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Rifle Aptitude...


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Need a buff don't you think to 70% (max) to negate that cost of 9 on mod slots. It really is one of those "useless mods". No real benefit to using it when you can just place a elemental mod to replace it.


If hammershot is 60/40 max then Rifle Aptitude should at least have a 20-30% difference. Atm that mod is useless as it is.


You should really have the choice to be able to build your weapons for continuous status effects rather than damage if you so choose.



What are your thoughts?

Edited by BloodArmoredApostle
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I'd actually like to see that mod become different from the standard +X% Status Chance mods and actually be a flat percentage addition.  Being possibly around 15-25% at maximum rank.


At roughly that rate it'll allow almost any weapon to benefit reasonably well in some way, shape, or form, without either being brokenly overpowered on basically anything.  Or so my brain says in its thinktitude.

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I agree. 15% is underwhelming. I'm struggling to even find a use for it on my Lanka which has a higher status chance but amazingly my crit chance scales better with A maxed point strike. I know thats 120% increase but crit damage generally provides more benefit then status chance. Kind of makes more sense to make status a more common occurrence then crit in a lot of cases. Or at least more viable on some ranged weapons as opposed to mostly melee.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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agree, it need a buff




I'd actually like to see that mod become different from the standard +X% Status Chance mods and actually be a flat percentage addition.  Being possibly around 15-25% at maximum rank.


At roughly that rate it'll allow almost any weapon to benefit reasonably well in some way, shape, or form, without either being brokenly overpowered on basically anything.  Or so my brain says in its thinktitude.

A flat number upgrade to the status chance you mean like +(specified amount=Boost to total percentage)?  I can see that happening definitely.

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The Status Chance mod is on the list of rework. Now we just wait.

Yea, I agree we have to wait on that one, but even at that waiting game with a mod that should have been adjusted with damage 2.0. This is long overdue.



I agree. 15% is underwhelming. I'm struggling to even find a use for it on my Lanka which has a higher status chance but amazingly my crit chance scales better with A maxed point strike. I know thats 120% increase but crit damage generally provides more benefit then status chance. Kind of makes more sense to make status a more common occurrence then crit in a lot of cases. Or at least more viable on some ranged weapons as opposed to mostly melee.

I definitely feel ya there. I find myself wanting to use rifle aptitude, but on lanka its like you might as well just add more crit damage for that (Hammershot)..

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That's exactly what I mean BloodArmoredApostle.  Keeping the percentage low but flat really lets it scale appropriately to feel "good" on just about every weapon.  On the lower status weapons a +20% would be a massive gain that's really worth equipping, whereas that same +20% would still feel solid on even a high status change weapon.


Basically a 5% status weapon becomes a 25% status weapon, and a 50% becomes a 70%, ect.


This kind of equation change would, in some cases, even make the mod in question feel even more viable than both the Cicero and Tethra mod in tandem by comparison. 

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Yea, I agree we have to wait on that one, but even at that waiting game with a mod that should have been adjusted with damage 2.0. This is long overdue.



I definitely feel ya there. I find myself wanting to use rifle aptitude, but on lanka its like you might as well just add more crit damage for that (Hammershot)..

Pretty much. I use hammershot and vital sense on Lanka for the crit dmg, status increase is just a nice little side perk. The 40% increase is nice though.

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I'd actually like to see that mod become different from the standard +X% Status Chance mods and actually be a flat percentage addition.  Being possibly around 15-25% at maximum rank.


At roughly that rate it'll allow almost any weapon to benefit reasonably well in some way, shape, or form, without either being brokenly overpowered on basically anything.  Or so my brain says in its thinktitude.


actually, changing all the +status chance base mods to a base +2% would be pretty useful. and i don't think *too* overpowered except for some exceptions. those, however, are small in number and could be adjusted to reflect the changes of these mods.

12% addition to the base weapon % wouldn't be completely game breaking.

take all your 25% status weapons down to 22%, your 30% weapons down to 26% and your 35% weapons down to 28% and your 40% weapons down to 30%. this would affect a whopping 10 weapons:

boar prime, strun wraith, grinlok, lanka, latron prime, flux rifle, hek, vulkar, tigris, miter. 


the end result is that a boar prime and strun wraith (both originally 40%) would now *cap* at 42 with the new mod. so you'd recover (and then some) your status chance supposing you're using the mod. and under the new design you would still reign supreme above all other weaponry under the new scale. 


but it means that a mk1-braton goes from 1% to 13% with this mod.

making it not exactly a powerhouse in the arena of status builds, but 30% higher than a base boltor for proc chance. and with magnification mods, not stupidly overpowered. (but not negating the entire concept for a new player)


i think this would be a very useful change overall.

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Ok, so here is something I just recently discovered. I've been putting some work into my lanka in the form of forma (huehue) and for my build I was planning on using split chamber along with all the Lanka essentials like vital sense, point strike, hammershot etc. Its not fully leveled but I have enough mod points to put everything needed on it barring the optional and interchangable elemental dmg mods or whatever you want to fill the space.

Now that I have split chamber on there I noticed the status chance went up dramatically along with crit. At first I was confused but I figured out it was taking into account the extra shot from split chamber. Because the extra projectile isn't guaranteed thing every shot I assumed it wouldn't show up in the stats. Seeing as split chamber maxed out gives you around +80 multishot (I think?) Thats a high enough chance for an extra projectile that its worth taking it into account in terms of status. Throw hammershot, split chamber and rifle aptitude on there and it may just make it worth while to use RA. 

I don't have the space to put a maxed RA on there at the moment but I can report back with numbers if that interests anyone. 

So in combination with split chamber RA status chance effectively doubles from 15% to 30% increase per shot, assuming the extra projectile is fired. Making it worth while.

I imagine if RA % is increased it would give weapons (especially if you have tethra, cicero mods) over 100% status.

Not sure if thats good or bad.



Edited by StinkyPygmy
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Ok, so here is something I just recently discovered. I've been putting some work into my lanka in the form of forma (huehue) and for my build I was planning on using split chamber along with all the Lanka essentials like vital sense, point strike, hammershot etc. Its not fully leveled but I have enough mod points to put everything needed on it barring the optional and interchangable elemental dmg mods or whatever you want to fill the space.

Now that I have split chamber on there I noticed the status chance went up dramatically along with crit. At first I was confused but I figured out it was taking into account the extra shot from split chamber. Because the extra projectile isn't guaranteed thing every shot I assumed it wouldn't show up in the stats. Seeing as split chamber maxed out gives you around +80 multishot (I think?) Thats a high enough chance for an extra projectile that its worth taking it into account in terms of status. Throw hammershot, split chamber and rifle aptitude on there and it may just make it worth while to use RA. 

I don't have the space to put a maxed RA on there at the moment but I can report back with numbers if that interests anyone. 

So in combination with split chamber RA status chance effectively doubles from 15% to 30% increase per shot, assuming the extra projectile is fired. Making it worth while.

I imagine if RA % is increased it would give weapons (especially if you have tethra, cicero mods) over 100% status.

Not sure if thats good or bad.



its about being able to build your weapon for what you want it to do. Customization....rather than just pure damage. 


What the heck does science have to do with it? It is a sci-fi game...let's not think to hard.

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These mod really need a buff.  They are completly outshine by event mod.  Base % status mod need to rank to 100% increase


rank 0 - 15%   - cost 4

rank 1 - 30%   - cost 5

rank 2 - 45%   - cost 6

rank 3 - 60%   - cost 7

rank 4 - 85%   - cost 8

rank 5 - 100% - cost 9


For ppl saying that it would make event mod useless, seriously ... event mod give you the benefit of ele dmg AND status for one slot.  The real issu with the mod system atm is the number of mod slot.  Cost mean nothing with forma and patato.  The real limitation is the number of slot and the real strengh of the event mod is that it combine 2thing in one slot.

Edited by skinotik
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its about being able to build your weapon for what you want it to do. Customization....rather than just pure damage. 


What the heck does science have to do with it? It is a sci-fi game...let's not think to hard.

Wait, I think you are missing the point a bit. I was simply mentioning something I noticed in regards to how multishot interacts with a weapons stats. What it tells us is that despite the face RA is currently underwhelming it can be made to be significantly more useful, which is a temporary work around to the whole issue. That issue being RA's current pointlessness. So obviously its about weapon customisation and getting it to do what you want it to do. In this case anyone looking to use RA must be trying  to increase the amount of procs they deal, therefore actually being able to make RA relevant is kind of useful information. So why you are bringing up damage i don't know. I never mentioned going for pure damage at all. 

And i know its a game... my "for science!" comment was kind of a joke.

Don't take it too literally.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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These mod really need a buff.  They are completly outshine by event mod.  Base % status mod need to rank to 100% increase


rank 0 - 15%   - cost 4

rank 1 - 30%   - cost 5

rank 2 - 45%   - cost 6

rank 3 - 60%   - cost 7

rank 4 - 85%   - cost 8

rank 5 - 100% - cost 9


For ppl saying that it would make event mod useless, seriously ... event mod give you the benefit of ele dmg AND status for one slot.  The real issu with the mod system atm is the number of mod slot.  Cost mean nothing with forma and patato.  The real limitation is the number of slot and the real strengh of the event mod is that it combine 2thing in one slot.


i would argue that stacking more and more percentage bonuses in this instance isn't overly effective. adding additional BASE percentage otoh, would alter what is capable of being made into a status weapon. 


take early weapons for example. mk1-braton, 1% -- braton 5% -- karak 7.5% -- latron 10%

many MANY players use that exact progression when leveling up.

hammershot is a fever dream for most of the players using these weapons initially. so you're left with the base mods.

currently, even stacking a 100% bonus mod on a mk1-braton, you get a whopping 2%.

braton? 10%, karak? 15%, latron, 20%.


that isn't awful, but it isn't what i would consider overly useful considering the low proc chance and the huge cost in mod points relative to their power output. it means that using a status-proc weapon early-on is a pipe-dream. unrealistic.


if this were altered to affect the base, those numbers look quite a bit different.

using my above comment (12% max base bonus) 

mk1-braton 13%

braton 17%

karak 19.5%

latron 22%


still not great, but better. and it helps lower-end weapons more than it does higher-end assuming the absence of hammershot / event mods. which, let's face it, at the point where those become even remotely needed, you have alternatives as well as the capability to hunt them down. (hammershot at any rate)


i'll grant you, 100% would be better than what exists now, but when used in conjunction with hammershot & event mods.. you're looking at what, 260% increase? (100% rifle aptitude, 40% hammershot, 120% event mods) -- used on something like the boar prime that's 144% status chance...

not counting multishot.


if the base chance were altered, using that same setup you'd have: 109.2% status chance not counting multishot mods.


increasing the mod to pump out 100% only helps weapons that already have a high-base proc chance... doing it the other way helps all weapons.


edit: my math here was flawed. repaired.

Edited by xethier
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Numbers on status chance mods are holdovers from the stun chance mods of yesteryear, and they were crap even back then. No question there's a lot of mods DE needs to look at, particularly physical damage types for shotguns/rifles, along with status chance mods.

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Wait, I think you are missing the point a bit. I was simply mentioning something I noticed in regards to how multishot interacts with a weapons stats. What it tells us is that despite the face RA is currently underwhelming it can be made to be significantly more useful, which is a temporary work around to the whole issue. That issue being RA's current pointlessness. So obviously its about weapon customisation and getting it to do what you want it to do. In this case anyone looking to use RA must be trying  to increase the amount of procs they deal, therefore actually being able to make RA relevant is kind of useful information. So why you are bringing up damage i don't know. I never mentioned going for pure damage at all. 

And i know its a game... my "for science!" comment was kind of a joke.

Don't take it too literally.

ah...my bad...but the For Science thing did remind me of MAA...tho sorry for taking it the wrong way. I see your point there.

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i would argue that stacking more and more percentage bonuses in this instance isn't overly effective. adding additional BASE percentage otoh, would alter what is capable of being made into a status weapon. 


take early weapons for example. mk1-braton, 1% -- braton 5% -- karak 7.5% -- latron 10%

many MANY players use that exact progression when leveling up.

hammershot is a fever dream for most of the players using these weapons initially. so you're left with the base mods.

currently, even stacking a 100% bonus mod on a mk1-braton, you get a whopping 2%.

braton? 10%, karak? 15%, latron, 20%.


that isn't awful, but it isn't what i would consider overly useful considering the low proc chance and the huge cost in mod points relative to their power output. it means that using a status-proc weapon early-on is a pipe-dream. unrealistic.


if this were altered to affect the base, those numbers look quite a bit different.

using my above comment (12% max base bonus) 

mk1-braton 13%

braton 17%

karak 19.5%

latron 22%


still not great, but better. and it helps lower-end weapons more than it does higher-end assuming the absence of hammershot / event mods. which, let's face it, at the point where those become even remotely needed, you have alternatives as well as the capability to hunt them down. (hammershot at any rate)


i'll grant you, 100% would be better than what exists now, but when used in conjunction with hammershot & event mods.. you're looking at what, 260% increase? (100% rifle aptitude, 40% hammershot, 120% event mods) -- used on something like the boar prime that's 104% status chance...

not counting multishot.


if the base chance were altered, using that same setup you'd have: 67.2% status chance not counting multishot mods.


increasing the mod to pump out 100% only helps weapons that already have a high-base proc chance... doing it the other way helps all weapons.

hm...that is a interesting idea you have there. It would be nice to have a few primaries reach that.

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