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Another one of these huh. You're always free to quit the game if you so want, we most likely wont miss you.

You will if you're not giving DE money, because without it they can't keep the game running, and the people who spend money are moving on.

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 Change is what it is, some people will like it while others will not. The fact of the matter in regards to buffs and nerfs is that there will always be people on both sides of the fence over them. Change is a part of life and without it things shrivel up and die. The same would be true of Warframe If it was still the same as it was a yeah ago there would be very few people still playing this game.


That being said Trinity is merely another example of having to learn how best to play the frame to get the most out of it. I liked being able to bless a groups way through 2 hours of a t3 survival however it was boring and net very challenging. So in that regard I am on both sides of the fence.


Playing Trinity now is much more fun as I have to pay very close attention to how everyone else in my group is doing at any given moment unless I want to shoot myself in the foot while using blessing. Team communication and cooperation amongst the players becomes paramount. Yes Trinity is different but not any less effective.

Now on to Nova I remember a time when going into recruiting and seeing people specifically saying they did not want a nova to join the group. In part this is due to people not understanding the mechanics of the game and that XP from kills is shared amongst all players so long as they are within range of the kills which means staying together as a group and backing each other up. The other factor here is that players were feeling cheated by Nova players because they were stealing the fun of the kill.


In regards to Nova I am of the opinion the changes to her were a good thing. I diffidently like the animation changes as it is really fun watching the sphere of effect grow. But again it is merely a change forcing players to learn to play differently.


This game is supposed to be about co-op play where players back each other up and not a one player show. Frost, Trinity, and Nova are now more in line with that ideal. There are other frames that need both buffs and nerfs and I believe that DE will eventually get to them as Warframe is always growing and changing. Remember Warframe is open BETA that means changes at any given time.

Edited by Schroeder71822
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Where's the beta .gif when you need it? This is a prime example of what a beta environment entails.. stuff is gonna change. Get used to the idea. If something gets pushed too far, then DE is always free to mess around with it some more. Better now than post-launch.

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We should really know better not to put real money into a beta. Its a total con and this is why there will always be this "dark cloud" over Warframe.

It would not be so bad if everything was going to be credited back to you on launch but that is more of a bad joke here....

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Yeah this is a hate post but for good reason. Lately DE has been nerfing the best abiltys of warframes and if it continues this game is going to be a sad shaddow of what it used to be. If anyone cares that has some power in the "bowles" of Digital Extremes, stop makeing the game "harder" by nerfing the fun parts of the game, insted create new content that would challenge people with what they have spent alot of there time (and/or REAL CASH) setting there warframes up to do and enjoy.
Im going to use my Nekros on this post when it dies.
My Profile Icon was Nova :P



I've been lurking since quite a while and playing this game since a year (or well it'll be a year tommorow) and i've got to agree with you. I thought DE would stick to their word of buffing the weak frames instead of nerfing the op one, but instead they decided to listen to the loud majority of the NERF PLZZZZZZ community... sigh.


That's indeed the lazy way of making the game artificially harder (before some smartass come in and suggest to use another frame, i personally use none of the frames that's been nerfed recently, neither been using these so no change here) and even then they failed to make it hard as players will always find a way to exploit a frame to the point where it become overpowered and nerfed, so i'd say the nerf spree is sadly far from over and this game doesn't look like anything like it used to be (neither as fun) even just half a year ago.

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This game is not a "sad shadow of what it used to be"....just because the game doesn't have OUTRAGEOUSLY powerful powers that make the game easier does not make the game bad.



Edited by BecomeLikeWater
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Changes like these needed to happen ages ago; the reason they're meeting as much resistance as they are is because DE put it off for so long and people got used to expecting such perfromance. 

MPrime is hardly dead either; you people see the word nerf and immediately assume uselessness. For such pro-nova-trinity players, your side of the argument rarely understands how your class actually plays or what the changes actually mean. 

Finally; can it with the "the majority isn't being represented" speech. You aren't the majority, and you should never claim to be. This isn't a democracy. Present your arguments logically and you might be taken seriously. 

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Warframe = Farming Simulator

In time there will be nothing left to Nerf and we will be driving tractors on the solar rails to grow our Warframes lol




New nick name for Warframe...  Vegeframe :P

Edited by Armed_Monkey
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Sry op but all I read is





Not all frames were getting nerfed... some were even buffed (volt).

Calm down and play some other frame if you can't deal with changes.

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Yeah this is a hate post but for good reason. Lately DE has been nerfing the best abiltys of warframes and if it continues this game is going to be a sad shaddow of what it used to be. If anyone cares that has some power in the "bowles" of Digital Extremes, stop makeing the game "harder" by nerfing the fun parts of the game, insted create new content that would challenge people with what they have spent alot of there time (and/or REAL CASH) setting there warframes up to do and enjoy.
Im going to use my Nekros on this post when it dies.
My Profile Icon was Nova :P


"Best ability" ability OP as ****, anti teamplay because others players didn't had to do nothing when a nova was in the game

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I just had a thought. What if instead of nerfing frames that are considerred OP, they buff every other frame. 

It would achieve the same effect in the end but also make the player feel more powerful. If everyone is OP... then no one is OP. 

Edited by Plasmaface
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I just had a thought. What if instead of nerfing frames that are considerred OP, they buff every other frame.

It would achieve the same effect in the end but also make the player feel more powerful. If everyone is OP... then no one is OP.

In relationship to one another you are correct. In relation to the playable content no. It's really a matter of opinion on which is more important but balancing around the content should theoretically also make the frames balanced in comparison to each other. Sadly the latter does require both buffs and nerfs, buff the everythings would be great except all those people concerned about power creep have a point. Edited by NevanChambers
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