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Breaking The Trinity


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I put him on ignore.  Now I don't have to read it.


You act like you're hurting my feelings or something.  Just because you're wrong doesn't mean I hate you.


No. You'd just rather call me a "white-knight" instead. Some opinion you're spouting. Why not instead of insulting me you actually put forth some fair points instead? Or you know. Actually pay attention to what I'm writing.

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I find it funny that people give any credence to anyone who ever brings up the drop table encryption.


It's version of godwin's law: As a thread complaining about DE's actions continues, the probability that someone will bring up "the conspiracy" as if it were a valid talking point approaches 1. Once this is done, the responsible party automatically loses.


The "making it so the game is harder to illegally hack", the "moderator retired of his own free will", and a few other imaginary offenses are part of "the conspiracy", and by bringing up said imaginary offenses, you lose. If you're using it to mock the other person, you lose for trying to strawman them. If you bring it up as if you actually believe it, you lose for depicting your lack of a grip on reality.


So, we officially have a loser here. The rest is just lock bait.

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Nope but trying to use it as mitigation got us killed. Better off just reducing the passive ability to as small as possible as most people invest in high shields not HP, Invuln was broken but mitigation isnt much better as it just makes me want to not use the class at all. Healing over time or just removing passive altogether and making it cost less would make me happier then this crap

I don't want to misunderstand you so let me make sure this is right: you would rather have healing over time (Oberon) than an instant heal with a damage reduction to all frames at the same time?
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In all honesty


Truly the only things trinity could add at this point are a spammable 4 (hopefully max energy efficiency builds wont be too broken with this) or a short invi (hopefully not abuseable but we know it will be...)


Her 1 could be a bit better to work as a filler heal so she doesnt have to wait for someone to be near dead to be efficient healing without wasting her ability to heal at all as well


But all in all this change was great


9/10 stars beautiful balance

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It's not in Beta.  Beta's assume there will one day be a finished product.  When warframe is 'finished', then it will be shut-down.


Calling it 'beta' is an excuse for sloppy coding mistakes, a lack of documentation, and rapid and unreasonable changes to support nebulous goals like 'balance' which are really in support of 'cash shop purchases'.


Lots of finished products continue to be changed afterward.  You may have bought whole-hog into the myth, but those of us who remember the drop-table encryption and all the times something had to be datamined to prove DE had taken it out of the tables or reduced it to a negligible chance aren't so trusting, and that's a well-earned suspicion.


Just because other developers/publishers are equally untrustworthy doesn't make DE better.




I'm happy to see the Pandora's box of crying for nerfs is finally reaching the 'Loki master race' crowd that started all the cries for nerfs.  Yes, their tears of justice will be delicious on the day when DE finally gets around to nerfing Loki's invisibility and radial disarm the way they've been nerfing all of the other useful warframe powers in the game.


And I'll be happily taking my own advice, and finding something new that's enjoyable.


And I am not a trinity player.


I think you missed the point about 10 miles back.


I think the game is abusing it's beta title on the whole but things such as melee and stealth 2.0 are the sort of sweeping changes expected in a beta. The release of new guns, less so. However, it does remain a beta even if you don't like it. DE have massive improvements to make (I whole heartedly agree on the lack of documentation, anyone coming to this game cold has no chance whatsoever) but that is largely what a beta is for. There are plenty of places we can discuss the beta tag further but they are not this thread.


I'm not even going to talk about the drop table business, that horse died a long long time ago.


You have forgotten that this thread is dedicated to whining about changes without giving any thought to how to adapt to them. If the OP didn't like the changes or couldn't adapt, he could at least have offered a suggestion. This forum is getting too full of threads from people who can scream and shout about changes they don't like but when asked how they would have done it, they draw a blank.


Btw to those talking about a megathread, how many actually want those sorts of merges? Multiple topics that ran concurrently get merged by timestamp into one thread that for at least the first dozen pages is completely unreadable garbage because 30 different conversations are intermingled.

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Btw to those talking about a megathread, how many actually want those sorts of merges? Multiple topics that ran concurrently get merged by timestamp into one thread that for at least the first dozen pages is completely unreadable garbage because 30 different conversations are intermingled.

Would anyone notice the difference.?
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When frost got nerfed, I don't remember an ensuiing s***storm... oh wait, thats right, because no one cares about these posts after they've seen them.

Probably because the same people that whine about a single nerfed skill are the same people who are completely and totally dependent on it. They just can't play the frame reasonably well after their crutch skill has been changed, and so they complain that the frame is now useless.


Meanwhile, everyone who wasn't completely dependent on it instead goes "Huh, look at these other buffs I got. Neat!" and continues to play the frame in question. It's happened with Frost (Freeze, Ice Wave, Avalanche buffs) and Trinity (Energy Vampire buff).


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Probably because the same people that whine about a single nerfed skill are the same people who are completely and totally dependent on it. They just can't play the frame reasonably well after their crutch skill has been changed, and so they complain that the frame is now useless.


Meanwhile, everyone who wasn't completely dependent on it instead goes "Huh, look at these other buffs I got. Neat!" and continues to play the frame in question. It's happened with Frost (Freeze, Ice Wave, Avalanche buffs) and Trinity (Energy Vampire buff).

None of Frost's skills were buffed.  And there was a S#&$storm of complaints.  That's why they reworked it back to being partially invincible.


Nothing you've said has been true.  The same lies don't change the facts.  None of the nerfs were well-received and all of them were eventually reverted in some way, though never completely.

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I don't want to misunderstand you so let me make sure this is right: you would rather have healing over time (Oberon) than an instant heal with a damage reduction to all frames at the same time?

I'm pretty sure he'd rather have a heal he can cast and then go back to shooting things than a heal he has to constantly monitor and gamble if it's going to be worthwhile to heal then OR spam every 4 seconds regardless.


It's a pretty understandable complaint.  An Oberon can cast their heal over time and then concentrate on fighting enemies.  A trinity using blessing has to constantly monitor the health of other players or the timer.


The damage reduction is a red-herring.  The only time you're likely to get it is if you 1) game it for a video on youtube to prove you can, 2) get it accidentally and randomly as you spam 4 every 4 seconds with maximum efficiency, or 3) on enemy levels where you don't need it anyway.  You only really need damage reduction when the damage is great enough to get one-shot.  Otherwise, you should be using cover.a


I don't typically use trinity, and I don't need to.  My clan often does T3 and harder content in whatever frame we're ranking up (which was last Hydroid and now is nothing), but at least I'm listening to why people don't like the change.


People have suggested many possible alternatives (including a simple one of an enforced cooldown) that would have fixed the issue, without making blessing relatively useless.  Including things like a base minimum damage reduction on cast, and yet nerfers continue to claim no one has suggested an alternative.


The thread with the announced changes?  Full of alternatives.  


I haven't been impressed with a single argument for the current changes, because they all amount to either 'Trinity needed a nerf' or 'I don't care but in theory it still does something'.  The whole argument that she's more powerful is laughable.

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