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Any Advice On The Rank 11 Test?



If I have to spend one more day in this test, I'm going to flip. So what was everybodys loadout for this test? And why? Also, can someone tell me if phage will reach the orbs on the elevator? That's all really, this is just a simple reach-out post for some advice, I know some people really dislike this test so before this turns into an argument about fairness, I just want help beating it (And no cheating it with a zephyr either).

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11 answers to this question

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I think I used nekros and soma without changing the mods I normally have on them.  I watched the video once and ran it without issue.


I don't recall any special tricks or anything that made me think there needed to be any special tricks to finish it.

Edited by Wahooo
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Its been a while since I did this test so things may have changed.  It is easier with a slower frame that has been modded for speed.  The reason is the balls give you more time with a slower frame.  I used rhino modded for speed and a soma modded for ammo capacity and had no problems finishing the test with plenty of time. 

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I admit, I did this test horribly. Even try to cheat twice and failed on both account. First cheat was with zephyr, I've flew but gotten lost on direction. Second cheat tried to switch tele my way to finish but in doing so made the time orb not spawning.

In the end just do it man, add speed and stam to your frame. Do slide copter on long path, don't do a jump copter and risk overshooting. A Soma or high mag weapon for the orbs. When you reach he maze, look for arrow markers on the floor, it tells you which way to go. Relax, don't think to much, focus. Good luck.

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So just went back through and read some of the other threads on this, as well as watched the video again.

I guess all I can say is, just like if this were a real life move and shoot (yeah I make fun of people for mentioning real life with anything to do with this game or others) slow is fast, fast is slow.

Just keep it steady and try not to stop and take too much time shooting the orbs, but ALSO don't try and rush them.

I would not use a phage.  On the wiki they mention shotguns because the spread makes it more forgiving.

Personally I would use a soma and not aim down sights, but I think I still RMB anyway.  But hitscan and large magazine size is key.


Take it at a nice even pace.  Watch the video right before, but the maze isnt' really much of a maze.  Shoot orbs, quick and move.  Think about only needing one bullet to destroy the orbs, so you don't get too heavy on the trigger, which will help you move on quickly without thinking "oh I have to hurry"

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