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New Alad V-Infested Event Speculation And Hype Megathread


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He actualy said he was experimenting on infested and that they were the future... ''OUR'' future.

Now for those who dont have a clue or dont see it, this could mean the arrival of a infested themed frame 

(AND NO Saryn is not an infested frame, she was planned to be the ''plant'' frame)


And also another interesting theory is that his experimentation on zanuka could lead to....



(all credits goes to silverbone)




Edited by Crotax
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He talks about him having "multiple lives" so he may have used the infestation to keep him alive, he also talks about experimenting with the biotics that the board refused to experiment with and that said biotics have something to do with us, which leaves pretty clear he is messing around with the technocyte plague.


However this could become this strange mass effect illusive man stuff where Salad V tries to control the infested but the infested already control him.



Either way, next time we kill him remind me to scoop his brain out and throw it in the sun while dissasembling the rest of his body and selling the pieces to the highests bidders.

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Ehm... Infested Frame? God. I expect a Grineer one too, after Valkyr and this one.


J3 is no more, It was replaced by the Lephantis.

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Maybe he's harnessing the Infested's ability to make himself immortal/live longer?


Or he was starting to turn infested against his own will, but now it's gotten to his brain and he's accepting it, like hypnosis kind of.

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Hardly. Orochimaru stole other peoples bodies, and is closer to a revenant then anything else. For now, at least, Alad's body is still actually his. I'd have compared Alad more to someone who was being taken over by a demon. As much as I hate the analogy, comparing him to the Illusive Man is actually pretty accurate.

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On the tube room, there's two side display, made from glass. One is occupied by Zanuka/Harvester consumed/swallowed/merged by infected tissues. And the other side display...........is empty with the glass shards are all outside(?) the tank.

(Speculation incoming) Which could only means that whatever that was inside.........breaking the container and probably are on the loose. Also, if you mute your game music and hear closely, you can hear some kind of.........roar in the background.


There's also reports that some of the Moas are afflicted by Toxin status. I'll add more when the next alert is up


*Edit* There's indeed something going on in the sound effects that's kinda similar to a........roar going on all the time after you reached the tube room, and it stays till you go to extreaction. It's kinda a mixture between robotic and organic roar (hard to explain). Also, from what my friend told me, that specific piece of sound are not found in any other map. Still need a infestation mission on a Corpus ship to verify this.

Oh, and Alad also referring to the units in the ship as "merchandise".

Edited by Lorche
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That's the poor soon - to - be infested crewman in the middle of the room.


Actually, the crewman did moan, but not like the one me and my friend heard. The one we heard are more.....mixture between robotic and organic roar (hard to explain)

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