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De Pls. Fix Status Mods. Naow.


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They be leik


"Yo, I suck."


And I be leik




DE pls buff.


It take you leik


10 minutes.


DE pls.


Edit: Apparently some people cannot comprehend their very existence if they read something that lacks basic punctuation as a joke.


For those of you who fall into this category, a Haiku:




Status mods are bad.


They just can't get the job done.


DE buff them please.

Edited by Stefanovich
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First of all, this belongs in feedback, not General Discussion.


Secondly, I'm pretty sure everyone, DE included, knows that the status mods are bad. Yes, it wouldn't take long for them to just wildly buff the mods to insane proportions, but it would take them time to find a way to balance the mods. Some weapons have low status chances, some have high status chances, and there are weapons in between as well. It's not as simple as the community makes it out to be when they ask for something to be buffed. There's a lot of factors DE has to take into account.


Finally, I have to ask, why did you write this post as a poem?

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scott said "we want to give it some time first before making any changes"

but it would take them time to find a way to balance the mods.


Tiem? Tiem you say?


It's been leik


4 months.


DE pls.


Edit: Another Haiku:




DE needs more time?


Four months is enough of time.


DE hurry up.

Edited by Stefanovich
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They be leik


"Yo, I suck."


And I be leik




DE pls buff.


It take you leik


10 minutes.


DE pls.

This is the single most beautiful ode I've ever heard in my life.


I want to marry your vocabulary.

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Hear this simple prayer, DE.

Learn to spell or at least form a sentence before you post. Seriously bro, it's annoying.

Does it matter? His core message is something everyone can all agree on.

Edited by OptimumBow0
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It's like 3/4 of the people in this thread think words and grammar are more important than ideas and meaning.

it is, because without using words and grammer instead of "gobledygook" you really can't express your thoughts properly. all you can do is give a vague idea of how you feel or what the problem is and confuse most people trying to understand what you said

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It's like 3/4 of the people in this thread think words and grammar are more important than ideas and meaning.

It's not that words and grammar are more important than idea and meaning, it's that words and grammar are needed to convey said ideas and meaning. I'd give them about equal importance, honestly.

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it is, because without using words and grammer instead of "gobledygook" you really can't express your thoughts properly. all you can do is give a vague idea of how you feel or what the problem is and confuse most people trying to understand what you said

You use a snare to catch a rabbit, once you have the rabbit you can dismiss the snare.  We use words to capture meaning, once we have the meaning we can cast out words.


Where can I find a man who has forgotten words so I can speak with him?

Edited by Lunamaniac
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You use a snare to catch a rabbit, once you have the rabbit you can dismiss the snare.  We use words to capture meaning, once we have the meaning we can cast out words.


Where can I find a man who has forgotten words so I can speak with him?

How can a man with no words speak? Our thoughts cannot be conveyed directly, so we use words to do so indirectly. We have no other ways to convey meaning, especially in a written medium such as this. Your metaphor is not a valid one, in my opinion (until we gain the ability to directly see another's thoughts).

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How can a man with no words speak? Our thoughts cannot be conveyed directly, so we use words to do so indirectly. We have no other ways to convey meaning, especially in a written medium such as this. Your metaphor is not a valid one, in my opinion (until we gain the ability to directly see another's thoughts).

Words are imperfect vessels at best.  I can tell you for certain that the wise would not dismiss good arguments which are badly worded.  Of course noone can speak without words, but in the end the meaning is what is important.


If you can understand the meaning then you can forget the words.

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Words are imperfect vessels at best.  I can tell you for certain that the wise would not dismiss good arguments which are badly worded.  Of course noone can speak without words, but in the end the meaning is what is important.


If you can understand the meaning then you can forget the words.

I'm not saying words are the end all to conveying meaning, rather that they're required in our current state. Without a direct method of conveying meaning, words are all we have. The wise would not dismiss the poorly worded arguments immediately, but if an argument is poorly worded there is a greater propensity to misinterpret the original meaning that the speaker or writer was attempting to convey.


Also, this became a weird philosophical debate about the importance of words versus meaning, and is very much off topic.


So, back to the topic at hand.


Tiem? Tiem you say?


It's been leik


4 months.


DE pls.


Edit: Another Haiku:




DE needs more time?


Four months is enough of time.


DE hurry up.


Yes, DE has had several months, I admit. I also agree that the mods are bad at what they're intended to do and we have several other mods that can do the job much, much better. I still maintain that it takes a significant amount of time to balance these things, and DE has been continually adding new content and reworking other, more significant, old content as well.


The community wanted Melee 2.0, so they revamped the melee system. The community asked for an endgame, so DE tried to add more endgame content with the Dark Sectors (and other upcoming projects as well). The large portion of the community doesn't seem (at least to me) to really care about the status mods as an immediate issue, so why should DE put that at the top of their list?

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so why should DE put that at the top of their list?


They can remove it from the list completely if they just took a lunch hour to change a few digits.


I'm no programmer, but it seriously can't be that complicated.

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They can remove it from the list completely if they just took a lunch hour to change a few digits.


I'm no programmer, but it seriously can't be that complicated.


Which means:


1. They don't care

2. They care, but don't have a plan

3. They have a plan, and it's not time yet

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They can remove it from the list completely if they just took a lunch hour to change a few digits.


I'm no programmer, but it seriously can't be that complicated.

My theory on it is that by leaving a couple of obvious problems in the game they think they can control the flow of negative feedback.

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If you want us to take you seriously, how about you be serious as well. Making S#&$ty haiku with broken English doesn't make you look intelligent or funny. You are trying way too hard to be cool.


On topic: since I'm a generous person, I will ignore your crappy humorous attempt and say that yes, the status mods are unbalanced.

Edited by (PS4)madguy132
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They can remove it from the list completely if they just took a lunch hour to change a few digits.


I'm no programmer, but it seriously can't be that complicated.

It's not the changing of digits that's the complicated part, it's choosing what those digits should be.


Currently the mods sit at +15% status chance. It would be a major change if DE just arbitrarily bumped it up to 150%. This could lead to issues with some weapons becoming imbalanced due to their status chances. Sure, a 150% status chance increase wouldn't imbalance the guns with low status chances, but the ones with medium or high status chances would then easily be able to hit 50% status chance or greater without any other mods to help it along. If combined with the Cicero Crisis and Tethra's Doom event mods, you could end up with a nearly 300% increase to status chance, so any weapon with a status chance above 25% would be able to hit 100% status chance, something that (likely) wouldn't be intended given the original status chance of 25% (for a similar example look at the Soma and its crit chance, they wanted it to be high, but not 100%; compare to the Synapse and Amprex, which they actually wanted to allow players to hit a 100% crit chance with).


If DE were to buff the status chance mods, they would have to look at how it affects every single weapon in the game, and probably change several status chance numbers as well to tweak the balancing how they want it to be from weapon to weapon.

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