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12 Days Without A Catalyst / Reactor Alert ?


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You know what isn't fun? Un-catalyzed weapons. [-snip-]

Now, I'm'a let-chu finish, but that's actually all I do in this game.

Having a 3 forma potato weapon isn't fun. It's spray and no-need-to-pray-because-you-do-10k-damage-per-shot

Un-catalyzed weapons are the main weapons I use, but I do bring 1 power gun in case I get overwhelmed.

You may continue.

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Until we get tier4 you don't really need a potato to do any of the content in the game.


Alerts need a revamp, there's like ~10 alerts worth doing now, they essentially removed ~20 alerts from being good(Helms with stats) with the helm stat removal. The only good alerts: Potatos, about ~5-6 auras, and  a few nightmare mods, everything else is worthless.

Edited by Kiaru
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to me it feels like they've pumped steroids into the helmet rates for alerts (they just did a rework on helmets after all). the massively increased chances for helmets would simply drown out everything else even if all other rates are unchanged.


that being said, it should be coded that reactors and catalysts are guaranteed to show up in an alert on alternating weeks. ie, week 1 reactor, week 2 catalyst, week 3 reactor, week 4 catalyst, etc. would only be fair, since there's no other reliable way to get them.

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To be fair, not a single one of us are entitled to a paid item in a free to play game.  DE is never forced to give any of us any potatoes or formas.  The fact that they provide paid items for free at all is something to be thankful for, not something to be expected.

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To be fair, not a single one of us are entitled to a paid item in a free to play game.  DE is never forced to give any of us any potatoes or formas.  The fact that they provide paid items for free at all is something to be thankful for, not something to be expected.

you know what happens to games that don't? that's right, they get shut down because they never gain the playerbase to provide the revenue needed to support continued development. p2win is a gamekiller, and not having a free method of obtaining reactors/catalysts is unarguably p2win.

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Why do we need catalysts if the weapons are always nerfed? We can play without those, since in two months a weapon can become useless. 


Look at what happened with the Flux rifle. Was nerfed to the ground. Why spend time and effort in formas and catalysts, if now the weapon only do tickles on grineer soldiers? 

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you know what happens to games that don't? that's right, they get shut down because they never gain the playerbase to provide the revenue needed to support continued development. p2win is a gamekiller, and not having a free method of obtaining reactors/catalysts is unarguably p2win.


Capitalization would make your reply much more appealing to read.


Pay to win has pervaded many games, and some manage to thrive.  Maplestory and Dragon's Nest are prime examples; pay to win has not detered the playerbase so much as to ignore every other saving grace the titles provide.  What blocks communities is not the ability of paying to win, but the forcing of paying in order to get anywhere.  Here in Warframe, we have forma to help with that even if you never so much as touched a potato.


While reaching endgame is difficult without a potato, this just goes back to enemy scaling and total potential difficulty; if a majority of the playerbase is not expected to have these items, overall difficulty would be scaled down.  Again, keep in mind that you are playing a free to play game.  Nobody is entitled to free passes into the pay to play realm without a significant time investment, such defies the denotation of "pay."  As a result, endgame should be hard to reach, the process as it is now greatly facilitated by DE's potato drops of the past.

Edited by DalaiLlama
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Capitalization would make your reply much more appealing to read.

irrelevant and petty complaints can be left at the door, thanks.



Nobody is entitled to free passes into the pay to play realm without a significant time investment,

nor is anyone asking for that. however, if your game has historically provided a steady method of obtaining X item that is also in the cash shop, to suddenly stop doing so is very much deserving of the appropriate criticism. that is to say, deserving of threads such as this.

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you know what happens to games that don't? that's right, they get shut down because they never gain the playerbase to provide the revenue needed to support continued development. p2win is a gamekiller, and not having a free method of obtaining reactors/catalysts is unarguably p2win.

warframe has one of the best if not the best business models I have ever seen on a f2p game. you're insane if you think this game is anything close to p2w. hell, i'm pretty sure they could take catalyst/reactor rewards out and it still wouldn't even be that bad. just sell some mod and get it with plat (not to mention they start you off with a good bit of plat). or throw down 5 bucks.

go check out neverwinter if you want p2w.

Edited by ThePoopHunter
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warframe has one of the best if not the best business models I have ever seen on a f2p game. you're insane if you think this game is anything close to p2w. hell, i'm pretty sure they could take catalyst/reactor rewards out and it still wouldn't even be that bad. just sell some mod and get it with plat. or throw down 5 bucks.

go check out neverwinter if you want p2w.



please take a moment to re-read my post, actually comprehend what i said, and then reply.

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you know what happens to games that don't? that's right, they get shut down because they never gain the playerbase to provide the revenue needed to support continued development. p2win is a gamekiller, and not having a free method of obtaining reactors/catalysts is unarguably p2win.





please take a moment to re-read my post, actually comprehend what i said, and then reply.

unless the english language changed while I wasn't looking, you're saying not having a free way of getting reactors/catalysts is p2win.... i'm saying no the hell it is not. I explained why already.

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The whole point in the catalyst/reactor system was to allow free players to upgrade their weapons without plat.  We may as well still have the pro system if we're going to have multi week droughts :|

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unless the english language changed while I wasn't looking, you're saying not having a free way of getting reactors/catalysts is p2win.... i'm saying no the hell it is not. I explained why already.

p2win is defined as being able to purchase advantages via real cash that people cannot get without the real cash currency. being able to double your power capacity is unarguably an advantage, so removing reactors/catalysts from alert rewards / login rewards / whatever would make them p2win. this isn't a difficult concept to grasp.

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p2win is defined as being able to purchase advantages via real cash that people cannot get without the real cash currency. being able to double your power capacity is unarguably an advantage, so removing reactors/catalysts from alert rewards / login rewards / whatever would make them p2win. this isn't a difficult concept to grasp.

if you ask me, buying a catalyst doesn't give you a huge enough advantage for it to be p2w (depends on the weapon). and even if it did give some massive advantage, as long as it's only 20 plat which is extremely easy to obtain selling random mods/bps you happen to pick up, it will never be p2w.


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if you ask me, buying a catalyst doesn't give you a huge enough advantage for it to be p2w (depends on the weapon). and even if it did give some massive advantage, as long as it's only 20 plat which is extremely easy to obtain selling random mods/bps you happen to pick up, it will never be p2w.

completely missing the point. whatever, with a name like that it's not surprising.

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completely missing the point. whatever, with a name like that it's not surprising.

you keep saying i'm missing the point. please tell me exactly what your point is in as little words as possible.

are you trying to say having no catalyst/reactor alert would be p2win?

are you trying to say warframe is already p2win??

if it's not either of those then I just can't seem to get it. re-read your post a few times and it looks like your point is just dodging my eyes in that massive paragra- i mean 3 sentences.

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Like I said before, theres not much reason to get worried about it. Your weapon will soon be nerfed, so with or without a catalyst the result will be a crap weapon that only do tickles on the mobs. Since nerfs are so common these days, experienced players will not see many reason to put catalysts into some badass weapon. 


The ner%&^e is a p2w model, although it goes unnoticed by most of useful idiots asking for nerfs. A new weapon is released, with very high stats, sometimes a secondary with more damage than its primary version (which is absurd). Such new weapon is clan tech, with high requirements for research and then build (see the case of oxium and argon crystals, two rare resources to complicate it even more), which estimulates some players to buy it with plats (real money). Then theres the catalyst, which is in turn becoming more rare in alerts, estimulating players to buy it with plats. 


Two months later comes the nerf, and the weapon is turned into trash. A new weapon is released, much more powerful, and the cycle beings anew. The catalyst? Gather dust or goes to the trash bin with the weapon, since it cant be removed. Same for the formas, but these can be farmed in the derelict now, if you have enough time and patience for it. 


But this model have its drawbacks, especially with experienced players. See my case. For some time I thought in buying Zephyr with plats, since it is not possible to build her. The requirements for it are high quantities of oxium, which is extremely rare. Oxium is only dropped by a irritating single enemy, a drone which commits suicide. No problem if the drone wants to explode itself, but when he do that, he dont drop oxium. But then I didnt buy it, because I thought "in two months they will nerf her like they nerfed Flux rifle". So, this kind of ner%&^e model only works with new players, which in turn have extremely difficult to get used to the game (which is already a stimulus for then to buy equipment with plats). 

Edited by Wolfstorm18
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But this model have its drawbacks, especially with experienced players. See my case. For some time I thought in buying Zephyr with plats, since it is not possible to build her. The requirements for it are high quantities of oxium, which is extremely rare. Oxium is only dropped by a irritating single enemy, a drone which commits suicide. No problem if the drone wants to explode itself, but when he do that, he dont drop oxium. But then I didnt buy it, because I thought "in two months they will nerf her like they nerfed Flux rifle". So, this kind of ner%&^e model only works with new players, which in turn have extremely difficult to get used to the game (which is already a stimulus for then to buy equipment with plats). 


I stop reading at Zephyr part.

Kappa, a good run nets you 40.


Do 20 runs. Or 30 if you botch a few.

You will have more than enough.


This is even easier to farm than the old Bps that drop by orbs.


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p2win is defined as being able to purchase advantages via real cash that people cannot get without the real cash currency.


Depending on your definition of advantages this applies to every F2P game. Is leveling faster an advantage? To some extent yes but once you cap your advantage disappears. What advantge exists in warframe?


Warframe is fundamentally a co-op PvE game. If I pay to potato my weapons and you don't then how have I "won" over you? Yes I am (potentially) more powerful but how does that impact you directly? If we play together we are not competing so you cannot "lose" to me and feel it is down to me paying money.


Potatoes and formas are optional elements of the game that players can choose to buy. They give an increase in combat strength but the free player does not suffer as a result so there can be no complaint. DE lets us get access to one a random through the alert system on occasion and every couple of weeks puts one up for long enough that any dedicated player can grab it. They don't need to do this but they do. So stop complaining.

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