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[Guide] How To (Ab)Use New Blessing.


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Blessing Rank only affects duration. How can you Spam something if you're increasing a duration that doubles as the cool-down timer?

As far as we know now, you are right. My bad. But there's a very good chance they'll make Blessing rank continue to add to the immunity duration, because otherwise there would be no reason to rank up Blessing. But even if you are completely right Blessing will be much more situational than it is now, and I doubt there will be many people devoting a build to Blessing anymore.

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SO about the people in this thread that are criticizing this saying that you would have to stand still for the entire match spamming blessing. That's not even remotely true unless your team is really, really, REALLY awful. It's very, very difficult to lose all your health and shields a second time over, directly after you've just gained full health and shields. If a team is in a tight spot and then all of our health and shields suddenly just MAX OUT again, that is a serious game changer. For 25 energy? With a reduced cast time? You could cast that 14 times with a full energy pool for crying out loud. And that's without any regeneration happening, which this build involves heavily, in case you hadn't picked that up.


Do any of you actually play Trinity? Regardless of whether or not the build works well, or how much Trinity would have to stand still and "spam" her ability to keep herself and others alive, how can you deny that this patch is going to completely brick any viability Trinity had? Do you know the amount of timing it would require to make the damage mitigation worth using? On an unarmored frame like an Ember or something at end game, if shields were down you would have under 0.1 seconds before their entire health pool, no matter HOW BIG IT IS, would be completely eviscerated by one enemy. (Don't comment on how Ember can't do endgame or something stupid, it was an example due to her low armor)


How do you time it so that you can get a high enough damage % mitigation for that player, to make it actually worth building your Trinity to actually use the ability properly? You would need some pretty insane timings to be able to maybe get 60% immunity to damage, if you were really lucky. Or, more likely, your teammate goes down, and you look like a complete idiot, who wasted an ability that costs a good 70 or 100 energy using any build other than reducing as much power cost as possible.


If it was based on how much shields were restored as well, maybe this would have some use, but if it's just the health pool, there are so many terribly armored frames that so many people use, that by the time you've noticed they're taking HP damage, or even ABOUT to take HP damage, it's already too late.


In no way am I saying the old Blessing was any good, it was actually the reason I stopped playing Trinity because of just how easy it was to play. However, this new patch is just not thought out that well. Regardless of whether you think the build works or not, her ultimate ability got hit with a nerf that makes her an impossibly hard frame to play unless you are healing something with a ton of armor.


tl;dr: This build may not be "abuse" but it is now the most viable way to play Trinity due to many frames having armor that does not let them use their HP to tank at endgame. There's no use in trying to time heals for a low or an unarmored health pool because damage to health pools is so insanely high that you'll probably end up wasting the ability 99% of the time. It's now better to build the ability so that you can just spam it to fully restore health and shields of teammates as often as possible, and as fast as possible.

Edited by Churpy
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I agree with Churpy : it'll be working only with highly armored frames AND luck.

honestly i think that this nerf just render the Trinity not suitable for the high level game a lot of us like. In any way not as a support class. Maybe she can compete with link/blessing and luck but selfishly and she will be certainly not reliable as a support, no CC, no AoE etc...

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If you've got to heal every 1.2 seconds, your team isn't going to last long.  Chances are you're being slammed by hard-hitting mobs that will take your 700 HP and reduce it to 0 in one hit.


The base stats in this game do not allow for abuse of healing, sprinting, armor, etc.


They need to re-balance base stats to an effective version of their game.  Though they probably won't simply due to the fact that they have no idea how to balance anything.


I want to have 30 minutes alone with DE_Steve or Scott.  Seriously.  Those guys have a brain on their shoulders but it isn't built for balancing content.

If youre at the point where healing that often doesnt do anything for you then its time to run away because even Valkyr and Rhino will be pushing their limits


Which is how it should be


and again it isnt as abusable as before but there are some tricks to it that can near break it


Im going to runa  defensive healer trinity


Tanking and blessing with quick thinking just to see how broken itll be

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I think they will probably have to change the Trinity part of this balance patch, if not to get rid of these builds, to make a different change instead - just look at the uproar it has caused, threads are popping up everywhere.

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I think they will probably have to change the Trinity part of this balance patch, if not to get rid of these builds, to make a different change instead - just look at the uproar it has caused, threads are popping up everywhere.


their first change to blessing probably what caused it all, the 2nd/new/modified change seems perfectly valid/fine tbh.

Edited by Methanoid
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The word "abuse" is semantics. He is maximizing the new version. That's it.

Then why call it abuse and put it in the title?


Why not title the post "How to maximize NUBlessing" instead of how to "Abuse"?


You're trying to take the coward's way out by trying to spin truth.  Either way, you're wrong.

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DERebecca Said...


- Blessing:  On cast, Blessing restores all shields and health. Damage reduction for the duration of the skill is now based on the greatest percentage of health healed (i.e: if you have a squad with members whose health you healed 30%, 40% and 90%, all party members will receive Damage reduction at the greatest percent, 90% in this case). 


- Reduced the time it takes for Trinity's Blessing animation to play.



So... Well, that's a step away from the abyss for Legit Trinity players ... but um ... dat reduced casting speed. I think my "Abuse/Maximization/LemonCobblerPie" build works even better with NuNuBlessing™.






Then why call it abuse and put it in the title?


Why not title the post "How to maximize NUBlessing" instead of how to "Abuse"?


You're trying to take the coward's way out by trying to spin truth.  Either way, you're wrong.


"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less."
 -Through the Looking Glass, Chapter 6, by Lewis Carroll

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Well that's honestly a lot better. Still not really the change I would have wanted though. Don't ask me what I want, because I actually have no clue. So I guess this is the best we're getting.


yeah you have a point but I have a feeling what i would have truely wanted be more satisfying and devine

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