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[Allregion&casual] The Cutie Mark Crusaders!


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Apologies. The creed is we will not tarnish the name of CMC. I was offered by my friend GhostExtremeZero to join this clan as this clan is also the clan of a few friends of mine. Wish to join them in the same clan. I used to play warframe a lot a couple of months back but I was busy with college, and now I am back.


Howdy DesmondChia, thanks for getting back to us.


Everything checks out and I see no reason to deny you. I hope you make many more friends with us.


The only thing that is stopping an invitation from being sent to you is the fact that you are still in a clan. Already being in a clan prohibits me from sending an invite to you. You will have to leave your current clan in order for you to be invited. Once that's taken care of, make another post letting us know you're ready.

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Hi my name is DarkMutant ingame and I want to join the clan.


Yes I've read the creeds. We will not tarnish the name of the CMC.


and I wanna join it because I like CMC and MLP and moon clans. =D.


and I like helping people in need of help and I respect people of all kinds and ages.

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Hi my name is DarkMutant ingame and I want to join the clan.


Yes I've read the creeds. We will not tarnish the name of the CMC.


and I wanna join it because I like CMC and MLP and moon clans. =D.


and I like helping people in need of help and I respect people of all kinds and ages.


Howdy DarkMutant.


As long as you follow our creeds, you should fit in just fine.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.



IGN: Alexander2541

I will not Tarnish the name of CMC 

I'm already friends with one of your members, Mr.Snipersmiely101.

And I have tagged along with some of your clan on some missions.


Howdy Alexander2541


We would be glad to have you. I hope you make many more friends with us.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Havent been on in ages hoping to join back if possible

IGN: Shodan007


Howdy again Shodan007.


We would be happy to have you back, but we need you to confirm something for us first. Please go to the front page of this thread and read the rules again, just to refresh yourself with our creeds and that you still promise to uphold them. Once you have done that, let us know and we'll send an invite your way.

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Hello! Ive been part of the clan before and I would love to join up again, left to try and help some friends with theirs but then silence :(.

I have read through the creed again and I am always happy to help out and give away any extra rare things I would not mind parting with, and I also do not swear at players in game. I pledge my myself to the Creed and unending coolness of Rainbow Dash.


My in game handle is Hunter0x, see you in the Void!

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Well I'd like to join, the creeds and guidelines should be no problem for me.

I'd like to join because I feel like it would be nice to be a part of a community, and I chose this one because the CMC theme makes it sound so much more fun.

EDIT: I forgot my IGN lol.

It is: SeveredGodGear

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Ehh, i'm not sure if this old page is still functional, but I'm calling from my friend and i's xbox one profile: Lilbuckeye99, and Zinoextinction


I'm jay11800 on pc, and i've been in the clan for a really long time, so I hope to continue helping out on xbox one

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Hello, I'm looking to join a clan, it would be my first one. I have read the creeds and completely agree to the rules. As a newer warframe player, I want to join a clan that is fair and friendly to all different players and CMC seems to be just the right place. 


IGN: Noswear89

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I like pony AppleJack & and looking for big cool clan. I like MLP!

Invite me please

IGN: Daniel23


Howdy Daniel123.


I like Applejack too, but, in your application here, you are missing information. Go to the first page in this thread and read the "Wanna join?" section carefully. It will tell you exactly what information we need you to provide before you're admitted.

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Hello! Ive been part of the clan before and I would love to join up again, left to try and help some friends with theirs but then silence :(.

I have read through the creed again and I am always happy to help out and give away any extra rare things I would not mind parting with, and I also do not swear at players in game. I pledge my myself to the Creed and unending coolness of Rainbow Dash.


My in game handle is Hunter0x, see you in the Void!


Howdy again Hunter0x.


As long as you continue to abide by the creeds, you will always be welcome with us.


Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader.



Well I'd like to join, the creeds and guidelines should be no problem for me.

I'd like to join because I feel like it would be nice to be a part of a community, and I chose this one because the CMC theme makes it sound so much more fun.

EDIT: I forgot my IGN lol.

It is: SeveredGodGear


Howdy SeveredGodGear.


I hope we can live up to your expectations and that you make many new friends with us.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.



I have read and agreed to the terms of service and would like an invite.

IGN: Silverton


Howdy Silverton.


We very much appreciate that you can agree to our creeds, but I'm going to ask that you provide a bit more information. To be exact, why would you like to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders specifically. I'm asking this to ensure that we are the best fit clan for you.



Ehh, i'm not sure if this old page is still functional, but I'm calling from my friend and i's xbox one profile: Lilbuckeye99, and Zinoextinction


I'm jay11800 on pc, and i've been in the clan for a really long time, so I hope to continue helping out on xbox one


Howdy jay11800.


Currently the Cutie Mark Crusaders do not have a branch extended to either the Xbox One or the Playstation 4. The Cutie Mark Crusaders clan has no presence on consoles and we do not play to create any now, or in the near future, as there is not enough interest or management available.


Hello, I'm looking to join a clan, it would be my first one. I have read the creeds and completely agree to the rules. As a newer warframe player, I want to join a clan that is fair and friendly to all different players and CMC seems to be just the right place. 


IGN: Noswear89


Howdy Noswear89.


The CMC would be glad to have you. I hope you can make many new friends with us.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Hello my in game name is CaelumNox and I would like to join the clan.


I have read the creeds. We will not tarnish the name of the CMC.

I would like to join, because the clan seems to be a nice, fun and casual clan.

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Hello my in game name is CaelumNox and I would like to join the clan.


I have read the creeds. We will not tarnish the name of the CMC.

I would like to join, because the clan seems to be a nice, fun and casual clan.


Howdy CaelumNox.


Your reasons for joining are fair enough, so I see no reason to deny you.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Siigh, I really need to stop quitting games for years.


EDIT: Reason, Old lame dog wants back in for S#&$s and giggles.


We will not tarnish the name of the CMC.


Oh yay this format trick is still awesome. Erm, hang on, HOW DO I STOP USING IT???


Can I in?


Howdy again Serialkillerwhale. Sorry for the wait.


As long as you continue to uphold the creeds, you will always be welcome with us.


Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader.

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My sincerest apologies to all for my absence. Things have become a mess at my place of business and I've recently become ill.

I attempted to rest more to combat it, but it has done little to help, so I've decided to power through it.


I will be back in full force Monday whether I've recovered or not.


My deepest and most earnest gratitude to JTBoogie14 for their dedication and help during this inconvenience.


I hope everyone has had a good weekend.


Take care.

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Hi I want to join you guys because this clans seems nice.


I haz read all the creeds and shall obey to them.


I was recommended by Gantenka.

Hey there, HuIHuIYukI.


Glad to hear Crusaders are making good impressions outside the clan. I hope we can live up to your expectations.


Everything seems in order.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Hello! I actually used to be part of the clan (Twice. Have had numerous long absences.) and I was hoping I could get back in, if I may.


The creeds are the same, though LadyScootaloo is no longer the leader, which interests me. Guess she stepped down? Sorry, off topic. Anyway, I hope there is room for me to join once again. Either way, thank you for your time and consideration.


Edit: Oh, I just saw the post about you being ill. Get well soon! Being sick sucks. Hope everything gets better for you.

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Hello! I actually used to be part of the clan (Twice. Have had numerous long absences.) and I was hoping I could get back in, if I may.


The creeds are the same, though LadyScootaloo is no longer the leader, which interests me. Guess she stepped down? Sorry, off topic. Anyway, I hope there is room for me to join once again. Either way, thank you for your time and consideration.


Edit: Oh, I just saw the post about you being ill. Get well soon! Being sick sucks. Hope everything gets better for you.

Good to see you again, NagiOkamigen.


As a small update, LadyScootaloo stepped down as active leader because he wanted to persue other things. He is still very much a member and stops by from time to time, but JTBoogie14 and I have been looking over the CMC since his departure.


As for your invitation, you are more than welcome to come back but first, please head back to the first page and let us know you've fully looked over the Creeds. Your reference to LadyScootaloo and "The creeds have not changed" is conflicting as JT and I added quite a few ground rules and guidelines since LadyScootaloo departed and we want to make sure you're fully informed.


Hey! Used to be in the clan but i guess i got kicked because of my long absence. I re-read the creeds and would like to get back in ASAP. ty 

Hello again, BattleMage777.

Hope everything has been well during your absence. Much appreciated for looking over the creeds again. 


Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader.

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