle opens in a tripartite fashion, with several rows of razor-fine teeth and 9 tongue-like protrusions. It emits a rough screeching sound to announce this attack. with the mouth open, it is vulnerable to attack in the soft flesh inside. 


It will use its heat sensors (yellow glowing tips of the 9 tongues) to detect and lock into someone to grab and omnomnom, swallow it whole. In a few seconds, it will spit back the unit as an eximus. 

If it eats an enemy, it will spit out the same enemy as an eximus infested. 

If it grabs a Tenno, it will gnaw on it 3 times for massive damage, then throw it far away. If an attack procs on the monster, it will release the Tenno. The monster's base can be targeted for this. 



The Vent Parasite can show up from any vent, be it on the ground, wall of floor. It will never show up in a vent which would block level progression though; only on would-be plain cosmetic, non-breakable vents. 

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Name suggestion: manipuleerija


Behaviour: Is stationary on the ground, shooting in any “corpus” or “grineer” that pass in 7 meters of him.


Attacks: Shot parasitic darts at the corpus (grineers), the parasite targets the nervous system of the corpus (Grineer) making the corpus(grineer) shoot in the tenno.


Restrictions: Only inhabits the ground, can’t move, shot affects only corpus or grineer. Can't be exposed at the light.


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Name: Plasmid


Behaviour: flies through the tileset like a jellyfish


Attack: 1)Can attack players fast shocks leading to knockdown

            2)Fly around object and throw  toxic spores on the ground. 

               Spores are emit toxic gas damaging all in range


Habitat: Spacious rooms, open area like Earth. Very rarely appears in narrow spaces









Edited by MIbrem
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Name: Basilisk



Behavior: This infested creature always clings tightly onto the walls of the area. Their slender but hard skin allows them to perfectly fade into their environment. The creature breeds by deforming corpus soldiers into one of their own kind. It is said to be that these creatures are able to use electric attacks due to their inner parts being mixed with cyborg machinery.

As already mentioned, the creature is able to fully disappear into the environment thanks to its chameleon-like skin. It preferss staying still and letting its prey pass through before it attacks the Tenno or other organic creature to throw it down.


Attacks: uses jumping attacks (with its claws) and it has a chance that the electric power will paralyze the Tenno for ca. 2 seconds (can differ, depending on the level) , if the ambush fails, the creature will then try to attack in CQC as long as the prey didnt walk out of range.


Environmental Restriction:

Level 15 and above, the infested creature appears usually in small corridors and uses dark places as breeding point.



Edited by MihawkDulacr1
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A crawler sized infested, leaving behind a trail of lime-green venom, reducing health of Tenno overtime. Can be introduced in all infested missions. Has a scorpion-like pair of clampers, to do critical damage to health. It should be small enough so that Tenno can not see it easily.




1)Poizzerria-> Leaves a trail of Poison venom, resulting in health reduction overtime if stepped on.


2)Claw Bite-> Grasps the hold of the Warframe of the Tenno, doing critical damage on health.


Environment Ristrictions


None, except that they should be featured only in infested missions (obviously).


Art-> http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100419114223/borderlands/images/a/a3/Badass_Fire_Crawler.png


Thank you. I hope i was of some help. This infested is simple, but stealthy and deadly....beware. -Slurpynoodle

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A flying infested, size of an osprey or drone. There are 2 types of pterodactyls: roaring pterodactyl or attacking pterodactyl. Roaring ones like flying around, but can attack while attacking ones are very offensive.


Throws bolts like desert skate's. Attacking pterodactyls inflict partly inflict toxin damage while roaring ones inflict physical damage only.

- Attacking pterodactyl:

1.Throws a toxic payload like TORID.

2. Flies on you, knoking you down or dealing high damage, but inflicts damage to itself.

- Roaring pterodactyl:

1. Roars, increasing damage and speed of other infested.

2. Roars. decreasing damage and speed of Tenno.

Environment restrictions:

Atttacking pterodactyl can fight everywhere, while roaring one likes open spaces (like Orokin Derelict Defense room).

Edited by Carbonate
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Name Suggestion: 

- Winged Infested



- The Winged Infested is a just a bit bigger than the standard Corpus Osprey, it often is spotted Over/Around the closest and most powerful infested units to feel safe.

- Tries to keep itself outside the battle so it can attack from a safe distance.

- If It feels unsafe it will flee to other infested units and fly even higher up in the air.

- If there is other Winged Infested it will try to group up because they use every advantage they get.



The Winged Infested attacks from safe distance even if it has a very short range.

- It shoots corrosive liquid from it's tail that will hurt everything it hits and everything that moves on the ground where the liquid had been.

- If attacked it will try to get even higher range to get an advantage.


Environment restrictions:

- Rare in places where there is limited flying possiblities


Reference Images:




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Name Suggestion: Corupted Tenno

Behaviour: about the same as none corputed Tenno just have dark smoke comming out of them. hides in the dark spots on the map and high places to assasinate you.

Weapon: Random Tenno weapons.

Environment: Can be on every map, and fight the factions and you.

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Name Suggestion: Smasher

Behaviour:  Melee type. Heavy impact shots capable of throwing tenno and various objects on the map. Invulnerable to the lack of atmosphere, will open by throwing objects at players and as the players close in to range switches to melee combat.


Attacks: Object throw. Able to grab crates, cannisters, rocks, non anicent class enemies, tenno in range and throw them at targets. Tenno can not break space glass but if space glass is open tenno can be thrown out into space. Improvised weapon. Random % chance to pull iron off the wall or ground and have a heavy axe. Melee strikes. 


Environment restrictions:  None. Can appear and work on any infested map.

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Name Suggestion: Infected Warframe

Behaviour:  (Randomly invades a game (doesn't have to be an infested mission) in the same way as Stalker, Harvester or G3. A deformed (infected) version of a randomly selected warframe would spawn into the mission and attack all non-infested. Similarly, any non-infested enemy would see it as a threat. Regardless of the warframe it used to be, it would have the same item drops, but it would also always drop an ability card from the Warframe it's mimicing

Attacks: It would have the same attacks (perhaps with different casting animation) as the warframe it used to be, and with the same shields and armor, but with massively boosted health. The gun/melee weapon it weilds (and may drop a blueprint for) would be an infested version of the Braton, Skana, and Lato (which of course would have wildly different stats than their un-infested counterparts)

Environment restrictions:  None. It could show up anywhere, even in assassination missions (since the boss would see it as yet another enemy)

Edited by (PS4)I_NoScoped_Bambi
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It would help put a boss in this strong orokin void as serious, I mean would throw his spear and would have the skills to: 

  Holy Strike: send enemies flying at air 

  Spear perdition: would throw his spear and soil contact would make a strong blast 

  Lighting Fatal: segaria enemies (ability looked at the Excalibur) 

  Call the guards pulled her into the air and is divided into many layers spears to kill any enemy, Take it in mind: D I have only 14 years old: D


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Type: Infested
Name: Nightmare Kin

Originally Orokin with darkly gold halos surround it upper back area, looks rather celestial in appearance (giving of rays of dark energy. It also has an infected area around both its legs and left arm - (infected skin can be seen protruding from it's original form but then being covered by infected armor - Platinum or Silver). The armored left arm holds a black scythe and the uninfected right arm creates surges of dark energy that are used to fire beams at opponents

Will appear from a burst of dark energy (Similar appearence to smoke), will observe it's opponents for a few seconds (from a distance and kneeling down), it will then wait till noticed/ fired at and suddenly lash foward vanishing for a second till reappearing right in front of one of it's opponants just a split second before unleashing it's attacks.
It will then proceed to to start all over agian from kneeling at a distance to lashing fowards.
Prefers observing from high areas.
Will leave the same way it arrived (burst of dark energy). - once defeated!

Will lash foward vanishing for a second till reappearing in just a split second before unleashing it's attacks, moving around similar to a pinball machine but with the players as objects, will continue to use it's scythe till half it's health is depleted but after it will attack from a distance on occations using it's right hand to fire dark energy at it's opponents though mostly still relying on the scythe.

It can be severly damaged if hit in close range with a melee weapon or explosives when lashing foward to attack, will then stops it's attack and head to a distance to start again.
After each attack it will stop for 10seconds, which will grant you time to use ranged combat against it.- Close not advised

Mainly dark, damp and indoor areas such as caves but can be found in corpus space-stations.




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Name: Phagus

Behaviour: It's an infested seeker with a corrupted form of obesity trying to eat everything. It looks like a big green ballon with 4 spindly legs and a big sunken head with cavernous mouth. It has eated many things including a great amount of latchers and rollers( which are barely effected by it's digestive fluids). It will leave a track of digestive / corrosive goo lacking out of its body from when it was puntured of eating sharp objects when it is unalerted. Walks, rolls and hops around randomly and tries to eat his surrounding when unalerted. When alerted it will primarly roll and bounce. It will be like a bouncy ball with a lot of adrenaline, it has found food...

Attacks. When alerted it lobs corrosive goo at its enemies, when the goo makes contact it will give a corrosive DoT, and give of a sickening smell. The smell will make the Phagus very HUNGRY, it will jump (bounce) on the affected enemie knocking them down and start swallowing him, giving a small Corrosive DoT and an Impact DoT, because of all the latchers in his stomach. It arms will thrash wildly while trying to eat an enemie inflicting light damage to all nearby entities, be it object, foe or ally. when hit by electic damage it will give direct counterfire because of its stomach muscles contracting, it will also release an enemie it's trying to eat. When alerted but not immediately threatened and alone with a only few light infested it will eat a infested because of it's ever lasting hunger. This will give it an Ignis like attack of viral goo for a few seconds. When it is killed it will explode immediately doing slight corrosive damage and releasing 6 latchers and 1 roller.

Everionmental restrictions: No corpus it doesn't like the taste of shields and oxium (makes him lightheaded :) ).

art: just to give an impression of its body


Edited by Rainofgod
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Name Suggestion: Infested Panzer


Behaviour: Big, slow, high health and surrounded by smaller infested. Based off an infested Railgun Moa that's evolved to take on a more tanky, two legged appearance with a thick spiked tail it uses to support itself when it fires it's infested laser. It has a loud groaning version of the Moa cry that it lets out constantly. An easy target on it's own, it takes advantage of the chaos that being swarmed with melee units to line up it's slow firing weapon or gains the attention of the enemy to distract for the smaller Infested.


Attacks: It's beam attack takes a few seconds to charge, during which a faint line begins to appear before the air is superheated for massive damage. It can adjust the angle of the attack if the target moves, but very slowly.

If engaged in melee combat, it will use it's supporting tail in wide, sweeping strikes. It's a slow attack, but with a long reach and with the extra spikes, it can cause lots of damage to the enemies.


Environment restrictions:  Can only be found in large rooms that can support hordes of enemies.

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Name: Lost Camarade 


Behaviour: this forced to mutate Tenno, is rare to see, it should appear when you kill too many infested , 50% kills in ext. or over 10 round at surv. 


Attacks: It run for u and try to trap you . if he trap you with his 4 back tentacles , it will drain vit. and energy quickly. it has a ´superpunch´´ like infested . also can shoot bioplasma .


Environment: It lives in orokin ships and can appear in all survival missions .


Art: pjiAUp2.png

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Name: Replicys


Behavior: Replicys will copy in exacting detail whatever it's current target is, down to the name and damage bar appearance (not it's stats or non-melee attacks). It moves similarly to them (though it cannot copter) and at their speed. It appears alone and hidden, but will appear on enemy radar or set off automated traps.


Attacks: Replicys will attack with melee only but in the style/stance of the target, including grineer, corpus, tenno, or other infested. It will favor the combo attacks of tenno from their styles. For example, it will do the heavy grineer knock-down smash.  It does not gain the power of it's target; it can't do slash-dashes and it's weapons are not the same strength as it's enemy.


Environment: Should appear alone and separated so that other infested do not give it away. Common on defense and survival missions.


Appearance: Reuse current art; it has no base form other than it's enemy.

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Name Suggestion




Free-floating in groups of 5 to 20, these volleyball-sized gelatinous creatures may seem harmless.  Having no sense of vision whatsoever, they rely on chemical receptors embedded in their bell-shaped heads which act as chemical receptors that detect changes in their surroundings.  Floaters will ignore anything and everything that does not display aggression - even if tenno discreetly pass through them.



The floaters' aggressive nature unfolds once provoked by gunfire or surrounding hostility.  They "lock on" to the hostile chemical signature, then use their tentacles to propel themselves swiftly toward their target and finally explode on impact, killing itself and inflicting various but temporary effects on its victim (and any other unfortunate victim sticking too close including sentinels).  The effects vary depending on the type of floater:


-Mucoid Floater: Spreads sticky mucus that slightly slows its victim's melee attack speed, movement speed, weapon reload speed, and power casting speed.

-Infectious Floater: Inflicts virus that slightly reduces armor rating and total remaining health, and decays a bit of health over time.

-Disrupting Floater: Releases electric surge that slightly reduces total shields, disables shield regeneration, and drains a bit of energy over time (and can optionally scramble the HUD like Ancient Disrupter)


All these effects are minor in scale and last for only a very short time (2-3 seconds suggested), but may turn lethal as both the potency and duration will stack multiple times if you are hit by a floater again while the effects are active.


Environmental Restrictions

Floaters can appear anywhere and everywhere the infestation spreads.


Art or Reference Images

Just imagine an infested jellyfish.  This might be close:


Edited by MeLbZ
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isnt this for infested this |^| would seem something like a byproduct of necroses soul punch and i mean this could be on any level to aney enemy

well actually, the idea of the infested soul that when a tenno dies in an infested mission, the infested virus takes over the soul of the lost tenno. It shouldnt be made an enemie that spawns randomly on a planet, but you could make it an assassin guy, like stalker, harvester, g3...

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name: Polyphage




A mass of fused vermin which bursts apart into multiple small enemies (vermin) when tenno get too close (size can be increased due to mele difficulty or a stomp/floor attack animation).


Fairly slow moving at first and slows down further when tenno are close to avoid attracting attention before bursting.


Extremely resistant to explosive and blast effects which will only detonate the polyphage or scatter vermin around.


Susceptible  to gas.




Vermin scurry around in front of a target tenno and attack by biting and retreating randomly in turns (pack mentality).


Very low damage


Some vermin may be poisonous.


When another tenno is close, one or two vermin may latch onto the target tenno requiring the other to shoot/cut them off (tenno honour and such).




Polyphages cannot jump but vermin can. It will burst to get to tenno.



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It would help put a boss in this strong orokin void as serious, I mean would throw his spear and would have the skills to: 
  Holy Strike: send enemies flying at air 
  Spear perdition: would throw his spear and soil contact would make a strong blast 
  Lighting Fatal: segaria enemies (ability looked at the Excalibur) 
  Call the guards pulled her into the air and is divided into many layers spears to kill any enemy, Take it in mind: D I have only 14 years old: D




you seriously mean this should be an ennemie? F*** no!  seriously man this is a too good suggestion to waste it as an NPC xDDD this should be a god damn PRIME TENNO MAN !! and a exclusive one too!  etc an event reward only or something :P



this drawing and design is simply SICK!!!!!!!!!<3333333333333333 and i would personally love to have this in my tenno collection! i hope the DE's feel the same way as me! <3

Edited by (PS4)kevin_nightwolf
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Large, aggressive and rapidly infected. It mutated from a soldier with a Provo, from his mouth out four tentacles prova merged with left rukoy.Blagodarya infection he acquired the force of 4 people and the speed of 60 km / h:)Behaivor:


Heavy and swift attack from Provo that hard for to evade, contamination by toxic tentacles and powerful ram makes him a dangerous opponent.

Environment restrictions:

normally lives in the jungle or in abandoned towers Orokin 



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