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The New Door Defense Mechanic


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In the Salad 5 alerts you'll notice new doors locked with some sort of mechanism that requires Lotus to unlock it while a wave of enemies try and kill you.


At first I thought "well this is stupid. another 'defense' mechanic in the game? don't we have like oh idk; 5 million of those already?" but then as I looked closer and realized what DE was trying to accomplish. DE was trying to make OBJECTIVES between our A to B missions! 


BRAVO! I thought you guys would never address any of that! You just seemed (well to me) to be focused on piling content and grind onto a broken foundation! Never to touch how game play has functioned since conception ever! But I was wrong, you guys got around to it and installed the "Step in The Right Direction" mod into your game!


If this is the case I welcome these new "Defense Doors" in hopes you guys add more interesting side objective/objective road blocks (OH and I forgot to mention how short of a wait time the defense doors are. I loved the 30 secs or less, doesn't hinder as much of my rushing time and keeps me busy)!


I really do enjoy this small change and I hope you make more! (Like adding a Co-op hacking mini game in the friendship doors!)

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I think this is a completely wrong aproach,we are being forced to do some stuff instead of rushing onto the objective,

It feels just incredibly wrong to have a door standing before you and need to wait ...

If it would be atleast a survival-ish area this indeed would have been great but it was just annoying to have all the enemies spawn around completely ignoring that you have to walk BACK to them and dispose them ultimately wasting more time than waiting for the door itself

Nothing good will come from sequencing missions.

For example the new Vor and VayHek are terrible too, even though Vor can be oneshotted with vectis he still gets back up and recharges,

Vay Hek is incredible annoying because his face is so tiny even though he still can be one or two shotted with ogris...

We dont need barriers,we need more enemies!!!

Those moa packs waiting around the corner (30+enemies) THAT IS WHAT WE NEED

I was walking around the corner with Rhino and suddenly (pewpewpewpewiekabouwboom) I was downed and that was AWESOME

Well maybe not this extremely awesome but it really made me smile which is more than I can say about the new doors and bosses

Edited by Cool3303
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I think this is a completely wrong aproach,we are being forced to do some stuff instead of rushing onto the objective,

It feels just incredibly wrong to have a door standing before you and need to wait ...

If it would be atleast a survival-ish area this indeed would have been great but it was just annoying to have all the enemies spawn around completely ignoring that you have to walk BACK to them and dispose them ultimately wasting more time than waiting for the door itself

Nothing good will come from sequencing missions.

For example the new Vor and VayHek are terrible too, even though Vor can be oneshotted with vectis he still gets back up and recharges,

Vay Hek is incredible annoying because his face is so tiny even though he still can be one or two shotted with ogris...

We dont need barriers,we need more enemies!!!

Those moa packs waiting around the corner (30+enemies) THAT IS WHAT WE NEED

I was walking around the corner with Rhino and suddenly (pewpewpewpewiekabouwboom) I was downed and that was AWESOME

Well maybe not this extremely awesome but it really made me smile which is more than I can say about the new doors and bosses



Ugh hate the way the new bosses are.  Invincibile most of the time and the few moments they are vulnerable you can only damage them if you shot their tiny tiny weak spot.  And here I thought I was actually gonna be able to use melee on a boss, seeing as how there was this big deal with a melee rework and all that.  But then again that would actually make sense and we can't have that around here.

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I think this is a completely wrong aproach,we are being forced to do some stuff instead of rushing onto the objective,

It feels just incredibly wrong to have a door standing before you and need to wait ...

If it would be atleast a survival-ish area this indeed would have been great but it was just annoying to have all the enemies spawn around completely ignoring that you have to walk BACK to them and dispose them ultimately wasting more time than waiting for the door itself

Nothing good will come from sequencing missions.

For example the new Vor and VayHek are terrible too, even though Vor can be oneshotted with vectis he still gets back up and recharges,

Vay Hek is incredible annoying because his face is so tiny even though he still can be one or two shotted with ogris...

We dont need barriers,we need more enemies!!!

Those moa packs waiting around the corner (30+enemies) THAT IS WHAT WE NEED

I was walking around the corner with Rhino and suddenly (pewpewpewpewiekabouwboom) I was downed and that was AWESOME

Well maybe not this extremely awesome but it really made me smile which is more than I can say about the new doors and bosses

I even stated it was the wrong approach but this door thing is better than nothing.


Yes, more enemies with interesting mechanics that make us think.


30 moa pack around the corner waiting for me to show up? definitely.


Like I said. The doors are a step in the right direction but not the right approach to the A-B mission dullness.

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I love the mechanic too! My internet connection prevents me from playing alongside other people for these, but I hope that, eventually, I'll be able to run a mission and come across one of these doors with a full group in tow!


It works great as an Anti-Rusher mechanic, as has been pointed out, and it's a fun little mini objective that spices up the gameplay a little! An alteration to make sure they don't appear in EVERY mission (to continue to add a sense of uniqueness and maintain the fun factor) will be needed outside of these alerts, but I welcome this change GLADLY!

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Really? I get bum rushed.


It depends on the particular room and what doors are open. I find that the room where you have to go through the "ventilation shaft" to get to the rest of it above where you entered is one of the most notorious for gimping the effect. Othertimes, though, they'll spawn right on you and you have to react quickly to not be overwhelmed. It's GREAT FUN!

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I love the mechanic too! My internet connection prevents me from playing alongside other people for these, but I hope that, eventually, I'll be able to run a mission and come across one of these doors with a full group in tow!


It works great as an Anti-Rusher mechanic, as has been pointed out, and it's a fun little mini objective that spices up the gameplay a little! An alteration to make sure they don't appear in EVERY mission (to continue to add a sense of uniqueness and maintain the fun factor) will be needed outside of these alerts, but I welcome this change GLADLY!

I sense sarcasm... But imo to be honest just be glad they are actually doing something about...



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I sense sarcasm... But imo to be honest just be glad they are actually doing something about...




No sarcasm meant, man, I've actually ran back into the spawned forces at those ventilation areas JUST to take on the Corpus that spawned there while the door goes (and it DOES go pretty fast)! It's a TON of fun, imo.

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A mostly fun anti-rush mechanic that actually isn't annoying, although it does stink when they appear in areas where no enemies can spawn, or when they last like 7 seconds.


"I'm in Tenno, watch your back, this will take-- oh nevermind, got it, continue your rampaging."

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I never get attacked when waiting at those doors. Just boring waiting.


A good deal of those doors are the exits from elevator tiles or something similar. This means you have to sit around and wait, since the Corpus/Infested don't know how elevators work.


The way spawning works, in general, provides a lot of these difficulties. Enemies will only spawn in rooms where you don't have a good line of sight. This results in weird things where enemies spawn from locked doors(usually in the Void) or cannot spawn at all. 

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