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Destroy And Rebuild Entire Dojo


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please stop spamming random stuff in your threads pretending like you're having a conversation when all they're really saying is 'bump'.



to be fair, there is a severe lack of a 'level editor' to make managing your Dojo intuitive at all.


Its been stated by DE that if ever to happen, it will be hard to be done because it depends on server syncing, and bla bla bla.


Iknowcause i asked for that because of how much of a pain it can be to swap stuff around when you have stupid pre requisites, but meh, once they said it aint possible for now I just rebuilt my dojo and decos.


1. My Clan vault has been destroyed part of the decontruction process

2.Clan vault does not store Plat

3 Are you still going on about whining  sounds like you doing just as much whining mate just stop reading this post move along unles you the whining post police what is your problem ?


^This here proves howmuch you actually read patch notes or even keep up with updates and stuff that devs say. You claimed earlier to read pacthes and that you are super active, but in the end, you dont even know what the clan vault is.


My guess? You aint trying to scam to get more plat than you have, you are just pissed off at having to rebuild that you think spamming a thread and sending tickets to the support will solve your own lack of knowledge.


Here, a quick search in the warframe wiki, and look at howmarvelous it can be:




As of Update 9.5, the Dojo is overhauled with new version of existing tilesets. These tiles have different interior design and slightly different sizes to fit the new "grid" system, which allows better tile management and multiple entryway looping. Here is some information regarding the conversion from old tiles to the new tileset:

  • Some basic changes can be found in the Update 9.5 build notes.
  • Due to the different sizes between old and new tiles, all dojo tiles have to be destroyed in order to have the dojo renewed with new tiles. All resources and Platinum will be refunded to the Clan Vault. However, each destruction needs 2 hours to complete.
  • The Clan Hall can be converted to a new appearance after ALL tiles and decoration have been destroyed. The conversion can ONLY be done by the Warlord, regardless of the ranks and privileges that the other clan members have.


As of Update 9.5...




Well i wish i new sooner is all i can say i cant say i see every patch and it subsequent notes, this must have gone by me because i probably wasn't building or doing anything in my dojo at the time or may not have be playing at that time or around either way i missed the MEMO and i cant be blamed or given the i told you so speech for missing it that's not my style lol.




We are already at 13.4.1, aint you kinda late bro?

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Its been stated by DE that if ever to happen, it will be hard to be done because it depends on server syncing, and bla bla bla.


Iknowcause i asked for that because of how much of a pain it can be to swap stuff around when you have stupid pre requisites, but meh, once they said it aint possible for now I just rebuilt my dojo and decos.



^This here proves howmuch you actually read patch notes or even keep up with updates and stuff that devs say. You claimed earlier to read pacthes and that you are super active, but in the end, you dont even know what the clan vault is.


My guess? You aint trying to scam to get more plat than you have, you are just &!$$ed off at having to rebuild that you think spamming a thread and sending tickets to the support will solve your own lack of knowledge.


Here, a quick search in the warframe wiki, and look at howmarvelous it can be:




As of Update 9.5, the Dojo is overhauled with new version of existing tilesets. These tiles have different interior design and slightly different sizes to fit the new "grid" system, which allows better tile management and multiple entryway looping. Here is some information regarding the conversion from old tiles to the new tileset:

  • Some basic changes can be found in the Update 9.5 build notes.
  • Due to the different sizes between old and new tiles, all dojo tiles have to be destroyed in order to have the dojo renewed with new tiles. All resources and Platinum will be refunded to the Clan Vault. However, each destruction needs 2 hours to complete.
  • The Clan Hall can be converted to a new appearance after ALL tiles and decoration have been destroyed. The conversion can ONLY be done by the Warlord, regardless of the ranks and privileges that the other clan members have.


As of Update 9.5...







We are already at 13.4.1, aint you kinda late bro?

You claimed earlier to read pacthes and that you are super active,


Being misquoted:


I said 


is all i can say i cant say i see every patch and it subsequent notes, this must have gone by me because i probably wasn't building or doing anything in my dojo at the time or may not have be playing at that time or around either way i missed the MEMO 


And i dint Say i was super active 


I was making a point that i dint see it and i missed it  were are u reading ?


Where did i say i dont know where the clan vault is ?


I am Not scaming anyone that point wasnt raised i am upset that i probly  wont get back ay plat i spent Ad NOW will have to find more plat to rebuild the same thnig all over again without the plat i had before i e being forced to buy more plat to doing something i allrady did.


What are players makig assumtions about me putting words in my mouth and misquoting me and saying things i didn say and making personal attacks on me for making a post.


I said the Vault does not keep PLAT plat is in my acoount only credits and resouces are in the vault ..

FOrsight is a great hting if you kknow what u are looking for was i supposed to be doig a word search on original title set is mislanged with new title sets when i was even thinking about that only addiing new rooms and tier and putting in the new cool stuff i noticed had be added to my inventory of stuff ie new big statue and a viewying room i htough wow i like that i wan tot build thta seems easier enough just build it liekall th eother stuff i had in the past.


HIGHISGHT is a marlverlous thng but is no such thnig as a time machine


ANd i am fully aware of wiki i use it alot to serach m y mods and wepons and where to find them on misison but wiki has alot of stuff in in like a encyclopia but i am not up top readinf a entire encloypidia



This game has more regular updates and paches than most game alot and minni patches which go by and u miss them too unless you were onone at the time playing and happen to see them other wise i miss them too.

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To be honest, I didn't read every post you spamed in this topic. (But I read 2-3 of them)


I can understand that you are angry because you spent a lot of time on your dojo but, seriously is this necessary to spam and whine (Your first post wasn't whine but now...) because you just didn't read a changelog and a Wiki page ?

Edited by Aramid
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reading threw these posts ,it seems to me there are people with little to no regard of another persons opinion ,  to reply with ridicule goes against the meaning of a forum, and to ridicule and not have your facts straight, means you are a fool with nothing better to do, plat is not returned to the player or clan , if you have to destroy your dojo that has had plat spent its lost  

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reading threw these posts ,it seems to me there are people with little to no regard of another persons opinion ,  to reply with ridicule goes against the meaning of a forum, and to ridicule and not have your facts straight, means you are a fool with nothing better to do, plat is not returned to the player or clan , if you have to destroy your dojo that has had plat spent its lost  

Welcome to the Warframe forums:)

Edited by RoninJed
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plat is not returned to the player or clan , if you have to destroy your dojo that has had plat spent its lost  

Sorry but, EVERYTHING (so plat included) is returned to the clan vault. (I did it multiple time so I'm sure)

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Sorry but, EVERYTHING (so plat included) is returned to the clan vault. (I did it multiple time so I'm sure)


That is correct. I had rooms i had clannies rush with plat so i could destroy them and get it into the vault. It was still in the vault when I restarted the rooms again.

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But if its just one room only 1 room 1 hall why no patch why no fix  its just scale difference then re-scale it.


And you say work around the problem if u want to keep the original title set i cant see any reason to keep the original title set if its only going to create these type of problems in the future so to me its seems DAMMED if you do DAMMED if you don't, and you too seem like were in the same boat as me and my sinking ship lol

I agree they need to re-scale the room, but at the same time keeping how it looks. It's not as easy as it sounds.

I keep the room because you can no longer get that room. It's something different that no everyone has. Would you get rid of a Snipetron just because a better gun comes out? No. Why? Because you can't get it anymore. 

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I have rebuilt my personal dojo three times, because of this I was able to create new and better systems each time. Before the release of U13 I rebuilt from the starting clan hall, and have created my best design to date. But if DE come up with better dojo management, I would be more than willing to start from scratch, with all of the resources and plat I used to create the previous dojo. 

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