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Cicero Mods In Update 14?


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I remember that when this thread was still going strong, I went to the Trading chan and openly stated that since the update was bringing Cicero Mods, they could offer to sell me one at a rate that wasn't ridiculous, or they could deal with the consequences when they'd be lucky to net half of what I was offering for it. Predominantly I was laughed at for the statement, and one chucklehead said that Cicero Mods wouldn't be available before the game went full release version, and offered me Malignant Force for 200 in a mocking sense.

As of this moment, a friend of mine just got 2 Malignant Forces for 20P.



Edited by Jaimas
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I remember that when this thread was still going strong, I went to the Trading chan and openly stated that since the update was bringing Cicero Mods, they could offer to sell me one at a rate that wasn't ridiculous, or they could deal with the consequences when they'd be lucky to net half of what I was offering for it. Predominantly I was laughed at for the statement, and one chucklehead said that Cicero Mods wouldn't be available before the game went full release version, and offered me Malignant Force for 200 in a mocking sense.

As of this moment, a friend of mine just got 2 Malignant Forces for 20P.




You should find him in the trade chat one day, and ask him how he feels haha.

Edited by Sorez
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As someone who paid the extortionate platinum prices to own the cicero mods I missed due to illness I would like to see this mods become available after events but not too easy to obtain. Would very much like though to have more than toxic & electric covered. Fire & Ice Next please DE!

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Actually primed chamber is the one mod i disagree on bringing back. The event should be released on ps4 because id like a shot at it. however this mod is a trophy for being in the top 100 out of like 100000 people or more 

If us PC player dont have primed chamber released to us as a Nightmare mod.

You PS4 player don't even have a chance in getting it.


IF primed chamber is nerf'd to balance or Charged chamber buff'ed. i wouldn't even mind not having prime chamber ever released again.

With Primed Chamber, it''s literally having an additional +100% multishot.

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As someone who paid the extortionate platinum prices to own the cicero mods I missed due to illness I would like to see this mods become available after events but not too easy to obtain. Would very much like though to have more than toxic & electric covered. Fire & Ice Next please DE!


Yeah, I participate and get all the event stuff (except Brakk, was busy then), but I am all for rereleasing event stuff in other ways. If DE makes it super easy, they risk really alienating the people who worked hard to get them. I don't like grinding or crazy farming though, so if events used that to reward players, at least the rerelease should think about a more creative way to obtain.


I have the Cicero mods from the event, and it was a lot of work for some people (I say "some" because I just hopped into a 4-player clan game that already built the best anti-toxins) so I wonder if DE thinks that new Vor is that powerful/hard that Cicero mods are worthy as a reward, and also for people who have them already, if that's a fair reward? At least they didn't just add them to super random drop tables, so they didn't totally diminish the Cicero mod difficulty to obtain.


Anyone who thinks they should always be exclusive and never released again in any form are being selfish. That's fine for cosmetics, but for something you would admit is "too powerful," it should be rebalanced or rereleased. 

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Yeah, I participate and get all the event stuff (except Brakk, was busy then), but I am all for rereleasing event stuff in other ways. If DE makes it super easy, they risk really alienating the people who worked hard to get them. I don't like grinding or crazy farming though, so if events used that to reward players, at least the rerelease should think about a more creative way to obtain.


I have the Cicero mods from the event, and it was a lot of work for some people (I say "some" because I just hopped into a 4-player clan game that already built the best anti-toxins) so I wonder if DE thinks that new Vor is that powerful/hard that Cicero mods are worthy as a reward, and also for people who have them already, if that's a fair reward? At least they didn't just add them to super random drop tables, so they didn't totally diminish the Cicero mod difficulty to obtain.


Anyone who thinks they should always be exclusive and never released again in any form are being selfish. That's fine for cosmetics, but for something you would admit is "too powerful," it should be rebalanced or rereleased. 

Bear in mind, Corrupted Vor is still a very tough boss fight and only shows up periodically during Tier 4 Void Missions.

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Yeah, I participate and get all the event stuff (except Brakk, was busy then), but I am all for rereleasing event stuff in other ways. If DE makes it super easy, they risk really alienating the people who worked hard to get them. I don't like grinding or crazy farming though, so if events used that to reward players, at least the rerelease should think about a more creative way to obtain.


I have the Cicero mods from the event, and it was a lot of work for some people (I say "some" because I just hopped into a 4-player clan game that already built the best anti-toxins) so I wonder if DE thinks that new Vor is that powerful/hard that Cicero mods are worthy as a reward, and also for people who have them already, if that's a fair reward? At least they didn't just add them to super random drop tables, so they didn't totally diminish the Cicero mod difficulty to obtain.


Anyone who thinks they should always be exclusive and never released again in any form are being selfish. That's fine for cosmetics, but for something you would admit is "too powerful," it should be rebalanced or rereleased. 

Getting them 6 months ahead of people who didn't play in the event is more then enough of a reward imo :|

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