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New Decisive Judgement Combo, Eh.


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Im happy to see new combo, it looks and feels nice and heavy but there is a problem to it.


The last 2 hits in the combo are way slower than normal hits and both deal around 50% of normal hit damage. I dont understand the logic behind this, overhead swings wich are also slow and are not meant to hit multiple targets in cone like the normal swings in the stance and yet they deal less damage. I love the fact that last hit in chain is 100% slash proc but its still half the damage, i dont see a reason to use the combo when normal button mashing is way more effective.


Enlighten me why should I.

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Dealing 1200 damage per hit and manage to hit twice in the time i would deal 600 and hope for a headshot with it? It doesnt calculate very well.


Im so sad that those nice looking combos that require a little more effort than mashing usually have no reward to it beside a cool animation, more often than not you get punished by less damage. I really want to use those combos but i dont see a point, and its not only on this stance, i noticed it on some others too. New swirling tiger combo also feels pointless to execute with slower animation AND lower damage, yet again.


Im really hoping that the damage multipliers on combos are gonna get looked at, i love melee and if i had a choice i would melee only in game as much as i can but mashing E constantly just because its the most efficient way of dealing damage ( and staying on your feet, some combos lose the knockdown immunity while normal mashing doesnt on some weapons ) is kinda off-putting.

Edited by Guziol
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It's a possible bug with stances where it seems like some mods don't contribute to stance combos. I've reported it as a bug a while back.


Link to the thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/222747-nikana-stance-combos-hitting-lower-than-initial-damage-bug-report/#entry2580027


In short, if you use the stance with no mods, the combos will hit harder, with mods, it hits lower than the initial hits. So somewhere down the line, mods aren't being translated into damage for the combos.

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It's a possible bug with stances where it seems like some mods don't contribute to stance combos. I've reported it as a bug a while back.


Link to the thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/222747-nikana-stance-combos-hitting-lower-than-initial-damage-bug-report/#entry2580027


In short, if you use the stance with no mods, the combos will hit harder, with mods, it hits lower than the initial hits. So somewhere down the line, mods aren't being translated into damage for the combos.


Oh my god, so glad to hear that. So there is hope they are gonna be up to par and worth using.

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The thing I was aiming for is the 2x multiplier of the headshot plus the 100% slash proc, which ignores armor.


Yea i know, i love the slash proc but sadly the normal hits are already bassically 2x multiplier compared to combo, and nikana tends to proc clash quite high amount already.


Edit: didint mean to doublepost.

Edited by Guziol
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basically OP sums up my entire problem with new melee 2.0 system


why bother with these horrid controls for combos when just spamming quick melee works just as well or easier/better?


sure SOME of the combo animations look neat, but ingame they are FAR from optimal functionality-wise

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basically OP sums up my entire problem with new melee 2.0 system


why bother with these horrid controls for combos when just spamming quick melee works just as well or easier/better?


sure SOME of the combo animations look neat, but ingame they are FAR from optimal functionality-wise


Some of the combos though have innate functions that you can't duplicate with spamming quick attacks. For example, the exceptional Swirling Tiger combos combine very fast attacks (perfect for crit weapons like the Dual Ichor) with a dash + AoE that allows for more mobile combat and is quite devastating against groups to boot, or the Brutal Tide stance modifying the normal attacks to have innate AoE + knockdown that works great against infested, or the Clashing Forest combo that can have infinite dash + knockback as long as you keep holding mashing the combo. There are duds yes, but for most Melee 2.0's combos are a lot more effective than quick melee.


Also, read through the thread again: the damage discrepancy is likely due to a bug, and not due to how the combo works.

Edited by LGear
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basically OP sums up my entire problem with new melee 2.0 system


why bother with these horrid controls for combos when just spamming quick melee works just as well or easier/better?


sure SOME of the combo animations look neat, but ingame they are FAR from optimal functionality-wise

This is how i feel too


Spamming E was much nicer

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The new melee combo just feels weird, too slow. It's like swinging a very heavy thick two-handed sword or a hammer. While I'm executing then combo, I'm getting hit left and right. If I want a slow weapon, I will use my galatine or the jet that's been waiting to rank up.

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