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Killing Blow Is Better Than I'd Been Lead To Believe.


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Now, before I say why, I will point out that I suspect something is not quite right with the numbers I am seeing. I am becoming very sure there's a bug here somewhere.


Recently I finished my Dakra Prime. I have the Crimson Dervish stance and a potato in it.


My base non-channeled swings with Dakra Prime do around 3,000 damage to all factions with correct builds.


Running Dark Sector Conflicts, I noticed that channeled swings with (Corrosive + Cold) Dakra Prime were doing 15,000 damage. When I saw this, I thought "This is crazy. That can't be right." I was sure there was no way my swings were supposed to be doing 5x damage from channeling.


So I experimented. I took off Killing Blow and put on another elemental mod.


My channeled swings did less than half as much damage. I consistently hit around 6k.


Without Killing Blow, channeling does roughly the amount of damage I think it should be doing. When I put Killing Blow on, even to the exclusion of another elemental mod, my overall channeling damage more than doubles.


This is the kind of damage I would expect to see if Killing Blow was an additive increase on the channeling multiplier, rather than a multiplicative increase. Channeling is supposed to be +50% for all weapons all the time. Killing Blow supposedly adds 120% of 50, for 110% total.


If it were additive, it would be 120 + 50 for 170. That still doesn't seem to account for the ridiculous numbers I'm seeing.


What I'm seeing with my Dakra Prime is more like 120% of my entire damage including the 50% channeling bonus. This means 150% x 2.2 for around 330% total.


I will now experiment with Corrupt Charge to see if something similar happens. Be back soon with an update.

Edited by Ion_Sig
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Yeah I noticed something similar too.


With a build where I used Smite Grineer + Corrosive (Grineer Wardens have ferrite armor) + Heat (does 25% against cloned flesh), I did around 23k channeled stealth damage.


With a build of Killing Blow + Corrosive + Cold (which only gives 60% cold damage and doesn't have any multipliers against Grineer Wardens), I did around 61k channeled stealth damage.


That's pretty crazy.

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I am now more confused than when I started.


I went to another Dark Sector Conflict. I had Corrupt Charge and Killing Blow on, to the exclusion of my Life Strike.


Un-channeled, I did consistently 2600 damage to the legs of MOA Guardians. Sometimes I did 3900 from probably strikes to the center body of the MOAs.


Channeled, I did over 18,000.


What the Lotus is going on?!


Yes, this amount of damage is nuts. However, it's not as big of an increase over Killing Blow as I was expecting.

Edited by Ion_Sig
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Channeling has been acting pretty oddly for me lately.

It used to follow the formula:


Total Channel Damage = (Total Unchanneled Damage) * (1 + (0.5 + mod boost))

(where "mod boost" would be the extra damage added by Killing Blow; e.g. +80% Channel Damage = 0.8 in that part of the formula)


but after playing around on Pluto yesterday, I noticed that where it took ~3 swings for my Dakra Prime (Iron Phoenix) to take out a single MOA, a channeled attack could one-shot it, even though no Channel Damage mods were equipped.


Intended or not, the formula seems to have changed.

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I have 1 word for this...




Those numbers are awesome!... I hope they ain't bug, i hope it's just a formula that have been divulged wrong and those numbers keep on being THIS high, because this is too good! I'm finally murdering some fools that took way too many Soma shots!

Edited by ReiganCross
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Well, I know what mod I'm re-equipping tonight! This should be interesting.


If I recall, Magnetic and Cold are the best to use against Shields and Robotics so anything Corpus based it would do well against, Corrosive + Fire will do best against Infested. Since Channeling gives +50% damage and KB is 120% more damage, it's not too far a stretch to think it could do the damage you're looking at


The point is that the formula has changed. It was tested extensively in 13.0 and 13.1, and it wasn't giving numbers anywhere like this. KB was working only on the channelling modifier - i.e. 120% of 50 is 60, so channelling with maxed KB was giving +110% damage - so the numbers quoted would totally impossible. To be clear, KB was not +120% to total damage whilst channelling, it was +120% increase to the channelling damage increase, I hope you can see the difference. It may now be the former, but that is a change.


I hope it's correct now because this would actually make channelling-based builds viable.

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So I did tests using a Heat Dagger equipped with Pointed Wind stance, Pressure Point, Life Strike and Reflex Coil. Testing on Terminus, Mercury against a Level 1 Grineer Lancer, my Heat Dagger's consistent base damage is 147, that is the damage value most often during the first fatal strike. I chose a low ranking enemy that can quickly be killed so that I don't activate the combo counter, which may skew the damage values. Without other damage increasing mods, my consistent channeling damage is 221, which is consistent with the +50% damage calculation (147 + 73.5 = 220.5, rounded up to become 221).  


With Killing Blow, my consistent base damage with Channeling is 310. This is essentially an increase of +110% of its damage, which means that so far as my own tests are concerned, the formula is still the same.


Thus, I'm not sure how I can explain the large channeling damage numbers that other people are doing here.

Edited by LGear
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So I did tests using a Heat Dagger equipped with Pointed Wind stance, Pressure Point, Life Strike and Reflex Coil. Testing on Terminus, Mercury against a Level 1 Grineer Lancer, my Heat Dagger's consistent base damage is 147, that is the damage value most often during the first fatal strike. I chose a low ranking enemy that can quickly be killed so that I don't activate the combo counter, which may skew the damage values. Without other damage increasing mods, my consistent channeling damage is 221, which is consistent with the +50% damage calculation (147 + 73.5 = 220.5, rounded up to become 221).  


With Killing Blow, my consistent base damage with Channeling is 310. This is essentially an increase of +110% of its damage, which means that so far as my own tests are concerned, the formula is still the same.


Thus, I'm not sure how I can explain the large channeling damage numbers that other people are doing here.


I wonder if people are starting to channel just at the same time a combo multiplier kicks in - that would explain the apparent increases, and would be easy to miss.

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I wonder if people are starting to channel just at the same time a combo multiplier kicks in - that would explain the apparent increases, and would be easy to miss.


Using my Corrosive Cold build in Dark Sector Conflicts, I hit 15k on the first swing with Dakra Prime against MOA and Drones. It's hard to keep track of the numbers flying off Spectres since they tend to block you in melee range. They get one-shot anyway.


I took a Radiation Viral build against Grineer and I'm only hitting around 6k. This is certainly due to armor.


Haven't tested Corpus yet.


I no longer have any clue what is going on. I tried Galatine with Cleaving Whirlwind to see if it was related to the stance multiplier, but Galatine with a similar build to Dakra Prime was only doing 7k on spinning slashes against Guardian MOA. The spin slash hits twice, though, so it ends up being similar total damage per combo.

Edited by Ion_Sig
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I hope everyone here is aware that Crimson Dervish has a 3.0x multiplier for its first three combos.

That doesn't account for the massive difference the OP is seeing just from removing or adding killing blow.

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If I recall, Magnetic and Cold are the best to use against Shields and Robotics so anything Corpus based it would do well against, Corrosive + Fire will do best against Infested. Since Channeling gives +50% damage and KB is 120% more damage, it's not too far a stretch to think it could do the damage you're looking at


As seen in my post though, I was fighting Grineer Wardens, who are weak to corrosive + heat (ferrite armor + cloned flesh), yet they take ridiculously more damage with the corrosive + cold (which only gives 60%) + killing blow, as opposed to corrosive + heat + smite grineer.



I wonder if people are starting to channel just at the same time a combo multiplier kicks in - that would explain the apparent increases, and would be easy to miss.

I hope everyone here is aware that Crimson Dervish has a 3.0x multiplier for its first three combos.


I was using Scoliac, and doing a channeled stealth attack. Therefore, no Crimson Dervish multiplier possible, nor did I have any combo meter.

Edited by Casardis
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Seriously, would it kill DE or make their @(*()$ fingers fall off their hands if they gave us the stats and numbers for their game? Not even knowing what you are supposed to test is pathetic.

Edited by Dogoframe
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