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New Warframe [Chrone/chronus] Time Manipulator


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Hello everyone here to talk about one of my dearest wishes for a warframe called Chrone/Chronus, the name is most likely already taken by some other guy who had the same idea but the abilities are most likely not so here goes.

Offensive Support Warframe.

1st Ability: [insert name] : Chrone/Chronus Targets a allied player (Doesnt work on downed players) or himself if no target and sends the person back in time 3/6/9 seconds back, putting them back to the previous place where the person was at that time with the same amount of energy,life and ammo However the person set back in time loses all their shield energy because of Temporal Influence. If you target an enemy it will be flung back in time with such force tearing them apart Instantly killing them however some enemies have learned to resist the power of this ability making them immune to it [Casting it on a immune enemy will waste your energy] Costs 40/35/30

2. Ability: [insert name] : Chrone/Chronus warps time and space around him making a timewarped bubble around him the bubble will follow Chronus/Chrone around. Players inside the bubble gain a movement speed while enemies inside the bubble gets set in a slow motion state. (Bullets/Projectiles passing through the bubble will also get slowed these include players bullets/projectiles too so for example if chronus is using his gun after activating his bubble the bullets will be slowed down until they reach the end of the bubble, [Matrix style!]) Radius gets increased per level and so does the duration of the bubble, Costs 60/55/50

3. Ability: [insert name] : Chrone/Chronus fires a small bolt of time speeding up a player increasing their movement speed meele speed charge time speed and reload speed. If the bolt hits a enemy it will do the opposite of above. Costs: 25/20/15.

Ultimate Ability: [insert name] : Chrone/Chronus Decays all nearby units speeding their lifetime decaying them into a skeleton dealing a fatal amount of damage (doesnt instakill high level mobs or bosses), Nearby allies gets their youth renewed and heals 25/50/75 HP. The radius is small for balancing purposes ;)

Feedback is welcome took some time to come up with this and i still realise theres balancing to be done so if anyone has any ideas they are welcome

Last but not least im from Europe so my English is not perfected, pardon my failures.

Edited by Kahereck
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This sounds like a really interesting concept for a Warframe, I'd certainly want to play it.

The abilities sound really cool, expecially the Ultimate, I really like that idea. My only thoughts would be I don't think the first ability would be very balanced, as you could cast it on downed players for instance and they would be instantly revived.

As for the name, I like trying to relate it to the idea behind the Frame, but Cronus is already a sword and very similiar to Chronus. Might I suggest 'Epoch'? Sounds suitably epic in my opinion and has a very similiar meaning.

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Yeah Epoch sounds awesome. The first ability might need some tweaking like not working on downed players and giving back 50% while still teleporting them back to the place they were before, its a really op ability but i dont wish for it to be completely set out of play.

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Yeah fair enough, it's your idea after all. To be honest I'm just being pedantic, I really like this concept. Maybe with the first ability it could send teammates back in time as you suggested, restoring lost health/ammo, but at the cost of damaging shields a certain amount due to temporal interference? As for enemies, this ability could be used to damage individual oponents as they're flung back through time with such force that they're torn apart or something like that. Just some thoughts, great job on this idea though :)

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First ability: Instant revive. Thats what its gonna be used for, above all else

Dear contractkiller4,

You do know you can't target corpes. Or did you mean to regain health? And as you might have read it blows out your shield making this not a good option for highly shielded allies unless there shield is already gone.

I do see an issue this might cause since ultimates can be doubled (if not more) by this ability.



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Yeah theres still alot of balancing issues to be done odds are this will not even make it in the game but if they actually embraced the warframe they would of course balance it better than i did, did this in a wiff too took me about 10-15 mins.

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Balancing aside, this sounds like an awesome idea! Especially the Time bubble and the Decay ability.

But again, balancing. I think the Decay should only decay enemies, the healing done to teamates sounds like it can break the balance of it.

I think the first ability should be...altered as well...it sounds like it can mess with the AI pathing and would force the game to keep tabs on the previous locations of the target. I think it working as an EMP sort of device is a good idea though.

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Magmahunter that can be true but at the same time theres a ability like it already which is loki teleport theres not really a toxic community in Warframe at the moment so that should hopefully not be a issue.

Edited by Kahereck
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I dont see what the big issue with an instant revive is, especially if it is at 50 energy cost? I mean the healing warframe that we actually have cannot revive from a distance, which actually would be extremely useful if someone goes own after being swarmed and you have no way of getting to them. It wouldnt necessarily be OP in my opinion, just useful.

The ulti sounds nice, but extremely similar to previous "press 4 and watch enemies die" ultis. It would be nice as he is a time based frame for maybe mass slow of all enemies, i know you have the bubble, but that would be in a small radius unlike the ulti. Say time warp?: The tenno places all enemies in another time dimension for a limited time, causing them to move at drastically reduced speeds (50/75/100% say?). That would still be a very cool power, imagine slowing all infested on a defence! That's my opinion anyway as I am really hoping DE come out with some frames with more inventive ulti's if im honest.

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The first ability sounds quite hard to implement, imho, but the revival of a downed player sounds nice.

The fourth ability could instead stop all the enemies in the range completely, allowing the tenno to empty their mags at them and fire off their abilities... And then allowing everyone to see, how the boss suddenly gets all the damage at the end of the ability.

Epoch then could be shifted to turning weakened enemies (beyond 25% health down, and rising with upgrading) into ashes and regenerating shields of allies (since they do that with time).

He doesn't really need actual "Killing" abilities, as long as his abilities allow to use the guns without no returning fire, or get a jump on the enemies with melee while they suddenly can't hit back fast enough to startle you.

Edited by GTG3000
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Ability one should be named "Rubberband Lag." Also it sounds like a great way to grief people.

Ability two either needs to make a very large bubble or just affect every player and NPC on the map. Unless I am darting through a vent shaft, I am normally more than 10m away and the baddies are a lot further.

Ability three I really like. It sounds well balanced and fairly useful as an offensive weapon.

Ability four seems fine as well. Maybe the closer the allies are the more health they get. maybe break it into 5/10/15 meter rings and they receive 75/50/25 health respectively.

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Dear contractkiller4,

You do know you can't target corpes. Or did you mean to regain health? And as you might have read it blows out your shield making this not a good option for highly shielded allies unless there shield is already gone.

I do see an issue this might cause since ultimates can be doubled (if not more) by this ability.



Let me explain my reasoning. Many abilities in the game can be cast on bleeding out players (Loki's switch teleport, Mag's Pull).

Seeing as there was no sentence stating that the first ability could not be cast on bleeding out players, I (wrongly) assumed that you could use it on a dying player and bring them back to the point before they start bleeding out. Unless you feel that should be a function of the ability, you should update the OP to include that it can't be used on bleeding out players.

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Yeah Epoch sounds awesome. The first ability might need some tweaking like not working on downed players and giving back 50% while still teleporting them back to the place they were before, its a really op ability but i dont wish for it to be completely set out of play.

There you go Contractkiller4 Its true that i should update that in the description though so im gonna do that right now by the way by saying downed i also mean bleeding out ofc, its impossible to target a dead player thats dead for real atm.

Edited by Kahereck
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Let me explain my reasoning. Many abilities in the game can be cast on bleeding out players (Loki's switch teleport, Mag's Pull).

Seeing as there was no sentence stating that the first ability could not be cast on bleeding out players, I (wrongly) assumed that you could use it on a dying player and bring them back to the point before they start bleeding out. Unless you feel that should be a function of the ability, you should update the OP to include that it can't be used on bleeding out players.

Dear conttactkiller4,

Well I actuelly slightly forget that we bleed out before we die, but I actuelly thought by revive that you were well actuelly dead as in you were in the revive or forfeit state. (Wasn't thinking straight). But still in bleed out state it would be slightly too efective. Maybe we should change it to giving then the life they had back those seconds but it won't help them back up. This might still prove usefull in most situations where the team is tryting to get some enemies off the area. Buying them more time for the "revive".



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Buying them more time for the "revive".

That's a great idea. Instead of just instantly reviving a player if the first ability is cast on a downed teammate, it could extend their 'downtime' (i.e. the length of time in which you have to revive your teammate) proportionate to the level of the ability card.

And perhaps instead of actually putting a player back to where they were however many seconds ago, this ability could create some kind of phase shift. The player loses shields because they're phasing in and out of the current timeline, but this could make them extremely difficult to hit with ranged weaponry. I'm not suggesting invulnerability, but perhaps while this ability is active it messes up mob targeting for the affected team member somehow, giving them time to get out of harm's way or move into a better position to attack. The loss of shields acts as a natural balance to the period in which you're 'phasing' as it's less likely you'll want to run into a massive group of mobs and try to beat them up. Again just suggesting some stuff, feel free to mention anything you don't like about it :)

Edited by HellGrind
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HellGrind I like your idea but I really wanna keep the concept of throwing people back in time instead of plain defense/invulnerablility (even though it isnt invulnerability) I really wanna try and make a warframe that has different mechanics from the current ones another defense move just wont do it for me :/, but its still an awesome suggestion.

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