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Arrogant And Rude Players You Have Met.


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I remember one time I was farming on Cambria. I was trying to stay longer than 5 minutes. Two people joined my game, which I didn't mind. One of them was a Vauban and used Bounce on all the Life Supports. Me and my teammate couldn't activate them, and we ended up having to extract at 5 minutes. The only thing he posted in chat was ";)"

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Well I'm sure I'm not the only one who encountered Rhino-fan-boys. But anyway, here goes.

So one guy on region was bragging about his rhino being OP. What with iron skin, intensify and steel fiber. He seemed to believe that Rhino was invincible. I told him otherwise. Go on wave 20+ on any Tier 2 Grineer defense and see for yourself. He called me a noob xD. I, realizing reasoning was not going to work, challenged him to conclave. I brought Valkyr with QT+rage, and hysteria with max narrow m. just in case. He said anything goes. Fine with me I told him. So he tried and tried but could not kill me with hysteria on. 10-0. And then I explained to him what Hysteria did. He claimed I was cheating, as his Rhino would not lose to a useless frame like Valkyr. He also started calling me names, and a lot of intriguing ones at that ;). At a loss of words, I trolled him into thinking I was a hacker. He threatened to report me, I said, bring it on! So off he goes to region to complain about me and all. And oh, was it priceless to see the other players mocking for being an idiot =D. And everyone lived happily ever after ^_^.

Best bed night story. Ever

Edit: Loki would be proud of you ( ^ω^ )

Edited by izzatuw
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Well I'm sure I'm not the only one who encountered Rhino-fan-boys. But anyway, here goes.

So one guy on region was bragging about his rhino being OP. What with iron skin, intensify and steel fiber. He seemed to believe that Rhino was invincible. I told him otherwise. Go on wave 20+ on any Tier 2 Grineer defense and see for yourself. He called me a noob xD. I, realizing reasoning was not going to work, challenged him to conclave. I brought Valkyr with QT+rage, and hysteria with max narrow m. just in case. He said anything goes. Fine with me I told him. So he tried and tried but could not kill me with hysteria on. 10-0. And then I explained to him what Hysteria did. He claimed I was cheating, as his Rhino would not lose to a useless frame like Valkyr. He also started calling me names, and a lot of intriguing ones at that ;). At a loss of words, I trolled him into thinking I was a hacker. He threatened to report me, I said, bring it on! So off he goes to region to complain about me and all. And oh, was it priceless to see the other players mocking for being an idiot =D. And everyone lived happily ever after ^_^.


I love hearing Rhino stories, but only because I like using Rhino, and try to do my best not to look stupid like the guy in your story.

Edited by DarkOmega6719
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I played a game once really, really long ago with some interesting people. Two of the four people had gotten all the enemies on alert and had them chasing after them, and they just rushed as fast as they could to evac. I was running with the other person who had been left, a Trinity, and we were making our way there. I rounded a corner and got knocked down by some Grineer, either a Shielder or a Gunner. I then got gunned down by all the other Grineer the 2 had riled up, but I managed to kill them all with my secondary while downed. The Trinity ran up to me, looked at me, and left. She refused to get me up. I mentioned it and revived, and one of the two people who rushed said that the Trinity is his healer only and only heals him.


I mean, I understand goofing around or playing with friends, but not reviving a newer player (like I said, long ago) is just an all around rude thing.

I said okay. I revived and just ran right past the Trinity. I got maybe 2 rooms ahead of it, then it got downed. I didn't go back to help. I made it to extraction to find the other 2 people (both Rhinos I think) just standing near it. One of them was on it, so I triggered the countdown and waited. The Trinity finished bleeding out, then used a revive. After going down 2 more times, both Rhinos ran back to help em. They didn't even get there before the countdown ended lol

All in all, most players I find that are stuck-up or elitists tend to be Rhinos, Novas, or Trinities. That's not to say there aren't any cool ones, though. There are just a lot that cling to those frames as the all around best ever 10/10 frames who also happen to think that most other frames (especially Oberon) are the scum of the earth.


And don't even get me started on Somas.

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I played a game once really, really long ago with some interesting people. Two of the four people had gotten all the enemies on alert and had them chasing after them, and they just rushed as fast as they could to evac. I was running with the other person who had been left, a Trinity, and we were making our way there. I rounded a corner and got knocked down by some Grineer, either a Shielder or a Gunner. I then got gunned down by all the other Grineer the 2 had riled up, but I managed to kill them all with my secondary while downed. The Trinity ran up to me, looked at me, and left. She refused to get me up. I mentioned it and revived, and one of the two people who rushed said that the Trinity is his healer only and only heals him.


I mean, I understand goofing around or playing with friends, but not reviving a newer player (like I said, long ago) is just an all around rude thing.

I said okay. I revived and just ran right past the Trinity. I got maybe 2 rooms ahead of it, then it got downed. I didn't go back to help. I made it to extraction to find the other 2 people (both Rhinos I think) just standing near it. One of them was on it, so I triggered the countdown and waited. The Trinity finished bleeding out, then used a revive. After going down 2 more times, both Rhinos ran back to help em. They didn't even get there before the countdown ended lol

All in all, most players I find that are stuck-up or elitists tend to be Rhinos, Novas, or Trinities. That's not to say there aren't any cool ones, though. There are just a lot that cling to those frames as the all around best ever 10/10 frames who also happen to think that most other frames (especially Oberon) are the scum of the earth.


And don't even get me started on Somas.

Again I'm part of the race. Sorry that they act that way. I wouldn't even get Rhino or even reach R8 if not for others helping me. What happened.
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'invite me to your clan i want to buy bp'

'i can't my clan is full'

'kick someone'


'wow you are a bad guy you really make me rage'


Needless to say, he was removed from friend list right away. He just exploited me to do infested runs anyway. Best thing was that I don't even have rights to the clan.

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It's really how you spin it to yourself.  If you take the rudeness of others personally then it will bother you.  If you marvel at the spectacle of how someone can be that ugly and negative, then you shall be entertained.


Warframe is kind of the first online game I've played, and I've certainly been caught off guard by how rude people can be, but the good people here are REALLY GOOD and they're the reason I keep playing.


Friend those you like, ignore those you don't.  Just like in real life. =)

Edited by sushidubya
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Suspicious Alert Event, the last one I think.


Got down several times and revived by John Doe. Die once trying to revive John Doe. he then took his revive and proceeded to revive me. Then we start fighting again, he died, I revived him. The other two fare no better :p


At the end, I then say.


Me: Wow that was intense.

John Doe: Not really.

Me: (why you arrogant son of a B)

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As our community grows, so will the number of people who are not at the top of Santas nice list, so why bother with them, when you can have sso many other community members that  <3 and are supporting of each other. People like this are real, but why focus on the negatives, when theres a whole bunch of lovely members in our playerbase that are the opposite


We're here for ya buddy :D

Godspeed :D

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So far I've met few rude people in this game, most of the time it's some rank 11+ player trying to boss others around and teach me how to play the game (even though I'm rank 10), which usually leads to hilarious moments.


Like just yesterday I was farming Oxium on Kappa with my Nova and this other Nova joined. As soon as they finished mocking my Quantum helmet they were like "You know the drill, stay in the room" and I was "Ok". I know that staying in the defending room makes looting easier so the drops don't spread so much and whatnot, so I *did* stay in the room, like they asked. I couldn't do the same to my Molecular Prime though ;) It's not my fault that thing spreads so much with Constitution+Continuity.


Or every other time I'm doing a level 35-38 alert with my Nyx, and some Rhinos join thinking they're pretty boss with their Iron Skins and Pentas until they get downed in the middle of a dozen Bombards/Heavy Gunners/Napalms. I just Chaos and calmly revive them like nothing's going on.

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One guy this nub kept insulting me and boasting about his Brakk (Need a BP) and then started lying absurdly saying he got 12 BPs in one hour. After that he helps me run a Suspicious Shipment, and he stands behind me whilst I do all the work, then I get downed, type "How about you do something?" then he says "f*ck off :D" and lets me die. Then he gets himself downed and dies too. I revived and finished the mission like a real person would and he just sat there dead. He still had revives but he didn't want to 'waste' one. 


I hate this guy.

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Suspicious Alert Event, the last one I think.


Got down several times and revived by John Doe. Die once trying to revive John Doe. he then took his revive and proceeded to revive me. Then we start fighting again, he died, I revived him. The other two fare no better :p


At the end, I then say.


Me: Wow that was intense.

John Doe: Not really.

Me: (why you arrogant son of a B)


Just curious, were you a Rhino in that mission and was revived by a Mag Prime? Because I vaguely recall something happening like what you described. That John Doe might have been me, lol.

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