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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Name Suggestion: Infested Wrecker


Behavior: A slow-moving, brutish and large infested creature that has vine-like spikes of hardened, crusty flesh. The Wrecker has a spiky, mace-like growth on a single arm.  The wrecker has multiple sludge sacks on its back and torso area that can burst. It has armoring made out of hardened fungus on multiple body parts. It drags its elongated arm across the floor, as it sluggishly makes its way towards its prey.


Attacks: Bashes its mace-like arm on the ground 3-5 times, creating seismic waves on the ground in a 135-degree frontal cone and leaves a small pool of acid where the infested bashed. This creature has great endurance normally, but you can break the Wrecker's sludge sacks on its body to lower its damage resistances. The hardened fungus armoring can be shot off and possibly expose extra sludge sacks.


Environmental Restrictions: Cannot be on walls or ceilings. Can only be located on Infested tile sets, preferably less common on enclosed areas and maps with staircases. Cannot move through small spaces, like air vents and small tunnels.


Artwork/References: Think of a fungus-covered, hulking bodybuilder, who is hunched over and has arms dangling from all the weight of the growths and sludge sacks all over on its body.

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Name: Arc Fiend

Appearance & Behaviour: The Arc Fiend is a rare, agile infested unit. While its arms have completely fused to its body due to the infestation transformation process, thus rendering it incapable of physical attack, it is incredibly quick and sporadic in its movement (similar to a hummingbird), making it difficult to target. Having originated from a Grineer unit, it is quite armored, however this is not what makes it stand out.
The peculiarity and horror of the Arc Fiend is defined in its name sake; its back armor shell is entirely covered in Arc-Traps, protruding from its frame, that have managed to fuse to its body during its transformation. More specifically, the Arc Fiend's body contains the equivalent (in both number and power) of Arc Traps. Due to its undeveloped leg spikes, it must remain in constant movement in order to maintain its balance.
Think of an Electric Crawler that has taken its daily dose of Kela's Frosted Frames with Ruk's Greedy Milk. This is not an enemy one wishes to encounter unprepared.


  • [Arc Barrage] The Arc Fiend possesses innate, electrical, arcing abilities, behaving similar to an amplified Amprex thanks to its multiple Arc Traps.
  • [speed] Having been supercharged by the gratuitous amount of Arc Traps integrated into its being, the Arc Fiend has developed the ability to cast Volt's Speed power upon enemy detection.

As previously stated, the Arc Fiend is incapable of physical attack.

Environment Restrictions: The Arc Fiend will ONLY spawn in missions comprised of Grineer tilesets. It also has a rare chance of spawning in a Rescue 2.0 jail cell.

[EXTRA INFORMATION] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Advantages: The Arc Fiend is a ranged infested unit. It often spawns amongst the lesser infested (chargers, runners & leapers), which provide an excellent meat-shield, allowing it to maintain its distance and deal devastating electric damage. Also, due to its spontaneous and quick movement patterns, it is difficult to engage at long ranges, particularly for sniper rifle users. However, if one is arrogant enough to tackle this enemy as a sniper, aim for the head; if you miss, its Speed will trigger and it will come for you.


Weaknesses: While a nightmare at medium to long range, the Arc Fiend's capabilities are staggeringly reduced when met at close range. Being weak to both puncture and slash damage, it becomes easy prey for melee-wielding Tenno.
An additional weakness comes in the form of electricity. While the Arc Fiend has a 100% immunity to electrical damage, electricity is capable of stunning it, and halting its movement for a second or two. This is just enough to render it immobile on the battle field, causing it to lose its balance and fall onto its back, resembling an comical, limb-flailing tortoise capable of little else. The Arc Traps will short out, and thus become incapacitated, when this occurs.

Additional Artwork:


Edited by MonsieurZero
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Name :






- Small or Medium infested unit / units ( Osprey Size )

-Spawn in group of 4 or Single if Medium size , they wonder around and attack you as soon your in range using the Stinger as a Slash and melee attack .




- When you get sting from this enemy you Slowdown or paralyze ( depends on stinger size)from is venom  for a short    period of time  and get damage poison  overtime .


Environment restrictions: 


None they are like Wasp they spread all over ;)


 Art  Image: 




Well i used the wasp criteria because  i notice that  its missing a flying  infested , i hope you like my creation .

By Emblema 


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Name Suggestion: Androphagi


Behavior: A infested cannibal who devours fallen tenno and comrades. Abilities are directly reflected by whatever is consumed and amplified. Example would be if the Androphagi consumes a ancient healer, the Androphagi would have an increased area of effect and increased healing power. Abilities would be the only thing amplified. As if it were to consume a heavy gunner it would gain increased armor and knockdown abilities while the weapon itself would not be buffed.


Attacks: The main attack would be just like the scorpions hook, where is reaches out and grabs a dying ally or enemy. This attack should only be usable on targets with less than 2% health. The 2nd and only other ability would be consume or devour. Basically where it kills the dying or dead target and takes their abilites and weapon. Every other attack would be directly related to what the target being consumed is. 


Environment Restrictions: Before consuming anything, the same restrictions as Ancient's.


Optional Art: None atm.

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Name: Infested Myriad


Behaviour: Come in swarms like insects. Do low amounts of poison damage. Having adopted the ability corpus drones have of shielding teammates, mutated to instead now buff nearby infested to 200% damage with corrupted corpus osprey beams. These beams stack, making swarms very dangerous as they all increase each other's damage AND proc chance turning a group of weak enemies into a very high priority death swarm.


Attacks: Fire tiny torid-like darts that do very low poison-based damage with a 10% proc chance. These both increase depending on how many of the Myriad are near each other.


Environment restrictions: Same as corpus sentinals, ospreys, and drones. Don't function well in large outdoor areas due to the ease of picking them off one by one and being scattered. Can fly away to escape immediate danger like ospreys tend to do.



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名字的建议:飞龙 行为:作为i族的飞行兵种,在空中扇动带孔的肉翅飞行盘旋,也可以通过身上的吸盘附着在天花板或墙壁上在你路过的时候偷袭你 攻击:通过腹部的口器喷射带有病毒特效的攻击,尾部具有近战攻击的功能(俯冲甩尾0.0?) 环境限制:在i族的入侵或者是神殿废塔都能出现


Name : Flying Dragon

Behavior : Flying unit of the infested, circles around overhead with torn, fleshy wings, also utilizes suction cups on the body to stick to walls or ceilings, and ambushes players that come into range by ejecting Viral attacks through a maw on the belly. Can use melee attacks with tail (Some sort of charge or tail slap 0.0?) 

Environment Restrictions : Appears in infested invasion missions or the Orokin Derelicts

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Infestation Idea:


Name: (Infested) Gargoyle


Behavior: Has wings, therefore capable of flying. Will remain stationary and totally immobile, taking 90% reduced damage, until any hostile faction is in close enough proximity in order to aggravate them. When aggravated, Gargoyle will begin attacking, seeking out the nearest targets. Wings can be destroyed, forcing Gargoyles to the ground. Extremely high armor except for wings and back, but cumbersomely slow unless in air. If disengaged, Gargoyles will return to original location, and re-root themselves, slowly recovering health until aggravated or interrupted. Gargoyles remain within 100m of spawning point, past that is automatic disengagement. When disengaged, Gargoyles will repair wings after full health is achieved, taking 20 seconds to do so.


Attacks: Gargoyles will lash out in wide, slow arcs sickle arm with obvious wind-up if on ground, but extremely fast if in air. Targets caught in the slash are highly susceptible to bleed and viral damage, and massive (very massive) damage when struck. If not disabled aerially, Gargoyles will stick to the air, dive-bombing targets and lashing out simultaneously in a far swifter motion. Gargoyle attacks are guaranteed knockdowns, unless resisted (i.e Iron Skin resist). Gargoyles WILL prioritized incapacitated targets, performing an execute if allowed, killing the target. Execute takes a very long time, and is interruptible by any form of crowd control (blind, stun, knockdown, stagger, etc.)


Environment Restrictions: Only beside doorways, if space is allowed. Maximum of two allowed to spawn per doorway, every 500m.


Artwork: May come, may not. We'll see.

Edited by Lilinith
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Name Suggestion: Infested Deceiver


Behavior: An evasive quadra-ped creature in the medium/heavy category that unlike other infested, dislikes direct combat. Instead it likes to take cover and launch ranged bolts at its enemies. It can leap, walk on walls, and turn invisible. It is weak to direct hits, but resistant to AoE style skills, especially while invisible. It has a small energy shield to it as well as medium-high health making it a target to be focused and removed quickly. Could be similar to ancients in total health. This creature would be an infested mesh of technology, possibly corpus, and biological.

Edit: This is direct concept to imitate a futuristic/infested style Chroma from DS.


Attack: Semi-homing bolts, similar to Phorid or Nyx. These bolts would be somewhat colorful energy style kunai looking attack. They would fire in a burst with the Deceiver typically following up with going invisible and changing locations and taking new cover. The bolts would not be super accurate but would explode after about a second.


Environmental Restrictions: Enjoys walls, railings, boxes and other cover. Rare in open areas, most common in defense style missions.


Art: None. Basic thoughts 4-6 legs, and as mentioned a mesh of possibly corpus tech merged with biological mesh.

Edited by AphoticAnima
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Name Suggestion: Empusa / Sibyl




Behaviour:  The stealth unit of the Infested. A solitary hunter, it spawns away from the main groups of Infested. It is capable of camouflaging itself against its surroundings. Often, it sneaks up on unaware players, punishing lack of communication and awareness. The Empusa utilizes cover and shadows to its advantage, moving silently and out of sight. ( 1 )


The Empusa is capable of stealthing itself and entering a semi-invisible state. Standing still, it is completely see-through, but when it is moving, you can see a slight outline ( think the Spy from TF2 ). Attacking breaks its stealth completely. The Empusa does not make sound like normal Infested.


It is created from Infested Grineer Scorpions.




Attacks:  When attacking unalerted enemies from behind, the Empusa deals critical damage with its blades and has a chance to proc bleed or poison. ( 2 ) Higher level Empusa have a chance to do a dual attack that knocks the Tenno over. Empusa also can fall from the ceiling onto Tenno, and you have to roll to dislodge them ( like Latchers ).


When discovered, the Empusa are very weak and fragile, their melee attacks doing very little damage up front. Instead, they will try and climb away and emit an energy-leeching shriek.


The Empusa have low health and armor values but high attack and speed. A squad needs to be constantly alert to avoid Empusa attacks.




Environment restrictions:  Spawns on any tileset infested can spawn on, except that it prefers enclosed areas with lots of hiding spots.




(Optional) Art or Reference Images:






Edited by Najacore
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Name Suggestion: Forsaken Trickster


Behaviour:  The infested remains of a most unfortunate Loki. This infested is non-hostile and is a chance encounter in high level areas inhabited by infested. It stumbles aimlessly around the map while cloaked similarly to it's non-infested counterpart. The Loki frame's physical strength and agility combined with the decaying properties of the infestation have caused degradation in it's motor skills and induce twitching in it's body involuntarily as it moves, this creates a soft audio cue of flesh and bone contorting to grab the attention of passing/pursuing Tenno with a keen ear. As Tenno draw closer it suppress it's erratic movements and will stand perfectly still as to avoid revealing itself. When attacked it will enter a fleeing stage (see attacks). Upon death it will drop an assortment of rare items (and perhaps a blueprint for an infested skin for Loki? *wink wink*).


Attacks: When it takes damage while cloaked it casts a long range radial disarm on Tenno in the area, then desperately sprints away at a high speed, moving on all fours. If it escapes it will re-cloak itself and begin wandering again while regenerating health. If it's health goes below 50% it will begin using Switch Teleport intermittently against pursuing Tenno to disorient. When it's health reaches 0% it collapses like a  Warframe, however, in a last stand it will cast multiple decoys closeby and will Switch Teleport among them while trying to regenerate itself by casting an infested-locust-swarm-thing you see flying around in infested maps onto itself. It must be finished off in this stage.


Environment restrictions: Only found in areas already inhabited by infested and not in conflict. Susceptible to knockdowns, slows, stuns, and environmental hazards.


Art or Reference Images: Artwork © myself, My DeviantArt is Aimyay infested_loki_by_aimyay-d7hp26i.png

Edited by Hash_Slingin_Slasha
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Name Suggestion: Empusa / Sibyl




Behaviour:  The stealth unit of the Infested. A solitary hunter, it spawns away from the main groups of Infested. It is capable of camouflaging itself against its surroundings. Often, it sneaks up on unaware players, punishing lack of communication and awareness. The Empusa utilizes cover and shadows to its advantage, moving silently and out of sight. ( 1 )


The Empusa is capable of stealthing itself and entering a semi-invisible state. Standing still, it is completely see-through, but when it is moving, you can see a slight outline ( think the Spy from TF2 ). Attacking breaks its stealth completely. The Empusa does not make sound like normal Infested.


It is created from Infested Grineer Scorpions.




Attacks:  When attacking unalerted enemies from behind, the Empusa deals critical damage with its blades and has a chance to proc bleed or poison. ( 2 ) Higher level Empusa have a chance to do a dual attack that knocks the Tenno over. Empusa also can fall from the ceiling onto Tenno, and you have to roll to dislodge them ( like Latchers ).


When discovered, the Empusa are very weak and fragile, their melee attacks doing very little damage up front. Instead, they will try and climb away and emit an energy-leeching shriek.


The Empusa have low health and armor values but high attack and speed. A squad needs to be constantly alert to avoid Empusa attacks.




Environment restrictions:  Spawns on any tileset infested can spawn on, except that it prefers enclosed areas with lots of hiding spots.




(Optional) Art or Reference Images:






lol this is almost exactly like my concept. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/225734-enemies-of-the-tenno-infested-submissions/?p=2615526

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外观:tenno的感染者(被病毒感染了系统的装甲?),黑色装甲 类似于咖喱棒的外观 但是被病毒附着 行动敏捷 护甲和血量略厚 部分有护盾

攻击模式:会跑墙 会使用tenno武器 甚至像蜘蛛一样倒挂在天花板上 待进入攻击范围内便跃下进行跳斩(终结技) 能直接击倒 tenno 或者抱住tenno头部 被抱住的时候需要QTE击退感染者 有的感染者与武器融合可以发射毒榴弹散布出毒云 

地位:类似于重机枪的队长怪 出现时会在地图上特别标注 紫色的莲花标志


环境:orkin废弃神殿 黑暗地带 入侵时会出现一到两个 不会有精英级别出现

外观:一颗猪笼草长在咖喱棒的脸上 恐吓的时候会张开咆哮



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Suggested Name: As-Lu-Med-Ya (Grineer) / Overseer (Corpus)


Description: Aslomedias and Overseers are Warframes that were managed to be captured. Aslumedias are made into Grineer soldiers through torcher and manipulation tactics. Once broken, there are then trained vigorously to fend off the Lotus' Warframes. With videos and audio obtained through surveillance, they incorporate Lotus Warframes' tactics and communications as part of their conditioning. Before a warframe becomes an Aslomedia, they are donned with they're own special armor (Yellow & Red. Green & Blue. Grey & Orange. tan being a base color). If the order is given, certain body parts will be replaced with mechanical parts to improve efficiency or break the warframe further. This does not happen often. They use kicks and punches, their weapons as melee weapons, some use swords and axes obtained from fallen Warframes belonging to the other two sides.


In combat, the Yellow and Red Aslomedias are the lowest ranking in their class. Since they are fresh, they are in constant self-confliction because of their background. Being timid, movements are twitchy and unsure. If a higher ranking Alsomedia is present, they're combat efficiency will improve. They can resort to brutal melee attacks if it gives up hope of survival and attack everything. While in this state, they're become less susceptible to pain and will fight until it dies by the Lotus warframe, by it's fellow Grineer, or from severe fatigue or shock. 


The green and blue one, the middle ranking renegades, are more aggressive and prone to use special abilities, draining them of their energy and stamina. Their movements are much more fluid and combat efficiency is slightly better. If a high rank is around, they will work with other Alsomedias to coordinate devastating counter attacks and assaults. They take pride in their speed and style of combat. Mainly for flash than combat, they can duck in and out of cover with ease. However marksmanship has qualities to be desired. They are less likely to turn vicious and harm fellow Aslomedia, yet normal Grineer soldiers can still turn into targets for amusement. They well laugh if they see a Grineer killed. It can occasionally be found trying to meditate. It will squirm and eventually give up, yelling and ranting. (If fortunate enough for this enemy to be chosen, I'd like to see one hitting on the female Grineer and get denied or approved)


The Grey and Orange Aslomedias are there high ranking officers. They are calm and collected and do not turn on Grineer or their own. They provide morale support and tactical commands to other Aslomedia and other lower ranking Grineer. They are under the heavy-class units. Every now and then, one could be seen standing in a middle of a room looking up or down; it's actually listening to the Lotus or a Reaper. If it is found listening to the Lotus or a Reaper, It may not attack, only stare ( if it does attack or is engaged, it will only use melee attack and dash attacks. It will be much more difficult if engaged during this period). It can be found meditating with other Aslomedias in an attempt to teach self-induced tranquility and balance. in combat, it is skilled and highly dangerous. It's marksmanship is excellent and every movement has a purpose. If distance is closed rapidly, it will resort to melee attacks.



Overseers are brainwashed while still in stasis. just like the Grineer, Corpus use surveillance audio and video to program them for combat. They also condition their minds by teaching them the Corpus way and ranking ladder. Overseers are warframes that manage operations. There could be 2 to 3 Overeers under a Technician. If a warframe is being recovered, they will hide until they are needed. If operations are running slow, they will assist in the recovery. Generally, they are skilled riflemen. Occasionally, one could be seen with a sniper, pistol, or an explosive or incendiary weapon while acting as support, though they are trained to use all Corpus technology and weapons. Their armor resembles standard infantry armor configuration but tighter and is either beige and tan, black and gold, or a camouflage pattern resembling the environment. All Overseer armor have the Corpus insignia on the upper right side, the back, or right shoulder. Their armor configuration has particular sections installed with a light-weight, dense material capable of parrying and blocking attacks delivered from Rhino models as well as delivering crippling blows (shins, heels, hands, forearms, sections on the back and core, chest, thigh, forehead, rear head, cheeks, groin, feet). They also carry a droid of some sort and can command a team of less Corpus soldiers along with walkers and drones. Rarely seen using weapons other than firearms. They also use said firearms as a Lotus would use a their melee weapons (pistol whips, bludgeon with a rifle). Overseers weapons are customized to used in such a manner (dense protective plates and/or bayonets)


Special Attacks:

All special abilities pertaining to model

Aslomedias abilities depend on their rank. The higher, the more abilities available


(just to add to the wonder, I would like to see a Orange and Grey Aslomedia interrogating a hostage

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Of all the weird ideas I had and really wanted to bring to the table, I still find this one the best, I cannot help it, you may blame my lack of creativity right there, I won't be bothered :D

This is based on the first reaction I had when playing my first infested mission ever last year. Back then I thought, everything looking halfway organic is an enemy or can somehow damage you. While one may think this is not extraordinary and probably even a cheap rip-off, I still think it would be giving an interesting twist on all infested levels. Hence, I give this a shot:


   ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


NAME: Carnivus


BEHAVIOUR: At first an immobile ground unit, looking the same as other idle infested growth, laying dormant until an enemy is foolish enough to step on it. This is not replacing each and every ground growth, even though that would be fun, but still a noticeable number of them. They cannot be scanned while inactive, nor do they show a hitpoint popup. Damaging them prematurely will put them in an activated state in which they move very slowly towards the next aggressor. By slowing enemies down, Carnivus helps other infested swarming and taking down the victims.


ATTACKS: Any non-infested stepping on it activates the Carnivus, tackling the individual, slightly emerging from the floor, slowing them down and eventually even stopping them completely. It deals small ticks of toxic damage, thus penetrating shields. Optionally, any INFESTED stepping on it, gets healed by the same amount. Ticks are per 1.5 seconds, and each tick also adds a slow-effect. One dodge roll cancels one movement impairing layer as long as the affected individual still connects to the Carnivus. If they dodge out of the area, they are free as normal (like all freeze-fields). 1 tick subtracts 33% movement speed. First tick is instantly applied when touching it. Alternatively, it just uses a normal freeze effect, no dodging required just getting out of the area, adding stacks per tick, just not using the freeze GFX.


Environmental restrictions: Only metallic ground levels / floors of infested missions. (( they don't pop up on terrain tiles ))


Optional Art: You know what it is :3 the spoiler confirms it:

Carnivus would have a chance to replace everything on the map which looks like those infested growths, looking exactly the same.


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Имя: Сизиф


Внешний вид: Он не из Гринир или корпуса, скорее из Красной вуали. Человек носит на плечах 4-6 дуг на концах которых висят существа бронированные как панголины - находятся в спячке. Все время он их носит, на нем нет признаков заражения. кроме затылка как у гриба Кордицепс. Одежда может быть целой, может быть и порванной. Дуги из кусков металла.


Поведение: Сам достаточно пассивный, активируется когда фреймы в поле зрения. Когда Сизиф садится или падает то животные просыпаются и атакуют, перед смертью взрываются. Если сам Сизиф жив, то он кидается на Фреймов.


Ограничения: больше подходит для кораблей и пещер, не встречается на открытых местностях.


p.s. Он не сравнится по силам или размерам с ранее предложенными, но он будет уникален.


p.p.s Рисунка не имею, прошу простить! 

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Name: The Fallen 


Behavior: Runs towards tenno screaming before grabbing on to the enemy to slow down movement, light armor with average health, rides on other infested to sneak up on Tenno faster.


Attacks: average low damage attacks before grabbing on before using a small EMP like scream taking out shields of close foes .


Restrictions: Walls, roofs and highly effected by fire,




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Здравствуйте. Я хотел бы вам предложить одну идею. Я писал в другом месте но мне сказали на писать это здесь. Почему именно создавать противников ? Почему-бы не ввести в игру людей. Нормальных, не кибаргов и не каких-нибудь ненормальных. А пусть это будут нормальные люди. Пусть они будут союзниками тенно. А если вы это введете можно будет обновление назвать "Возращение людей" или что-то в этом духе. А после этого всего можно ввести большую операцию, чтобы люди начали отбивать землю у гринер. Надеюсь моя идейка будет расмотрена. И пожалуйста ответьте будет она реализована или нет. Если вам это хоть немного понравилось напишите мне, я её доработаю и все вам расскажу.  Спасибо.

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поведение: появляется внезапно и перемещается довольно быстро
способности: становится невидимым и может создавать бегунов взрывающихся по броне как бомбардировщики гринира

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Name: Infested Orokin



basically an ancient tenno prime

will run in for an attack or stay back and shoot depending on the distance between it and you



will shoot with its Braton prime fused arm or its Skana prime fused arm and can occasionally use a moi-like stomp 


environment restrictions;

don't let it in the dojo! D: or maybe yes...



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Name Suggestion: Assimilator


Appearance: Appearance is similar to an armadillo, only twisted and infested.


Behavior: Encountered while latched onto any ally (if another Assimilator then you are in deep trouble). They are tiny at first, but while they  are latched onto a host they will very quickly gain size, max health, and damage. It will continuously drain the host's health until the host has lost 50% it's HP or the Assimilator reaches a stat cap, it will detach itself and begin a rolling charge towards the nearest hostile target. The charge will deal damage and knockback based on how much time it spent on it's host. Damaging Assimilators with cold attacks will force them to detach from the host immediately.


Environmental Restrictions: Assimilators can't cope with cold environments, i.e Corpus Outpost.

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Name Suggestion: Infested Fumer

Behaviour: A vile Infested Grineer marine who instead of turning to the normal Charger have taken on a secondary appearance. It will try to rush close to the enemy so that it can trap the prey in a dangerous stream of poisonous gas. Due to it being filled by gas its pretty light which grant it a speed like that of a normal charger.

Attacks: There is two different kinds of this one, the Fumer and the Vector, the Fumer use a cone 45 degree cone of poisonous gas which deals damage directly to enemies health at the maximum range of 6m, while the Vector deals damage in a broad line with a maximum range of 9m. when they have started to release the stream of gas they can't be knocked down.

Environment restrictions:

(Optional) Art or Reference https://plus.google.com/u/1/photos/yourphotos?pid=6010596689647462098&oid=114366253866298459236

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