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Too Many Orokin Reactors, Too Little Catalysts


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I really don't understand why you guys complain about ratio/chance changes in need when this is IMO feedback that chances need to be fixed for the ratios. A fairly big chunk of the community doesn't need many reactors anymore meaning demand is lower then before. Catalyst demand however is high because there is a great number of weapons,sure you don't need to potato every weapon but why do I need 20 extra reactors that only get used once a month-3 months for a new frame. 

Edited by Zarbain
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Beggars can't be choosers. The rewards have been lovely.

I missed some, sure. However, I have also obtained a lot of goodies.


For example, I somehow got this much credits from what was supposed to be a 200k credit reward:


Edited by Tymerc
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 Go buy some if you don't have enough  catalyst's ..


Be thankful DE is give away anything .




So yeah, thank you DE for giving me the most unreliable way of gaining pure power ingame. Also thank you that I can skip this unreliable path by spending money.

Edited by Varonth
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Not judging and all, but if the OP post this in the right place, that's in the feedback section then I will agree. In here honestly, it sounded like whining.

I don't think it matters where it gets placed, it's still going to sound like whining.

The funny/sad part is that some of the folks posting in this thread really mean what they say and are so spoiled they see nothing wrong with saying it.


It's a micro-transaction game, Catalysts are how they make their money.

While Warframe has to be a labor of love for DE, it never would have been undertaken if it couldn't make money.

The fact they release any of them at all is just DE being nice.

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Beggars can't be choosers. The rewards have been lovely.

I missed some, sure. However, I have also obtained a lot of goodies.


For example, I somehow got this much credits from what was supposed to be a 200k credit reward:


you have double credit booster and since the alert is the credit award and not a chach

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you have double credit booster and since the alert is the credit award and not a chach

520k is not the result of 200kx2. I did not pick up an extra 120k credits.

It was just an example anyways, so why do you even care to say that?

Besides, there was a thread about the 200k credit reward where someone stated they received nothing. Then another person replied stating they received 570k from the 200k credit reward. It was probably glitched.

Edited by Tymerc
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I agree with this post....logically there should be more catalysts than reactors given out purely on the basis of how many different weapons there are in game, plus the fact you cant even remove them from weapon A to place in weapon B.



Also i didnt get any kind of impression the OP was complaining or whinning or begging for more free stuff. He just pointing out the logic of potato distribution.

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