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Oberon's Role And Rework


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I understand a great amount of players have been making similar threads about this, but I feel I need to make my say about Oberon.


If we are to make suggestions about a frame, we need to address one important question:


What is Oberon's intended role?


According to Update 11.5, [DE] says that Oberon is supposed to be the "Paladin" of the Warframes. So by technical terms, Oberon should be a Warframe geared toward Defensive support, healing support, and some striking power.


Seeing the abilities Oberon has now, I feel it does not grasp the whole idea of a "paladin"-type Warframe. So allow me to write down what abilities Oberon currently has that can still remain, abilities Oberon is probably better off with, and some abilities that Oberon should have.


Abilities to Keep


Smite: This ability should still remain. Its an effective ability that fits well with the paladin scheme.


Renewal: This ability defines the nature of a general "paladin"-like entity. The only thing I feel that many players complain is that this ability does not affect players instantly upon cast like Trinity's Blessing. But for what I'll suggest might change that.


Abilities Oberon is probably better off/should be reworked


Hallowed Ground: I feel this ability should not deal damage at all, but instead create a field that debuffs enemies and buffs allies. There is also the issue that players find the current Hallowed Ground's AOE relatively small. So I would suggest this change:


Hallowed Ground: "Forges the ground with a sanctified field that renders enemy defenses vulnerable while improving ally defenses."


> Creates a 8/10/12/15 m radial field that reduces enemy Shield/Proto Shield/Ferrite Armor/Alloy Armor and increases ally Shield/Alloy Armor which lasts for 12/15/17/20 seconds.


>This ability is affected by Strength/Duration. and Range mods.


Reckoning: I personally do not fancy this ability simply because of the range of the ability and if the enemy is not killed by this skill, it could cause some problems due to the energy cost of this skill. But that does not mean this skill should be removed. If anything, there should be some buff to the abilities radius.


An ability that could work with Oberon


Aegis: "Grant your allies divine protection by overcharging ally shields and blessing your allies with invulnerability to statuses."


> Has infinite range like Trinity's Blessing.

> Player's Shields become Proto Shields

> Improves Shield Recharge Rates

> While ability is active, players are unaffected by status procs.

> lasts for 6/8/10/12 seconds

> affected by Strength and Duration mods


Obsidian Will: Grants Oberon an aura that reduces incoming damage and grants him a melee buff.

>only affects Oberon
>reduces incoming damage to Oberon by 30%
>lasts 10/13/16/19 seconds
>melee attacks are granted additional status chance proc @ +50%
>Can be modded with Strength and Duration mods



Edited by FoxFX
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I understand a great amount of players have been making similar threads about this, but I feel I need to make my say about Oberon.


If we are to make suggestions about a frame, we need to address one important question:


What is Oberon's intended role?


According to Update 11.5, [DE] says that Oberon is supposed to be the "Paladin" of the Warframes. So by technical terms, Oberon should be a Warframe geared toward Defensive support, healing support, and some striking power.


Seeing the abilities Oberon has now, I feel it does not grasp the whole idea of a "paladin"-type Warframe. So allow me to write down what abilities Oberon currently has that can still remain, abilities Oberon is probably better off with, and some abilities that Oberon should have.


Abilities to Keep


Smite: This ability should still remain. Its an effective ability that fits well with the paladin scheme.


Renewal: This ability defines the nature of a general "paladin"-like entity. The only thing I feel that many players complain is that this ability does not affect players instantly upon cast like Trinity's Blessing. But for what I'll suggest might change that.


Abilities Oberon is probably better off/should be reworked


Hallowed Ground: I feel this ability should not deal damage at all, but instead create a field that debuffs enemies and buffs allies. There is also the issue that players find the current Hallowed Ground's AOE relatively small. So I would suggest this change:


Hallowed Ground: "Forges the ground with a sanctified field that renders enemy defenses vulnerable while improving ally defenses."


> Creates a 8/10/12/15 m radial field that reduces enemy Shield/Proto Shield/Ferrite Armor/Alloy Armor and increases ally Shield/Alloy Armor which lasts for 12/15/17/20 seconds.


>This ability is affected by Strength/Duration. and Range mods.


Reckoning: I personally do not fancy this ability simply because of the range of the ability and if the enemy is not killed by this skill, it could cause some problems due to the energy cost of this skill. But that does not mean this skill should be removed. If anything, there should be some buff to the abilities radius.


An ability that could work with Oberon


Aegis: "Grant your allies divine protection by overcharging ally shields and blessing your allies with invulnerability to statuses."


> Has infinite range like Trinity's Blessing.

> Player's Shields become Proto Shields

> Improves Shield Recharge Rates

> While ability is active, players are unaffected by status procs.

> lasts for 6/8/10/12 seconds

> affected by Strength and Duration mods



Make Smite projectiles home in.

Make Renewal projectiles instantly catch up to players or significantly faster.

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What is Oberon's intended role?


According to Update 11.5, [DE] says that Oberon is supposed to be the "Paladin" of the Warframes. So by technical terms, Oberon should be a Warframe geared toward Defensive support, healing support, and some striking power.


Thank you for being one of the few people who actually cite your claim.

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Interesting ideas for reworks. I don't use Oberon very often, but maybe some of his more avid users would especially appreciate this! I do like that your suggestions made him different in an "outside-of-the-box" kind of way.

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I personally use Oberon as more of a Guru/Area of Denial frame.


I use Smite to nuke tight clusters of enemies,

Hallowed Ground in choke points to ensure that the enemies will pass through it

Renewal whenever possible

and Reckoning as a CC measure mostly (due to the same reasons OP stated above with Reckoning).


In my opinion, Smite definitely needs homing projectiles, which could be traded off with the ability to bounce off terrain.


Hallowed Ground should deal damage, and buff teammate's shields (faster shield recharge + overcharge?)


OP accurately stated what I already want from Renewal.


and Reckoning needs to be reworked so that even if the ability does not outright kill an enemy, there are still some benefits, maybe something along the lines of... "Enemies that are not killed have a lower change to drop a health orb"


or possibly...


"Enemies that are not instantly killed have a chance to drop a health orb. Enemies that are killed instantly will always drop a health orb AND a chance for an energy orb".


Just make it so that I don't regret using it on higher levelled missions, where Reckoning - even with blind rage - may not guarantee a kill.

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Any comments on the ability I proposed?


Aegis: "Grant your allies divine protection by overcharging ally shields and blessing your allies with invulnerability to statuses."


> Has infinite range like Trinity's Blessing.

> Player's Shields become Proto Shields

> Improves Shield Recharge Rates

> While ability is active, players are unaffected by status procs.

> lasts for 6/8/10/12 seconds

> affected by Strength and Duration mods

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Aegis' effect could simply be incorporated into Hallowed Ground.


But I do agree with your original post, that something needs to be done about Reckoning.


that might be asking too much if you mean keeping Hallowed Ground's original effect and add on my proposed Aegis's effect to it.

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that might be asking too much if you mean keeping Hallowed Ground's original effect and add on my proposed Aegis's effect to it.

I kind of disagree, Aegis seems a little lackluster and could work well on Hallowed Ground. But that said I'm loath to replace abilities wholecloth.

Personally I don't see Oberon as so defensive, his abilities speak to me as wanting to be a damage/support hybrid with a focus on healing Damage and cc/area denial instead of directly mitigating Damage. For that reason I'm not fond of a radial Hallowed Ground because that resembles Fireblast and you can't use it aggressively unless you're right in the center of a group of enemies - in which case, why not just use reckoning?

My favorite proposal is to make Renewal a toggle ability, able to give a slow constant heal that would distinguish him from Trinity.

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I just feel that Hallowed Ground now is just too inconsistent being that this ability does not cover such a large area and it does not do much against ranged enemies let alone enemies that fly or enemies that are outside Grineer Factions.


The reason why I am suggesting these things is because [DE] clearly mentioned that Oberon's purpose is to be the "paladin" Warframe. Seeing how Oberon is, he does not seem to be oriented to being anything resembling a "paladin." Besides, I feel we could use a frame that focuses on team-defenses and support especially on higher end fights.


The only reason why I suggested Aegis was because a Tenno's shield system is just the regular "Shield." Seeing as how bosses are given "Proto Shields," I thought to myself why not make a way for Tenno to have the stronger shield variant with a  very high increase in the shield's recharge rate.


Another thing I wanted to counter was the enemies ability to induce status procs to us. That is also why for the ability Aegis, I added the effect that Aegis prevents Tenno affected by Aegis to be inflicted status procs.


I took some time to think about Smite an maybe if Smite could be granted the ability to cause a debuff that increases damage done to the enemies affected by Smite, then maybe we can get somewhere.

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I just feel that Hallowed Ground now is just too inconsistent being that this ability does not cover such a large area and it does not do much against ranged enemies let alone enemies that fly or enemies that are outside Grineer Factions.


The reason why I am suggesting these things is because [DE] clearly mentioned that Oberon's purpose is to be the "paladin" Warframe. Seeing how Oberon is, he does not seem to be oriented to being anything resembling a "paladin." Besides, I feel we could use a frame that focuses on team-defenses and support especially on higher end fights.


The only reason why I suggested Aegis was because a Tenno's shield system is just the regular "Shield." Seeing as how bosses are given "Proto Shields," I thought to myself why not make a way for Tenno to have the stronger shield variant with a  very high increase in the shield's recharge rate.


Another thing I wanted to counter was the enemies ability to induce status procs to us. That is also why for the ability Aegis, I added the effect that Aegis prevents Tenno affected by Aegis to be inflicted status procs.


I took some time to think about Smite an maybe if Smite could be granted the ability to cause a debuff that increases damage done to the enemies affected by Smite, then maybe we can get somewhere.

Hallowed Ground definitely needs a buff to the area it covers, yeah. His stated role is "equally adept at harming foes and healing allies", so rather than focusing on shields I feel his skillset should (and just about does) focus on healing health damage. Healing status effects is something I've wanted his abilities to do for a while now, too, so I hear you on that.


Also, Smite. Methinks if the projectiles had seeking and a forced radiation proc and the initial target was ragdolled, it'd be pretty good as a 1st ability. DE seems to have been holding back with the 1st abilities which is a shame when we consider how useful Fireball and Pull and such can be.

Edited by Varzy
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Smite is rather bad right now. If you're going to re-work anything on him after Hallowed Ground gets totally redone, make it Smite. 


As already mentioned, homing projectiles that instantly proc radiation 100% of the time, thus being able to turn tight clusters of enemies around the map against one another like a Paladin in D&D would after frightening or demoralizing undead and lesser daemons, turning their fickle resolve against themselves!

Edited by Hastur609
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Smite is rather bad right now. If you're going to re-work anything on him after Hallowed Ground gets totally redone, make it Smite. 


As already mentioned, homing projectiles that instantly proc radiation 100% of the time, thus being able to turn tight clusters of enemies around the map against one another like a Paladin in D&D would after frightening or demoralizing undead and lesser daemons, turning their fickle resolve against themselves!


Well if you put it that way, perhaps Smite needs some rework. However, asking for the projectiles to home in on nearby enemies appears to be too much work for [DE] to program. Why not have Smite have a blast-like effect similar to Nekros's first ability but with a greater radius?

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Well if you put it that way, perhaps Smite needs some rework. However, asking for the projectiles to home in on nearby enemies appears to be too much work for [DE] to program. Why not have Smite have a blast-like effect similar to Nekros's first ability but with a greater radius?


Shuriken does exactly that.


Maybe they don't want people rapid-fire spamming Smite and Soul Punch.

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Shuriken does exactly that.


Maybe they don't want people rapid-fire spamming Smite and Soul Punch.


What these players want to home is the projectiles Smite creates after hitting the first target. That is like asking for an extremely low energy costing version of Nyx's Chaos almost.

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What these players want to home is the projectiles Smite creates after hitting the first target. That is like asking for an extremely low energy costing version of Nyx's Chaos almost.


The concerns for power duplication are understandable, however we already have....let's see here: Rhino, Hydroid, and Zephyr both have a power that builds off of Excalibur's Slash Dash but actually improves upon it with further utility. 


There's quite a few AoE knockdowns and immobilization skills. 


When you think about it quite a few powers will emulate one another in various ways and I don't see anything wrong with that if their function is varied enough. (Though Slash Dash itself really needs looking at...) 


I don't think this current common idea for Smite is a bad thing but I can't deny it does sound like a cheaper Chaos. However I have yet to see any better ideas that don't duplicate another power in some fashion anyway. 

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The concerns for power duplication are understandable, however we already have....let's see here: Rhino, Hydroid, and Zephyr both have a power that builds off of Excalibur's Slash Dash but actually improves upon it with further utility. 


There's quite a few AoE knockdowns and immobilization skills. 


When you think about it quite a few powers will emulate one another in various ways and I don't see anything wrong with that if their function is varied enough. (Though Slash Dash itself really needs looking at...) 


I don't think this current common idea for Smite is a bad thing but I can't deny it does sound like a cheaper Chaos. However I have yet to see any better ideas that don't duplicate another power in some fashion anyway. 


I can think up a good possible rework for Smite that can keep the intended "Paladin" theme going

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Thank you for being one of the few people who actually cite your claim.


I feel it is necessary to cite claims if there is need for some serious changes.


Thank you for this comment btw.

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Few possible skills I thought could fit with Oberon and the intended "Paladin" theme could be:


Redemption: Revive one fallen or dead Tenno with a portion of his health and grant him divine protection.


> Target a downed/fallen ally to activate

> Revives the player with 40% health

> Revived player is then granted 10 seconds of invincibility

> Can be modded with Strength and Duration Mods.


Obsidian Will: Grants Oberon an aura that reduces incoming damage and grants him a melee buff.


>only affects Oberon

>reduces incoming damage to Oberon by 30%

>lasts 10/13/16/19 seconds

>melee attacks are granted additional status chance proc @ +50%

>Can be modded with Strength and Duration mods

Edited by FoxFX
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