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Thoughts On Releasing The Aklato Prime And Dual Skana Prime [Please Be Civil And Constructive]


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The simple fact that people would pay for it is enough of a reason to be honest.  DE is a supplier, we are a consumer.  And DE makes the rules and can break their own trends...to assume otherwise is stupid to be honest.



The point is... they could just as easily make money with different weapons and not anger part of the community... so why do people want founder weapons, dual or single variant?


it's because of the mastery they provide that others can no longer get... and there is no simple fix for that at this point

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The point is... they could just as easily make money with different weapons and not anger part of the community... so why do people want founder weapons, dual or single variant?


it's because of the mastery they provide that others can no longer get... and there is no simple fix for that at this point


I don't want teh weapons duel or single variant...I only want the mastery.  The weapons are S#&$ weapons and making a duel or ak version isn't going ot magically make them better than even some of the more crappy weapons.  And there are simple solutions to that but one way punishes founders and the other doesn't 

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So, again, another "Lol, the lore is bad anyway" argument.




I didn't say the lore was bad, I like the lore. That doesn't change the fact they are having to constantly make it up. And we don't have an dual prime swords anyway so how do you know that'd be the case for them? You can make that assumption all you want for the lato since yeah we do have akprime guns. But again you're basing that off a weapon that on its normal form needs two as well. Long story short I'm one of those people you hate that sees "no reason not to" as the best reason to do something. *shrugs*

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If you went that route a founder would only get screwed if they spent the time to level those up. Essentially in that one they're ahead of the curve already and don't need to waste time and resources leveling an "inferior" weapon unless they want to do it for funziez.


Or because they like to collect everything and raise it to 30... I have seen lots of people who do this...


Not really as they would still get the 3k from the ak and duel versions but non founders would just get 6k to get the mastery from the single variants.  The founders already have that 3k so they wouldn't lose out on anything that anyone else was gaining.



That's still ripping them off... why should non-founders get double mastery while grand master's only get half because they have more weapons?


You can't just give them more mastery for some and not others because from the side that gets less, you are still ripping them off...

Edited by Cerokhol
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Then by all means. Explain how you intend to go about crafting a Akprime weapon, in a way that makes sense within the lore of the game, and doesn't involve ownership of a single variant.

Only dual blueprints of these weapons were found. Any attempt in trying to create a single pistol from this blueprint resulted in failure. The parts were scarce so to create these weapons a great deal of materials were needed. Since we couldn't craft one we needed double the parts. However there are those that found the old ways and could crafte these weapons without the need of large amounts of materials. It is also said that they could replicate flawless single weapons from their knowledge of the old ways.


(Founders barely need anything to craft these weapons, while non-founders need a great deal of materials and copies of parts)

There you go, my time tense may be a little off but I'm no story teller.

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This is a nonsensical argument which seems to hinge on the idea that 1 + 1 doesn't equal 2.


I've never had to teach entry level mathematics, but, I'll give it my best shot.



Basically, Luke has an apple. A single apple, no others are in his possession. We call this "One" apple. For there are no other apples. It is a single entity.


Now, Lucy, has an apple in each hand. She has "Two" apples. "Two" is like one, but, in each hand.


If Luke was to take one of Lucy's apples. Luke would have two apples. Lucy would only have one.


However, they would both have a certain number of apples.

Luke has 1 apple,so Lucy cant have 2 apples.....much logic..much sense

Edited by MerelyARumor
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Or because they like to collect everything and raise it to 30... I have seen lots of people who do this...




That's still ripping them off... why should non-founders get double master while grand master's only get half because they have more weapons?


You can't just give them more master for some and not others because from the side that gets less, you are still ripping them off...


How is it ripping them off when they already have the mastery in the first place as founders?  You can't rip someone off of something they already have.

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How is it ripping them off when they already have the mastery in the first place as founders?  You can't rip someone off of something they already have.

if Jimmy gets 6k mastery for a weapon, and suzy gets 3k for the same weapon.... Suzy is going to feel ripped off, regardless of whether she had more to begin with...

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That makes zero sense within the Lore.


Tenno cannot construct Orokin technology. All Orokin weapons are constructed by finding the parts and combining them.


We are incapable of making Orokin weapons from scratch, thus this makes no sense within the game's established universe.



Well, that's 0/2. Anyone else want to have a go?

i love you people who argue that it would conflict with lore...this is like ''when i've run out of ideas, go with lore'' because theres soooooo much lore in this game allready and its sooooo strictly followed, reminds me of my nekros post and people said it would conflict with his lore, then i looked up his lore...he doesnt have any....it would conflict with his non-existent lore....



edit: achievement page 70

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Not really, that's like saying people with a job that pays twice a month get ripped off compared to one that pays once a month. If they still make the same a month at their said jobs it's still equal the payment is just split for one when it's not for the other.

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Or because they like to collect everything and raise it to 30... I have seen lots of people who do this...




That's still ripping them off... why should non-founders get double mastery while grand master's only get half because they have more weapons?


You can't just give them more mastery for some and not others because from the side that gets less, you are still ripping them off...


Let me dumb it down for you....



Lato Prime Mastery = 3000


Aklato Prime Mastery = 3000


Total Mastery: 6000




Aklato Prime Mastery = 6000


Total Mastery = 6000



The 6k mastery for non founders covers the mastery they would have gained if they had the single Lato Prime.  That clear as mud now?

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Not really, that's like saying people with a job that pays twice a month get ripped off compared to one that pays once a month. If they still make the same a month at their said jobs it's still equal the payment is just split for one when it's not for the other.

not really... because the established order of things is that you get 3k mastery per weapon...


why should non-founder's be rewarded for NOT supporting the game?


its like saying, Suzy has been working for 3 years longer than Jimmy, thus has more money from the company... Jimmy and Suzy make the same amount of money and do the same amount of work... suddenly Jimmy gets twice the bonus Suzy gets, just because he hasn't been there as long as Suzy...

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not really... because the established order of things is that you get 3k mastery per weapon...


why should non-founder's be rewarded for NOT supporting the game?


its like saying, Suzy has been working for 3 years longer than Jimmy, thus has more money from the company... Jimmy and Suzy make the same amount of money and do the same amount of work... suddenly Jimmy gets twice the bonus Suzy gets, just because he hasn't been there as long as Suzy...

maybe non founders ARE supporting the game? maybe the new primes cost money?Maybe non-founders have been supporting the game the entire time? because maybe ,JUST maybe though, this game isnt Made solely by founders for founders? and JUSTTT maybe the non founders plat spent isnt to just keep the founders only game going for them

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Honestly I support the idea of them giving 0 XP to founders and normal XP to others. A founder doesn't have to grind a weapon for mastery, and the collector is doing it to collect not mastery, and if they care about mastery too then they'd just make that last on their list to collect.

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not really... because the established order of things is that you get 3k mastery per weapon...


why should non-founder's be rewarded for NOT supporting the game?


its like saying, Suzy has been working for 3 years longer than Jimmy, thus has more money from the company... Jimmy and Suzy make the same amount of money and do the same amount of work... suddenly Jimmy gets twice the bonus Suzy gets, just because he hasn't been there as long as Suzy...


To be honest, who says non founders haven't supported the game?  I'm sure many of us (founders included) have bought plat at some point which last time I checked supported the game.  

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maybe non founders ARE supporting the game? maybe the new primes cost money?

but maybe founders are STILL supporting the game... even if they cost money why should they be less rewarding for someone who payed for more content before?

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To be honest, who says non founders haven't supported the game?  I'm sure many of us (founders included) have bought plat at some point which last time I checked supported the game.  

I'm not saying that you, personally, don't ever buy plat... but you didn't pay for founders... so why should those that bought founders and supported the game get less than someone who strictly plays F2P?

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The weapons may look cool but very few actually use the weapons for ascetics as even forma'd out the @$$ they still are crap guns compared to other newer flashier weapons.  


And the only way a newer weapon would work for mastery is if none of the founders had access to it to even out the mastery loss that most of the newer players will never have access to.  There will always be that discrepancy.  You take away that discrepancy and you take away the incentive.  


And tech DE never promised the founders exclusivity when it came to the duel variants.  It was never implied, nor expressed.


Uh, no. The entire reason people specifically want an Aklato Prime and Skana Prime instead of an Aklex Prime or Aksicarus Prime or Dual Dakra Prime is precisely because they like the look of those weapons and it's the closest they can get to having the Founders weapons since they're off limits to these people. I know that exclusivity doesn't extend to dual variants. I'm the one who asked, and I'm the one who got the official response. But that doesn't dismiss that people want the Founders weapons, and because they can't have them, they're settling for whatever they can get, hence the "sneaky" way of going around exclusivity by petitioning for dual variants (the sneaky part is DEDrew's words of how he said some players feel about it). If people weren't concerned about having weapons that LOOKED like the Founders weapons, then it could just as easily be the Aksicarus Prime or Dual Dakra Prime (since we know the stats on the founder weapons suck).


So yes, I stand by my assertion. People (some here) want dual variants because they are first and foremost concerned about having weapons that look just like the Founders weapons. It's why they couldn't accept a suggestion that including dual versions of another Prime weapon. It's why they refused suggestions where the proposed Aklato Prime and Dual Skana Prime looked different (different texture or model) from the single versions. That is why, despite what they may claim their reasons are. They absolutely MUST be the AkLATO Prime and the Dual SKANA Prime and they MUST look the same because the real goal is to get as close to the Founders weapons themselves as possible and to get weapons that look like the single versions. They are not concerned about compromising on this suggestion, because compromise would be to have these weapons, but that they look different from the single counterparts. Their idea of compromise is to simply accept their suggestion. If you don't accept it, then you're "derailing" the thread, or you're a "dumbass", or you're not being "civil", or you're being "selfish".

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but maybe founders are STILL supporting the game... even if they cost money why should they be less rewarding for someone who payed for more content before?


Then why not make it so everyone is on the same playing field as everyone else.  In a game that will soon have a system in place where inequality in mastery will dictate a players effectiveness in game, removing that inequality allows players to all have that same effectiveness once they get the stuff they need ot reach that.  Currently there is no way for players to overcome that inequality.  I'm just curious on people's reasons behind keeping other players "at the back of the bus" so to speak.

Edited by Zaresin
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It's hard to not be rude when you say the same obvious things again and again but people refuse to listen.


Your thread is going nowhere because Founders is exclusive. The End.

I agree wholeheartedly, people refusing to listen to the obvious things encourages rudeness.


but Founders only covers the single versions. The End.

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Then why not make it so everyone is on the same playing field as everyone else.  In a game that will soon have a system in place where inequality in mastery will dictate a players effectiveness in game, removing that inequality allows players to all have that same effectiveness once they get the stuff they need ot reach that.  Currently there is no way for players to overcome that inequality.  


This is honestly only a problem when the maximum mastery you can get is within stone's throw of the next mastery rank... which is one or two weeks... and less and less often as the max mastery rank increases....


also since they leveled more weapons, they should have more mastery.... why not just let the guy who just started the game instantly be max mastery to solve the inequality? may as well give them all the maxed mods as well right?


Don't get me wrong... I think exclusives are terrible and I don't think they should have ever been added... but you shouldn't punish someone just because someone else can't have what they do...

Edited by Cerokhol
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