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Yaaaa Ninjas Play For Free....


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Ninja-equivalents still exist today. Historically, they were like the special forces of their time, once they became more "organized" over time. But, there are schools and dojos today that teach Ninjutsu based on the old ninja teachings and training. However, there is a lot of arguing between schools about the historical accuracy of their teachings.


Ninjutsu, which entails the training of ninja, is about survival and unconventional warfare, consisting of several teachings and fighting arts.


Ninja were average villagers or farmers who took up arms for their own survival, samurai who lost their master or were shamed in batte, etc. They evolved over time, grew more organized, became swords for hire, started schools and clans.


Different ninja did different things, for their own gain or hired to do the dirty work of others. Of course, the typical tasks that we all know of were also performed, assassination and whatnot, but that's not all there is to them, far from it. (Not everyone in the CIA is a trained assassin) Some were bodyguards, others were tasked with gathering information or spreading/planting misinformation and open combat isn't unheard of, when necessary, like The Siege of Fushimi Castle, where ninja are reported to have assisted in it's defense, which led to the battle of Sekigahara, after which ninja of the Koga and Iga clans served the shogunate as guards and police forces. There's also the Shimibara Rebellion, which is very well-documented.


Equipment-wise, they took advantage of whatever they could get their hands on, used whatever the situation demanded, including explosives and firearms. But not only man-made items, they learned the world around them, utilizing nature as a weapon against their enemies.


They had no uniform, no black pyjamas. They dressed like anyone else, would sometimes wear samurai armor, or small, lighter chain armor tucked under normal clothing.


The point of this forum was not to hate on DE for not being perfect, but to congratulate them for being better at it then most other games. (cough ninja gaiden cough cough)

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Actual Japanese history time from a real Japanese guy! Ninjas were assassins. They were farmers for the most part. They used improvised farming tools and their ingenuity to make weapons. They most certainly were not silent. They wore dark colors- navy blue and dark green were prevalent. If they were vegetarian, it was probably because they grew the stuff. Finally, these guys were hired for political assasinations- they killed as few people as possible, but killing was NOT a last resort. That's not to say they're murderers- they were very smart revolutionaries. But in Japan calling something ninja is practically an insult to this day.

Well, second gen Japanese but you get the point. Also, we are definitely ninjas- we're farmers.

Huh, I didn't realize being called a ninja would be insulting, but I can understand why I guess.

Also, that joke

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Actual Japanese history time from a real Japanese guy! Ninjas were assassins. They were farmers for the most part. They used improvised farming tools and their ingenuity to make weapons. They most certainly were not silent. They wore dark colors- navy blue and dark green were prevalent. If they were vegetarian, it was probably because they grew the stuff. Finally, these guys were hired for political assasinations- they killed as few people as possible, but killing was NOT a last resort. That's not to say they're murderers- they were very smart revolutionaries. But in Japan calling something ninja is practically an insult to this day.


Actually Ninjas where vegetarians so when they.... wouldn't release foul air and alert the enemies when in tight situations. I said they used stealth, also killing was a last resort because when you kill someone you make a mess and alert enemies... They where assassins but in missions they tried there best to not alert the enemies and killing alerted the enemies. :/

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From actual Japanese history... -.-

I don't recall seeing this:



Traditional ninjas play free.


To deem something as accurate is pretty darn silly, as language (or semantics, rather) is continuously changing.

In addition, communication is a double edged sword: what is inferred is not necessarily implied, and vice versa.

Someone using the word "ninja" won't necessarily mean they're referring to the japanese ninjas from centuries ago.


While I won't completely reject your opinion here, that's not to say it's completely valid either.

I mean, we live in a society where Shinobi and Ninja are used interchangeably.


So either go against society and attempt to dictate how we use words and language or just accept it.

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We do not mention that filler-tainted orange-jumpsuit wearing blonde pervert here.


Which is exactly my point, Naruto the character + anime is all about "Ninjas" now compare their "ninjas" to Warframe. Even Hydrois is more "Ninja" then half the crew on that show.

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I don't recall seeing this:



Traditional ninjas play free.


To deem something as accurate is pretty darn silly, as language (or semantics, rather) is continuously changing.

In addition, communication is a double edged sword: what is inferred is not necessarily implied, and vice versa.

Someone using the word "ninja" won't necessarily mean they're referring to the japanese ninjas from centuries ago.


While I won't completely reject your opinion here, that's not to say it's completely valid either.

I mean, we live in a society where Shinobi and Ninja are used interchangeably.


So either go against society and attempt to dictate how we use words and language or just accept it.


Yes i don't expect Warframe to be accurate, but its still a little annoying to use the term ninja so loosely... Well DE did a way better job then the creators of Ninja gaiden did.... and Street fighters, and etc.

Edited by Feallike
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Which is exactly my point, Naruto the character + anime is all about "Ninjas" now compare their "ninjas" to Warframe. Even Hydrois is more "Ninja" then half the crew on that show.


A lot of the characters themselves in Naruto are flamboyant and silly, I mean, it's a shonen anime/manga, though it's gotten darker and more serious over the years, but the world itself plays a lot with the whole fantasy mythos that ninja have surrounding them, which is it's intention. It has it's few "accurate" touches, like the kind of jobs/tasks they do, but eh.


I mean, we live in a society where Shinobi and Ninja are used interchangeably.


Both words mean the same thing, but originated from different regions/languages.

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You've read the tagline wrong. The Warframes aren't the ninjas, YOU ARE! Internet Ninja! So only true ninjas get to play for free. Everyone else must pay. The whole "free to play" thing is just a coding error.


Duh. =)

Edited by PlebbyMilliner
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