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Warframe Enemy Ai Improvements?


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I got tired of trying to get some answers on twitch so im gonna ask here and HOPE for DE to even take a look.

SO DE, when and are there any ideas for Warframe enemy AI improvement?

I intend to bump this until its answered.

EDIT1: if you do have a plan to improve the AI what would be your steps in its improvement?

Edited by Alinna
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Before i go to bed here is another idea: Now that the enemies can make a propper formation and have added bonuses when in a formation lets add something else into the mix.
Enemy skills.
Example. Grineer Lancer A: can deploy a arc trap anywhere and run away to a safe distance.
Grineer Lancer B: Can toss a grenade (they all have them now, but this give them more specialization)
Grineer Lancer C: Can deploy a small health station that releases a healing fume for a few seconds.
Think of something cool with corpus.

Edited by Alinna
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Good morning.

Let us continue this DE waiting game. Im a little groggy so this idea may be full of holes.


Now, we gave the AI skills, formations and traits. This should give the AI some level of threat while not making them a bullet sponge. Lets add something else now.

Reactions and tactical awareness.

Example: retreat, advance and regroup (lets face it as long as we can nuke or DEbuff entire rooms nothing will get done).

Retreat: If the enemy numbers the will run away preventing further casualties. They will also regroup (ie. wait for their spawned fiends) and reform a formation or god knows what. Lastly if they see that a Tenno is injured or is pulling back they will charge guns blazing or slowly advance. They will be shotting like mad while doing so to ensure you fall down.

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Scenario: You've walked through several corpus ship corridors without any enemy resistance...where the hell is everyone?


But when you enter the large symmetrical room with the elevators on either side leading up the room get's locked down and corpus crewmen are raining down hell on you from above, four shockwave moas come out of the moa containers at once and start charging you whilst leech ospreys are hovering in the middle of the room sending shield draining leeches your way.


Now this is what I want to see!

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yes yes and again, yes. The AI needs some work. i LMAO everytime I see Grinner. they are soooo stupid. its like they dont even try.

Well it isn't just the fact that the AI needs work...  9 times out of 10 the enemies itself rarely live to see more than 10 seconds, so... while It would be nice to get a smarter AI.  The current AI's brain splattered over the wall within 10 seconds of it seeing a Tenno is just the same as a updated and improved one imo...

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Well it isn't just the fact that the AI needs work...  9 times out of 10 the enemies itself rarely live to see more than 10 seconds, so... while It would be nice to get a smarter AI.  The current AI's brain splattered over the wall within 10 seconds of it seeing a Tenno is just the same as a updated and improved one imo...

The problem here is the enemy spawn rate, spawn locations and pathing of the enemy.


Spawn rate: While not a immediate problem most of the enemies spawn one at a time, only after some longer time spent in a survival or def missions do you get an increase in numbers. As far as the rest of the missions go, well, they hardly spawn en masse.


Spawn Locations: a bit of a bigger problem. And its directly linked to enemy pathing. You see the enemies in Warframe spawn either from a free nearby tile OR a location outside of our vision range/specter. It is because of that spawning that the enemy hardly has any way of organizing unless its a narrow corridor. 


Enemy pathing: I also like to think of it as ''enemy war chatter''. There is none. Basically when you start a mission there are already some enemies in a room in front of you and they walk like mindless zombies. No purpose, no idea, no interaction with anything. They are just waiting to be slaughterd. BUT if this was fixed then you would have only a few enemies in a room, they would interact with their enviroment and when alerted they would start an alarm.

Only WHEN that alarm is sounded would there be a interactive chatter between them: where, when and how. 


Where: -Where is the Tenno? -Another room? -Good. (now they know, with the alarm where you are)


When: -Where is he now? -He cleared another room. -When? -30 seconds ago. -Good we have about 1min to prepare ourselves. (now they know where you are and when you are coming, and with the enemies that didnt get time to organize dead and the threat is spreading we come to...)


How: -We got 1min to prepare, how do we do it? -Put 15 moas in the waiting with 10 shockwave and 5 Fusion moas to advance!


So there you have it. If our AI was ANY similar to this we wouldnt have brain dead zombies that get splatted ever second. And it doesnt look to difficult to do.


edit: edited some grammar.

Edited by Alinna
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I find that the enemy AI still needs the bugs kicked out of it before we start thinking of giving them advance tactics...


One time while at the void I saw what was like 5-8 Corpus corrupted all kneeling behind a guard-rail, they just sat there expecting me to be on the other side of it or something even though I was literally standing right next to them(OFC who am I to complain, seeing one arrow pin 5 guys to a wall was funny...), normal Corpus units seem to have this bad habit as well,


I also think the current way AI works should be revamped, they seem to do 1 of 3 things currently.


-Run behind a wall whilst still exposing themselves to gunfire.

-Go for the alarm


Going for the alarm and fighting is okay but I find it completely stupid that the majority of the time there will always be at least one guy standing behind a wall leaving enough of his body exposed for me to shoot him without him even firing back because he's still trying to hide in cover. 

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I'm just going to keep watching this thread. I tell ya, if DE were to listen to us, the AI in this game would be boss, guys. I already sent DERebecca a schematic for chokepoint formations for the Grineer, I'll let you know her response as soon as I get it!

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Here is another idea, for the infested: since the ancients are more or less the 'elder' of the infested it would be in their interest if they actually affected the infested around them. Either giving minor buffs deppending on the ancient or make the rest of the infested stick close to them (as if atracted to them).

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Morning, or evening depending on where you are.

Here is something of a brain storm: considering we are helping BOTH the Grineer and the Corpus, what if the AI didnt target us when we get in a mission withing the first few seconds when they see us. Maybe they dont attack us at all until we attack them.

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Perhaps AI 2.0 could encourage stealth? After all, even if you deactivate alarms, they wouldn't be stupid enough to pass it off as a false alarm.

They could all pile into one room if you get the alarms raised and slaughter you if you're not careful.

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if anything there should be specific stealth coding which uses fixed routes and vision cones (enemy sense/radar mod) in a classic Metal Gear style.

but as it is, the AI is already more advanced than 90% of shooters. 

they throw grenades when you hide
they hide behind the riot shield guys if its the nearest cover
the shield osprey's actively seek out allies to protect.
hell, the tenno AI in the rail conflicts even use abilities relatively appropriately

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Moved to the proper section.

I thought it was in the proper section?! O_o

No matter.

Here is a interesting fact: did anyone notice that the Grineer are the only fraction in which the basic unit changes loadout as they get stronger (grakata to hind; grakata to karak to hind). Would be interesting if we gave the same thing to Corpus (dera to tetra for example)

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