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My N°1 Wish For Today's Update De !


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Improve , replace, revamp ; buff ;; change ; increase damage  , anything that would make psychic bolts useful

Make it scale with enemies ( make it deal a percentage of damager per enemy since it attacks the mind) , more damage,, make the bolts punch through or anything that doesn't make them scatter like paper  in a tornado !!!



I saw the highlight videos , i'm hyped , super hyped . but that was my N° request.


And fellow tenno , what is your n°1 want for today?

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Psychic Bolts isn't such a huge issue compared to other frames and their problems

Nyx has 2 other outstanding skills (Absorb and Chaos) and 1 situational but still useful one (Mind Control), and one useless one.


Banshee on the other hand, has two alright skills (Sonar and Sonic Boom), one outdated/outclassed one (Sonic Wave), and one absolutely useless one (Silence). I say Sonar is alright mostly because you have to be very far into the game before you need a damage multiplier that large to kill enemies.


And Oberon, where every single skill is mediocre and outclassed.

Edited by Draciusen
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Patch Notes

I lol'd.



anything that would make psychic bolts useful

I remember these being useless back when I leveled Nyx eons ago. I think I'll take them for a spin on Apollodorus and see what they're like now.


Is it just that the damage is bad, or do they still not work at all?

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I lol'd.



I remember these being useless back when I leveled Nyx eons ago. I think I'll take them for a spin on Apollodorus and see what they're like now.


Is it just that the damage is bad, or do they still not work at all?

THe damage is mediocre at best


It's hard to aim. You cast the thing and the bolts fly around instead of going straight for ther target + they miss and hit walls obstacles and are slow , very slow.


It's a waste of a mod slot and energy

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maybe change them around a bit.. make them more of a utility skill. If Nyx can make the enemy think they're all Tenno, then maybe she can also make them think the Tenno look like them. So if the bolt finds you, you'll essentially be rendered invisible for the duration of the cast.


Scaling camouflage:

continuity, for obvious reasons.

intensify, how well are you camouflaged, should scale with enemy-type ie: grunts might be fooled with low/no intensify, heavies most certainly won't

upgrading the mod also increases camouflage effectiveness but scales with enemy-level. 


scaling targeting-accuracy bolts

upgrading mod: number of bolts (? maybe not)

continuity: lifetime of bolt

stretch: increase tracking range from cast-point 



balancing issues

oooh, plenty. have one or two of them in your team and you're pretty much invisible all the time. So, cue the whining ash and loki players...



But still, it would be so much more awesome then what we have now. And more fitting to IMHO.

Edited by ComCray
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