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Thoughts On Releasing The Aklato Prime And Dual Skana Prime [Please Be Civil And Constructive]


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Free players should have less of an impact on the game.


DE has very little reason to act upon what a player whom doesn't give them any money thinks.


There's no benefit to it.


Just stating it plainly.

yea but alot of non-founders put money into the game... just cus its not published doesnt mean ppl arent paying


and DE made it a free game, people dont have to put in money if they dont want to, but those who do do it because they like the game, which i do


i just dont think ppl who put in 50-250 like last August should be any more privileged than ppl putting in that amount now


only privileged people should be moderators and DE staff thats how the games are

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I'm pretty sure I did, and I'm pretty sure a lot of other posters did too.


Just because you edited it doesn't mean it never happened. You even apologized for it yourself a bit later.

yea in the post i said the founders who keep bringing up redundant arguments, not all founders did i label "dumbasses" i thought you meant something else but yes i did apologize

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yea but alot of non-founders put money into the game... just cus its not published doesnt mean ppl arent paying


and DE made it a free game, people dont have to put in money if they dont want to, but those who do do it because they like the game, which i do


i just dont think ppl who put in 50-250 like last August should be any more privileged than ppl putting in that amount now


only privileged people should be moderators and DE staff thats how the games are


So what you're saying is that founders deserve the same amount of respect as other people in the community who've spent as much or more money for the game, right?

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yea but alot of non-founders put money into the game... just cus its not published doesnt mean ppl arent paying


and DE made it a free game, people dont have to put in money if they dont want to, but those who do do it because they like the game, which i do


i just dont think ppl who put in 50-250 like last August should be any more privileged than ppl putting in that amount now


only privileged people should be moderators and DE staff thats how the games are


Well, DE sold the design council, which is advertised as a place in which the Developers will "Pay more attention to" and such.


We were basically sold importance to the game. So, I guess DE is kinda obligated to indulge that.

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So what you're saying is that founders deserve the same amount of respect as other people in the community who've spent as much or more money for the game, right?

yes, why would it be any different? im not saying theyre less important, im saying that their voice really shouldnt have much more resonance than others 


one of you guys made the argument that since you paid before me and started before me you should be respected more, which is the argument im confronting because frankly it doesnt make much sense to me

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so you're saying just because youve put more into the game you should have the right to infringe on the ability to release dual variants of the weapons u obtained 6 months ago? i put in 200 dollars the last two months, and ill probably put in more this coming summer, you putting in a thousand dollars doesnt make you more important than any other founder or non-founder bro

it's not important how much he put in, and in fact releasing dual weapons of the founder exclusives  wouldn't cause any problems for DE as those aren't the weapons they promoted. but that's just not a good practice if you want to keep customers. they paid for these things and their exclusivity, undermining that wouldn't benefit DE. the only debatable thing is the design council, it shrinks as founders leave and some new members wouldn't hurt as it represents the playerbase. but even that's highly debatable.

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Well, DE sold the design council, which is advertised as a place in which the Developers will "Pay more attention to" and such.


We were basically sold importance to the game. So, I guess DE is kinda obligated to indulge that.

well founders arent the only people in the DC anymore apparently, soo..

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yes, why would it be any different? im not saying theyre less important, im saying that their voice really shouldnt have much more resonance than others 


one of you guys made the argument that since you paid before me and started before me you should be respected more, which is the argument im confronting because frankly it doesnt make much sense to me


Well, we're in agreement there. I think everyone in the community should be given a certain degree of respect for their contribution to the game.

Which is why DE should avoid doing anything "sneaky" and mind everyone's feelings, founder or otherwise.


If DE, for example, were to release a better version of the Titan Prime Extractor for free, I'd like to think that those who purchased that prime time package should be compensated.


I think everyone deserves to have their trust in DE validated, because at the end of the day, we all want to see the game succeed, and we're all part of what makes it succeed, founder or otherwise.

Edited by mithie2
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to be blunt, releasing them would be the cheap way to trick the founders without having to refund anything

Right, and I think DE realizes that.


What happens next, I think, is DE needs to figure out a way to both respect the founder's feelings on exclusivity as well as provide the community with two awesome looking prime variants. 


That's not an easy thing to do. But I think, speaking, at least for myself, ultimately, we're all here to see the community succeed, and nobody wants to see it fracture. So as a founder, as long as I feel my thoughts on the matter are being taken into serious consideration, I can get behind whatever DE is planning.

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So what you're saying is that founders deserve the same amount of respect as other people in the community who've spent as much or more money for the game, right?


In terms of voice yes.



Free players should have less of an impact on the game.


DE has very little reason to act upon what a player whom doesn't give them any money thinks.


There's no benefit to it.


Just stating it plainly.


Actually your very wrong here. When it comes to decision making and taking opinions of players into acc. ALL players are on an equal lvl. Weather someone pays or plays for free is not an indicator to how DE should respond to the value of posts. All forms of feedback are essential


Free users are in far more number the paying users. As well as the fact that all free users are still potential customers. Even if they don't pay right away they can always be tempted by something they like, and just like every other player both paying and free they spread word of the games existence. Which in turn helps draw more potential customers and game supporters to the game and adds to the community.


If you were to devalue a free users ideas over a paying user then whats the point of allowing free users to even have an opinion if its value is reduced compared to a paying user? That would basically drive off potential customers as they would just be living in the world where their words hold less meaning then someone who pays. If free users are treated as lower beings (in regards to their opinions) they feel less appreciated, which leads to the word of the game being spread less, which leads to a loss of potential customers.


In some sense by what you said your kinda showing some "we paid so we get treated better than yall, if you don't like it then pay" attitude which isn't nice or considerate. Which is pretty much doing the opposite of what people claim they want for themselves.


Ofc this is far from the topic at hand. And the thread should really get back on track.


o.o so umm back to aklato/dual skana discussion

Edited by dragonkingdx
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C'mon guys, every time the same story...

i am not a founder, but i recognize that these items must belong to them only, because they were promised to founders

ONLY.  @TitNinja  i understand what you mean,maybe a lot of not founders paid more than founders, but these guys

paid FIRST.  They trusted this project. Without them Warframe could not be as it is today, and could not grow as it is growing.

I don't mean to diminish your money contribution to the game, don't misunderstand;

still, they were encouraged to buy founder access for exclusive items.

It's like the prime access, when DE offer an unique syandana that will never return back: or you take it in that moment or you just pass.

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In terms of voice yes.




Actually your very wrong here. When it comes to decision making and taking opinions of players into acc. ALL players are on an equal lvl. Weather someone pays or plays for free is not an indicator to how DE should respond to the value of posts. All forms of feedback are essential


Free users are in far more number the paying users. As well as the fact that all free users are still potential customers. Even if they don't pay right away they can always be tempted by something they like, and just like every other player both paying and free they spread word of the games existence. Which in turn helps draw more potential customers and game supporters to the game and adds to the community.


If you were to devalue a free users ideas over a paying user then whats the point of allowing free users to even have an opinion if its value is reduced compared to a paying user? That would basically drive off potential customers as they would just be living in the world where their words hold less meaning then someone who pays. If free users are treated as lower beings (in regards to their opinions) they feel less appreciated, which leads to the word of the game being spread less, which leads to a loss of potential customers.


In some sense by what you said your kinda showing some "we paid so we get treated better than yall, if you don't like it then pay" attitude which isn't nice or considerate. Which is pretty much doing the opposite of what people claim they want for themselves.


Ofc this is far from the topic at hand. And the thread should really get back on track.


o.o so umm back to aklato/dual skana discussion

thanks... strongly agree with what this guy said, glad we could reach a resolution on that part

to be blunt, releasing them would be the cheap way to trick the founders without having to refund anything

well refunding is the last thing on theire mind, and releasing dual weapons doesnt interfere with anything the founders have 

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C'mon guys, every time the same story...

i am not a founder, but i recognize that these items must belong to them only, because they were promised to founders

ONLY.  @TitNinja  i understand what you mean,maybe a lot of not founders paid more than founders, but these guys

paid FIRST.  They trusted this project. Without them Warframe could not be as it is today, and could not grow as it is growing.

I don't mean to diminish your money contribution to the game, don't misunderstand;

still, they were encouraged to buy founder access for exclusive items.

It's like the prime access, when DE offer an unique syandana that will never return back: or you take it in that moment or you just pass.

Warfame had been in development for 4+ years before they started FOunders stuff (someone correct my numbers please) so its not like they were risking everything on the brand new idea.. founders stuff couldve been bought about 7 months ago during Update 11 which in game terms wasnt that long ago 


its not like kickstarters or patreon where u dont know how good the project will turn out


when Founders was around Warframe was already picking up steam

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from my understanding if you want a duel secondary you need 2 of them to craft, instead of duel skana and aklato why not just make a duel dakra and aksicarus prime? 



if this was to pass would't people then want to ask for excal prime or a "skin" similar to it.  people on here are arguing over that it doesn't exactly mess with the terms but is a sneaky part on DE's end, without founders who know's how far this game would have gone and to then have them come out with a dual variant of those exclusive items is not a smart choice on there end as they smash any trust they had with founders who spent there money to help pave the way to what warframe is now. 

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to be blunt, releasing them would be the cheap way to trick the founders without having to refund anything

Skana prime, and lato prime are cool on their own. Not like aklato prime, and dual skana prime would undermine them. All DE would have to do is change up the stats alittle to make Lato prime more accurate, and make Skana Prime more powerful. That way Aklato prime has the benefit of more ammo, but less accuracy, and Dual Skana Prime does less damage, but has higher attack speed to deliver more rapid blows versus high damage hits like when focusing on wielding a single sword.


I would have no issues with this.

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I actually don't care about Founder stuff ,BUT just don't give them another aklato prime or duel sakana prime that will be ok.

but i highly doubt since that aklato had been spot in the trailer on xbone and if they give it to founder only   I going to say sukk off, and call this game warfounder .

Edited by Goffee
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from my understanding if you want a duel secondary you need 2 of them to craft, instead of duel skana and aklato why not just make a duel dakra and aksicarus prime? 



if this was to pass would't people then want to ask for excal prime or a "skin" similar to it.  people on here are arguing over that it doesn't exactly mess with the terms but is a sneaky part on DE's end, without founders who know's how far this game would have gone and to then have them come out with a dual variant of those exclusive items is not a smart choice on there end as they smash any trust they had with founders who spent there money to help pave the way to what warframe is now. 

Neither the dual skana or the AKlato require a weapon to craft them.


Honestly, primes should be skins in the first place (annoying to have to buy new slots every time one comes out) so I personally would have no problem with them releasing an excal skin.  Technically as a skin they'd still be playing with an excalibur that just happens to look like excalibur prime.  That means vanilla excal stats and no extra energy in the void or any extra stuff they plan on adding to primes (like cosmetic differences with skills).

Edited by Aggh
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i love how Aggh is keeping the argument or at least had one about mastery and then one page six frak them machete, snipetron and so on when asked on that.


as a founder i dont mind having them released. i still use my skana prime cuz it looks like a gill sword. there is already skins like the prot skin for excalibur so if they could release one to wrap around the regular excalibro then that is fine with me. i dont have the lato prime and wasnt going to dish out an extra 150 bucks for a small gun wehn i dont even use secondaries that much. and given that secondaries like the lato are so small and large color palettes you can make it look prime with a white base and add yellow to it and bang!


release of skana and lato prime or dual variant of it are fine with me they are weapons after all the blueprints to make them should be somewhere in the void. as for excalibur prime the reasoning that i have of the guy is from the derelict treasure rooms which suggests that the excaliburs remained behind and can no longer be re-engineered given they were all lost, and the "first" frames were occupied in the derelict ships so they would be unobtainable. And with this last idea on him the hype of a new solar system(fingers crossed its of the sentients) they can add excalibur prime to that system with a massively complicated lore to why it took so long to get this guy! but then again volt was amongst the first frames and we still dont have a volt prime so that might not even need to be necessary.

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