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I Think It's Time Boltor Prime Stops Rendering ~130 Weapons Obsolete


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Don't you dare nerf-talk about "Charlene"! *cuddles with his Boltor Prime* If nerfing you is right... I don't want to be right! =)


Although, i agree with people that say that weapons (and certain warframes) should be mastery-locked. At least the whiners will switch from weapons, abilities and warframes to the mastery system itself.

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I'd rather have more weapons added to Boltor Prime's tier than nerf the Boltor Prime down. And I definitely think Boltor Prime needs a much higher mastery lock.

That does not fix problem of most weapons being just mastery boost.

Always fix worst offender (boltor prime in this case), not evrything else.

PvE is not excuse for imbalance. No.

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Boltor prime is OP, 50 base damage for a FULL AUTO weapon its INSANE.


Compared stats of normal boltor and boltor prime


  • Boltor, compared to the Boltor Prime:
    • Lower base damage (25.0 vs. 55.0).
    • Lower critical damage (150.0% vs. 200.0%).
    • Slower rate of fire (8.8 rounds/s vs. 10 rounds/s).
    • Slightly higher reload time (2.6s vs. 2.4s).
    • Lower accuracy (25.0 vs. 50.0).
    • Doesn't have 18px-V.png polarity.



Look now the differences between normal braton and braton prime.



  • Compared to the Braton Prime:
    • Lower base damage (20.0 vs. 25.1).
    • Slightly Lower clip size (45 vs. 50)
    • Lower status chance (5.0% vs. 10.0%)
    • Faster reload time (2.0s vs. 2.2s)


It really needs to be nerfed, 35 base damage is arlready fine.


If you can only play with an overpowered weapon, then so be it, dont cry later, because you made yourself a noob.

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I don't have the Boltor prime, and don't plan on building it any time soon, way to many other things in my foundry that are waiting to be built first. None the less, my opinions on balance don't change (which are, in a nutshell, that I really don't want balance, at least not strict balance, no mater what you need some balance). The only thing, for me, that makes a weapon obsolete is not liking it. So even if the Boltor prime is the best thing, in every way, since the invention of the warframe, I have no personal reason to want it to be brought back in line with the rest.

I am thinking on PMing every moderator to remove every single post that is just, "No.", as it literally adds nothing to the discussion, wastes everyone's time, and takes up space on our monitors.


And everyone else, please stop giving these idiotic posts a thumbs up. It only encourages this wasteful trend to be repeated.

While "No." isn't a super constructive reply, it doesn't add nothing, it's feedback. Not everyone has the time to sit, think of why they feel the way they do about a subject, then think up an explanation and put it in text. Doesn't mean they don't have an opinion on the subject, and it doesn't mean there opinion isn't equally valid. When some weapon comes out (or has been out for a while), and people post about it, we'd like to think that DE's decisions come from peoples feedback, and people who feel against a certain topic say so, that's feedback. Even if the answer is just "No."

Admittedly, some people just do it to antagonize the OP, it's the internet. And if you take everything in the most negative way possible imagine where the world would be........oh. Never mind then.


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Thread cleaned of rude, irrelevant, and spam replies.


"No" and "Yes" comments were removed as they do not add anything toward the discussion. If you are saying no, say why you are saying no. If your reason is "No, because I like it how it is." then that is your reason. Saying no gives no indication of what you'd rather happen, or what you are even saying no to.

"Yes" comments also add nothing. If you agree with the post, upvote the post. If you would like to add more besides that, add "Yes, because [reason]" and if that reason is "all your points I agree with" then that is your reason.


Arguments about how and why players dislike nerfs, and arguments about that were removed. That is not the topic at hand.


Irrelevant, rude, or off-topic texts and posts were removed. They add nothing to the discussion.


Please keep discussion on topic, relevant, and civil in the future.

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Boltor prime is OP, 50 base damage for a FULL AUTO weapon its INSANE.


Compared stats of normal boltor and boltor prime


  • Boltor, compared to the Boltor Prime:
    • Lower base damage (25.0 vs. 55.0).
    • Lower critical damage (150.0% vs. 200.0%).
    • Slower rate of fire (8.8 rounds/s vs. 10 rounds/s).
    • Slightly higher reload time (2.6s vs. 2.4s).
    • Lower accuracy (25.0 vs. 50.0).
    • Doesn't have 18px-V.png polarity.



Look now the differences between normal braton and braton prime.



  • Compared to the Braton Prime:
    • Lower base damage (20.0 vs. 25.1).
    • Slightly Lower clip size (45 vs. 50)
    • Lower status chance (5.0% vs. 10.0%)
    • Faster reload time (2.0s vs. 2.2s)


It really needs to be nerfed, 35 base damage is arlready fine.


If you can only play with an overpowered weapon, then so be it, dont cry later, because you made yourself a noob.


Why do you think so many Buff Braton Prime threads have emerged?

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Clearly you're not a fan of the design of the Boltor Prime, which is spray and pray and kill everything. Which from what I've heard, is hardly what happens in T4 missions; you simply don't mow down enemies with ease there. Some people like that, some people don't. Is it the Boltor's fault for being easy to use or is it the Latron's fault for being more difficult? Both have the same killing potential in damage more or less, Boltor just does it easier.


Honestly the only way to fix this is to change the mechanics of the Boltor, not the damage. Because even with the damage lowered, I sincerely think it'll still be capable of blind spray-and-pray to kill, it just takes a bit longer to achieve the kill. I remember playing another third person shooter where there was a submachine gun that did excessive amounts of damage (Think Soma on Mercury), it had a huge magazine size, decent capacity, and a short reload speed, it seemed like the perfect gun.


Except it had one major drawback: accuracy. If you fired it in short bursts it was pretty dang accurate, like a Burston Prime, but the longer you held it down to fire the spread increased dramatically, to a point where you couldn't hit anything more than 10 feet in front of you. And it didn't instantly reset when you stopped and started firing again, the accuracy was slowly regained over time as the weapon 'cooled off'. It punished mindless spray and pray but was still capable of it at close ranges. If the Boltor Prime needs to be tuned down, this is the way to go.

Well when youre put up against large hoards of cannon fodder spray and pray tend sot be effective


And the boltor will still be killing even nearing an hour in


IIts issue at that point is ammo efficiency which can be helped enough


Adding spread or recoil would be a suitable solution for the boltor as well


I cant understand why weapons with lowish damage and high utility like the grakata have a heavy recoil where stronger weapons dont

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No. I hazard to argue against nerfing.


There is no fun in playing the game with a weapon once made you feel good, now doesn't have the same "kick" any more. Power makes you feel good and, it what makes the game fun and enjoyable, arguably, at least to many and those who are enjoying the game right and have little time or not coming here to the forum to voice their lung out.


To me asking for buffing your weapons and at the same time nerfing the other weapons that you don't like it's like asking to make the game more fun for you at the expense of taking away fun for the other guys. And nerfing a boltor prime maybe a quick and easiest answer. But it's not necessary the right answer or the answer that would make the game as enjoyable for many, nor it's a viable solution; but to some of those who are here arguing for it. 


Why don't we ask for buffing the weapons and all the weapons, like braton prime, latron prime etc, that you want first and then we can review/compare again to see which ones need some small tweaks or "refine"?

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No. I hazard to argue against nerfing.


There is no fun in playing the game with a weapon once made you feel good, now doesn't have the same "kick" any more. Power makes you feel good and, it what makes the game fun and enjoyable, arguably, at least to many and those who are enjoying the game right and have little time or not coming here to the forum to voice their lung out.


To me asking for buffing your weapons and at the same time nerfing the other weapons that you don't like it's like asking to make the game more fun for you at the expense of taking away fun for the other guys. And nerfing a boltor prime maybe a quick and easiest answer. But it's not necessary the right answer or the answer that would make the game as enjoyable for many, nor it's a viable solution; but to some of those who are here arguing for it. 


Why don't we ask for buffing the weapons and all the weapons, like braton prime, latron prime etc, that you want first and then we can review/compare again to see which ones need some small tweaks or "refine"?

DE makes many mistakes with this




Things start off too strong and then get toned down


When left alone too long they become difficult to chasnge


In the future this should be avoided

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I can relate to the OP. The way when a suggestion gets flamed on and insulted just because it changes things. Not necessarily on this forum, but others (Minecraft).


On topic, there are too many people using Boltor prime. There needs to be variety of end game weps and not just one sole wep.

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No Boltor Prime isnt OP.It comes out of the Void Endgame and is for the Void Endgame.Logic.

Its your guys fault when you play only with that weapon and get bored.I play for my part quite every mission another weapon.Sometimes Hind,Burston Prime,Ignis,dera,Supra,Dread and so on.Your own fault when everything its so "easy"  and boring for you.I only play Boltor P for T4 Survival.Whats the problem with the Boltor Prime?People who play with dont stress me.I dont even notice it alot times.You guys must watch the whole times other people.Maybe start watch on yourself and play the game.

Edited by K0bra
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No Boltor Prime isnt OP.It comes out of the Void Endgame and is for the Void Endgame.Logic.

Its your guys fault when you play only with that weapon and get bored.I play for my part quite every mission another weapon.Sometimes Hind,Burston Prime,Ignis,dera,Supra,Dread and so on.Your own fault when everything its so "easy"  and boring for you.I only play Boltor P for T4 Survival.Whats the problem with the Boltor Prime?People who play with dont stress me.I dont even notice it alot times.You guys must watch the whole times other people.Maybe start watch on yourself and play the game.

Personal opinion and mindless blaming isnt making any kind of point

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EDIT: I give up. This is just as pointless as I thought. Everyone has already gone corrupt with power, and their precious crutch Boltor Prime is the only thing holding them in 5 hour survivals, so there is nothing I can do on the forums.


Useless "No." posts have already been rooted, people are insulting me for no reason, and balance has been thrown out the window within minutes.


I am also thoroughly convinced half a dozen people did not read my reasoning to this, as I clearly pointed out this change would still leave Boltor Prime more powerful than Braton Prime, Burston Prime, and about every other Prime, yet they argue "primes should be more powerful, so no nerf."


I'm done. DE, it's up to you to buckle up and do what needs to be done. You did it with Nova, you can do it with Boltor Prime.


BlantantFool, Letter13, Silverbones, just lock the thread if you deem it necessary. This thread has been burnt to the ground within minutes.


Now I know why _Nugget quit Warframe.


A shame. This is just a shame.


Now I know what you're thinking...




BUT...It's seriously out of line and needs to be dealt with soon before everyone becomes spoiled with it's power (it's already starting to happen!)


No, I am not butthurt because I can't get it. I have it and it's potato'd as well.


No, I am not "whining", "crying" or "ruining endgame".


DE claimed that they are balancing everything around level 30-40 enemies, and Boltor Prime already wipes the floor with every living thing on the star chart. Just because this weapon will be less effective on level 100 enemies, doesn't mean it shouldn't be nerfed. You cannot balance around infinity.


All I'm asking for is to take the 50 Puncture Damage and reduce it to 35 Puncture Damage. Even with this change, it deals 10 more base damage than the Braton Prime, and beats it in every other field, except in reload speed.


Braton Prime has a 0.2 faster reload speed.


Other than that, Boltor Prime will still outclass it in every category, but won't be such an incredible outlier in the game, while still being a really solid rifle in the game.

I honestly agree with you here as well as add in the dragon nikana and although I am one of those guys who will use a boltor prime and dragon nikana to go the distance in defense and survival missions but they isnt my favorite weapons. In fact I dont even have a preffered primary. My preferred weapons are my akmagnus sidearms and my poor old galatine that is underpowered now but hopefully will some day be brought back to its former glory.

Edited by Iceski13
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What would the point of this be? It's already garbage after 60m you want it to do what exactly, crap out at 40? 30? I don't understand the point of this thread lol


60m is enough to clear any room in the game. 30 - 40 would still be a just nerf without removing any of your beloved numbers you jerk off to

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I cant understand why weapons with lowish damage and high utility like the grakata have a heavy recoil where stronger weapons dont

well thats kinda unfair comparison, having the same recoil a hit scan will inherently be easier to use,  so travel time weapons need some sort of compensation for the need of trailing skill (which im not saying its harder or easier) like lower recoils

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I built boltor prime quite some time ago and maxed it to 30 for the mastery, but never did anything else with it; that is, no forma and no catalyst. It's a fine weapon, to be sure, but trajectory-type weapons just don't do it for me unless it's on a bow-like weapon... because I like bows. Anyway, whether boltor prime is nerfed or whatnot matters very little to me. I actually prefer precision rifles (latron prime/wraith) over automatic ones. Frankly, a non-hitscan automatic rifle is awkward to me, which is why I don't use boltor prime.

I can see why people will protect their precious boltor prime, though. If they like the spray and pray playstyle, that's just lovely. When I feel like doing that, I'll pop my Soma out and go bullet-crazy. But for the serious missions, it's Latron prime all the way.

Edited by Eggzodiya
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lets look at this way:


I bought the prime access for a small plat recharge, and it came with the boltor prime. I lvled it and then left it there after 2 weeks. It burns through ammo, has travel time, and its too shiny with weird stats.


still gathering dust in my inventory. will pic it up if it is viable as a fun to use to think gun like all the others.


will still be glad if there was a mastery cap that included prime weapons just like in the market.

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The boltor prime has its advantages and disadvantages just like many weapons in the games... but these nerfing arguments are just ignoring that fact...

Need to give this weapon more disadvantages??



This weapon deals primarily Puncture damage.


■High base damage.

■Deals high Puncture damage; effective against armored targets.

■High rate of fire.

■Due to its high fire rate and damage, it yields one of the highest sustained single target dps of all primary weapons, the other being the Boar Prime.

■Knocks target back on kill, dealing damage to nearby enemies behind the target.

■Low Recoil.

■ and polarities.


■Bolts have a small amount of travel time.

■Generally less effective against shields and flesh

■Low Impact damage, which is compounded by the damage penalty Puncture has against shields

■No Slash damage, making it less effective against flesh and Infested.

■Low critical chance.

■Below-average ammo efficiency in general, especially when used with Speed Trigger.


■Boltor Prime, compared to the Boltor:

■Higher base damage (55.0 vs. 25.0).

■Higher Impact damage (5.5 vs. 2.5).

■Higher Puncture damage (49.5 vs. 20.0).

■Does not have Slash damage (0.0 vs. 2.5).

■Higher critical damage (200.0% vs. 150.0%).

■Faster rate of fire (10.0 rounds/s vs. 8.8 rounds/s).

■Slightly faster reload time (2.4s vs. 2.6s).

■Higher accuracy (50.0 vs. 25.0).

■Have an extra polarity.

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Only nerf I would like to see is mastery rank raised to 6-9ish, like what they did to Soma. Mr2 players should not have spoiled fun of trying different guns (regular boltor, grakatatata, bolto, vastos). B prime is not so popular compared to Soma, that is very cheap to obtain.

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The boltor prime has its advantages and disadvantages just like many weapons in the games... but these nerfing arguments are just ignoring that fact...

Need to give this weapon more disadvantages??



This weapon deals primarily Puncture damage.


■High base damage.

■Deals high Puncture damage; effective against armored targets.

■High rate of fire.

■Due to its high fire rate and damage, it yields one of the highest sustained single target dps of all primary weapons, the other being the Boar Prime.

■Knocks target back on kill, dealing damage to nearby enemies behind the target.

■Low Recoil.

■ and polarities.


■Bolts have a small amount of travel time.

■Generally less effective against shields and flesh

■Low Impact damage, which is compounded by the damage penalty Puncture has against shields

■No Slash damage, making it less effective against flesh and Infested.

■Low critical chance.

■Below-average ammo efficiency in general, especially when used with Speed Trigger.


■Boltor Prime, compared to the Boltor:

■Higher base damage (55.0 vs. 25.0).

■Higher Impact damage (5.5 vs. 2.5).

■Higher Puncture damage (49.5 vs. 20.0).

■Does not have Slash damage (0.0 vs. 2.5).

■Higher critical damage (200.0% vs. 150.0%).

■Faster rate of fire (10.0 rounds/s vs. 8.8 rounds/s).

■Slightly faster reload time (2.4s vs. 2.6s).

■Higher accuracy (50.0 vs. 25.0).

■Have an extra polarity.

Those disadvantages are really tiny compared to huge advantages it has.

Most of those disadvantages automatically disappear simply by modding the weapon. (damage type ones)

Crit is not needed at all considering huge damage it does, and bolts travel very quick, absolutely no need lead your shots in 90% fights.

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