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Escape - New Game Mode


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Run through various tilesets filled with hazards, grineer, corpus and infested enemies! Tilesets are basically invasion missions-like tilesets where the tileset is damaged (ex: damaged corpus ship, with fire spreading everywhere, filled with invaders grineer, and a malfunctioning core that is about to explode). In escape missions you must act fast as you have limited time to escape before the entire tileset is wiped out by a malfunctioning core, an orbital laser of destruction or a radioactive bomb! In your way will stand enemies: Corpus, Grineer, Infested. Usually it will be 2 factions, but sometimes it will be 3 factions that will be blocking your way to extraction point!


Additional objectives: 1. Lotus has detected an ancient/valuable artifact in the tileset, you have two choices: find the artifact while you can, or run to the extraction as fast as you can leaving the artifact behind.

2. A VIP has been detected in the area, find and capture it for a bonus reward.

3. There is important data in the area, retrieve for a bonus.



Take note that this missions requires speed, so such mods as rush, quick rest will be very useful here.





The environment in Escape missions should be messy just like in this image.





It also needs hazards, such as fire.





And let's not forget wall running with fire hazards.





Additional objectives, such as stealing important data like in an image above.

Edited by Amandis
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It's not always spy mission, it's an escape mission. BTW the additional objectives are completely random, it doesn't mean it will always be a spy mission. This is mission requires speed, stamina, unlike other missions where you need stealth or survival skills.


This would be really good game mode as we don't have game modes where Sprint, Stamina mods would be required.

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Really? What missions are those? Because I do all missions in this game without sprint mods just like most players. Sprint mods right now is pretty much just a player choice to use or not. I noticed that most players doesn't use them because there is no reason running in missions like a fast coward.

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Escape is in game already, if Harvester defeats you.

got some sort of video? Because Harvester can't defeats me(and it's kinda hard to meet him ...)


Also escape with additional task is not much possible , if you have to escape it's mean you are in trouble...


Why not some sort of really hight speed ennemies (of course nearly immortal) and more likely somewhere that getting destroyed(someone abused penta/ogris/ angstrum and nova was theire)  so you must wall jump stuff to runaway maybe?

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OK peoples, I've got more ideas.


The escape mission should give player 5-7 mins to escape. Player would have to occasionally run because rooms will be destroyed by explosions and fire in every X seconds or 1 minute. The destruction wave will start from the spawning room and will follow the player to the very end where you find an extraction room.


For additional objectives: If there is an artifact room and you're going to snatch it, then there should be 2 ways to escape from it after you get it.

First way is that one you came to the artifact. If the way is destroyed already, then you have to choose second way.

Second way would be another way around leading to the extraction point. It won't be destroyed earlier than the first way.

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Well this would be something like Sabotage, just without sabotaging reactor or destroying certain objects. Also it would randomly have additional objectives (just like sabotage has additional exterminate objective).

I guess the escape would be very much like the one in the video posted above, but with more hazards such as fire, electric traps, also some holes in the map and walls where you have to wallrun and use ninja moves to get through.


Right now we don't have an option to play an Escape mission just like that one posted in the video above. We can play it, but it's too complex as it requires to be attacked by harvester, which happens very rarely.

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Agree with you Burningwind. It needs a timer, wallrun, jumping obstacles (just like obstacle course in dojo) PLUS add hazards to obstacles, and if player falls out of map he/she loses some shield/hp, making it even more difficult because enemies will be chasing you.

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Yes, and have quick enemies chasing you from behind and some tougher enemies coming at you from the front with some utility units coming at you from the side perhaps? Make it feel truly hectic and dangerous so that there is a real sense of urgency CONSTANTLY. This would not be a casual mission that you could breeze through. Would be a more solo and private oriented mission though I imagine. Teamwork in itself could be tricky with it and random public players might be getting left behind a lot. Though that might add to the experience and realism. You never know if you will make it out alive.

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so basically an obstacle course?


what is to stop us from using movement abilities (zephyr/excal/nova) and coptering to skip all the parkour like we already do now?


also, we already have TWO escape mechanics, one of them being exactly what you described, and quite frankly the current sabotage where you have five minutes to reach extraction could just be reworked, instead of creating a whole new gamemode that is basically the same thing as we have now

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I don't see a problem about Zephyr, Excal or Nova. Even if they can skip some wall runs and other parts doesn't mean they skip the hard parts. Don't forget that there will be many enemies and traps where movement abilities won't save you.


Now speaking about those two escape mechanics...

The Harvester as I already said is too much hassle finding him just to play an escape mission, which isn't anything like the one I suggested.

And the Sabotage, that 5 minutes limit escape happens rarely, PLUS don't compare it to my idea because escape in sabotage is cake walk, it is nothing like I described.


Both two alternative missions are a lot of hassle, and both are very easy and boring.

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