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So Expensive For So Little


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 It's far from the worst rates I've ever seen but yeah, this game is just a bit on the expensive side.


 Unfortunately most Cash shops are getting to this point these days.



 Best bet is to wait for a 50% or 75% coupon from the Login bonus is the price really doesn't suit you.

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Yes you can, you can buy cosmetics and boosts. Either buy it or don/t buy it, nobody is forcing you to. And judging by this being your first post, please at least consider that DE needs money to, you know, live and make more Warframe.


 You should keep in mind that 'DE needs the money' is pretty much never going to be taken as an acceptable excuse by anyone who finds the prices in the Cash Shop disagreeable.


 It isn't even unreasonable for them to decide they don't care for that line of thought. It's all grounded in personal opinions after all.

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You should keep in mind that 'DE needs the money' is pretty much never going to be taken as an acceptable excuse by anyone who finds the prices in the Cash Shop disagreeable.

It isn't even unreasonable for them to decide they don't care for that line of thought. It's all grounded in personal opinions after all.

I'm aware, but the sheer fact that the game is free should be at least appreciated by all players. Edited by MysticShimmer
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Yes you can, you can buy cosmetics and boosts. Either buy it or don/t buy it, nobody is forcing you to. And judging by this being your first post, please at least consider that DE needs money to, you know, live and make more Warframe.

He's not saying he feels forced to buy them. Wipe that smut off your face.

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I'm not. Stop assuming things ffs.

edit: if you mean the OP, complaining doesn't automatically mean he feels forced to buy it

I didn't say YOU were complaining, I meant OP.

Edit: He probably wants it but doesn't want to pay 'a lot' of money.

Edited by MysticShimmer
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The only thing that "requires plat" that is almost necessary are the storage slots for frames, weapons and sentinels though they aren't too expensive in individual packs given the overall quantity of weapons in the game it can be just a hair prohibitive.

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You can buy:



-Warframe Skins

-Weapon Skins

-Sentinel SKins

-Warframe Syandanas

-Alt Helmets



-Blue potato

-Golden potato

-Void Key Pack


-Sentinel Accesories

-Profile pictures

-Frugal Credit Bundle

-Resources (does not recommend)

-Weapon slots

-Warframe slots


There you go, anything that's worth 75p or lower. Take your pick.

Edited by Pansoy
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I'm aware, but the sheer fact that the game is free should be at least appreciated by all players.


 It is appreciated. People don't ignore the free 2 play thing. I'm not sure why you'd think that way.


 See, what isn't appreciated is the situation where you think "Maybe I'll drop some cash on this." only to find that the Price points you'd have to cope with rub you the wrong way to the extent where you just can't bring yourself to spend. It just isn't cool to be thinking you're ready to spend and then have to hold off because you don't like how the value works out.


 Really the entire decision about whether the prices are good for each individual has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that this is a Free 2 Play game. Bringing it up doesn't tend to get anyone anywhere. The fact of the matter is, if the price tags and sort of money I would have to spend do not seem to be getting the amount of value that I believe that amount should carry there is a problem. As a player I don't owe DE extra slack because "They were nice enough to make the game free". To be frank, I find that logic just a bit silly. Almost as if one was attempting to imply that because this game was free 2 play the cash shop can make all kinds of bizarre or uncomfortable decisions and still be cool. 


 I value my cash. I expect DE to. I want my money to go somewhere. Particularly if we're talking larger sums. The higher the price tag the more seriously I'll take it and the more seriously I expect DE to take it.


 No amount of appreciation for the Game DE has made - a game I enjoy so much - changes the fact that I find things like the price of the Stalker pack almost impossible to understand. It's also why I understand whenever someone else mentioned it feels weird or inconsistent looking at the Marketplace. S'why I'm quick to tell people "If it rubs you the wrong way wait for the coupon."


 Because that is the truth. In the end if you don't like the Market you really should just be waiting for the coupons.

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Pretty ironic, the term for that kind of stuff is "micro transaction". Where are they? I only can see "major transactions"

these days in online games.

Well relative to $50 for the game and $15/month sub plus $20-40 for expanded DLC.


Then yeah we are still talking about micro-transactions.

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