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Warframe Drinking Games.


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Whenever someone is incapacitated (when you are able to revive them), take a shot.


Whenever you fail the mission, take a shot.


Whenever the Lotus says "it's the Grineer" finish your drink.


Whenever a fellow player is killed, finish your drink.



It was late and I was already drunk when I made these so they may not be the best, here it goes.

When a mission is started: Take a 5 second pull (to get nice and warmed up)

Uses an ability: 1 drink

If there is a Rhino who uses Iron Skin: Take a drink

Below 30% with oxy left: 2 drinks

Every 5mins of survival or every 5 waves: Take 2 drink

When bad grammar is used: 3 drink

When heavy unit(s) are approaching: Take 2 drinks

You see an Eximus: Take 4 drinks

Kill a boss: Take a shot

Finnish a mission: Take a shot

When some one goes down: Take a shot

When someone dies: Finnish you beer

When your so drunk you can't tell if your shooting an enemy or a squad mate: You should stop

Those also sound fun...This might come down to a coin flip or two.

Edited by DecapitatingJim
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It was late and I was already drunk when I made these so they may not be the best, here it goes.

When a mission is started: Take a 5 second pull (to get nice and warmed up)

Uses an ability: 1 drink

If there is a Rhino who uses Iron Skin: Take a drink

Below 30% with oxy left: 2 drinks

Every 5mins of survival or every 5 waves: Take 2 drink

When bad grammar is used: 3 drink

When heavy unit(s) are approaching: Take 2 drinks

You see an Eximus: Take 4 drinks

Kill a boss: Take a shot

Finnish a mission: Take a shot

When some one goes down: Take a shot

When someone dies: Finnish you beer

When your so drunk you can't tell if your shooting an enemy or a squad mate: You should stop

Did you end up being in an ethylic coma after playing like this?...

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Anytime a nerf thread comes up (defending nerfs, saying nerfs are bad, both count), take a shot.


I'm not paying for your funeral expenses.

I want to keep it ingame though xD



Yeah, Mine is not for the light hearted.


I'm scottish with a tolerance that could take the Irish under a table ;3 I'm pretty sure I can cope xD

Edited by DecapitatingJim
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Anytime a nerf thread comes up (defending nerfs, saying nerfs are bad, both count), take a shot.


I'm not paying for your funeral expenses.

Any time someone post something that has already been posted a million other times or something that is already common knowledge (example no stats at end of mission) take a shot.

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Alright decided to go for this, based on what missions I play and general convenience (It's easier for me to have shot glass around)


Whenever someone is incapacitated (when you are able to revive them), take a shot.

Whenever you fail the mission, take a shot.

Uses an ability: 1 shot

If there is a Rhino who uses Iron Skin: Take a shot

You see an Eximus: Take 2 shots

Finnish a mission: Take a shot

When you get a transmission, Take a shot. 2 for the next. 3 for the next etc. Restart at every mission.



Thanks for the suggestions everyone xD


For all the forum based ones, as much as my liver is a sly little bastard that needs to be punished with thy fermented goods, I want to keep it in-game stuff.

Edited by DecapitatingJim
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Best of luck!

12 shots in the first mission. This will be an experience.


can you try recording the shenanegins?

I don't actually have any recording software on my laptop sadly. 


Also for anyone wondering, my quantities are

750ml Peach Scnapps

750ml Bells Whiskey

18 bottles Foundry Cider. 

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Alright decided to go for this, based on what missions I play and general convenience (It's easier for me to have shot glass around)


Whenever someone is incapacitated (when you are able to revive them), take a shot.

Whenever you fail the mission, take a shot.

Uses an ability: 1 shot

If there is a Rhino who uses Iron Skin: Take a shot

You see an Eximus: Take 2 shots

Finnish a mission: Take a shot

When you get a transmission, Take a shot. 2 for the next. 3 for the next etc. Restart at every mission.



Thanks for the suggestions everyone xD


For all the forum based ones, as much as my liver is a sly little bastard that needs to be punished with thy fermented goods, I want to keep it in-game stuff.

Oh were gonna have dome fun. All of you children out there can use 5 hour energy. (If I did that I would vomit faster than with alcohol)

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I can assure you there are children out there reading this tempted to do it. I'm just telling them to use caffeine instead,

Ah yeah, good point, cuz I;m averaging about 7 shots per map depending on how ability spammy I'm feeling. 

Totally not having to clean up typos in this reply xD


F*cking Lotus, just gave 5 transmissions in a row. I swear she's in on this.

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Ah yeah, good point, cuz I;m averaging about 7 shots per map depending on how ability spammy I'm feeling. 

Totally not having to clean up typos in this reply xD


F*cking Lotus, just gave 5 transmissions in a row. I swear she's in on this.

 I just learned to avoid survival.

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You get a group of 4 only pentas, every time someone goes down you take a shot if you die completely you take 2 shots

I would honestly tr this id I fhda 4 people to polay at once and a pental.


Edit: let me hrt bcck to you

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I wish I could have witnessed OP's gaming while drunk.  Drunk gaming is the best sometimes.

Damn straight, though this one was a nightmare because I was trying to level a sniping weapon. Trying to head-shot when you can't tell what's an enemy and what's part of the scenery is not easy.

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