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The Sentients - An Idea On Their Form


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Fair warning, this may be a long topic...

First, I'm going to go into the Form of how I interpret the Sentients:


Alright, so all, if not most, Warframe players know that the Sentients were a race or faction that fought the Orokin long ago, and nearly defeated them prior to being destroyed by the Tenno and the use of the Technocyte Virus. For simplicity, here's what we know about them:


-They Nearly Crushed the Orokin

-They Were Defeated by the Tenno and the Technocyte Virus

-They had the ability to turn Orokin weapons and technology against the Orokin

-They are suspected of using large, worm-like ships which acted in a biological manner (Mag Prime Codex)

-Their weakness was Gun, Blade, and Void Powers


Now most people say the Sentients were one of three things: They were synthetic, they were the humans, or they were an alien race. My concept revolves around the third idea, but I don't believe they were bipedal.


Infact, I don't think the Sentients were multi-cellular organisms.


My justification for this: Where are the Infested Sentients? Either they are the Ancients, suggesting they were human or humanoid, or the Ancients are just long-time infestation victims (which makes more sense, given there are Ancients present during Outbreak Missions).

As such, this leaves us with my idea or them being machines. The problem with them being machines is their ships (if Mag Prime's codex was referring to the enemy as being the Sentients) are described as being biological: undulating and pulsating, suggesting they were biological or biomechanical. If they were worm-like but made of mechanical parts, the last description I would think to use is pulsing or undulating.


So therefore, my idea is the Sentients were microbial, single-celled creatures that would flow in biological plasma, in a similar manner to our blood. They would not colonize, for those of you thinking "Oh, Hunters from Halo," and thus do not create a solid form.

Instead, they would have, in some way, constructed biomechanical vessels that they operate and maintain. Think a crew of a ship, except instead of just a handful there'd be thousands, and everything they build requires them. They would maintain their biomechanical vessels via exchange of neurological information and carrying out various biological processes.

Even the name supports this idea: the context of it makes it seem like whoever named them was surprised they were intelligent. I wouldn't be surprised if a machine or humanoid creature possessed sentience, but a microbial life form?


If this is true, then the Technocyte would have a significantly different function when infecting the Sentients. Instead of converting them and mutating their technology and bodies into usable forms, the Sentients were simply killed by it. It would function more like a plague: killing those occupying a vessel, and using its own assimilating abilities to finish off the now vacant vessel.


Now, I know someone at DE did state something about the Sentients possessing crazy-good robotic technology. This doesn't quite throw my idea out the airlock, however. Our Sentinels are described as being robotic, but are very biomechanical in design. Much like the Corpus, they could've supplemented their living vessels with completely automated units as well. Perhaps their vessels, everything from their ships to their 'individual' units, were automated but could be directly controlled by the microbes.


So, if you've gotten this far and are still with me, you might be asking "Why would this let them reprogram Orokin tech?". Well, so far my reasoning for that is the same way the pilot their own vessels. They could 'infect' Orokin technology by attaching to it themselves as the microbes. If they have the capacity to think, they likely could directly integrate with computing systems and networks and replace code and IFF's to turn on their creators. It likely wouldn't be hard for them, either, all they'd have to do is become airborne and be released somewhere relative to their target that they could infiltrate their individual systems.


And thus sums up on what I think the Sentients were/are, and you can, obviously, feel free to disagree and give me evidence to prove otherwise if you feel obliged. Feedback is something I tend to appreciate.

Also, I have no idea if DE plans on adding the Sentients into the game at any point; the rumors are often conflicting, some saying they say absolutely not, while others claim they're planning to. If anybody can confirm which side is true, I'd greatly appreciate that as well.



I'll add-on what gameplay mechanics I think their units could add later as well, especially if the idea get's traction.

Edited by Krion112
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"The countless articulating worm-ships of our enemy, ringed in glowing discs, undulating and heat-bursting the surviving soldiers like me."


Their vessels were basically long, surrounded with shiny rings and moved in a wavy motion.

Considering the level of technology at that time, it would not be surprising if machines could move so fluidly and in a lifelike manner.

Edited by MageMeat
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DE has stared that the Sentients are going to be the least humanoid of all factions. So this is possible, but I feel like hyper advanced machines are more likely.






The only Ceph I know are those from the Crysis series (which I haven't played, mind you) and I don't see the connection.

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I believe the first livestream of the year. All I remember is them very sarcastically saying the sentients would never return and that the new faction they would be adding would be the least humanoid of all those so far.

...And the only new faction is just the Red Veil. Humans.

The Technocyte Virus makes some nasty things, only machines or aliens could top that. Or something else entirely, like the OP's idea.

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Their vessels were basically long, surrounded with shiny rings and moved in a wavy motion.

Considering the level of technology at that time, it would not be surprising if machines could move so fluidly and in a lifelike manner.

Sure, I won't argue with the Sentients being a Machine Race theory. I thought of the fluid-moving metal being a thing too if they were to be machines. This is all just an idea, and the truth is out there, waiting to be revealed.



What you're saying is they behave like nanites, except more organic in nature and independent?

Kind of. It's like if you had a population of a few hundred, and you build a boat to fit you all, and then you have to live on that boat unless you want to move to another boat or swim in the ocean.



DE has stared that the Sentients are going to be the least humanoid of all factions. So this is possible, but I feel like hyper advanced machines are more likely.

Like I said, still not gonna disagree with the machine theory. All the evidence we've been given can go through all different direction. This is just one path of many I brought up.

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...And the only new faction is just the Red Veil. Humans.

The Technocyte Virus makes some nasty things, only machines or aliens could top that. Or something else entirely, like the OP's idea.

Sorry I meant enemy faction, not any of the factions for proxy wars




Like I said, still not gonna disagree with the machine theory. All the evidence we've been given can go through all different direction. This is just one path of many I brought up.


Ya Its hard to tell at this point and could go either way.

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Could be. I tend to compare with a Hive or biomechanical at any rate.

I figure tthink that the advanced weapons the orokin used was biotech weaponry and soldiers.

But they became corrupted and turned on their creators.

This fits also with the OPs idea.

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Could be. I tend to compare with a Hive or biomechanical at any rate.

I figure tthink that the advanced weapons the orokin used was biotech weaponry and soldiers.

But they became corrupted and turned on their creators.

This fits also with the OPs idea.

At least someone openly agrees, hah

Edited by Krion112
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if it was bacterial it would more then likely be parasitic intelligence, requiring a host which would explain why they could use orokin tech


assimilation of tech would require the sentient to be technically adapted e.g. nanites


both of these still dose not explain why the tenno where sent to kill them with blade, gun and void powers for the sentients to be targeted by stated methods they would have to be organism with some size this does not rule out bacteria and other micro-organisms but it would have to be parasitic and leaching onto a host


i ask people to have a look at the victims of the Technocyte virus of darksector and warframe, there is a radical change i think that the Technocyte virus disrupted the sentients conversion making the afflicted sentients into the current infested.


in addition tenno have morphics built into there warframes

An amorphous solid. Possibly Orokin technology.

amorphous = a solid able to bend

Edited by ukovalian
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if it was bacterial it would more then likely be parasitic intelligence, requiring a host which would explain why they could use orokin tech


assimilation of tech would require the sentient to be technically adapted e.g. nanites


both of these still dose not explain why the tenno where sent to kill them with blade, gun and void powers for the sentients to be targeted by stated methods they would have to be organism with some size this does not rule out bacteria and other micro-organisms but it would have to be parasitic and leaching onto a host


i ask people to have a look at the victims of the Technocyte virus of darksector and warframe, there is a radical change i think that the Technocyte virus disrupted the sentients conversion making the afflicted sentients into the current infested.


in addition tenno have morphics built into there warframes

An amorphous solid. Possibly Orokin technology.

amorphous = a solid able to bend

I'd agree with the parasitic nature, if its only towards technology (Biomechanical or Machinery, not living things).

It would give reason to a game mechanic I was thinking they might have which I might update the OP with later.


I was looking it up to see what Tenno weapons mostly deal. Most primaries deal Impact or Puncture, most secondaries deal Slash, and their melee varies all across the board. I was thinking they did mostly slash damage, for some reason, which would've justified my idea. It could just be they're vulnerable to gun, blade, and powers very similarly to how we are. But if they returned, I get the feeling they'll have adapted to all that and improved significantly.


Also, I'm pretty sure Morphics are just plainly Orokin Technology, but they might be of Sentient construction. You find them easiest on Mars, and Mars is said to be filled with Orokin ruins; perhaps it was one of the major excalation points during the Orokin's war with the Sentients.

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I also cant help thinking of the parasites in Star Gate and the robotic swarm Replicators.

The Void powers are perhaps the key. What if the Sentients share these powers?

As for weapons they had sheilds against energy weapons, Lotus great fear. Not protection against bullets perhaps?

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I'm not getting much from this. Do any of you agree with what I brought up, or even like that I've tried to bring up in discussion? Or is this all a waste of time? Sometimes I wonder if either my ideas are ignored or just bad, because no one ever tells me...

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