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Excalibur 2.0 - We Are Almost There!


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Just FYI, i used your Super Charge concept here (with your name and a link to here, of course)

I not sure anything will come out from it, but trying is the only thing we can do.

Keep the swords up, Tenno!

that´s cool.^^ thx bro. i posted a couple of times already in that thread, as you said there is nothing left for us to do but try and wait! 

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edit* 25.10.14 - in review of U15


Nothing about Radial Javelin? XD


By the way, have you tried using Super Jump with the new air slashes yet? I'd imagine that it would be a pretty powerful combo. (I haven't logged onto the game yet, but can someone confirm if the Super Jump invisibility grants stealth multipliers?)

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Nothing about Radial Javelin? XD


By the way, have you tried using Super Jump with the new air slashes yet? I'd imagine that it would be a pretty powerful combo. (I haven't logged onto the game yet, but can someone confirm if the Super Jump invisibility grants stealth multipliers?)

Don´t know what you mean, the first thing i did was state my opinion on the new RJ.^^


Super Jump does not grant you the Stealth Multiplier, since it only turns you invisible for the duration of the jump. As i stated in my review: It´s as ridiculous as I/We thought! Turning you invisible for the jump changes nothing about it, it already work as an escape and the stun at the beginning is barely noticable and pointless, since you are not there any longer to fight the enemys you stunned. Even if you´d be quick enough to pull a crazy air assault maneuver on them, by the time the jump animation let´s you equip your weapon and shot something, the stun is already over.


Super Jump is exactly as usefull/pointless as it was before!

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Don´t know what you mean, the first thing i did was state my opinion on the new RJ.^^


Super Jump does not grant you the Stealth Multiplier, since it only turns you invisible for the duration of the jump. As i stated in my review: It´s as ridiculous as I/We thought! Turning you invisible for the jump changes nothing about it, it already work as an escape and the stun at the beginning is barely noticable and pointless, since you are not there any longer to fight the enemys you stunned. Even if you´d be quick enough to pull a crazy air assault maneuver on them, by the time the jump animation let´s you equip your weapon and shot something, the stun is already over.


Super Jump is exactly as usefull/pointless as it was before!


Amen ! it is pointles and all our feedback to the DEvs was ignored ;(

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Don´t know what you mean, the first thing i did was state my opinion on the new RJ.^^


Super Jump does not grant you the Stealth Multiplier, since it only turns you invisible for the duration of the jump. As i stated in my review: It´s as ridiculous as I/We thought! Turning you invisible for the jump changes nothing about it, it already work as an escape and the stun at the beginning is barely noticable and pointless, since you are not there any longer to fight the enemys you stunned. Even if you´d be quick enough to pull a crazy air assault maneuver on them, by the time the jump animation let´s you equip your weapon and shot something, the stun is already over.


Super Jump is exactly as usefull/pointless as it was before!


Haha, didn't notice the Radial Javelin point on the front page.


But does the Invisibility multiplier not work at all? Not even if you slash downwards at enemies' faces during the jump before touching the ground, while invisible? Because if that's the case, then that's a bit odd (and inconsistent with the other Invisibility-esque abilities).



I'll give my Excalibur a go in a bit; haven't tried Update 15 yet. In any case, I'm looking forward to it; Super Jump was already my favourite ability in the game and now it appears to be a great panic button ability even without the stealth multiplier. XD

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Ok we'll to be honest he still needs work

Slash dash still needs a buff. Finisher damage? With a forced proc from the melee you carry

Super jump still useless : the stun really where is it.. Invisibility lame

Still want a new ability that helps him get into melee range and help with melee like rock wolf super charge

Radial blind: can't tell if it's ok or not

Radial javelin: ok it's defiantly better unlimited targets, stun is ok. Damage increase and the stun increased by duration. Or give it a proper cc so in actual impales live enemy's to walls for a duration

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I posted an idea about reworking radial javelin so that it would deal extremely high continuous melee range damage that would synergize well with slash dash and the new warframe-specific mod.



i took a look at your idea, definetly sounds great! ^^ But ti be really honest, even though i don´t like the AoE focus of the current Ability, since we have already so much of that in the game, in combination with Furious Javelin it does provide an pretty awesome utility buff. So Radial Javelin has undenyably and to my suprise improved a lot to it´s previous version.



Super Jump hasn´t, it hasn´t changed at all! The invisibility and the stun don´t change anything! And Slash Dash needs the freaking melee integration, it´s just pathetic that it doesn´t increase the melee hi counter and is affected by it and it should at least have a decent chance to deal a slash proc.

These are the things they should focus on imo!

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After spending loads of time on Excal (who, thanks to the new Air Slashes, has once again taken the title of "My All-Time Favourite Frame"), I've got to say that the introduction of Air Slashes is the biggest buff to Super Jump that I could have asked for.


Jump height has been potentially doubled, you've got a brand-new maneuver that you can add to your "zigzag across the heavens!" combo (which previously consisted of SJ+Wall Leap+Copter+Slash Dash), and enemies can no longer see you while you're doing it (although they will still be able to predict your movement and shoot at you if you aren't changing your directions in midair). Every Frame benefited from air slashes, but I've got to say, I think Excalibur benefited the most.



I love this new Excalibur. While Slash Dash and Javelin could still use some improvement (e.g. contributing to, and gaining from, the Melee combo counter), the new Super Jump is just plain glorious.

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My take on Exy 2.0 so far:


Slash Dash didn't get any love D;


Radial Blind though perhaps more realistic (what exactly is supposed to be realistic here?), I do miss the old version. Hardly as useful now, only in big, open, and crowded rooms.


Super Jump though it finally got some attention, it's still rather "meh". Perhaps a little invisibility on ground would do it some good? Just something as it still seems lacking compared to most.


Radial Javelin is finally a properly working ultimate. The casting time is still very long (not to mention the recovery time) and the stun from not killing the enemy barely gives you enough time to hit "3" and escape.

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Slashdash needs to be able to be aimed in any direction and give a brief moment of breathing room to be recast, ground slam, etc, perhaps have a limiter on it to prevent infinite flight.  Super jump needs to not exist since slash dash could essentially do the same thing if we could aim it, a directional choice in momentum is far more viable in the current level design than a purely vertical one-  not to mention directional melee already allows this meaning excalibur's slashdash and superjump are rather redundant. 

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The Excalibur is always shown as the "swordman" frame, which he is definitely not. His signiture ability Slash Dash, as Radial Javelin still has finite damage. It nice as means of transportation, but forgettable as serious damage dealer. As Radial Javelin, it becomes a liability at mid level. But hey, as a swordsman I can jump and become invisible! Seriously???


Radial Blind is still Excalibur's best ability, The nerf was unwarranted, it has a very short stun duration and even the blindness is not too long. Even without nerf every other frame's CC was and is better. Now the Excalibur became even weaker. Whoever had the idea is out of mind really, because there is no rational reason for the nerf. Not that I ask for, but why are the other CCs not limited by LOS like the RB?


Jump with invisibility is still useless. One can not max out Radial Blind and Jump at once so it remains useless. Even if I max jump, out very few map can make use of it, and it does not help my team, because it is way to situational.


Radial Javelin still takes way to long to cast and is for that it is way too weak. It won't kill anything above mid level, as every fix damage ability.


The whole "fix" was a step in the wrong direction.

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I am actually fairly happy with the changes granted I wish slash dash would be changed but it could just be that they are trying to figure out a way to buff it without actually making it to powerful for a tier 1 ability the super jump changed to super charge is interesting to say the least and radial javelin is pretty nice. The augment mod for it is actually pretty nice since it buffs melee damage for every enemy hit by the ultimate combine that with radial blind and you will be dealing some serious melee damage.

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Glad to see, a lot of poeple sharing my concerns about this so called "fix" for Excalibur.


I really don´t mind the weaker Blind that much, but after a lot of testing i must stick to my inital recation. Radial Javelin has still way to little damage outputt. The problem is that it needs the augment to be viable at all in high tiers, because the stun is way to short to have any utillity, this really can´t be. An Ability should always be viable to use without any further augments, that take up modslots. I like the augment, but it should be an additional option, not an mandatory thing.


And as everybody seems to agree, Slash Dash needs buffing hard and Super Jump is still useless....

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The problem of Radial Javelin, and while the "improved" Radial Blind is so bad, is that increasing RJ's damage output only raises it's usefulness a couple of levels. RJ had no utility (too short stun), so it a matter of levels until it will became useless. I think they should switch RB and RJ and make the old RB an ultimate.


Slash Dash is a no. 1 ability its should not be too powerful.

Super Jump, I think it is of not much use, but as was can see it has it's fans.

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Radial Blind though perhaps more realistic (what exactly is supposed to be realistic here?), I do miss the old version. Hardly as useful now, only in big, open, and crowded rooms.




This is a science fiction game. Why has Radial Blind been taken so literally in a game that has Molecular Prime, Bastille, Sound Quake and Flying Funky Disco Balls of death,etc.

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This is a science fiction game. Why has Radial Blind been taken so literally in a game that has Molecular Prime, Bastille, Sound Quake and Flying Funky Disco Balls of death,etc.


This is my sentiment too. Again, I do not thing the other frame's ability need to be changed, but it is beyond me why Radial Blind got single out.

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